The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 14, 1924, Image 1

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W (k ' V^ON A
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I Now is the time to call and select
p your Dahlia bulbs while the plants
j and in bloom. Visitors are welcome.
| Coma and see O'Neill’s beauty spot.
| Flowers for sale.
I O’Neill Dahlia Garden
Ben A. Powell, of Mineola, was in
^ the city Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miles were in
Long Pine over Sunday.
Earl Lee and family spent last week
at the park in Long Pine.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mellor spent Fri
day with friends in Norfolk.
Ralph Mellor was visiting with
friends in Stanton several days last
—*■ Jake Hershiser, of Norfolk, has
been visiting with O'Neill friends the
past week.
Felix Sullivan came up from Omaha
last Friday for a few days visit With
O’Neill friends.
Mrs. Emily Bowen received a badly
cut and bruised face last Wednesday
evening, where she tripped and fell.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Chapman and j
daughter, Miss Ida, were in camp at
the Long Pine amusement park last
Clinton Gatz and Leon Asher went
to Long Pine last Thursday, where
they spent several days at the amuse
ment park.
The county board met Tuesday as a
board of equalization. They were also
in session Wednesday as a board of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Scott and
Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess went to
Long Pine last week where they have
been camping at the park.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Griffith last Sunday. They
reside about seventeen miles north
east of O’Neill near the Hubby hill.
W. G. Beha and family left last
Saturday for an auto trip through
western Kansas and to Denver, Colo
rado. They expect to be away about
three weeks.
Charles McManus came down from
Chadron last week where he has been
employed by the railroad company for
the past few years, for a visit with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mc
Dr. T. J. Dwyer drove up from
Omaha last Friday for a visit with
his father, John Dwyer and other rela
tives and friends in this vicinity. Dr.
Dwyer is enjoying his annual vacation
at this time.
Martin Conway is one of the in
fluential farmers who has just added
his name to the list of truck owners.
Martin purchased a truck recently
and will market his produce and hogs
by that route in the future.
Fred Uhler, residing about three
miles noitheast of Knoxville, has three
young buffalos which he purchased at
the sale held at the Phillip’s ranch
near Phillip, South Dakota, last fall.
The three head, two two-year-old
heifers and one three-year-old bull,
re vaccinated a few days ago. The
animals are quite tame and have none
of the wild tendencies of their an
Which Are You?
Thinking is the hardest work in
the world.
That’s why the thinkers make the
big money.
And that’s why the man who invests
without thinking, loses hi* money.
Your connection with this bank may
save you from losses.
This bank carries no indebtedness
of officers or stockholders.
Resources over $600,000.00
O’Neill Natiorval
Walter McGrew, of Stuart, and Miss
Pearl Morton drove to Tilden Sunday.
Mrs. Ivan Kimble is visiting at the
home or her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Ashton.
Vein Ashton, of Lincoln, and
daughter, Vera, of Chicago, were wreek
end visitors at the home of A. Ashton.
John Davidson went to Albion the
first of the week where he has ac
cepted a position in a plumbing shop.
C. W. Conklin spent several days
last week visiting with friends in Lin
coln. He teturned home Friday even
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell and two
sons, of Clearwater, spent several days
the past week at the George Bressler
ihe having Advocate says that a
son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John
Frockhouser, Wednesday morning,
August 6th.
A nine and one-half pound daugh
ter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Davidson, at their home in Casper,
Wyoming, last Sunday.
Norfolk Press: Mrs. W. B. Smith
and daughters, Mildred and Marjorie,
have returned home after a six weeks’
' isit with relatives at O’Neill.
The youngest laying pullet in the
Sate is thought to be in the possess
ion of Wm. Clifton, of Orchard. The
pullet was hatched March 10th, and be
gan laying July 21st.
The Holt county old settlers picnic
is being held today in the Hudson
grove, sixteen miles north of O’Neill.
A large crowd is in attendance. The
O’Neill Concert band is furnishing the
W. H. Harty and P. B. Harty left
for Shullsburg, Wisconsin, last Sun
day for a visit with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Harty. Mr. and Mrs.
James Harty were residents of this
city about fifteen years ago.
O. W. Smith has resigned from
Eressler’s store and last Tuesday
moved his family to Tilden, where he
has accepted a position in A. J. Gould
ing’s plumbing shop, where he worked
two years before coming to O’Neill.
Rev. Lcngstia/f, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, departed for
Boulder, Colorado, last Monday, where
he will join his wife and daughter El
sie and will spend about three weeks
enjoying the pleasures of the moun
tains and pleasure resorts.
R. A. Sarchet, formerly of Page,
who now resides near Richmond,
Canada, arrived in O’Neill last Thurs
day on his way to Page, for a visit
with his daughters, Mrs. Chas. Grass
and Mrs. Leslie Lines. He expects to
return to Canada the first of next
Mrs. E. F. Porter went over to Win
nebago last Monday for a visit with
her sister, Mrs. H. L. Lammert. The
indians around Winnebago are staging
one of their big powwows this week.
This is an annual event and attracts
large crowds from all parts of the
Con Keys was taken to St. Cather
ine’s hospital last Friday where he
will be given treatment while recover
ing from a broken hip which he re
ceived last Wednesday when a hay
stacker fell upon him. Miss Mae Keys
and Dr. Carter accompanied him to the
The tenth anniversary of the open
ing of the Panama canal to commence
will occur on August 15. The net
operating profit of the Panama canal
last year was $13,299,292. The ton
nage passing through the canal is
greater than that passing through the
Suez canal. (
Ewing Advocate: A small hre at
the Roy Butler house brought the fire
department out in a hurry Tuesday
roon. Some clothing which had been
left near the stove pipe in an upstairs
room caught fire, but the blaze was
extinguished before any material dam
age was done.
The Paxton items in the Norfolk
News of last Satdrday, contained the
following; “The coming marriage of
Ralph Tomasuek, of Ewing, Nebras
ka, and Miss Stella Jewell, of near
Paxton was announced on Sunday at
Ft. John’s Catholic church at Paxton.
The marriage will take place on Mon
day, August 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hansen and
children, of Tilden, stopped in O’Neill
Saturday and were the guests of Mr
and Mrs. D. H. Clauson until the fol
lowing morning when Mr. and Mrs.
Clauson joined them on an outing at
the amusement park at Long Pine.
The party returned to O’Neill Tues
Deputy Sheriff Clarence Bergstrom
and family accompanied by his brother
Claude and wife, of Sioux City, Iowa,
drove over to White River, South Da
kota, where they expected to visit
the Frontier Days. They will go from
there to Newcastle, Wyoming, for a
visit with their brother, Floyd and
W. W. Abbott and daughter, Mrs.
Cr. A. Mitchell and children, drove over
to Purdum, Nebraska, where they
spent last week visiting at the home
of the former’s sister, Mrs. B. H. Car
ter. W. W. says the fifty miles of
sandhill road south of Ainsworth would
be seventy-five miles long if it was
stretched out straight.
Andrew Kentch, a man well up in
years, received a broken right
shoulder and was severely bruised
otherwise and may have been injured
internally, Wednesday of last week,
when he was thrown from a rake
tongue, upon which he was standing
while in the act of killing bot flies
which were annoying his team, while
working at the Walter Stuart farm
about eight miles south of O’Neill.
He was brought to the Beha hotel
where Dr. Carter fixed him up.
Miss Mildred Timlin, of O’Neill, won
first place in the essay contest con
ducted by the State Bar Association,
in the Fifteenth Judicial District un
der the supervision of Judge Robert R.
Dickson, last May. The state contest
has just been decided by the state
judges. The winners of the state con
test was Miss Helen Delatour of
The following is the essay of Miss
Timlin which won first place for her
in the essay contest in the Fifteenth
Judicial District:
The Constitution is the supreme
fundamental law of the United States
of America by which all powers of the
National Government are established
and limited. I
After all deductions, our Constitu
tion ranks above every other written
constitution for the intrinsic excel
lence of its schemes, its adaptation to
the circumstances of the people, the
'mplicity, brevity, and precision of
its language, its judicious mixture of
definiteness in principal, with elasti
city in details.
One is therefore induced to ask, be
lore proceeding to examine it, to what
causes, over and above the capacity of
its authors and the patient toil they
bestowed upon it, these merits are
due, or in other words, what were the
materials at the command of the
Philadelphia Convention for the
achievement of so great an enterprise
as the creating of a nation be means
>f an instrument of government. The
American Constitution is no exception
:o the rule that everything which has
lower to win the obedience and respect
)f men must have its root deep in the I
past, and that the more slowly every 1
Institution has grown, so much the ■1
nore enduring is it likely to prove. j1
The men at the Convention, practical J
aoliticians, who knew how infinitely
difficult a business government is, de
sired no bold experiments. They pre
ferred, so far as circumstances per- '
mittted, to walk in the old paths, to *
Follow methods which experience had *
cested. Accordingly they started 1
trom the system oi. which their own 1
•olonial governments, and afterwards
:heir State governments, had been i
mnducted. This System bore a gen- 1
?ral resemblance to the British Con- i
stitution; and in so far it may with i
Your Bank
In every sense, it is the desire of
tlhis bank that it be known to you as
YOUR bank. Only by giving our de
positors the feeling that the institu
tion is part theirs, can we hope to suc
ceed and render the fullest masure of
Our advice is free and it can be of
value to you in your affairs. It is
generously given, without “strings to
it.” It is our business to know things
you are likely to ask about.
We shall welcome you as a depositor
and extend every facility to help you
solve your problems.
We Pay 5% On Savings.
The Nebraska State paqk
ruth be said that the British Consti
;ution became a model for the new
National Government.
They held England to be the freest
ind best governed country in the
j’orld but were resolved to avoid the
veak points which had enabled King
George III to play the tyrant and
vhich rendered English liberty, as they
.bought, far inferior to that which
.he Constitution of their own states
secured. With this venerable mother,
ind these children, better in their
judgment that the mother, before their
ayes, they created an executive magis
!rate, the President, on the model of
:.he State governors, and of the Brit
ish Crown. They created a legisla
ture of the two houses, Congress, on
he model of the two Houses of their
ntate Legislature, and of the British
'arliment. And following the prece
lent of the British judge irremovable,
.xcept by the Crown and Parliment
ombined, they created a judiciary ap
pointed for life, and irremovable save
>y impeachment.
In these great matters, however, as
veil as in many lesser matters they
■opied not so much the Constitution
if England as the Constitution of their
leveral states, in which as was natur
11, many features of the English Con
ititution had been embodied.
As provided by the Constitution we
he National Legislature of the United
tates, called Congress, which con
sists of two bodies, sufficiently dis
similar in composition, powers, and
character to require a separate de
The Senate consists of two persons
from each State who must be inhabi
tants of that State, and at least thirty
years of age.
The functions of the senate fall into
three classes—legislative, executive
and judicial. Its legislative function
is to pass, along with the house of
Representatives, bills which become
Acts of Congress on the assent of the
President, or even without his consent
if passed a second time by a two-thirds
majority of each House, after he has
returned them for reconsideration.
Its executive functions are: (a) To
approve or disapprove the President's
nominations of Federal Officers, in
cluding judges, Ministers of State and
ambassadors, (b) To prove, by a
majority of two-thirds of those pres
ent, of treaties made by the President
—that is if less than two-thirds ap
prove, the treaty falls to the ground,
its judicial function is to sit at Court
for trials of impeachment preferred by
the House of Representatives.
The Senate constitutes a link b *
tween the State Governments and the
National Government The House of
Representatives, usually called for
shortness, the House, represents the
nation on the basis of population, ns
the Senate represents the States.
Setting extraordinary sessions aside.
(Continued on page five.)
! Soaps at Wholesale
Thro’ the co-operation of the manu
facturer with the grocers listed below,
you can secure a supply of Procter &
Gamble’s High Grade Soaps at
13 cakes P. & G. Naptha
2 cakes Ivory Soap (10c size)
1 pkg. Ivory Flakes (10c size) j \
!1 pkg. Chipso 25c size) large j j
1 Cake Ivory-Guest j
The above is a splendid assortment, carefully selected so as to supply every
need about the house—consisting of brands famous for their quality the coun
try over.
i . '■■■■■■■;[ "'
Sec or telephone one of the grocers listed before they are all gone.
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