The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 02, 1924, Image 1

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    The Frontier.
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John Kersenbrock went to Osmond
Monday evening.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Musil last Saturday.
Miss Helen Biglin spent several
days last week visiting in Sioux City.
Mrs. W. H. LaPage and daughter,
of Lincoln, are visiting relatives in
the city.
J. F. Gallagher was looking after
business matters in Columbus last
Leonard Heiss, of Page, purchased
a new Dodge touring car of J. M.
Seybold last Thursday.
Judge R. R. Dickson and Reporter
C. B. Scott were holding court at
Springview last week.
Mrs. J. M. Seybold went to Omaha
Thursday morning where she will re
ceive treatment in a hospital.
Miss Margaret Zuehlke is clerking
in Smith Bros, general merchandise
store at Chambers.
J. P. Golden spent several days last
week visiting with O’Neill relatives
and enjoying the Holt county fair.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Smith and
family, of Tilden, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Thomp
John N. Johnson, formerly of this
locality, came down from Newport,
last Friday for a short visit at the
J. M. Sybold was in Norfolk last
Wednesday. He drove home a new
Dodge coupe which he has on display
in- his show rooms.
Harold Hammond went to Omaha
last week for a visit with relatives
before returning to Los Angeles, Cali
fornia, where he is attending college.
Bob Simmons, republican candidate
for congress from this district spent
several days in O’Neill and vicinity
last week taking in the fair and shak
ing hands with the voters.
Charles Pettijohn came down from
the ranch in the northwest part of the
county, Thursday and spent a couple
of days visiting with his wife and in
specting the exhibits at the fair.
Mrs. Will Turner and little daugh
ter, of Orchard, are visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Tomlinson, while Will is enjoy
ing a hunting trip in Cherry county.
Atkinson Graphic, Sept. 26: Bom to
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Barrett, September
22, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Ramold, September 18, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen, Sep
tember 16, a daughter.
Wilton Wyant was arraigned in
Judge Campbell’s court last Saturday
charged with the theft of a barrel of
oil from the Texico Company. He
• ■" was found guilty by the court and
given a sentence of thirty days in
Judge R. R. Dickson went to Rush
ville, Monday morning, where he is
holding court for Judge Westover. this
week. Judge Dickson and Reporter
C. B. Scott will go to Butte Sunday
where court will convene Monday
Ralph Davidson came down from
Buffalo Gap, South Dakota, last week
for a visit with his wife. Saturday
morning Mr. and Mrs. Ralph David
son and Mrs. James Davidson drove to
Sioux City, Iowa, for a few days visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Robert R. Dickson, Grand Master
of the Masonic order in Nebraska, was
in Columbus last Saturday where he
officiated at the laying of the corner
stone of the new $300,000 school build
ing which is now under construction.
The exercises took place at 2:30 in the
. f
Mrs. Clarence Rasley went to Nor
folk this morning.
The next teachers examination will
be held November 22, 1924.
Miss Bridget Carr returned from
Omaha Thursday after a week’s stay.
A son was born to Rev. and Mrs.
J. A. Hutchins Sunday, September
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Finley came up
from Norfolk and visited the fair last
Mrs. Pat Regan visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and attended
the fair last week.
Mrs. W. A. Boris, of Stafford, visit
ed at the John Carr home last week
and attended the fair.
It is “rumored” that Bill Graves got
the limit from the first covey of chick
ens that he got up Tuesday.
The O’Neill ball team are playing
Verdel at Spencer today for a side bet
of $200.00 and the gate receipts.
Miss Bridget Carr left for Omaha
this morning to have dental work
done and visit the O’Neill girls in
Earl Moss arrived here Saturday
from Chicago for a visit with his
brother Ira and with his parents at
Mrs. Della Shaw came home Sun
day from an extended visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Planck, at Spearfish,
South Dakota.
Mrs. David Loy was taken to Oma
ha last Friday for medical treatment.
Late reports are to the effect that
she is improving nicely.
Miss Katherine Armbuster, of Stan
ton, and Miss Leona Barker, of Greg
ory, South Dakota, were house guests
of Miss Bridget and Miss Agnes Carr
during the Holt county fair.
Miss Nell O’Donnell, formerly of
O’Neill, is the champion of the woman
golfers of the Cheyenne country club,
winning the title in the golf tourna
ment just concluded at the club.
H. J. Reardon has been appointed
District Deputy of the Knights of
Columbus for this district which in
cludes the towns of Emerson, Hart
ington, Creighton, Norfolk and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin ar
rived home Saturday from a three
months’ stay at Marshfield, Oregon.
They are at the home of Mrs. Martin’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Craig,
southwest of O’Neill.
Jens Johnson driving a car with a
very dim light ran into Hugh Mc
Kenna’s Dodge car Saturday night as
Hugh was about to turn into his place
north of O’Neill. We understand the
accident was caused by the glare of
the headlights. Both cars were
The town has been overflowing with
hunters this week on their way to the
western counties in order to be at the
good hunting ground when the chicken
season opens October 1. A number of
local nimrods have been out yesterday
and today and report fairly good bags
of chickens.
Leo Carney suffered a refracture
of the leg, Tuesday morning while em
ployed with a grading crew in Grat
tan township. Leo was thrown from
a horse in such a way as to break the
leg in the same place as the original
break last summer which he sustained
while playing ball.
Saturday night the thermometer
registered 31 degrees above zero.
Sunday night the minimum ther
mometer showed 29 degrees above.
Ice was in evidence Monday morning.
The tomatoes and many of the out
door flowers were frost bitten either
Saturday or Sunday evening. The
leaves have begun to fall from the
trees and the appearance of autumn is
now in evidence.
If Serving
Were All
If just the putting away of money
were the only object of saving, it
would be of little benefit. The de
positor would be simply a miser.
Money is meant to be used, wisely
and with regard to real needs and
wants. Wise investments can be made
only with ready money and a savings
account furnishes ready money.
We stand ready and eager at all
times to advise our depositors of good
investments—.places fajr the money
they have saved. Open your account
here today. We pay 4 per cent in
terest on savings.
We Pay 5% On Savings.
, . . «■ I
The Nebraska State
The Woman’s Working Society of
the Presbyterian church will meet
October 9th, for an all day session at
the home of Mrs. J. H. Wise, Mrs.
Chas. Pettijohn entertaining. Lunch
eon will be served at one o'clock.
James F. O’Donnell and James A.
Donohoe left Wednesday afternoon
for the hunting lodge south of Ewing,
where they will assist Gol. Newt
Trommershausser and a party of
Omaha and Norfolk friends m annihi
lating a few of the ferocious ducks
and prairie chickens which infest the
Stuart Advocate: Bom to Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Amerine, a baby hoy,
September 22, 1924. * * * Bom to
Mr. and Mrs. Alois Deermer; Septem
ber 21, 1924, a baby boy. * * * A lit
tle daughter was bom to Dr. and
Mrs. Chester Johnson at the Metho
dist hospital at Omaha on Tuesday,
September 16, 1924.
Joe Meredith says that he in com
pany with four other fellows were
hunting Tuesday and will put up their
record accompanied by a substan
tial side bet that there were no other
five fellows hunting Tuesday that got
so little game as their gang did con
sidering the amount of chickens that
they saw and shells used.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wells and Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Kirkwood, of Stan
ton, and Ray Wells, of Omaha, are
expected today for a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warner.
The entire party including Mr. and
Mrs. Warner expect to go on a hunt
ing trip south of Valentine Monday.
They will be away about one week.
Wesley Sanford of this city and Ora
Downey, of Page, have arranged to
open a first class restaurant in Ew
ing. They have secured the fixtures
that were formerly in the Virginia
cafe in this city and Tuesday moved
them to Ewing. The boys understand
the business and no doubt will make a
success of the undertaking in Ewing.
Zeb Warner is rusticating among
the hills of his boyhood days near
Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where
he resided forty years ago. Fred
Warner enjoyed teaching school for
a few hours in the school house where
his father attended school. Zpb says
that the country has changed so that
he can hardly recognize any place that
he formerly knew.
W. J. Dtpough, accompanied by his
parents arrived here last Friday
afternoon from Clyde, Kansas, on
their way to the Mayo hospi
tal at Rochester, Minnesota, where his
mother will receive treatmentr W. J.
will also submit to an examination for
ailments that have been troubling him
for some time. Mrs. McDonough is*
at Clyde, Kansas.
George M. Harrington departed
Tuesday night for Hot Springs, South
Dakota, where he will become assist
ant superintendent and treasurer of
the Hot Springs Water, Light &
Power Company. Mrs. Bert Wattles,
a sister of Mr. Harrington, is the
principal stockholder in the company
and it is to look after her interests
that Mr. Harrington is going to Hot
Lincoln Sunday papers contained
the list of 395 men pledged to the
Greek letter fraternities of the state
university. Ralph Mellor, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Mellor is pledged to
Phi Delta Chi, as is Charles Dickey,
of Spencer. These two were the only
students from north Nebraska whose
names appeared in the lists. Before
a student may be pledged he must
first be passed by a faculty member
who investigates his high school con
nections. Those who were members
of high school fraternities are not
allowed to join the college societies.
The remains of Penbrook McMaians,
a former resident of the Phoenix
neighborhood, arrived in O’Neill last
Friday night from the I. O. 0. F.
home at York, Nebraska, where he
had died a few days before. Mr. Mc
Maians has been an inmate of the
home for the past two years, going to
the home from Shickley, Nebraska,
and was a member of the Shickley
lodge, No. 194.
The remains were laid to rest Sat
urday afternoon beside those of Mrs.
McMaians in the Phoenix cemetery,
following a short service conducted
by Rev. J. A. Hutchins.
Penbrook McMaians was torn in
Ohio, December 24, 1844, and died in
the Odd Fellows Home at York, Ne
braska, September 25, 1924. He
moved with his parents to the state
of Illinois in 1852. He came to Ne
braska in the spring of 1884.
He was married to Carlina E.
Beach, of Princeville, Illinois, Febru
ary 23, 1882. To this union was born
a child, Alvian. The mother and son
died in 1908. He united with the
United Bretheren church at Mart
land, Nebraska, in 1892.
(Stuart Advocate, Sept. 25.)
Last Thursday was the fiftieth an
niversary of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Bose, of Stuart, and their
relatives and many friends united in
celebrating the event in a very fitting
The Golden Wedding Mass was cele
brated in St. Boniface church Thurs
day morning, and at noon a fine din
ner was served in the C. K. of A. hall,
for the aged couple and their rela
The aftlemoon was spent in a good
old-fashioned vist by those present,
and in the evening a big supper was
served to a host of friends in addition
tto the relatives, also in the C. K. of A.
After supper those who so desired,
spent the evening in dancing while
others played cards and everyone had
a mighty good time.
A fine upholstered leather rocking
chair was presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Bose by their many friends, as a slight
token of tiheir esteem.
The O’Neill and Atkinson teams
met Friday, the last day of the Holt
county fair, and would have played a
real game of ball had it not been for
the cold weather and extremely high
wind that prevailed during the after
noon. The game was a good one for
about five innings. The score at this
point was 2 to 1 in favor of the home
team. In the sixth inning Atkinson
run in seven scores and again in the
seventh they did the same thing over.
In the eighth Atkinson took four.
O’Neill took four scores in the
seventh, one in the eighth and three
in the tenth. Holiday pitched the last
inning for O’Neill.
The line-up:
Atkinson— O’Neill—
Peterson, 2b Willging, 2b
Carroll, ss Kennedy, ss
W.Troshynski,rf Holiday, rf
Rouse, lb Harrington, 3b
Mercer, c Higenbotham, lb
Gilpin, 3b Ford, c
T.Troshynsl i.t r Martin, If
A. Miller, If Angst, cf
Delay, p Peterson, p
Atkinson . 00001774 x—19
O’Neill . 10100041 3—10
Batteries: Atkinson, Delay and
Mercer. O’Neill, Persons, Holiday
and Ford.
Strikeouts: By Persons, 7; by
Holiday 1; by Delay 7.
Two base ^its: Persons, Holiday.
Home runs: Holiday, Martin.
Hits: Off Persons, 17; off Delay,
W. C. T. U. NOTES.
The baby healtih conference con
ducted by the Womans Christian
Temperance Union at the Holt county
fair grounds September 25th and 26th,
was a decided success. Miss Young, a
state nurse, took charge of the babies.
A large number were weighed, meas
ured and examined. The mothers
given free advice where needed.
The Union wishes to thank the
county doctors who grave their serv
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. Uttley on Tuesday, Oc
tober 7th, at 3:00 p. m. Roll call.
My ambition for the Union /or the
coming year. Visitors cordially in
vited. i
TKis Is
No JosK
The service of this bank brings you
close up to opportunity.
And this bank is interested in the
success of its customers.
Try this bank for service and suc
This bank carries no indebtedness
of officers or stockholders.
Resources over $600,000.00
O’Neill National
(World Herald.)
Mrs. Charles R. Gannaway, for
merly of Stuart, Nebraska, who has
spent the last five years in Near
East Relief work in Turkey, and her
five-year-old adopted daughter Zadi,
arrived in Omaha Saturday to spend
this week speaking at meetings ar
ranged by W. J. Shallcross, director
of the Omaha headquarters. Mrs.
Gannaway will speak Monday noon at
the Y. M. C. A., at a Dutch treat
luncheon, which is open to the pubdlc.
Little Zadi is a beautiful and in
telligent Armenian child. She was
rescued from the Turks and starva
tion, and has been legally adopted by
Mrs. Gannaway and her husband, Dr.
Gannaway, who is now in Greece. At
an intelligence test recently held at
the Cheney Normal school, Spokane,
Washington, by Dr. D. A. Barber,
Zadi registered 134 points, while the
the average for a five year old Ameri
can child is 120 points.
O’Neill, September 26th.
Joseph Bruenning, St. Helena, Neb.
Catherine Schneider, Stuart, Neb.
Stock Sale
We will sell at public sale at the Ditch Camp ranch, four miles southwest
of O’Neill, beginning at one o’clock, on
Thursday, October 9th
Head of Feeders
Consisting of—
100 head of 3-year-old steers, mostly Whitefaces. Good quality.
45 head of cows, three to six years old.
45 head of sucking calves.
50 head of yearling steers—Shorthorns and Whitefaces.
30 head of yearling heifers—Shorthorns and Whitefaces.
10 head of milch cows; some fresh and the balance springing.
These are all native cattle and are good quality.
TERMS—12 months’ time will be given on all sums over $10.00 with
approved security and 10 per cent interest. $10.00 and under cash. No
property to be removed until settled for.
Everett Brown Son