The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 09, 1924, Image 2

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Farmer Convicted Spouse’*
Murder Seeks a New
Trial Now
■ ■■ .. m
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. \ (Special)—A
recommendation to the supreme court
that It affirm the conviction in
Adams county of William L. Phegley,
Boone county farmer, convicted of
Journeying down there last April and
killing his divorced wife, is made by
Attorney GenerAl Spillman In a brief
filed in the Phegley appeal case. He
got 12 years.
Phegley claims that his wife, as
soon as she saw him, dived for a re
volver he had in his jacket pocket
and that in the struggle it was dis
charged accidentally. He says he
went there with only pacific inten
tions. The attorney general says that
his story is contradicted by the loca
tion of at-least one wound and by the
fact that he had written a letter to
her notifying her of his coming and
his Intention of "ending it one way or
another” and that when he gave him
self up he told the officers he had
shot his wife.
Bloomfield, Neb., Oct. \ (Special)—
With the end In view of graveling the
streets of the city, the Bloomfield city
council Is now Investigating a sand
and gravel pit on the Lamprecht farm
Just north of the city. It is said that
their findings have been very encour
aging and that a good quantity of
gravel has been located at ft depth of
about 12 feet. Bhotrtd there prove to
be a sufficient amount of the gravel,
the council will take a longtime lease
on the land.
Bloomfield, Neb., Oct. \ (Special)—
* Mrs. Christina Ellasson, d4 years old,
passed away on Tuesday at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. A. N. Swanson,
east of Bloomfield. She was an early
settler in the community and ■was the
wife of Magnus Ellasson who died
about four years ago.
Wakefield, Neb., Oct. ' (Special)—
For the second time a drainage ditch
project is under way here to drain
the lowlands of the Logan valley
north and west of Wakefield. The
proposition which was defeated the
first time, now divides the territory
to be drained into two districts and
with this ehnnge it is believed the
proposition will carry.
Norfolk. Neb., Oct ' (Special)—
Construction of a steel nridge to span
the Norfolk river, three miles south
east of Norfolk on the Moltlenhnuer
farm, will be started Immediately.
The bridge will cost *7,BOO. its con
struction has been given to the Nor
folk Bridge & Construction Co.
Hastings, Neb., Oct. (I. N. S.)—
Roving bands of gypsies in this coun
ty are causing farmers a great deal of
annoyance. Sheriff Harm had sever
al calls today to order the unwelcome
visitors to move on. They make horse
trading their chief business and far
mers declare that they take the corn
from the fields without pay to feed
their stock. Farmers also complain
of thefts of chickens and the milking
of cows by the bands.
Hastings, Neb., Oct. A (T. N. S.)—
The Junior fairs being neld In some
portions of the state this fall are
unique in the annals of Nebraska ex
positions. One is being held now at
Blue Hill and another is to open soon
at Mlnden.
The fair at Blue Hill met with
marked success Rnd the corn exhibit
Is said to be one of the finest ever
seen in this portion of Nebraska, both
for quantity and quality. All prizes
are to be given to boys and girls un
der 21 years of age and all products
exhibited are supposed to be raised
by them.
Hartington, Neb., Oct .—(Special)
—The Cedar County Teachers' In
stitute will be held here Thursday
and Friday. October 2 and 8. a strong
force of Instructors being on the pro
gram. Dr. M. V. O’Shea of Wiscon
sin university will deliver a lecture
to the public at the Auditorium on
Thursday evening and lecture to the
teachers on Friday. Other speakers
are Prof. J. W. Dearson, of Nebras
ka university: H. E. Bradford, chair
man of vocational education of the
college of agriculture of Lincoln, and
Miss Alice Hennlgan, primary In
structor of Lincoln.
Yankton, Oct. '#—(Special)—C. G.
Magera, of Yankton, is exhibiting a
14-pound pike, measuring 39 Inches,
which he caught In Lake Madison
with a hook and line.
Fremont, Neb., Oct. —Ground
breaking ceremonies tor the erection
of the first unit of the new girls’
dormitories at Midland college, cost
ing $76,000 were held Thursday. The
approximate cost of all the dormi
tories is estimated at (260.000.
Davis and Wilson of Lincoln have
been named architects of the build
ings, consisting of the three units. It
Is planned to finish the first unit by
August 1, 1926.
A fitting program was arranged for
the ceremonies.
Petition of 3,000, However,
Ask Grand Island Doc
tor’s Retention
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. ■ < (Special)—
£>r. Charles Fllppln, of Grand Island,
Is on trial before the state medical
board on the charge that misconduct
justifies cancellation of his permit
to practice. Fllppln recently paid a
fine of $400 on a plea of guilty when
charged with an Illegal operation.
His attorneys presented a petition
signed by 3,000 citizens of Hall coun
ty stating that he has been a great
friend of the poor, and asking that
his license be not taken away from
Fllppln Is a colored doctor who has
practiced years in the state at vari
ous points. He says he does not
know how old he Is, but his age is
estimated to be between 85 and 90
The records of the district court
trial were placed in evidence to show
that as a settlement of the case
when tried for malpractice he agreed
to quit following the profession.
Location of Bridge Ovei
Platte River Goes Into
The Courts
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. .—(Special)—
Attorney General Spillman has In
tervened In a lawsuit In Douglas
county brought by two taxpayers ot
Omaha who object to having state
aid money spent on a bridge across
the Platte that will connect Saunders
and Douglas counties. The boards
of these two counties have disputed
for months over where the bridge
ought to be located, and the state
highway department was Anally
called In to make a decision. It chose
the location near Yutan, favored by
Saunders county. The other Bite Is a
mile down the river. The attorney
general says that the bridge will coat
the same no matter where placed,
but that several thousand dollars
worth of highway building can be
saved by the north location. At the
same time It will well serve every,
body who Uses the road.
■ •
Bloomfield, Neb., Oct- (Special)
—A La Follette-Wheeler club was
organized here, a very good attend
ance being registered. Ray Satterlee
was chosen as chaiiman and C. H.
Liddell as secretary. Chairman for
the various townships were selected
as follows: Morton C. A. Busskohl,
Columbia: Henry Kuhl, Dolphin;
Claus Hugge, Herrick; Henry Haf
ner, Centnri; William Grabowskl. Pe
oria; Ed McQulstian, Dowling; John
Hamloth, Harrison; H. J. Hubenthal,
Hill; Jochim Helck, Bloomfield, first
ward; ,T. C. Hansen, second word;
Louie Burgard, Third ward. Anoth
er meeting wll be held on Saturday
evening. Plans were made for get
ting some good speakers and for
carrying on a vigorous campaign.
Osmond. Neb., Oct. \ (Special.)—
The funeral of Fred Kupke, 22, who
died suddenly Monday, was held
hero from the Lutheran ethurch and
the body sent to Murdock for burial.
He had been employed In the Cole
son, Holmqulst Lumber Co. for two
years, and was at work when he
was stricken with heart trouble. The
Brockmeir family accompanied the
body. He and their daughter were
to be married In the spring.
Storm Lake, la., Oct. v (Special)—
Storm Lake will observe fire preven
tion week, set by Governor Kendall
for the week of October 6 to It.
Speakers will talk to the school chil
dren, the fire department will parade
with Its equipment, along with the
automobiles and prize winning live
stock In the big feature parade of the
coming fall festival. Saturday after
noon, Oct. 11.
The fire laddies will put on a dls
pla yin one of the downtown store
windows. Speakers will appear be
fore the federated clubs, the service
clubs In the theater and elsewhere.
Vermilion, S. D„ Oct. ' (Special)—
The fall term of circuit court will
open here Monday afternoon, Octo
ber 6, Judge R. B. Tripp presiding.
There are nine criminal cases on the
calendar, three of these being liquor
oases. There are 23 civil cases listed
on the calendar, but few of those are
likely to be tried.
LeMars, la., Oct. ■ (Special)—All
over the middle west. Western Union
alumni are arranging the'.r business
affairs In preparatlou fo» a trip to
LeMars. Here on OctoUer 10 they
will meet scores of old school pals In
their alma mater’s second grand
A feature of the day will be the
football game between Wayne Nor
mal and the Telegraphers.
Claim Fair Sex May Not
Sign Petition If They
Pay No Taxes
. ■■■■ i ■■
Fremont, Neb., Oct. —Ruling that
women who are not tax payers are
not entitled to sign a petition that
was presented demanding the discon
tinuance of the Dodge county farm
agent’s office, the county board of
supervisors passed a resolution for
the maintenance of the office for an
other two years.
The petition favo' *ng the continu
ance of the farm bureau contained 17
legally qualified names. The remon
strance petition to be effective must
have one-eighth more names than the
j opposing petition.
Opponents of the farm bureau pre
sented a petition with 734 names, but
Upon investigation the board deter
mined that a great many of the slgn
|:s were women who pay no taxes.
Removal of these signers soon made
fie petition powerless to demand
Six supervisors were present at the
smeeting, with Attorney J. C. Cook on
hand In behalf of the petitioners. Re
monstrators were not represented.
Although it Is known that there are
members on the board who oppose the
operation of the farm bureau office,
the statutes lay down the laf? in re
gard to petitions.
The action of the board brings to •
climax the annual battle between the
elements for and against the farm
bureau In Dodge county.
But Omaha Cattle Dealers
Have Entirely Different
View of Things
—— . ■ - <
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. (Special)—
Wertheimer & Degen, Omaha cattle
dealers, and Fred Schrelber, Stanton
banker, have gone to the legal mat
over the proper Interpretation of the
law of sales as applied to cattle. The
Omaha men sent a shipment of 120
head to Carl Spoerlng, farmer near
Pllger, who had corn to feed and no
money to pay for cattle. He was sick
at the time and did not sign the chat
tel mortgage demanded by the seller
until after the cattle had reached
Stanton county. There the banker
caused the sheriff to levy on them to
satisfy a Judgment he held agulnst
Spoerlng, and seeks to make the at
tachment good by pointing out no
mortgage was of record at the time.
The dealers take the position that as
the consideration for the sale was the
'signing of the mortgage they did not
lose title until after the signature, at
which time Schrelber has ievied on
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. . (Special)—
Asserting that Raeville, Boone coun
ty, Is simply a spot on the map and
no town or village- and therefore, not
entitled to have a depot and addition
al stockyards facilities, the North
western railroad attorneys are ask
ing the supreme court to overturn the
order to that effect Issued by the
state railway commission. The at
torneys say that a caretaker, who Is
the local drayman, and a boxcar de
pot serve all needs of the community.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. ; (Special)—La
Follette headquarters men are busy
sending out warnings to supporters
In Nebraska not to follow the advice
of certain progressive party leaders
to vote that ticket straight on the
claim that this will be an easy way
to cast a ballot for LaFollette, As a
matter of law and fact a straight pro
gressive party vote Is not a vote for
anybody for president, as it has no
candidate for that office, and Is a
different organized party from that
which carries the names of La Fol
lette and Wheeler. The two have the
same electors, but under the Nebras
ka law, electors are not directly voted
for, and the governor names only
those representing the party that has
the most votes. The suspicion Is en
tertained that some of the progres
sive party leaders were not acting In
good faith, as a straight vote is a
vote for the democratic opponent of.
Senator Norris, who also Is on the
progressive ticket.
•Rock Valley, la., Oct. (Special)—
Chas. Klein one of the first settlers of
Sioux county died Tuesday evening
after an illness of a year.
Mr. Klein broke up the ground for
the main business plots and streets
of Rock Valley and has the right to
the claim of a true pioneer.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. ' (Special)—
/lie general fund of the state Is again
tn the red to the extent of $124 000.
This was due to the fact that the
treasurer paid out $575,000 during the
month and only took in $221,000. He
still has $3,210,000 cash to his cred {
In ths banks The largest balance is
In ths new capltol fund, clos.j io $2.
000,000. In addition he has $12,264,
000 of securities owned by the per
manent school fund. During the
month the state paid out $276,000 for
construe* ion of new state highways.
Two Bagger By Peckinpaugn
In Last Frame Breaks 3 to 3
Tie and Brings In Winning Run
Mar berry. Relie* pitcher For Washington, Real Haro of
Second Battle of World Series—Strong Rally in
Last Turns Trick For Home Team Sunday
Universal Service Corrsspondent.
(Copyright, 1924.)
Washington, Oct. 6.—One, two,
three—the cudgel-like arm o* big
Fred Marberry of the Washington
club rose and fell in the ninth inning
of the second game of the World
Series Sunday afternoon.
One, two, threo-»the arm cata
pulted the ball, white and whirling,
past the swishing bat of young
Travis Jackson, short fielder of the
New York Giants, while "Whack"
Wilson fretted at second base with
what would have been the winning
run for the Manhattan Islanders.
One, two, three—then the shrill
voice of the Umpire Bill Klem, in
toning ‘‘he’s out."
It was the out that ended the In
ning, the out that closed a mighty
rally by the Giants, leaving the score
a tie at 3 to 3 for the moment.
Big Marberry, a tall Texan with
arms that dangle loosely from his
shoulders, moved with feh^rtibling gait
back to the bench of the Washington
club and sat there through the last
half of the ninth watching his team
mates break the tie and win the
game by the score of 4 to 3.
“Peck” Turns Trick
Roger Peckinpaugh did it with a
two bagger oft Jack Bentley, follow
ing a base on balls to Joe Judge and
a sacrifice by Bluege.
Marberry watched these incidents
stolidly. As Judge crossed the plate
with the winning run and 40,000 fans
were tongueing Washington’s Jubila
tion and tossing hats and cushions
out on the field the lanky Texan
arose, shook himself and shambled
oft toward the dressing room.
He acted no pext of the baseball
hero. He probably did not know
then that he had entered diamond
history as the winning pitcher of a
World Series game on three pitched
Marberry relieved Zachary, the
Washington lefthander, in the ninth
when the game Giants struggled up
through a two run lead to even terms
with the Washlnton club. Marberry
had been warming up” for several
innings over in front of the right
field pavlllan, his big arm lifting and
falling steadily. Occasionally he
turned his head to look at the game,
then would resume his “warming
Great “Relief Pitcher”
Marberry has generally been
“warming up” during the past sea
son when the Washington club was
on the field. He has been called the
greatest “relief” pitcher that ever
lived, “a relief’ pitcher being the
man of the baseball emergency who
is rushed In, generally at the last
minute, to stem the tide of defeat.
Marberry, who is little more than
a recruit, has been In more than
60 games for Washington this season
and has started only a few. In most
of the games he went in to hold a
lead when some other pitcher was
floundering. It Is not a role In which
pitchers win their greatest fame.
The Washington battle line was in
full retreat when Marberry came
shambling up from the "warm up”
station Sunday afternoon. It was
crumpling under a surprise attack
from the Giants delivered at a moment
when Washington seemed to be a
sure winner.
Jackson Dangerous Man
Young Travis Jackson is a dan
gerous hitter at any time. He was
particularly dangerous at thia mo
ment, under the conditions. A single
would score the fast “Whack” Wil
son, the baseball pride of the little
village of Lelpersvlile, Pa., from sec
ond with the winning run.
The big crowd, depressed by the
unexpected turn of events Just aa It
was celebrating & Washington vic
tory, probably had little hope as
Marberry came In, passing the de
jected Zachary on his way to the
bench. A baseball crowd always
fears ths worst for the home team,
Marberry, a towering figure on the
mound, wasted no time in prelimin
aires. He lifted his arm—one! The
ball driven with all the power of
Marberry’s muscles, fairly slashed
the air as It passed Jackscn and fell
Into "Muddy" Ruel’s fat glove with
a thud. Jackson did not hit at the
ball and Klem called It a trike. He
made furious swings at the next two
pitches and missed the ball each time
fully a foot.
“You can’t hit ’em when you can’t
see’em,’’ o!d_ Ping Bodie once re
marked. Jackson prcDably didn’t sea
Zachary Pivchcs W2II
Zachary, another montcf of the
tall, lanky species of pitener which
Is a distinct tribe In Itself, and who
comes from North Carolina, pitched
fairly well up to the ninth. ’ His full
name is Jonathan Thompson Zacn
ary. When he came into the big
league, some writer thought he
needed a more picturesque title, so
Jonathan Thompson Zachary became
Jezobel Teeumseh. But his name is
Jonathan Thompson Just the same.
He has a way of “slopping" the
ball up at the batters, slow an«l, that bothered the Giants quite
a bit. Big Jack Bentley, McGraw’s
$66,000 southpaw from Maryland,
pitched well until the ninth when ha
turned In that base on balls. A base
on balls Is never good pitching, espe
cially when it becomes the winning
Bill Klem, umpiring at the plate,
had one very close decision which
caused the denizens of Washington
to scowl at him afterwards. It gave
the Giants one of the two runs they
scored in the ninth. The final score
was the same as the scoro in tha
12 Inning game Saturday. It >■
developing that these are two bull
dog teams that are fighting this
series, both of them dead game and
evenly matched. The fur will be fly
ing all week.
Game Full of Thrills
The game was full of pearls of
playing. Bluege, the Senators young
third baseman, revealed most re
markable judgment in twice going
after close double plays with a Giant
running home from third. In the
first Inning, after Tom Zachary had
gotten off to an appaling bad start,
he shot the ball to complete a double
play to end the Inning just as Freddy
Llndstrom crossed the plate. He al
lowed George Kelly to score the
Giant's first run in the seventh In
order to make two outs and remove
the Glams rrom threating positions
and possibly other runs, there being
none out at the time.
Bluege, Harris and Judge handled
these double plays In lightning
fashion. Peck also showed a great
pair of paws In the field.
There was only one error, marked
against Harris, who threw a trifle
high to Peck for a forced play at
second but many thought this was
stretching a point. It was very close
play any way.
Zachary allowed only six hits In
eight and two thirds Innings and had
the sympathy of all when withdrawn
and Fred Marberry sent in after the
Giants had tied the score In the ninth
with two runs on a pass and two
hits. Bentley also allowed but six
hits, but two of them were homers
by Goslin and Harris, and Zachary
had the edge, though Inclined to get
in the hole at times.
Frisch’s Injured finger didn’t seem
to bother him the slightest and few,
if any* could have duplicated his
scoring from first by Inches In a
diving slide under Ruel when Kelly
singled to right In the nlntn and Rice
and Harris collaborated in the bril
liant relay.
We doubt If Groh, out with a
twisted knee, could have done better
at third than the 19 year old Freddy
Two of the four passes by Zachary
were converted into runs. But so
were two of tour Issued by Bentley.
It was n^ame in which the most was
made df everything. The Senators
played ftfl- more steady than Satur
day. As Helnle Miller, sports editor
of the Washington Herald, remarked
"They had too much sentiment la
their heads yesterday, but today they
had only baseball and fight in mind.”
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 5.—(Special)—
Deputies of State Sheriff Carroll re
ported to him Sunday or successful
liquor raids In Dakota county Satur-.
day. They were assisted by Sheriff
Miller of that county ana two federal
officers and the raids covered con
siderable territory.
At one place two stills or consider
able size were unearthed, together
with 15 gallons of whisky, a large
amount of mash and 200 pounds of
sugar. At the farm of Merritt Barber,
near South Sioux City, according to
the report, a still was found, some
whisky and some mash. Other
places raided, according to the report,
were the home of John Autzen, and
John Gill. Tho latter, living near
Saxon, was arrested.
Teacher Who Attempted
To Settle Feud Is Killed
Anna. 111., Oct. 5.—Oscar Trainer,
school teacher, was shot and killed at
a dance hall In Wolf Lake, 12 miles
west of here, Saturday by Logan
Randall, and the latter Is said to have
confessed. Harris Randall and Milas
Randall, brothers of the slayer, were
arguing when Trainer tried to settle
their dispute. Logan shot Trainer In
the heck and seriously wounded Merl
deth McMalnen, e bystander.
Beatrice Fairfax Falls
Victim To Cupid’s Arrowy
- i
Universal Service
New York, Oct. 5.—Cupid Is the
proudest little god in all the world.
The famed Beatrice Fairfax, who has
given millions of lovelorn readers in
side information concerning his
roguish wiles is the victim.
She will become the bride of James
Wolf, basso of the Metropolitan Opera
company, October 15. And in her
Own matrimonial adventure, she is
going to follow some of her own ad
vice, she says.
She will no longer be Beatrice
Fairfax, but will use her maiden
name, Lillian Lauferty, with a Mrs.
prefixed to it. And she insists that
her husband wear a wedding ring.
London Hears Hussein
Has Abdicated Throne
London, Oct. 5.—An unconfirmed
report that King Hussein of the Hed
Jaz had abdicated was received here.
Officials are disposed to believe the
report. It is understood the king’s
eldest son, Emir Ali, will succeed to
the throne. The Wahabi Arabs are
at war against Hedjaz and at last re
ports King Hussein was at Mecca, de
serted by all hut his bodyguards.
Flames Destroy Atlantic Ex~
cursion Steamer—All On
Board Rescued
Universal Service.
New York, Oct. 6.—The excursion
steamer Mistletoe, carrying 26 pass
engers, including 20 women and chil
dren, and a crew of 12, was destroyed
Sunday afternoon by fire two miles
off Ambrose lightship, between
Sheepshead Bay and Rockaway. All
on board were saved by coast guard
cutters, police boats, tugs and fish
ing smacks which came quickly t»
the rescue of the doomed vessel.
The heavy smoke from the spec
tacular blaze could be seen plainly
for miles along the coast and the
piercing shrieks of the Mistletoe’s tiro
siren brought scores of small craft
hurrying to Us side.
Meanwhile the deck of the Mist
letoe had become a scene of frenzied
disorder. The deck of the vessel,
heated by the seething flame.,, burned
the feet of the frantic passengers.
Women became hysterica! and pani»
The men on board, nearly oil of
whom were foreigners, rushed wildlyf
.o the railing, imploring in a babel
of strange languages, help from boaiar
that were beginning to draw along
side. Pishing smacks which were tq>
the vicinity when the fire broke out^
succeeded in removing all of the pass
engers safely. The crew remained .Of
fight the fire in a desperate attempt
to save at least the hull of the vessel*
They were soon forced to give up.
Captain Gets Real Kick Out
Of Winning Battle For
Captain Washington Senators.
(Copyright, 1924)
Washington, Oct. 5.—I’ve lived *
lot of thrills in my time and known
a lot of happy moments. But I’v®
lived none nor known any joy greater
than came to me Suifday afternoon
when I was able to reach one of Jack
Bentley’s twisters and bust up a ball
When I saw that old horsehid®
whistling safely through the Infield
t?nd saw Joe Judge making a wild
and successful dash for home withr
the winning run in the ninth—welt,
that was glad stuff.
The game wasn’t an awful lot un
like the opener. The Giants Jumped
Into their lead Saturday with two
home runs. We did the same S n
day. We tied it up in tlie ninth Sat
urday; the Giants did it Sunday, f-nd
then the team which had the curly
lead finally won out Just ns it did
The Giants proved again and agaira
that they are real warriors. When
we went into our first inning lead,
the Giants began the desperate effort
to catch up with us and then to pas®
us. They made a groat rally In th®
fourth, another in the seventh and
then came through with two runs and
a tie in the ninth.
But we beat them in the end be
cause moments when Zachary was in
trouble our boys rallied with sumirl*
defensive work and pulled Zac!*
clear. In the ninth when Zaeh falt
ered. we called on “Old Reliable" Fred
Marberrr, and Fred delivered like th®
marvelous pinch pitcher lie has been
all through 1924.
Assisted by Stanley Harris, Ossi®
Bluege made a great play in the first
inning which really saved the gam®
for us. The Giants had the sack®
loaded, only one out and the hard hit
ting Emil Meusel up. It looked bad
for us. But Ossie and Stanley came
through with a chain lightning doubt®
Goslin’s terrific clout In the first
was the most terrific hit of the series.
His home run drive Into the center
field bleachers travelled with rifi®
bullet power and scored Rice ahead,
giving us a two run lead which w®
never afterwards surrendered.
Our victory Sunday gives us un
faltering confidence as regards win
ning the series. We got by with
Zachary. I think George Mogridg®
and his slow ball will bother th®
Giants. And then we can come back
with Walter Johnson, who had all th®
hard luck In the world Saturday, but)
will have another kind when he face*
the Giants again.
Shanghai, Oct. 4. (I. N. S.)—Elab
orate flag raising ceremonies over
the former cznrist consulate her*
have been arranged by the Russian
soviet representatives. Similar cere
monies will be held at Russian con
sulates throughout China marking
their return to Russian control.
Former Wife of Yeast King
To Weil Polo Player
Universal Service.
Paris, Oct. 6. — Laura Flelschman*
who came hero to divorce her hua-'
band, Julius Fleischman, tho yeast
king. Is soon to be married to th*!
polo playing Jay O Brien. according
•to insistent gossip of their friends.
When Mrs. Fielschmait arrived in
France before getting her divorce
she was followed by O’Brien. They
are now seen together always. Tta*
couple, however, deny that they ar%