The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 24, 1924, Image 7

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    I wnS-her l |
Drives out the catar
rhal poisons, dispelh
the inflamation of
the mucous linings
and reinforces the
system against dis
For safety take
Pe-ru-na during hot
Tablets or Liquid
Sold Everywhere
A Special Advantage
Visitor—Are you going to be a great
man when you grow up, Willie?
Willie—You bet! I’m going to be
an Arctic explorer.
“An Arctic explorer’s life Is full of
hardships, Willie.”
“Yes’m. But I can stand ’em, I
“I like your spirit, my boy. There
la a great deal of glory to be gained
In a career of that kind.”
“Yes’m, and you don’t never have to
wash your face.”—London Passing
Joy in Picture»
Such joy as the home may gain
from “The Holland Flower Market”
with Its galaxy of colors; such pleas
ure as every child finds in the happi
ness of Lenbach’s “Shepherd Boy,” ly
ing there on the hillside, unconsciously
loving life! Could there be anything
more benutlful than the lovely sha
dows of the stately winter tree
branches against the walls of that “In
dependence Hall” In Philadelphia?
Nothing so mars an otherwise beautiful
face as the inevitable lines of fatigue and
•uttering caused by tired, aching feet.
The Antiseptic, Healing Powder insures
foot comfort and is an everyday Toilet
Necessity. Shake it in your shoes in the
morning. Shop all day—Dance all eve
ning-then let your mirror tell the story.
It will convince you. Allen’s Foot = E«»e
Is adding charm to thousands of faces.
Let us show you what It can do for you.
Trial package and a Foot=Easo Walk
ing Doll sent Free. Address
For Sale at All Drug and Department Sura.
Hibernian Howlers
“Ever heard these Irish bulls?’’ T. O.
Two Celts were talking about mi
crobes, when one said: “Sure, they’re
so small that a handful of ’em could
be placed on the tip of a needle.”
Anather Irishman was discussing
cremation with a friend. The friend
asked: “Do yez think It's a good
“Why, man, I do that,” was the re
ply. “Whin yez is cr-remated yez can
have the ashes put in a little tin box
and carry ’em around wld yez in your
vlst pocket.”
To Have a Clear, Sweet 8kfn
Touch pimples, redness, roughness
or itching, if any, with Cutlcura Oint
ment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap
and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and
dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to
leave a fascinating fragrance on skin.
Everywhere 25c each.—Advertisement.
Suitable, Anyway
Visitor—This isn’t u very good pic
ture of your little brother, is it?
Peggy—No; but then he Isn’t a very
good little bey.—London Answers.
Sure Relief
-jgJj iwpwwggoy
£> 6 BeUrANS
I’ Hot water
haarlem oil has been a world*
vide remedy for kidney, liver and
bladder disorders, rheumatism,
lumbago and uric acid conditions.
correct internal troubles, stimulate vital
organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist
on the original genuine Gold Medal.
I - - - —
Edwin O. Jackson.
Nature la fine, but not na man la
Tet man is fine as Nature's para
She Is the sea hla spirit floats
She is the mother, heartless yet
No plummet ever sank below the
Of her unfathomed deeps, nor
pierced her dawn,
From whence all vital energy Is
Nor from her night has ever
dropped a sign.
Her secret might, Inscrutable and
Propels the world’s and paints
the violet,
Creates the mind of man and In
sect’s wing;
With her. as Time, there Is no
first or last;
The sovereign signet of her seal
is set,
With equal care on chrysalis and
To Quit 8anto Domingo.
From the Des Moines Capital.
Announcement Is made through the
American State department that the
American marines are to be with
drawn from Santo Domingo on July 1.
At that time the republic of Santo
Domingo will be turned over to rely
upon her own strength for existence.
The United States has been occupy
ing Santo Domingo for a few years
In order to stop murder and to en
force the laws. The United States has
done this with marines. The marlnse
as a rule are young men who are
quick to think and quick to act. The
American marines have worked under
strict instructions In regard to their
In one paragraph of General Dee’s
Instructions we find these words:
"Never start a disturbance with the
Dominicans. If you want to fight put
on the gloves'and start training for
the next boxing meet; you will meet
any number of men right here In your
own camp who will give a more excit
ing scrap than Dominicans will, and
you can win a boxing belt Instead of
bread and water. Carefully avoid any
kind of trouble. Don’t start an argu
ment with a Dominican because you
don’t like the way he looks at you.
Avoid trouble with them."
Tenacity of Church Ties.
From the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times.
In the case of those in many
branches of the Protestant Church
who are In conflict with the letter of
the creeds there appears to be a
strange reluctance to depart and
seek a communion wherein there
would be no question of one's ortho
doxy. Those who hold views at vari
ance with the historic doctrines of
their denominations cling tr> the con
nection with astonishing tenacity
considering that they are out of har
mony with the creeds as ordinarily
interpreted. The situation impresses
that association and historic names
forge bonds which few care to break.
They prefer trying to convert the
opposition to their views rather than
seek association in a more liberal
environment wherein such beliefs Os
they may hold might be regarded a*
Pullman Car Nama.
From the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
The Pioneer was the first. Names
of women were used, then flowers,
birds, cities, towns, rivers, lakes,
soldiers, poets, battlefields and
camps. The latest names have been
taken from ancient history—Anti
phon, Berosus, Hippocrates, Demos
thenes, Diogenes, Hesold and Simon
ides—and negro port,*"* have no use
for them, because they have diffi
culty in pronouncing them.
For many years it was believed
that Miss Florence Pullman, daugh
ter of the founder of the Pullman
Company, received II, $50 or 1100
for each car she named. One sol
emn guese quoted her salary at
$30,000 a year, but the truth is she
named onlv a few cars and re
ceived no compensation.
Burled Tin Disintegrates.
From tha Ohio State Journal.
Historians know that tin was used
by those who lived in the old world
several centuries ago, yet tin vessels
are rarely found in the careful search
of the ruins there and the chemists
have found that tin does not rust,
but when buried it has chemical prop
erties that j>-ovide a decay, R change
that transfo ms its crystalline struc
ture. . .
The exact nature cf the change is
not clearly understood, but when the
change has taken place there remains
not tin but a fine gray powder that is
lost as the crarchers dig In the ruins,
and, strange to the ohemists, the
change, onco started, appears to be
Infectious bo'ng transmitted from one
piece of tin to another until all dis
appear. __
Elderly People Need Chaperone.
By Virginia Yerhune Van de Water In
Girls used to strtve to keep their
parents from suspecting when they
were ’gay.” New, In this year of
grace, we are changing all that. The
elderly people need chaperons.
Yoa—they need ohaperons, and the
youngslra appreciate* this need.
"I came !n upon grandad Just as he
was making out a check to the order
of sotme worn in.” aald a sophisticated
eighteen-year-old. "I eaw her first
name before he pushed the slip of
paper under Ms blotter, and looked as
guilty as a cat caught stealing cream.
Honestly, mother, you must keep an
eye on film. He la too giddy for any
use! He'll bo getting himself mixed
up In some scandal If he doesn't watet
"My deas child!” the mother sighed
"When a man gets to that age, he Is
simply Incorrigible!"
The Othsr Fellow.
From Everybody's Magaslne.
“I hear you've had a fight with the
Brown boy. Didn't 1 tell you Td punish
you If you fought agalnf* asked the
father eternly.
The son looked up nonchalantly.
“Dad, you'd belter take a leok at what
I did to that Brown kid before you
start anythlnr." warned the youthful
warrior. _
Th* Day's Worst Pun.
From the Duluth Herald
The offlc* cynic inalata that where
the population la most danse Is just
above the ears.
Dancing Neat?
While ther* may be a few who
Wish dancing taught In th* city
schools and seo no harm In It. the
great majority of the patrons of the
city schools are opposed to this form
of amusement >■ nd the small minority
that Indorse this stun: should grace
fully lay aside their feeling* and
agree to omit this praoUce alto
gctber In the ati o^. *
Even Moderate Drinkers of 2.75
Per Cent. Booze Poor Insurance Risks
From the Christian Science Monitor.
Dr. Eugene Lyman Fisk, medical director of the Life Ex
tension Institute of New York, added a contribution of no little
value to the cause of prohibition by his address in Toronto before
the fifty-first annual Conference of Social Work. This is particu
larly the case because the phase of the situation which he represent
ed, the relation of alcohol to life insurance, has been the subject of
considerable controversy, apparently authoritative opinions being
available which claim that moderate drinkers of alcoholic beverag
es live longer than' total abstainers. This notion, Dr. Fisk declar
ed unequivocally, “is not borne out by the weight of scientific evi
dence," and he amplified this statement by asserting, “There is a
higher death rate among drinkers, and the mortality rate increases
with the rate of consumption of alcohol."
Regarding the recent widely circulated reports along this line,
moreover, Dr. Fisk vouchsafed the illuminating explanation that
they are based upon an imposing mass of statistical formulae ap
plied to meager and extremely questionable data. “The entire
group study," he urged, “comprised about 2000, among which were
217 male total abstainers and 26 female heavy drinkers," and he
added: “There was no warrant for constructing life tables out of
such heterogenous death records and comparing them with the
comprehensive records of life insurance companies concerning peo
ple who had been medically examined as to their original condi
tion of health."
Dr. Fisk also called favorable attention to the investigation re
cently conducted by Dr. Walter R. Miles at the Carnegie Institute of
Washington into the alleged innocuousness of light wines and beer.
This investigation, he showed, proves all such statements to be
“misleading," and demonstrates beyond question that there is no
longer room for doubt in reference to the toxie action of alcoholic
bevsrages as weak as 2.75 per cent by weight.
The specific results, in the direction under discussion, which Dr.
Fisk told the delegates had been established by one of the most re
cent studies of life insurance risks, covering 286,000 lives, are the
Increased death rate amon| moderate, occasional users of alcohol, It
per cent.
Increased mortality among dally users of beer, St per cent.
Increased mortality among dally users of spirits, 66 per cent.
These percentages represent the excess mortality as compared to
that among total abstainers. In summing up his arguments, Dr.
Fisk, simply stated that there is no reason to doubt the teMimony
of the laboratory and life insurance experience that the so-called
moderate use of alcohol shorten human life.
Elizabeth Town*.
The only way to get out of debt
U to quit making debts. Live any
old way, but don’t make another
debt. In no time you will find
yourself not only living on a
cash basis, but you will find
money beginning to pile up with
which you can gradually reduce
the old debts. But the only way
to begin It Is to immediately be
gin to live on a cash basis—pay
cash for everything or go without.
Of course, that does not mean ac
tual cash—If you order a new suit,
you naturally do not pay for the
new suit until the bill comes In.
But your cash must be paid when
the bill comes In. Not a minute
Legends in the Making.
From the Philadelphia Bulletin.
Myths and legends which may be
come popular beliefs in time are born
from such reports as the one sent
from a town called Cellompton. In
Devonshire, England. A man of the
place is said to have a mummified
Egyptian hawk of some Incredible
age, which bleeds when war Is about
to break out and ceases to bleed
when the war draws to an end.
On the face of It the yarn is*pf>
posterous. There may be a man of
the name given In the Devonshire
town, and ha may posses a mummi
fied hawk. That Is all there can be
to the tale. But If told often enough,
the ridiculous yarn would come to
be bellved by many people, and the
believers would not all be stupid or
The genesis of the bleeding hawk
buncombe could probably be traced
to some spoofing person who had It
suggested to him by the current
Interest In things Egyptian. Devon
Is the home of one of England's most
cherished superstitions. Thousands
ef people In England probably truly
believe in Drake's drum. The drum
Is said to have been the war drum
of that fine old sailor and buccaneer,
Sir Francis Drake. The legend Is
that when England Is threatened
by sea, the drum of Sir Francis
beats the call to arms.
No one would object to a plctur
espue superstition If it did not often
cause uneasiness In the minds ol
many persons who take Its prophetic
utterances literally. The so-called
prophecy of Mother Shipton Is a
case In point. This prophecy Is in
rhyme, and was supposed to have
been written some three hundred
years ago, when no living person
could possibly have even Imagined
some of the things which the rhyme
said would come to pass.
A legend v7ry often Is only a yarn
dignified by years.
Famous Beauty to Wed Again?
\ ^ '
Mrs. Lydia Codman, Boston society divorcee and beauty. Is re
ported engaged to Oliver Turner, millionaire clubman, himself divorced.
A Plain Casa.
From Bagology.
A prominent New York lawyer waa
putting a witness through a hard cros.
examination when the subject of ab
sentmindedness arose.
“What do you think Is absentmlnded
ness?'* asked the lawyer.
“Well,’’ replied the witness in a slow,
deliberate tone, "If a man who thought
he had left his watch at home, to.>k it
out of his pocket to see If he had time
to go back and get It, I would call him
t little absentmlnded.''
From the Houston Post.
"Don’t you think there are more flies
this year than the previous?”
“Really, I haven't counted them either
this year or laat.” . .
Arctic Jess.
From the Washington Post.
Now that the Indians of Alaska
have Joined the votaries of modern
terpslchore, as she tries It to synco
pation and Jazz, and are reported to
be "Just crazy" over the fox trot and
lame-duck glide. It is to be expected
that In the long Arctic nights the re
sourceful dancers of the tepees will
Invent new “steps” to send to the
States In return for those they have
borrowed. "The polar-bear hug," the
"walrus slide,” “the seal flap,” "the
Ice-floe shimmy” are offered as latest
names for the Alaska offerings along
this line.
By reason of the fact that she
speaks from her long experience as a
professional nurse, the statement of
Mrs. J. Clark of 415 Walsworth ave
nue, Oakland, Calif., will be of in
terest to all who are In need of an
Upbuilding tonic.
“In all my fifteen years’ experience
as a trained nurse,” says Mrs. Clark’s
statement, “I never found the equal
of Tanlac as a stomach medicine and
tonic. Two years ago an attack of
influenza left me without appetite and
my stomach In such a bad fix that the
little I did eat seemed to do me harm
Instead of good.
"Stomach pains would make me so
weak I would feel right faint. The
least exertion would completely ex
haust me and six months before tak
ing Tanlae I was so weak 1 bad to
hire my housework done. I wbb Ib
bed most of the time for two mamtimi
.and was getting desperate.
“Tanlae was more than a inn tela ftj*r
my troubles and eight bottles left oso
feeling fine. I eat and sleep like m
child and have energy and strengtla
that makes life a pleasure, limhid
is simply grand.”
Tanlae Is for sale by all good drag
glsts. Accept no substitute. Ovbbp
40 million bottles sold.
Tanlae Vegetable Pills, for eonfiHpa
tlon—made and recommended by tbs
manufacturers of Tanlae.
That Explains It
Tramp—You wouldn’t believe It, sir,
but I carry my life In my hnnds.
Unkind Man—Ha 1 Now I know why
you don’t wash them—afraid you’ll
drown, eh?
The optimist is the man who has a
jood time wherever he goes, because
le carries his good time with him.
To Keep Saucepan Longer
New enameled saucepans should be
placed in a pnn of water and allowed
to come to a boll and then set nsfd*
to cool before they ore first used. TTilf
will add to their life and he' keej
them from burning or chipping.
An unwelcome guest Is one of the
best things going.
Children Cry for “Castoria”
Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages
Mother1 Fletcher's Castorla has
bee* in use "for over 80 years as a
pleasant, harmless substitute for
Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops
and Soothing Syrups. Contains no
narcotics. Proven directions are on
each package. Physicians everywhere
On Condition
Husband (at court)—Will you allow
my wife to speak to me?
Judge Snagge—Certainly, If you can
assure us that we can stop her.—Lon
don Tit-Bits.
Say “Bayer”-InsistI
For Pain Headache
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Colds
Accept only a
Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aiptrln li the trade mark of Barer Manu
facture of Monoaceticacldeater of Sallcrllcactd
French in Canada
Rooted to the Soil
French-Canadians are devoted to
tlieir families and tlielr soli; there Is
no doubt about that. They have been
told It for ninny years by politicians
and writers, und now they have demon
strated it.
The proof comes through recent
awards by an organization of the city
of Quebec,,which has discovered one
family that has been on the same land
since 1629, and it Is believed still oc
cupies the original house. An Island
of Orleans habitant has 210 living de
Louis Hebert, the first Canadian set
tle". esme In 1617, and his son-in-law,
Guh!*ume Ceulllard, was first to use u
plow e*. this country in 1628.
The 1. silly which has remained on
the same laid for the greatest length
•f time In Quebec county Is that of
Ismael Bedan. of Charl“sbourg. It lias
bee* llier# sl*ev '629, and still occu
pies the original bouse.
Tea *lr, the slave }f debt Is often
a happier man than bhe slave of
recommend It. The kind yon ha**,
always bought bears signature of
Not to HU Taste
A countryman and his wife, to
London for the day, went to a music
hall. The first Item on the.program
wns an orchestral selection, on thl*
occasion a classical one. The mats
suffered gamely for a time, und them
turned to his wife, who held the pro
“Maggie,” he whispered, “what tore
tills ’ere tiling them fellers are play
in' r
“It’s Chopin,” she whispered back,
“Ah, well,” he muttered resignedly,
“it sounds more like sawln.’ tfl. roe,”-—
Music World. ; -
111 "■ 1 *.
Dom’t cbnclde if yon pat over o inbdftste *
wbes on advertised product b coBti for.
Maybe yonreutouwr will never come lack.
B*m MmlftrStJn
Unable to Learn
Jud Tunklns says some people sim
ply can’t lenrn. An old schoolmate,
after writing “Honesty is the best
policy” over and over In his copy book,
got arrested for forgery.
Many a voter considers congress n
one-sided affair—with himself on the
other side.
(si Sc&S
metal, can’t ejriB «r
tip over refill not anil
op injure ttnylbin*.
_Guaranteed unretner
HAUQUI bOMEKS. m Do Kalb Aw., Brooklyn. ML *.
In the Hftert of SIOUX CUT
Absolutely Fireproof — Rates 11.75 to MAO
hes several Improved farms, western
Canada, to offer; very attractive price*
and terms. Special inducement to Ana
lean farmers. For full particular^
401 MrArthar Bids.,
Winnipeg, Cuvada
Landseekers Attention
Best and cheapest Improved farms In eastern
North Dakota. No crop failures. Boll eur
vey shows our land Is of the best In tk*
Union Good markets, made, schools aaff
churches. Low taxes. County free free*,
debt. Easy terms. Amount paid la rent
will pay for farm In short tlm* Land direct,
from seller to buyer. No high commlwlesa.
write today Gripes County landowner, 0*»
operative Association, Cooperstown, N. rsfc.
f “If your children do not possess
IVLUmIvIo* a very keen appetite for baker’s
bread, try home-made bread and note the sudden,
increase in the youngsters’ bread consumption.**
I —Dr. Phhup B. Hawk.
Send for free booklet
"The Art of Baking Bread?*
Northwestern Yeast Cow
1730 North A Aland Are.