The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 17, 1924, Image 7

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Wife Said She Would. Result,
Lydia EJPinkham’s Vegetable
Compound Made Her
Well and Strong
East Hardwick. Vt—“Last winta
I was not able to do any work at all.
... backache, head
ueuu. Bias acne, iuu
waa aick all the t2m«
for Bix months. We
read about Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegeta
ble Compound in the
newspapers, and my
hushana said to me,
‘ Why don’t you try
it?’ So I said I would,
and he went and got
me a dozen bottles.
mmi* II n&S <10116 K10 mOTO
good than I can ever tell, and my friends
say, ‘ What have you done to yourself?
You look so well/1 tell them it is the
Vegetable Compound that makes me so
well and strong. There is no U3e to suf
fer with backache and pains. I will
tell every one what it has done for me. ”
—Mrs. Fred. Primo, Route No. &East
Hardwick, Vermont.
Housewives make a great mistake in
allowing themselves to become so ill
that it is well-nigh impossible for them
to attend to their household duties.
In a recent country-wide canvass of
purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg
etable Compound, 08 out of every 100
report they were benefited by Its use.
For sale by druggists everywhere.
, ,
When Century Begins
The year 1900 was the last year of
the Nineteenth century. Theoretically
the Christian era began with the birth
of Christ. Since a century Is 100
•years the first century of our era must
:hnve ended with the year 100 A. D.
Therefore the second century began
with the first day in 101. The first
century consisted of the years 1 to 100
, inclusive. We are now living In the
24th year of -the Twentieth century
which began January 1, 1901.
Say “Bayer Aspirin”
INSIST I Unless you see the
“Bayer Cross” on tablets you
are not getting the genuine
Bayer Aspirin proved safe by
millions and prescribed by phy
sicians for 24 years.
O AccePt oniy »
Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Handy “Bayer” boxes of 18 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aspirin la the trade mark ef Barer Manu
facture of itouoaeetlcacldeater of BaUc/Uoacld
Opening Up Brazil
A new railway line which will open
up country In the eastern part of thd
(state of Plauliy, Brazil, which has hith
erto been accessible only by primitive
|means of transportation, is soon to be
'constructed. This line will connect tKft
'.town of Petrollna, in Pernambuco, with
iTherezlna, the capital of the state of
Plauhy, and when completed will en
able travelers to go by rail from Ba
hia to San Lulz de Maranhao, a dis
tance of more than 500 miles.
Get Back Your Health!
Are you dragging around day after
day with a dull backache? Are you
tired and lame mornings—subject to
headaches, dizzy spells and sharp, stab
bing pains. Then there’s surely some
thing wrong. Probably it’s kidney
weakness! Don’t wait for more serious
kidney trouble. Get back your health
and keep it. For quick relief get
plenty of sleep and exercise and use
Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic to
the kidneys. They hare helped thou
sands and should help you. Ask pour
A South Dakota Case
B. E Ford, far
mer, L<e Zelle 8t„
8 t u r g 1 s, S. D„
tayi: "My kid
neys were In bad
shape and my back
ached and I could
hardly keep at tny
work. I could
get no relief day
or night. My kid
neys acted too
often during the
uuy turn uieu m nigni. m *r mo,
however, have always checked this
trouble and strengthened my back
and kidneys. This remedy has done
me much good.”
Foeter-Milbura Co, Mfg. Chem., N. Y.
Remove* Dandruff-BtopaBalrPalllat
Rnlurw Colev ud
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hah
«uc. and $1.00 at Dnrrfeta.
[Bloeea Chem- WkaKWlo«ue.|». TJ
Ioom. eta, atop* all pals, eaauraa eoatlortlo tha
Cedar Rapids, la., July 13. (Spe
cial)—While scores of folk were
wending their way to church Sunday
afternoon a band of daring bandits
were cracking two safes and trying
to open a third in the offices of the
Denecke departrncnt store. They ob
tained only $100 from one safe, the
other having only the personal papers
of C. Denecke, head of the firm.
The yeggs used nitroglycerine, at
taching the fuses to the electric light
cords In the offices. The contents
of the Bates were strewn over the
floor together with blankets taken
from the store’s stock which had
been used to deaden the noise.
Battle for Lives of Chicago
Youths Set for
August 4
Universal Service Correspondent,
Chicago, July 18.—When Nathan
Leopold and Richard Loeb are
brought to trial for murder on Aug
ust 4, the first move of their a. torneys
Is expected to bo a motion to post
pone the case to a later date, it was
learned Sunday. The state Is expect
ed to demand an Immediate trial.
The question will be one for the trial
Judge to decide.
Insanity, as was predicted when tbe
two college youths were arrested for
slaying little Robert Franks, will b«
the main plea of the defense. Ths
state of Illinois will not hang a crazy
man for murder. So the trial may b«
to determine whether Leopold and
Loeb are sane or Insane.
Clarence S. Darrow and Benjamin
Bachrach, attorneys representing the
college youths, began to lay the
groundwork for their Insanity de
fense almost Immediately after Leo
pold and Loeb had confessed.
Alienists examine lsdi
A dozen alienists, retained by tht
defense,, have had the youths under
constant observation for more than a
month. Most of the alienists have
completed their work and submitted
their reports to Dr. James Whitney
Hall, noted alienist of Chicngo and
chief of the sanity investigation for
the defense. These reports are said to
agree, that the youths are suffering
from some form of mental derange
ment, probably moral imbecility.
State’s Attorney Crowe, Who will
personally conduct the prosecution,
has had four alienists for the state
examine Leopold and Loeb. But It
was only a superficial examination,
lasting only a few hours. That was
while the prisoners were in the hands
of detectives, before they were turn
ed over to the coroner’s Jurors. Since
the prisoners have been in jail, they
have refused to submit to an examin
ation of state alienists.
To have the youths sent to an
asylum for a few years appears to be
the best the defense can hops for, in
spite of unlimited wealth and social
prominence, according to opinions of
lawyers and laymen.
Demands Desth Penalty
State’s Attorney Crows has an
nounced he will prosecute the case
with a view to sending the youths to
the gallows. Nothing less than hang
ing will mitigate the crime and satis
fy the state, he contends.
Public sentiment Is divided. The
average n an oil the streets will fell
you what he thinks will be done with
the youths, rather than express an
opinion as to what should be done
with them.
At the county Jail the youths have
been the center Interest among other
prisoners. They have received their
meals from a fashionable restaurant
each day, flowers have come to them,
pretty girls have called on them.
They have taken their imprisonment
lightly, never appearing to feel but
that they will be free. "They can't
keep us here always,’’ ths remark
credited to Leopold when he chafes
under the confinment.
Niiy lhi niiKi
The trial may continue for week*.
Testimony of each of the experts may
require days and it Is estimated that
not less than (100,000 will be the cost
of prosecution to the state of Ill
inois. Unless the youths are set scot
free—and nobody expects that—
the supreme court will be called upon
to pass on the finding of the Jury and
the trial judge. A little flaw would
mean a new trial, more delay and
criminal lawyers can see the case
dragged through months and pos
sibly years.
While the case Is set for August 4,
there are few who believe It will be
gotten under way on that date. The
matter of selecting a Jury will prob
ably require many days but before
the choosing of a Jury is started a
long period of skirmishing for posi
tion is expected with possibly a post
ponement to another term of court.
The defense, It Is said, as in all
criminal cases regards every hour of
delay beneficial.
London, July 12.—Col. James A.
Logan, American observer of the rep
arations committee, joined Ambassa
dor Kellogg to participate in the Al
lied conference on the Dawes plan.
Herriot to Leave for
London Next Tuesday
Paris, July 12. (A. P.)—Premier
Herriot, leading the French delega
tion to the inter-allied repaiation
conference in London next week, will
leave for London Tuesday.
New York, July 12.—A blood pois
oning scare, believed to hove been
caused by the death of President
Cesjldge'e son, was reported by New
York hospitals.
Head of Civil Service Re
form League Attacks
Major Parties
Washington, July 13.—Ones again
the major political parties have side
stepped -the main issues of better
ment of the classified federal service
in the platforms, according to Wil
liam Dudley Foulke, president of the
National Civil Service Reform league.
"The politicians of both parties,"
Koulke declared, "wanted to make us
believe that they were in favor of
the merit system—the republicans by
showing what tremendous services
the party had rendered it, and tho
democrats by showing how their ad
versaries had crippled and degraded
it, Rnd by their promising their own
account more complete fidelity. The
efforts of both sides were laughable.”
The republican declaration that im
provement in enforcement of the
merit system “has been marked and
effective under the present admini
stration.” Foulke termed "a glgantio
“Not only was there no improve
ment,” he continued, "but a distinct
degradation of the principle.”
While discovering some merit in
the democratic plank, Foulke assail
ed the doctrine that "every ex-ser
vice man, however low, is to be pre
ferred to every other competitor,
however high, ns meaning the “de
struction of the merit system."
Michigan Man Beaten to
Death in Camp at
West Liberty
Cedar Jtapids, la., July 13. (Spe
cial)—Police and sheriffs in all east
ern Iowa counties are bending every
effort to run down Gabe Simmons of
Tipton, la., who is wanted in connec
tion with the slaying Saturday night
of Orton Ferguson, age 30 years, a
tourist of Atlanta Mich., in a tourist
camp at West Liberty, la., near here.
Ferguson’s brains were beaten out
with an Iron bar which the murderer
dropped by the body after stripping
it of all clothing and leaving his own
wornout shoes and trousers behind.
Robbery was undoubtedly the mo
tive, but the slayer overlooked S116
which was sewed In Ferguson’s un
dershirt. He did get >20 however.
The erlmbe was discovered by Mra
Ferguson. She awakened at 12:15
o'clock Sunday morning and not find
ing har husband beside her, left the
tent to search for him. She met the
man who, the night before, had
posed as the custodian of the camp.
She ran screaming and the man fol
lowed her, telling her not to be
alarmd that he would find her hue
band. He ran from the park. Thir
ty feet away Mrs. Ferguson stumbled
over the dead body of his husband.
Simmons, the man sought, was
recognized by Fred Budke of Quincy,
111., he havinp known him at Tipton.
Budke said he had been posing as
custodian of the camp for two day*.
Other tourists said Simmons had been
directing campers where to sleep et
night, getting them ns far apart «t
possible. Mrs. Ferguson said he ap
proached them on.their arrival Sat
urday night and asked where they
were from and where they were go
ing, and If they were armed teilln^
them lire arms were not permitted
in camp.
British Delegates To
Boost For Houston
Texas City in Line For Next
Convention of Adver
tising Men
London, July IS.—"It Is a greet
thing to b« a winner, and that Is
what Houston Is. Every British dele •
gate Is pledged to enter the con
vention Monday morning and vote
for Houston for 1926."
Thus declared Sir Charles Hlgham,
responding ta a toast at Sunday
night’s banquet which the Advertis
ing association of Houston, Tax.,
tendered at the Hotel Cecil, to the
Thirty club of London.
The feature of the evening was
the presentation by the hosts of the
Stars and Stripes and the Lone Star
flag of Texas to the Thirty Club.
The presentation speech was ri&de
by William S. Patton.
The guests of the Texans wero
electrified by the appearance of
Elaine Arnold, the 13 year old girl
whom the advertising club of Hous
ton has been training to "out-patti -
Patti.” She sang very well, In the
opinion of several English muslo
critics, who were present.
Coolidges Due Back From
Weekend Cruise Monday
Washington, July 18.—The presi
dential yacht Mayflower will dock at
Washington navy yard early Monday
morning the White House was in
formed by wireless through the of
fice of naval communications.
No details of the weekend cruise
of President and Mrs. Coolidge and
their party were available. The
weather along the Potomac and
Chesapeake bay la said to have been
I To Prohibition Office
Marie C. Brehm, of Long Beach,
Cal., has been nominated for the
Vice-Presidency of the United
States by the Prohibition Party, In
■esslon In Columbus. O.
Supreme Court Justice Of
fered Second Place on
LaFollette Ticket
Universal Bervlce.
Washington, July 13.—Louis L
Brandeis, member of the United
States supreme court, has been of
fered the progressive indorsement
for second place on the LaFollette
ticket this fall.
This was learned Sunday from
sources close enough to the progres
sive headquarters to give it every
semblance of authenticity.
The LaFollette supporters want
Brandeis as vice presidential candi
date for a number of reasons. First
and foremost, they recognize in the
eminent member of the supreme
bench, one of the most brilliant
minds allied with the progressive
movement. Brandeis has hosts of
friends all over the country among
the Intellectual radicals and there
friends are ardent admirers of his
views and his courage in expressing
Second, Brandeis Is a democrat
and comes from Boston, an eastern
state. They hope in this way t«
either capture Massachusetts .vr to
so cut down the Coolldge vote as to
throw the state to the democrats.
Third, they think they can capture
New York with Brandeis 0(1 the
ticket, and this Is the reason *bey
would be willing to lose Massa
chusetts to the democrats for New
York has 45 votes In the electoral
The LaFollette followers feel that
If they can persuade Brandeis to
leave the bench and go on the ticket
with "Fighting Bob," they can be
sure of the electoral vote of Now
York state.
No word whatever comes from
Senator LaFollette as to his views
on the matter. It is known that he
and Justice Brandeis are close friends
and that they and their families have
been visitors at each other's homes
Justice Brandeis is said to have
declared that he can best serve the
progressive cause by remaining on
the bench. Together with Justice
Holmes, he constitutes what pro
gressives call the "liberal minority,”
of the court. These two usually sign
the dissenting views of the minority
whenever a question Involving liberal
policy is decided by the court.
Nine Nebraska Men
Granted Paroles
Wayne County Convict
Turned Over to Iowa
Lincoln, Neb., July II.—(Special)
—Acting Governor Johnson and
Secretary of State Spillman, consti
tuting the state board of pardons
and paroles In the absence of Gov
ernor Bryan and Attorney General
Spillman, announced their action on
81 applications for clemency.
Ralph Richardson of Wayne coun
ty, convicted of automobile stealing,
and serving a term of 1 to 10 years,
was turned over to Iowa officers as
a violator of a parole while a prisoner
In that state.
B. E. Tutle, Dodge, a 1 to 20 year
convict, convicted of forgery, was
granted a parole.
The case of William Collins, Dodge,
a 1 to 7 year man for burglary, was
U. S. Fliers Hop Off
For Roumania Today
Constantinople, July 12.— (A. P.)—
The United States army aviators on
a’round the world flight, left Con
stantinople at 6:10 o’clock this morn
ing, Greenwich time, for Bucharest,
Boston, *July 12.—Creditors of
Charles Ponsi were allowed 1466,146.
26 to be divided among them Immedi
ately in a supreme court deoielo»
German Can Crack
Nutt With Hit Lip
That nature can enable one part of
the body to carry out the functions of
another which has been lost Is demon
strated In the case of Otto Friedson,
a native of Emundsen, Germany, w ho
lost all his teeth at the age of thirty
one, and presumably could not afford
a set of false ones, says London An
His Ups are now so Strong and hard
that he can crack nuts with them and
can do nearly everything that the or
dinary person can do with his teeth.
He has been exumined by many
medical men, who attribute Ids won
derful power to hypertrophy of the
muscles of the lips, which have In
creased enormously in thickness and
fills man has been nn Inveterate
pipe smoker all his life, and much
of the power of Ills Ups Is attributed
to holding a heavy pipe between
Doa’t chuckle if yon pot over a jubstitute
when aa advertised product it called for.
Maybe yoor cottomer will never come back.
Ben M ml ford, Jr.
Almost Burned Up $4,000
After I’hoenus Warner, eighty-six
years ago, who lived the life of a re
cluse on a 50-acre farm near Flnzel,
Md., died In his dingy, one-room
shack, his nephew, Calvin Paul, to
whom he left his property, razed the
shack, using the good lumber for re
pair work on his property, a short dis
tance away. He burned the debris.
A few days ago Levi Oarlitz, a farm
er of the vicinity, taking a stroll
through the woods, happened upon
the charred remains of the Warner
hermitage. He was whisking n stick
through the dried embers, dislodging
a stone, which uncovered, to ids
amazement, $4,000 of paper money,
half burned. He had dislodged the
keystone to the hermit’s money cache.
The bills ranged in denominations
from $1 to $100. Part of the burned
money was redeemed at a bank.—
Washington Star.
Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp.
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff and Itching with Cutlcuru Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make
them your everyday toilet preparations
and have a clear skin and soft, white
The Island of Jamaica has become a
source of supply for vanilla flavoring
A Machine Job
Mrs. L'afferty—Ten stitches «lld ths
doctor have to take In tne ould mn
after the fight lust night.
Mrs. O’Hara—Tin? Was that all?
Shu re, when the doctor seen me poor
husband carried In this morning ho
says: “Has any wan got a sewing:
Sure Relief
SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. 29-19*1*
Hurt by Bobbed Hair
The future commercial prosperity
of Chefoo, Chinn, a city of 100,000
population, depends largely o» whether
American women will continue
bob their liuir. Chefoo8 chief indtoov
try is making lmir nets and they sell*
$5,000,000 worth to this country each*
year, in addition to exporting $3,000*
(KtO worth to France and other count
tries. In China the price for the aettw
runs from $1 to $2 a gross and for
making them factory workers ore paid
7 cents n day.
Yeast Foam
Is your dough
always light
and sweet1
Be sure of a well raised
dough by using a cake
of Yeast Foam each
time you bake.
Send for free booklet
Northwestern Yeast Ox
1730North Aahland Ave.
Chicago, UL
Cause* of Earthquakes
What produces earthquakes is a
problem not yet settled to the satisfac
tion of the scientist. Tremors of the
earth may be caused by explosion of
mines, falling In of caves, slipping of
rock strata and many other move
ments of the earth, but these do not
explain the great shocks satisfactorily.
Earthquakes are likened with volcanic
activity, but which of the two is cause
and which effect is not known.
Algebra as a science seems to have
developed simultaneously in Egypt and
Famous Mount
Mount Parnassus Is In anctea.
Phot-la, 05 miles northwest of Athena.
It Is celebrated as one of the princi
pal seats of Apollo and the Muses, aid
ns an inspiring source of poetry awl
song. The Delpbie oracle and tbe Cam
tnllun spring were on Its southena
slope. Tbe expression “to climb Par
nassus,” meaning to write poetry. In
an expression once In vogue.—Kan—
City Star.
The United States manufacture!
more than 300,000,000 pairs of slum
In 10*23.
Children cry for
for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teeth- C
ing Drops and Soothing Syrups,
e*P«cially prepared for Infants
in arms and Children all ages.
I To avoid imitations, always look fot the signature of
Proven directions on esch package. Physicians everywhere ft.