The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 11, 1924, Image 7

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    after jjrveiy meal
Cleanses month
teeth and aids digestion.
Relieves that over
eaten Ceding and
Its 1-a-s-t-l-n-g
satisfies the
IVrlgley's Is doahle
value In the benefit
pleasure it provides*
in it* Parity
She flavor lasts ffg
Few Physically Normal
. According to examinations made
py school medical Inspectors of New
York state during 1922-23, 47 per cent
»f the children living in cities, 48.9
per cent of those living in small towns
and villages, and only 27.4 per cent
of those living in rural districts are
physically normal.
Muscles Too Strong
With a snap heard by players and
fans, John Corcoran’s right arm
broke as he was pitching to a batter
at Portland, Maine. An X-ray showed
fracture, probably because the muscles
were stronger than the bone.
Hall’s Catarrh
tid your system of Catarrh or Deafness
caused by Catarrh.
Sold by druggists for ever 40 yoon
r. I. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio
Dry Dock Popular
i Twelve of the largest liners afloat
tised the Southampton harbor in three
days, and the growth of popularity
of the new floating dry dock has
caused English shippers to predict
“that it will be the most used port in
'the world.
_ ~_
Don’t chuckle if yoa pot over a sahstitate
when aa advertised prod act is called for.
Mej be your easterner wifl aever come hack.
Bom Mulford.Jr.
Still Hopeful
Alice—Would you say that all men
are liars?
Virginia—Well, hardly. AH I would
fcny is that so far as my experience
goes all men are Uars!
Exceptionally Quiet
' Visitor—Your housemaid seems very
Lady of the House—She is! Why,
she doesn't even disturb the dust!
Author! Author!
North—“Who wrote this show, any
way?'’ West—“Those two men in the
box who are applauding.”
Clerk of the Court—“Do you plead
guilty or not guilty?” Patrick—
“Sure, I’ll have to hear the evidence
Social note: You sometimes excite
suspicion by laughing too loud at au
old joke.
Household Necessity
For cuts, burns, blisters, rashes,
wounds.orskin troubles of any
kinj. Soothing and healing.
Keep it always In the house. In
tubes or bottles. Look for the
trademark “Vaseline” on every
package. It is your protection.
Cbegebrough Mfg. Co. (Cons’ll)
State Street New York
HaaoraD&naraff-KtopsHatr Halting
Restore* Color end
Beauty to Cray and Faded Hah
«Co. and $: oent Drnrcl.'ta
Rtseor Chfin. W l*. t’atcftOKBf J*. T.
HINDERCORNS r™. .»«, cu
*»■—. sta, stops all pslo, oasuros contort to tba
, After A Bath
> Whfc
Cnticura Soap
Dust With
P CntScuraTakum
Of k’lMiiol Fr•ttanf
jtioux City ptq.
♦ 4
4 Universal Service 4
4 Washington, Sept. — 4
4 President Coolldge received 4
4 members of the Washington 4
4 American League baseball 4
4 club, now leading In tho race 4
4 for the pennant. „ 4
4 The president wished the 4
4 best of luck to Captain Har- 4
4 ris and his players. 4
4 Mr. Coolldge took his first 4
4 "big league" baseball lesson 4
4 from Walter Johnson, pre- 4
4 mier Washington pitcher. 4
4 The smokeball king demon- 4
4 strated Just how he pitches 4
4 his famous curves, and then 4
4 handing the ball over to the 4
4 executive, showed him how to 4
4 hold it. 4
4 4
(Vales Planning To Invade
“Roaring Forties” Before
Leaving U. S.
Universal Servics Correspondent.
New York, SepL ...—The bright
lights of Broadway are beckoning to
the Prince of Wales and he is feel
ing their lure.
This became known Friday when it
was revealed that ho is planning a (
midnight tour of the “Roaring For
ties” and the “Frantic Fifties" and
has gone so far in his plans that he
has sent an aide to complete the ar
At least one popular cabaret queen
has been told the prince wishes t«
sec her perform and will make a spe
cial trip to town before his departure
to Canada, September 14. It is re
ported he has expressed a desire to
witness several Broadway produc
After Bleeping until 1 o’clock Fri
day, the prince engaged in a game
of polo and was caught In a thunder
Danced All Night.
His late awakening was due to the
fact that he spent last night as he
chose—dancing. He danced with at
least 17 American girls. As on an
other occasion since he came here,
dawn was approaching when he de
cided to call it a day and turn in.
More than 1,000 persons braved a
chilling rain to watch the prince play
polo at Grace Field Friday afternoon.
The match was close the score being
8 to 7 in favor of Wales’ team.
After the game the British heir
returned to the Burden home at
Syosset, encountering on the way a
heavy downpour of rain that before
came a regular cloudburst. His car
was forced to slow down to 18 miles
an hour because fast driving was im
possible on the slippery roads.
The royal visitor changed horses
after each chukker. Several times he
was loudly applaudod when he pre
vented the opposition from scoring.
He was shown no favors in the game
and more than once was roughly
handled in the scrimmages.
When the British and American
polo teams meet Saturday Eric Ped
ley, whom experts without prejudice
consider the greatest polo player this
country ever saw, will be sitting on
the side lines unless one of the reg
ular players is injured.
And the reason for this is that
Pedley’s name does not appear la
the New York social register. Ho is
considered the greatest all around
athlete the Pacific coast ever pro
duced. v
But he has no ancestral palaces
with gilded halls. He doesn’t own
racing stables and luxurious yachts.
So he will not be In the regular silk
stocking team.
Universal Service.
Chicago, Sept. ' —Judge John It~
Caverly admitted Friday that he had
not reached a decision In the case of
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb,
slayers of Robert Franks. He must
decide the fate of the slayers by
September 10.
"I wish this case had gone to a
Jury,” he said. "It Is too much for
one man to decide. When I have
read the sentence I shall make a plea
that a law be enacted requiring throe
judges to sit In all capital cases
where a plea of guilty Is entered.”
Judge Caverly may be unable to
reach a decision. In that case he
would have It within his power to
order the plea of guilty withdrawn
and submit the case to a Jury.
Humboldt, la. Sept. S. (Special)
Gord, 8 years old, was smothered on
his father’s farm, Friday afternoon.
Farm employees were filling the
onts bln. The boy jumped Into the
chute and was covered by oats as he
was plunged to the bottom of the
bln. When a half hour latter he was
found dead. ^ ^
Coolidge To Give Address
At Unveiling of Monument
Universal Service
Washington, Sept. —President
Coolidge will speak here on October
16, at the unveiling of a monument
<o Francis Asbury, the first Metho
dist Episcopal bishop In the United
The president wrote to the. com
mittee In charge of the ceremony
accepting the Invitation to deliver
an addretsj
Everything Rosy Until Wife Went to College
■W'lminDIHK.J. ill iJUpHHi.....
*02SJEfcWKjaG, |
Pop twenty years Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steenberg, of Minneapolis,
Minn., were happy. Then Mrs. Steenberg, who is 42, decided there
wasn’t enough money in farming, so she went to high school and later
to the University of Minnesota, from which she received her Bachelor
of Arts degree. Now “Friend Husband’’ is seeking a divorce, declaring
that since her college education she neglects her household duties.
Those Darned Censors Take Joy Out Of
Life For 50,000 At Bathing Beauty Show
Atlantic City, N. J. Sept. .'-—The
most beautiful young women In the
land paraded Friday in bathing suits
before more than 60,000 enthusiastic
male admirers but there was a fly
in the ointment. The bathing suits
were censored.
Reform organizations throughout
the land, it seems, have mailed, wired
and sent protesting committees to
prevent a parade in the one piece, al
most transparent silk bathing sultB
in which they were judged. They
called attention of the Atlantic City
police to local ordinances requiring
modest suits.
Consequently when the beauties
paraded they wore two pieces suits
or else wore slips to serve as screens
where the bathing suits were in
Nevertheless before the newspaper
men and Judges in the high school,
the girls appeared for their semifinal
selections in their scanty suits. Ths
artists in ths Judge's commutes
selected five young women from each
geographical group and awarded
prizes. Later they selected one girl
from each of these five groups. Ths
names of these five from whom, with
Miss Catherine Campbell of Colum
bus, Ohio—the Miss America of 1923
—will be selected Saturday afternoon
the "Miss America of 1924." The
names of these five girls were not
given out.
There is a strong feeling I hat Miss
Campbell may be declared the most
beautiful girl In America for the third
time. Should she win the choice she
will become permanent owner of ths
15,000 gold mermaid now in her pos
The silver seashell for outstanding
amateur beauty was won by Miss
Lillian Mae Erbe, of Philadelphia.
Miss Margaret Gorman, the "Miss
America" of 1921, took second prize.
Romance Of Sunny Peru Is Wrecked
On Rocks Of Divorce Court At Chicago
Universal Service Correspondent.
Chicago, Sept. —A romance that
blossomed under the tropical sky o*
Peru was crushed against the rocks
of a divorce court here Friday.
And pretty Adela Salter, a dancer
of Seattle, Wash., who hoped to be
come the bride of Mltirdates H. Plata,
Peruvian consul at Chicago, finds
herself merely the third side of a
domestic triangle.
In the short space of an ocean
voyage from Panama to the United
States, the handsome young diplomat
from South America found it possible
to woo and win the pretty dancer
from the northwest. He tailed to
tell her, however, that his wife, Mrs.
Edmee Plata, waited his bidding to
join him in Chicago.
The three met in New York, where,
according to Mrs. Plata’s divorce
suit, the consul and Miss Salter were
living in the Astor hotel as man and
"I was much surprised to receive a
call from a young man named SUlter,
when I arrived in New York,” said
Mrs. Plata,
“He told mo his mother in Seattle
had written him, telling of Adele's
romance with Plata, and their in
tended marriage. I investigated and
found them living in the Astor hotel.
"When 1 surprised them they were
giving a prenuptial party. They had
announced their Intention of living in
In the divorce suit, Mrs. Plata
sought to enjoin her husband from
withdrawing any of his funds from
Chicago banks. He is Raid to have
offered to turn over his share of the
Plata estate in Peru to Mrs. Plata
and their four children. The couple
was married in Peru in 1911. They
separated two years ago.
Mrs. Plata has since supported her
self as a teacher of foreign languages.
Dallas, Tex., Sept. 6.—The repub
lican party of Texas nominated for
governor, Friday, George C. Bute,
dean of the law school of the Uni
versity of Texas.
Bute was on tho high seas when
he was notified by cable of his
nomination, returning from the In
ternational convention of the bar
association. The republican party
does not Intend, according to politi
cal observers, to make a very vig
orous campaign against Mrs. Miri
am A. Fergusoa, the democratic
nominee, because of the fact that
Mrs. Ferguson Is even more avow
edly antl-klan than the republican
party itself.
• -----
4 ♦
♦ - 4
4 Universal Service 4
4 'Washington, Sept. 6.—Wild 4
4 west shows and the "movies" are 4
4 seeking the services of General 4
4 Pershing, who retires next week 4
4 as chief of staff of the United 4
4 States army. 4
4 The general was not quite 4
4 clear as to Just what the wild 4
4 west management wished him to 4
4 do, but apparently his services 4
4 were desired as a sort of latro- 4
4 ducer to present the real per- 4
4 formers. 4
4 Despite these and other offers, 4
4 General Pershing plans to devote 4
4 himself almost exclusively to the 4
4 writing of his book. 4
4 4
Marshal), Minn., Sept. ’ —Gasoline
explosions on two farms In the vi
cinity of Russell caused injuries to
two men, both Buffering severe
burns on the arms. While fllltng
the tank of his tractor with gas,
Olln Green, living south of Russell,
wan badly burned when the gas ig
nited from some unknown eause.
On a farm sooth of Russell, John
Rustman was engaged In drawing
gasoline from a large tank by the
light of a lantern when an explosion
securred. Rustman*# hands and
4 4
4 -,— 4
4 Universal Service. 4
4 Chicago, Sept. Z. “A revival of 4
4 the old favorite game of "drop 4
4 the handkerchief” was forecast 4
4 Friday. Fluttering hearts are 4
4 hoping the Prince of Wales will 4
4 fall for it. 4
4 Such Is the frank confession 4
4- of Pasty Ruth Miller, pretty 4
4 screen star, whose pictures H. 4
4 R. H. is said to have often ad- 4
4 mired.
4 “I’m dying to meet the prince," 4
4 said Patsy Ruth. She Is on her 4
4 Way io New York. 4
4- “If 1 can’t make his acqualn- 4
4 tance any other way I'll adopt 4
4 movie ‘business.’ I’ll buy a filmy, 4
4 handkerchief and drop it in his 4
4 path. They fall for It in the 4
4 movies every time.” 4
4 4
Move Started To Cut Wages
In Textile Industries
New York. Sept. —A general
wage reduction affecting more than
1,000,000 textile workers Is slated to
take place In the New England tex
tile Industry Immediately after the
Statements to this effect were
made by C. S. Kelly, Jr., of Sanford
and Kelly, New Bedford, Mass. Mr.
Kelly said many manufacturers are
“frank to Rtatc that we must have
a wage cut, and most of them think
they need 20 per cent.”
Political expediency and absence
of winter weather, he said are the
only factors delaying the decrease.
Sioux Falls, S. D., Sept. ' (Spe
cial)—That Edward Enterman’s
death was by an unavoidable acci
dent and that there was no negli
gence on the part of anyone, was the
vardict returned by a coroner’s Jury
which Investigated the death of the
six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Enterman who was crushed
by an ice wagon Saturday night.
The average buying power of the
pound was at Its lowest during the year
"Tanlac has meant so much to me
to the way of Improved health that I
feel It a duty, as well as a pleasure,
to recommend lt,w Is the appreciative
statement of J. M. Freeman, well
known resident of 807 Camden St.,
Sun Antonio, Texas.
“About a year ago my stomach and
digestion got all out of fix and I soon
became badly run-down. My appetite
went back on me and the little I did
eat failed to nourish me. Constipa
tion troubled me nearly all the time
and I also bad bilious spells and at
tacks of dirtiness.
“My sleep was unsound and I got
up mornings with a mean, sickening
taste In my mouth and a dull headache
that lasted me almost through the day.
I lost considerable weight and that
tired, drnggy feeling was on me all
the time.
“After a few days’ use of Tanlac I
noticed a marked Improvement In my
appetite, digestion and general condi
tion. So 1 took four bottles and by
that time I was eating as heartily as
I ever did and digesting everything
"My liver went to work right, mt
headaches stopped and I was ablo to
sleep like a log. I had gone down to
only 113 pounds, but I am now a
strong man of 215 pounds, and my
health Is the best It has been in years.
A friend of mine took four bottles of
Tanlac at the same time I did and got
fine results, too. As a builder of
health and strength Tanlac is certain
ly without an equal."
Tanlac Is for sale h.v all good drug
gists. Accept no substitute. Over <W
Million bottles sold.
Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for consti
pntlon, made aud recommended by tha
manufacturers of TANLAC.
Medal for Dog«
Rambler and 5oe, two bloodhounds
thut trailed a murderer to ids death
near Tucoma recently, have been
awarded a gold medal for their ef
! forts. The medal, bearing the names
of the two dogs and the inscription,
“For Faithful Service,” was given to
Sheriff Matt Starwich, their owner,
by Tacoma authorities.
A Chance Anyhow
ne—“Darling, we may have to wait
a year." She—"Never mind ! We may
'not love each oilier then."
"She must be a bride?” “Heh?”
“Dressed up to go to market.”—Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
Chinese Turn to America
The department of agriculture of
Yenching university. China, has been
making steady progress since its or
ganization in 1921. Arrangements
hnve been made for procuring live
stock from some of America's finest
breeding establishments, ns well us
farm machinery of the latest type.
“That fellow Jones certainly linn
deep feelings.” “A sentimentalist,
eh?” “No, a pickpocket/*
When a dentist hunts trouble ho
goes armed to tlte teeth.
Tl;e heart has reasons -of which
reason lias no knowledge.
Children Cry for
^ mv\\V % V ^ ««««« r« «%»• t
MOTHER:- Fletcher’*
Castoria is a pleasant, ! trm
lesa Substitute for Castor
Oil, Paregoric, Teething
Drops and Soothing Syrups,
prepared for Infants in arm*
and Children all ages.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
Small Boy Was Not May Employ Guns to
Taking Any Chances Get Airplane Started
Five-yenr-old William came down Shooting an airplane out of a gun
jfroni St. Louis with his mother to probably sounds like a wild flight of
pass the week-end with his aunt and fancy, yet that method is under seien
little cousin, Virglniu, the latter ulso title test ut the naval air station,
flve years old. Washington, says Popular Science
When bedtime came William’s moth- Monthly, and may become the stand
er found that In the hurry of getting jtrcl way of launching airplanes from
away she had forgotten to bring her warship decks.
little son’s pajamas. The plane Is placed in a small oar,
! “Never mind,’’ suhl the aunt, “he mounted on tracks that end at a plat
can wear one of Virginia’s night- form on top of u battleship’s turret,
gowns.” The cor is connected by a series of
William looked his exireme disdain, pulleys with a piston inclosed In a
jBelng too well behaved to make a gun. When the gun Is ftred, the pis
scene, however, lie went silently and ton is driven forward, puPing the car
dutifully to bed. But the next morn- almost Instantly into a speed of GO
ing when she went into William’s miles an hour. At the end of the
I room, his mother saw the nightgown tracks hydruulic and spring buffers
lying in the middle of the floor. stop the car, and the plane is cata
“William,” she said when he had pulled off. continuing under Us own
awakened, “why did you tuke off this power.
nightgown?” And she held the dis- _
carded garment accusingly before his , ,, ,
eyea une /tumor a r eoi
“Do you think," he asked wither- The creator of "Nick Carter,”
ingly, "that I was going to wear that Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey, holds*
thing all night and wake up this perhaps the record for speed in Hter
mornlug a girl’’’—Kansas City Star. ary production. He once nccom
_ pllshed the prodigious task of IluiHfc
Many a woman’s hair Js not as inf> n novelette of 40,000 words in
golden as It Is painted. J'I8t *'vo days.
A man that studies revenge keeps As soon as a man does his best hl»
his own wounds green. friends expect him to do better.
good breads Yeast Foam
Hungry for
home-made bread?
Good home-made
bread has a better
different flavor all
its own. You can’t
buy such flavor.
Send for free booklet
"The Art o f Baking Bread?*
Northwestern Yeast Co*
1730 North Aihland Avs.
Chicago, UL