ixeVejr* .Strikes* tVi.ce ix\ tke yanve place - it cLoesrii iMzed. to U TELL ’EM -- If SER VICE was Electricity, this would be a f)ow er house. E. M. HAYDEN GARAGE O’Neill, Neb. WANTED—SCHOOL PUPILS TO BOARD j I will take school pupils to board and room during the school year. MRS. A. MERRILL. FOR SALE OR TRADE. One square block, in College Hill,! Hot Springs, South Dakota. Half section in Montana, north of Billings.i 10-tf PETER REIFER. I - I SOMETHING NEW — THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO CHICAGO VIA C. & N. W. RY. Through Pullman sleeping car serv ice has now been established daily on train leaving O’Neill at 10:26 a. m.,1 arriving Chicago 7:25 a. m. next; morning. Dining service. Tickets i and reservations on application to agents, Chicago & North Western Ry. 10-3 FOR RENT. 960 acres well improved farm and pastures, 25 miles northeast of O’Neill, Nebraska. Call and see GEO. M. THEIROLF, 12-2 Star, Nebr. Mo. 12. r , l5pr* Is no\) Only cbout ?ouf Irons av)a.y " IS SAVING A PLEASURE OR A DISAGREEABLE TASK? j We’ve the things that will change it from task to pleasure. Good razors, that will retain a keen, smooth shaving edge, good shaving j soaps, that will soften the beard and: put it in shap to be easily cut, toilet1 preparations that will allay.the irri- j tations of the closest shave and make your skin soft and velvety. BOWEN S RACKET STORE f PAID LOCALS. * Pain announcements will ap I pear under this head. If you have anything to sell I or wish to buy tell the people of 1 it in this column. % Ten cents per line first in ■ sert'on, subsequent insertions J five cents per line each week. ARM LOANS—R R. PARKER.37tf STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE—ONE mile west of O’Neill.—Ed Young. 12 FOR SALE—A RADIO SET.—MRS. Phil Zietrter. 11-3. LOST—BLACK SLICKER IN O’Neill, July 19th. Leave at this office. ll-2p FOR RENT — GOOD SIX-ROOM residence.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill G FOUR ROOMS TO RENT TO STU dents.—Mrs. Clark Hough. 10-tf BUY YOUR FRUIT JARS AT THE O’Neill Variety Store. 11-tf GOOD BARN, ALSO GRANARY priced to sell.—Con Keys. 12-2 KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Graves, O’Neill. 30-tf WANTED—ALL KINDS OF SEW ing.—Mrs. W. C. Jeffrey, Phone 210 ll-4p FOR RENT OR SALE—SIX ROOM house in east part of town.—Mrs. Mary Fallon.—Call J256. 9-tf HOUSE FOR SALE, ALSO A MA jectic range, base burner and dining table.—Mrs. Mary Fallon. 12-1 FOR SALE—MY RESIDENCE Prop erty in west part of town.—Pat O’Donnell. n.Q FOR RENT—ON SHARE OR FOR cash, 760 acres of hay land. Good house and barn.—Peter Reifer. 8-tf FOR SALE—A HAY MOWING MA chine. Price $20. Three sickles.— R. R. Parker, O’Neill. 6-tf I WANT SOME FARM AND RANCH loans. If you want money come in and see John L. Quig. 32-tf FOR SALE—A 7-ROOM HOUSE, second house north of convent. Call on or write, Mrs. A. Harrington, O’Neill, Nebraska. 10-3p WANTED, IMMEDIATELY—A WO man to keep house, and care for an old lady.—Address, Box 241, O’Neill, Nebraska. 11-tf I HAVE SOME CITY PROPERTY and g Automobiles and $3,000.00 in cash to trade for a good farm.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 3-tf C'% INTEREST AND NO COMMIS sion. I am now loaning Money on Farms and Ranches at 6% interest end no commission to pay. New Loan Company I just got.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 3-tf The Frontier, $2.00 Per Year. IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm renewed for another 5 or 10 years, or if you need a larger loan I can make it for you.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of theState of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION 8-tf LADIES WORK AT HOME—Pleas anc, easy sewing on your machine. Whole or part time. Highest possible prices paid. For full information ad dress L. Jones, Box 2, Olney, 111. 10-1 BARN FOR SALE.—Mrs. Peter Ryan. 10-4 DR. F. M. PERRIGO, JUNIOR MEM ber of the Perrigo Optical Company of Fremont, Nebr., will have an office at the Hotel in Emmet, Monday after noon, September 1st. He comes fully equipped to handle all difficult cases of eye-trouble that are amenable to glasses and has the full confidence and cooperation of the Perrigo Optical Company, so well known in this sec tion for twenty-five years. 12-2 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The Annual meeting of stockholders of the Farmers Union Elevator Co., will be held on Monday, September 1st, at one o’clock p. m., at elevator warehouse, for the election of three directors, and any other business that may come before the meeting. J. B. DONOHOE, 12-1 • Secretary. SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from page eight.-) Upon same being put to vote by the Chairman it was declared carried. Chairman appointed J. M. Hunter, John Sullivan and the County Attor ney as such Committee. At 12 o’clock noon on motion board of Equalization adjourned to the call of the Clerk. L. C. McKIM, ("’airman. E. F. PORTER, C’erk. O Nr.il', Neb.. July 2\ 13E 10 a. m. County lend me' purs - nt to ad rnment, all members p sent but; S’ id more. Board tailed to rrder by1 Chairman. Mimtes for July 16th read and ap-1 *•roved. In The District Court of Holt. County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, vs. Francis Anderson, Journal. Now on this. 21st day of July, 1924, this cause came on for hearing before the court. On consideration whereof the court finds: First—That said Francis Anderson is fifteen years of age and will be sixteen years of age on the 20th day of October, 1924. That his mother is dead and the whereabouts of his father is unknown. Second—The court further finds that said Francis Anderson has been cared] for and has been in the custody of his f tire petitioner to be granted a Mother's Pension, and the Court being fully advised in the premises finds that a mother’s pension should he granted said applicant. It is therefore hereby Ordered that Myrtle Romine be, and she hereby is granted a mother’s pension in the sum of $20.00 per month, for the period of six months beginning July 1, 1924. It is further ordered that the Board (Continued) NEWTON CARSON,TeDBIRD CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY Sunday was the seventy-eighth birthday anniversary of Newton Car son, of Kedbird. In order that the day might be a great success, the children, with the exception of William and family, of Lincoln, were all present with their families. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McWhorter, of Osmond, a for mer resident of Holt county and a life time friend of Mr. Carson and family, were also present, as were Mrs. Rob ert Carson, of Cowles, mother of Mrs. Edward Carson; Mrs. Laport and son. Vern, of Valentine. Mrs. Laport and Mrs. John Carson are cousins. Everyone seemed to enjoy the after noon and e: pressed the wish that they might help celebrate many more anni versfiri .s with Mr. Carson, who is spry and as energetic as many young men; he has tended a large garden this year and with the assistance of Mrs. Carson is taking care of a large flower garden also. fjoyal Theatre “HOME OF GOOD, PICTURES" “COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN” - FRIDAY - Milton Sills and Ethel Grey Terry in “WHY WOMEN RE MARRY” 2-Reel Gang Comedy “GIANTS VS. YANKS” -- SATURDAY - Hoot Gibson in “RIDE FOR YOUR LIFE” Comedy, Fables and Santa-Fe Trail -SUNDAY & MONDAY Gloria Swanson and Huntley Gordon —in— “BLUEBEARD’S 8th WIFE" Music by Cooper’s Orchestra. Comedy, News -TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Viola Dana and Huntley Gordon in “THE SOCIAL CODE” Comedy - THURSDAY - Lenis Stone and Pauline Garon in “YOU CAN’T FOOL YOUR WIFE” Comedy -FRIDAY - THE CHEROKEE STRIP” Produced on Miller Bros. 101 Ranch. A Big Western Picture that is differ ent. # Coming— “Eternal Struggle.” “Woman Proof.” “Long Live The King.” “Covered Wagon.” “White Sister.” ———————— PUBLIC SALE Having decided to move out of the state I will sell the follow ing descrifed property located on the A. C. Furguson farm, 3% miles east of the Burlington Round House of O’Neill, on Tuesday, September 2nd 3 HEAD OF HORSES One team of mares, 8 and 10 years old, weighing 2800; 1 pony. 11 HEAD OF CATTLE j Three good milk cows, giving milk; 1 red Durham bull; 2 yearling ; ! steers and 7 early spring calves. . j I 28 HEAD OF HOGS | One Duroe Jersey boar and 27 head of spring shoats. MACHINERY One 12-foot hay rake; 1 Independent mower; 1 lister; I walking cultivator; 1 steel truck wagon, and 1 work harness and other things too numerous to mention. Sale commences at 1 o’clock sharp. TERMS—Nine months’ time on approved security and 10 per cent interest. $10 and under cash. C. E. Cunningham COL. JAMES MOORE, Auctioneer. JAS. F. O’DONNELL, Clerk.