The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 02, 1924, Image 7

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After Every Meal
'/ It’s the longest-lasting
confection you can buy
—and it’s a help to di
gestion and a cleanser
for the mouth
and teeth.
Wrlaley** means
benefit as well as
Champions have
been standard
equipment on
Ford cars for 12
years. They are
alsoequipment on
Ford trucks and Fordson
tractors. Champion X issold
by90,000 dealers at 60 cents.
Champion Spark Plug Co.
Toledo, Ohio
DtptndmbIt for £»rrj £nf •»#
The One Time
Tom—"Does a fisherman ever tell
the truth?” Harry—“Yes. When he
calls another fisherman a liar.”
The trustful telephone takes any
body’s word after the coin has dropped.
How’s Your Stomach?
Racine, Wis.—-"I had stomach
trouble, also kidney and bladder
trouble tor years.
I used ten bot
II e s of Dr.
Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discov
ery and can truly
say my health is
real good now
considering my
age, as I am
over sixty. I
can recommend
the ‘Golden
Medical Discov
try’ to anyone who is troubled as I
was. I am very thankful to God and to
Dr. Pierce for my good health.”
P. H. Roche, 1940 Asylum Ave. All
dealers. Tablets or liquid.
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce’s, Buffalo,
N. Y., for a trial pkg. and write for
free advice.
No “Filthy Lucre” Here
The term “filthy lucre” has been
banned from the English language as
far as a certain Los Angeles hotel is
concerned by the Installation of a coin
washing machine, says Popular Science
Monthly. All money received by the
hostelry Is cleaned before being re
turned to the guests in the form of
Kail’s Catarrh
wm_an — * — is a Combined
medicine Treatment,both
local and internal, and has been success'
fill in the treatment of Catarrh for over
forty years. Sold by all druggists.
P. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio
No matter how long you may have
been tortured and disfigured by some
itching, burning skin eruption, Just
apply a little of that soothing, healing
Resinol Ointment to the irritated sur
face and see if the suffering is not re
lieved at once. Healing usually be
gins that very minute, and the skin
gets well quickly and easily unless
the trouble Is due to some serious in
ternal disorder.
Doctors prescribe Resinol widely,
so when you try it, you are using a
remedy of proven value.
Resinol Soap
is ideal for general
toilet nse. It Is
unsurpassed for
the bath and
rrip Which Began Last
April Ends At Sand Point
Field Sunday
Universal Service
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 28.—Cement
ing the final link In the first air
flight around the world, the three
Douglas cruisers which started on
their Journey from Seattle on April
5, of this year, arrived at the Sand
Point aviation field at 1:40 o’clock
Flight Commander Lieutenant
Smith was the first to land, taxing
to a perfect landing in front of the
grandstand after circling over the
field for a few minutes with the
other planes.
Following the flagship Chicago,
Lieutenant Wade in the Boston II
came to the field, and he, in turn,
waa followed by Lieutenant Nelson
In the New Orleans- The three
pilots and their mechanicians.
Lieutenants Arnold, Ogden and
Harding, were greeted by thousands
of people amid the screeching of
hundreds of whistles and the firing
of the 21-gun salute.
Martin Lauds Pliers
Maj. Fred L. Martin, who started
from Seattle last April as the com
mander but was forced out of the
race, due to an unfortunate accident
in Alaska, told Universal Service
that this flight of the ages, "is a
great achievement. My . regret
that I was not able to' continue the
flight with the pioneers is a thing
"that gives me emotions I cannot
express in words."
Major Martin and Major General
Morton were among the first to
greet the filers, who were taken to
the grandstand at the field and
pelted with huge boquets of flowers.
After the mayor of Seattle and
representatives of the chamber of
sommerce had congratulated these
Intrepid American aviators they
were taken to the yacht Aqullo for
tuncheon, after %vhich they proceed
ed to Volunteer park where General
Morton and others, including Rear
Admiral Chase, spoke of this flight
xs a tribute to America and those
Thousands at Field
As official representative of the
United States, Morton told the fliers
that he could but reiterate the state
ments made before—the pride of the
people in their feat, the gratitude
felt for bringing to America the first
round the world flight—and conse
juently the world air prestige.
Thousands of people motored and
took public conveyances to Seattle
to greet the fliers, and early Sunday
morning cars began taking the one
way road from town to the aviation
So congested was the traffic due
to the patriotic urge to welcome
the return of these men, that hun
dreds of automobiles were unable
even to gain admission to the field
and their occupants were denied the
privilege of going to a point of
In anticipation of their coming
Seattle wns bedecked with an array
of flags, Tying from all the buildings
and from many residences.
Mayor Praises Men
Mayor 1 rown of Seattle, who was
on the reception committee, spoke a
few words of appreciation to these
fliers who have brought glory to
themselves—to the United States as
a whole—to aviation as a profes
sion—and to Seattle as the official
starting point and finishing place
of a flight that has been brought to
the attention of millions.
“Glad to be back and glad to have
been able to take part in the flight,”
Is all the fliers said on their arrival,
aside from their hearty thanks for
the princely welcome given them,
not only by the Americans here but
by foreign consuls, by British aviat
ors and II. M- S. Patrician, which
entered Lake Washington and was
anchored near the field. At the ex
ercises in Volunteer park late in the
day the fliers were each presented
with a specially made seal ring as
a token of the esteem in which their
accomplishment is held.
The unveiling of a beautiful
monument at the Sand Point field,
commemorating the world flight,
will take place Monday.
Judge Balks Woman’s Plan
to Give Away Unborn Baby
Danville, 111., Sept. 28.—Holding
that a mother cannot, under Illinois
law, give away an unborn baby.
Judge Thomas A. Graham in juve
nile court Saturday declared the
month old infant of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Clark a dependent. Adoption
proceedings will be started by Mrs.
Maggie Crosier In probate court.
Mrs. Crosier was called into court
to explain her possession of the
baby. Mrs. Clark Informed the
Judge she had promised the baby
to Mrs. Crosier before its birth be
cause it was her 13th child and
she could not care fer It.
Britain Faces Election If
Russian Pacts Are Beaten
Derby, Eng., Sept. 28.—Prime Min
ister Ramsay MacDonald told an
audience here Saturday that if the
Russian treaties are defeated in
parliament when they come up for
ratification next month, he will call
for a general election. “I don’t
think the country wants a break at
this time,” he raid, “but if forced,
we will appeal to the people.”
Cures 11,000 Cases
Of Eye Disease
Eleven thousand wards of the Near
East Relief orphanages have had their
sight saved by Dr. Russell T. Uhls, eye
specialist, of Kansas City, Mo , who
has cured that number of the dread
ed trachoma during four years' serv
ice In the Near East lie traveled
more than 10,000 miles in Turkestan,
Persia and Central Asia, and as far as
the Chinese border, to make a survey
of eye conditions. He found that 40
per cent, of the natives suffered
from the dlseaae, which has LooonTj
a world menace.
“Love Mate” of Pastor
Mental Wreck—Minister
Still Hopeful
Universal Service
Mount Vernon, III., Sept. 28.—Elsie
Sweetin and the Rev. Lawrence M
Hlght are paying a terrible price for
violating their man lage vows.
The woman, a mental wreck, spent
this bright Sabbath in her cramped
cell at old Salem Jail—thinking and
"What a fool I was,” she confided
to an attendant who offered her
food which she could not eat.
Rev. Mr. Hlght read his blble in
the light of a bright autumn sun
that poured its rays through the
bars of his cell in the Nashville jail.
"There Is still lots of good I can
do In the world, If they will let
me,” he said.
The crime of the minister and the
woman was retold as the villagers
met at Ina Sunday morning. They
discussed the poisoning of Mrs.
Sweetln’s husband, the poisoning of
Rev. Hight’s wife—the confession of
the guilty couple and the punish
ment that should be theirs.
And Mt. Vernon also discusses the
latest crime to shake southern Illi
nois—the confession of Mrs. Ruby
Harrington-Tate that she had pois
oned her husband, Joseph Harring
ton, that she might marry Robert
Mrs. Harrington Tate is In Jail at
Marion, a few miles south of here.
She confessed. Robert Tate Is in
the same Jail and has made a par
tial confession.
“Sure I knew she was going to
poison him but I didn’t do It," Tate
said. A little later he admitted he
had bought the poison Mrs. Tate
used to kill her husband. They were
married within a month after the
slain husband was burled. Both
will be tried for murder In the first
4 4
4 Universal Service 4
4 New York. Sept. 28.—Mr*. 4
4 Henry Huddleston Rogers Sun- 4
4 day afternoon visited her 4
4 daughter, Countess Salm von 4
4 Hoogstraeten—the former Mlllt- 4
4 cent Rogers, $40,000,000 heiress 4
4 —and the countess’ day old son.
4 Mrs. Rogers spent about an 4
4 hour with her daughter and 4
4 new grandson at the May Lip- 4
4 plncott sanitarium. In response 4
4 to questions, she only answer- 4
4 ed: 4
4 "You know all about it. 4
4 What more can I say?'' 4
4 Bo far as is known. Count 4
4 Salm, believed to be in Vienna, 4
4 has not yet received notlflca- 4
4 tlon of the arrival of his son. 4
4 The elopement of Count 4
4 Sains and the popular MUlicent 4
4 last January created a furore 4
4 among her society friends. The 4
4 count had been a guest at the 4
4 Hit* where the Rogers family 4
4 was living. Her parents frown- 4
4 ed on the match. 4
♦ 4
Big Bridge Disappears
Following Heavy Storm
Sterling, IIU Sept. 28.—The most
uncanny of all recent storm freaks
in this section is the complete dis
appearance of a concrete bridge,
which was over the raging creek
north of this city.
The bridge rested upon steel tubes.
Nothing is left of it, and it was
believed the bridge was swallowed
by quicksand. A thorough investiga
tion will be made after the waters
Forests Prevent Floods
More than 2,122,970 acres of forest
lands have been acquired by the fed
eral government on the watersheds of
navigable streams as a safeguard
against Hoods and to promote the reg
ularity of stream flow, It Is disclosed
In a circular issued recently by the
forest service. The purchase of the
land was provided for 13 years ago
by the passnge of the Weeks law.
The federal government already
controlled large natlonnl forests in
the West which to a large extent
were located on the watersheds of
navigable streams there, so most of
the land acquired under the Weeks
law Is in the East and South.
Coal Substitute for Jet
Polished hard coal is being experi
mented with by a German Inventor ns
a substitute for jet In the production
of rings, necklaces, watch fobs, orna
mental hat trimmings and similar ar
ticles. Selected hard coal Is used and
after the substance is cut as near tct
the required dimensions ns possible. It
Is finished off with fine flies and then
polished. Monogram rings inscribed
with Initials inlaid In white enamel
present a smart appearance, and It Is
said few are able to guess the nature
of the substitute.
Joke on Admiral
When the new swimming pool at the
Naval academy was opened, Admiral
Henry B. Wilson issued orders that
women were not to be permitted to
swim in it. The officers’ wives and
their friends were to use the old pool.
But the word was passed about—and
It reached the ears of the admiral—
that a certain young woman had been
in the pool, not once, but frequently.
And the admiral started an investiga
tion. It was quickly called off when
he found the “young woman” in the
pool was none other than Violet Ray—
a means used to cleanse the water.
Church Has Free Jitneys
In order to increase and hold at
tendance at his church the pastor of
a rural church in Ohio has mapped
out routes which go past members of
his congregation and has arranged
with his members who own automo
biles to allow their cars to be free
Jitneys for others who do not own
cars. The attendance has grown as
a result.
Should Attract Fishermen
The Nile lias a greater variety of
fish than any other river In the world.
An expedition sent by the British
museum brought back 9,000 specimens.
The Expert
“Here is something new In screen
announcements.” “Wliazzat?” “Gram
mar by Llndley Murray.”
Mrs. Darnall Says It Proved
Just What She Needed to
Build Up Her System.
fThere are thousands of people In
Just the condition so graphically dc*
scribed by Mrs. L. H. Darnall, 1021
South East Lacona Ave., Des Moines,
Iowa, in the following:
“I wasn’t sick, exactly, before tak
ing Tanlac, but my nerves were on
ends, my sleep restless and I got up
mornings all tired out to begin the
day, I had no relish for food and
what I did eat caused a feeling of
heaviness and depression. My head
was achy and i scarcely had energy
end strength to even stand a little
shopping trip.
"Tanlac proved to he just the right
medicine for my condition and now I
call it a 'household treasure.’ It has
given me back my energy and strength
and built me up to where l feel Just
the way I have been wanting to feel.’*
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug
gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40
million bottles sold.
Tanlac Vegetable I’llls for constipa
tion ; made and recommended by th®
manufacturers of Tanlac.
Turkish Divorce
Custom in Turkey has made almost
any trivial cause sufficient ground for
a man to divorce his wife. It has made
the Turk man the owner of the power
to divorce. He may rid himself of his
wife by merely saying before two wit
nesses, “I divorce you.” Then, if lie
wishes, he may marry her again for a
second time, divorce her by the same
simple process, marry iter a third time
and divorce her. Hut before he mar
ries her a fourth time she must have
been married, if only for one day, to
some other man and then divorced.
If a husband chooses, he may Indulge
in a cubic divorce process by saying
before two witnesses, “I divorce you
with three divorces."—Beatrice Hill
Ogilvie, in Current History Magazine.
Speed of Trains
There nre only four scheduled ex
press trains with a speed of 50 miles
per hour and over on the Eurpocan
continent. These are ail in France:
Paris-Arras express, 120 miles at 5G.3
miles per hour; Troyes-Pnris express,
103 miles at 50.1 miles per hour; Les
Aubrals-St. Pierre des Corps express,
69.5 miles at 52.8 miles per hour; Iior
deaux-Asen express, 84.5 miles at 50.7
miles per hour.
Helping Him Along
Reporter—And in wliat state werw
you born, professor?
Professor—Unless my recollection
falls me, in the state of Ignorance.
Reporter (scribbling)—Yes, to bo
sure. And how long have you lived
there?—Iowa Frivol.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
^ Hot water
y Sure Relief
Debt Each Man Owen
I hold every inun a debtor to his pro
fession, from the which, ns men of
course do seek to receive countenance
and profit, so ought they of duty te
endeavor themselves, by way of
amends, to be a help and ornament
there unto.—Bacon.
Children Cry for "Castoria”
Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages
Mother! Fletcher’s Castorla has
been In use for ove” 30 years as a
pleasant, harmless substitute for
Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops
and Soothing Syrups. Contains no
narcotics. Proven directions are on
each package. Physicians everywhere
recommend It. The kind you har*
always bought bears signature of 1
& I
You can be sure there’s longer
wear in shoes soled with USKIDE
'VTOW you can be certain of get*
** ^ ting shoes that will wear longer.
Be sure they are soled with
USKIDE—the wonder sole for wear.
Then just try to wear them out!
USKIDE fights wear. Will wear twice
as long as best leather, often longer.
And it is comfortable, healthful,
waterproof and anthslipping.
USKIDE soles are being used by
many shoe manufacturers who want
to give their customers the most for
their money by putting longer wear
into their shoes.
USKIDE Is saving money for hard
walkers and workers everywhere.
Have your shoe repairman put
USKIDE soles on those shoes that
get the hardest knocks. USKIDE will
stand the gaff.
Qenuine USKIDE has the name
USKIDE on the sole. Look for it.
United States Rubber Company
for a Better Heel to Walk On!
A fit companion for USKIDE
U the “U. 8.” Spring-Step HeeL
Made of the new Sprayed
Rubber—the purest, toughest
and most uniform rubber ever
known. Get onto a pair of
"U. S.” Spring-Step Rubber
Heels right awayl
Send this Coupon for Free Booklet
FlO out this coupon and naO to the
United State* Rubber Co., Dept K.,
1790 Broadway, New York City and
Set a free copy of thia money-saving
booklet “How to Cut Your Shoe Bills.”