The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 10, 1924, Image 1
. ^ ; --V .c. .M?®* . * i> • 'tvf .:•■■■■’ ■ ' I . • , " , \i ,. • " * ', ^ < y * ■■' ' i ' V ' ' <••- 5 :t- . : -p-.iin. . - — - ■ ■ .... . i, —. ..... i.i.i..., VOLUMN XLV. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 10. 1924. NO 6 v/» v» " ' ' • ——- I IIP - ■ -■- -, || -., - -. . || ■ ,|| ..|IM ■■Ill ■■■■—.-■ "■■ — ■* 11 —1'■*" ' ’■ ** ~ ■ -'■ - ■ -■ _ Semi-Centennial Home Coming and Three-Day Racing Meet Was Wonderful Celebration Words are inadequate to describe the Semi-Centennial Home-coming Celebration and Three-Day Racing Meet held at O’Neill last Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 3rd, 4th and 5th. The weather could not have been better for the occasion if the local committee had been in charge of the making of it. The various committees had each performed his part of the preparatory work and on the morning of the 3d everything was in readiness for the celebration. The city was prefusely decorated with flags and bunting and presented a gala appearance. The uniform flags making a very pretty decoration. The celebration was given under the auspices of the O’Neill Commercial club, who had entire charge of the Home-Coming arrangements and the Racing Meet. The morning of each day was given over for the registra tion and entertainment of those who had come “home” for the occasion and for the getting together of the old timers from all parts of the county. The program Friday morning began with a band concert on the streets at 10:30. At eleven o’clock the Children’s parade headed by Uncle Sam and the O’Neill Concert band formed at the school house corner and the children m marched through the principal streets of the city. About seventy-five boys and girls were in line with decorated buggies, wagons and tricycles, Shet land pony carts and various other modes of tansportation, then there were Indians, clowns, flag carriers, and a prairie schooner which was very appropriate for the occasion for which this celebration was in com memoration. The ladies double quartette render ed several vocal selections, Miss Mar garet Donohoe sang two appropriate vocal solos, and the band played several numbers during the morning program. Judge Robert R. Dickson gave the Address of Welcome from the grand stand on the court house lawn. The address was replete with reminis cences of the early days and the Judge described the hardships that the home steader and pioneer encountered dur ing the settlement of the county. The program __ Saturday morning began with a band concert at 10:30 followed by a historical parade de picting the early life of tlm county. Among the features of the parade was the old time prairie schooner, a band of Indians, a freighter wagon, a log cabin representing the first I. 0. O. F. lodge hall, built in 1876, a car occu pied by Sam Wolfe, the only charter member of the local Odd Fellows, liv ing in this vicinity, and a number of other Odd Fellows, a car bearing llhe date of the founding of The Frontier, the old time stage coach and a number of cars occupied by old timers. Following the parade a number of reminiscent talks were made from the grandstand on the court house lawn at which time Hon. John A. Harmon , ably officiated as chairman introducing Attorney James H. Hanley, of Omaha; W. J. McNichols, head of the Bureau of Securities, of Lincoln; Hon. T. V. Golden, of this city; O. J. Moore, head of a wholesale grocery firm bearing his name, of Sioux City; each of whom made very able talks relative to the occasion. A balloon ascension and parachute drop was made each evening from the vacant lots two blocks west from the center of town. The last night the balloon did not rise high enough to permit the rider to cut lose with the parachute. In descending the rider was bumped against the A. Saunto residence and was slightly injured. A fleet of three areoplanes owned by and under the supervision of Roy Page, of Lincoln, were here all three days and amused the large crowds with many of the latest and most dar ing “stunts.” Following is the result of the races each afternoon: Thursday, July 3rd Pace, % mile: Sailor Boy, first; Rex, second; Blonde S., third. Time 1:11, 1:12%, 1:09. Running, %-mile:Rameo, first; Vic tory, second; Golden Glory, third. Time: 0:59. Running: %-mile: Elsie Gould, first; Fox, second; Cappy, third. Time: 0:37 1-5. Running, %-mile: Blue Van, first; Kirkwood, second; Mone Dale, third. Time: 1:18 1-5. Holt county horses, %-mile: Miss Bagdad, first; Patchen, second; Dyna mite, third. Time 0:52 Running, %-mile: Hazfl Dale, first; New Model, second; Fay Delmer, third. Time: 0:51%. Running, 1-mile: Young Huxter, first; Boreas, second; Dartey Belle, third. Time: 1:48. Friday, July 4th. 2:30 pace—Rex first, Blonde H. sec ond; Sailor Boy, third. Time, 1:11. Purse $125. %-mile Maiden race—Burlington Babe, first; Run Lady, second; Agnes Huxster,third. Time 55 seconds. Purse $100. %-mile—Victor Won, first; Fay Delmer, second; Goldie L, third. Time 59 1-5 seconds. Purse $125. 4%-furlongs—Hazel Dale, first; Truant, second; New Model, third. Time 59 seconds. Purse $100. %-mile—Fox, first; Elsie Gould, second; Cashier, thrd. Time, 25 sec onds. Purse $50. One and 1-16 miles handicap—Mont Dale, first; Dartey Belle, second; Bor eas, third. Time 1:64%. Purse $300. Saturday, July 5th. t2:30 pace: Rex, first; Sailor Boy, second; Blonde H., third. Time: 2:10 1-5. Purse, $125. %-mile running: Dexter, first; Babe, second; Ronate, third. Time: 30 1-5. Purse, $200. ‘/i-mile: Cappie, first; Patchen, sec ond; Wild Rose, third. Time: 0:25. Purse, $175. %-mile: Darley Belle, first; Kirk wood, second; Twelve Bells, third. Time: 1:15%. Purse $2.00. %-mile: Goldie L., first; New Model, second; Truant, third. Time: 0:62 1-5. Purse, $125. %-mile: Emily Waite, first; Dick Bremdle, second; Sailor Boy, third. Time; 1:03. Purse, $100 VISITORS AND OLD SETTLERS. The following is a list of the old settlers of the county who registered in the “soddie,” many of whom now make their home in tfities far distant from O’Neill, but were here during the ‘ Home-Coming” that they might meet again their associates of the early days: Dates following names are the dates of arrival in Holt county: Frank O’Connell, Columbus, 1908. Jack Sullivan, Citizen of the world. M. F. O’Donnell, Dallas, Texas. John O’Donnell, Omaha. W. M. (Dago) Campbell, St. l>uis, 2315 Pine St. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bright, Los Angeles, California, Sept., 1882. Vincent Golden, Creston, la., 1887. A. T. Whelan, San Diego, Calif. T. F. Nolan, Bassett, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Murphy, St. Louis, Mo., 6229 Washington St., March, 1885. C. L. Harding, O’Neill, 1880. Mrs. Anna Harding, O’Neill, 1874. B. Shearer, Stuart, 1888. C. W. Dobney, Stuart, 1889. John Crellon, Stuart, 1884. J. P. Golden, Casper, Wyo., 1883. Ole Olson, Lincoln, 1903. Cyril Erychleb, Spencer, 1882. F. L. Latroe, New York City. E. H. Tierney, Norfolk, 1912. T. V. Norval and wife, Norfolk. W. B. Stanton, Ann Carr. Guy Mulhair, Lynch. E. J. Kilmurray, Atkinson, 1877. J. T. Butterfield, Star, 1879. P. J. McManus, O’Neill, 1885. Jack McManus, O’Neill, 1885. Joseph Schollmeyer, 1884. * B. T. Winchell, O’Neill, 1888. ^ Mrs. A. U. Kngpp, Broken Bow, 1897. i Katherine Horiskey Miller, Salina, Kansas. Mary. Bill and Pat Lyman, Omaha. Patrick O’Connolly, came to O’Neill in 1874 with Gen. O'Neill. William Enright, O’Neill, 1877. Frank Connolly, O’Neill, 1874. Pat Welsh, O’Neill, July 4, 1876. B. B. Bay, O’Neill, 1888. Mrs. F. Bergholm, Omaha, 1890. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kite, Terra Haute, Ind. Conserve Your Energy in Summer You can,literally, get “recreation”—be“madeover” again, when your physical self is rested, your energy and your strength conserved by the use of this Ford Runabout. Simplicity and good tar'e are embodied in the lines and appointments of this popular car. Uninterrupted use is insured by nation-wide, “around-the-corner" Ford service. Better get your order in nou) I ^k>7^Motor^xmt/uin^ (' Detroit, Michigan Towrisg Car $295 Coupe $52 5 Tudor Sedan $590 Fordor Sedan $68$ All prices f. o. b. Detroit SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED IOr.3 DEALER The Runabout P. O. B. Detroit Demountable Rime and Starter $85 extre THE UNIVERSAL CAR You can buy any model by making a email down-payment and arranging eaey terme for the balance. Or you can buy on the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. The Ford dealer in your neighborhood will gladly explain both plane In detail *. . . . Mrs. M. F. Libe, O'Neill, April 8, lo84. J- J. Hunt, O’Neill, 1878. Kinch' E*pid A. S. Carlson, Litchfield, Minn. Margante Duffy, Greeley, Neb. , Madeline Duffy, Greeley, Neb. James P. Cullen, Omaha. T. F. Donohoe, O’Neill, May 1, 1879. vy£VS,parks’ 0’NeiH, 1877. S’- K Roberts, O’Neill, June 8, 1878. Henson, O’Neill, Aug. 20, 1883. 12,W1880Ce R' J°hnson’ O’Neill, Sept. ^Mrs. Eliza Cain, O’Neill, April 18, 1874aHe Rogman’ O’Neill, March 16, H. Murray, O’Neill, Mar., 1884. t >SarSent> O'Neill, 1879. J. B. Long, Opportunity, 1884. G. A. Conard, Meek, 1886. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hough, Norfolk. August Wabs, Spencer. Luther Walson, Isabel, Okla. 231 1883 J* C’ Reichard' Stuart> April W. P. Hynes, Greeley, Neb. Mrs. Mary E. Lamason, Page, 1889. Sam Lop, Sioux City. Mrs. John Burns, Platte Center, Nebraska. d Mi88oGustave Reider’ Gree°ry. s., Clark Hough, O’Neill, June 7, 1876. Walter Tullis, O’Neill, 1882; Mrs. C. E. Williamson. Settled in Nebraska in 1859. Ethel Barnes, Elgin, Neb. John Russel, Clearwater, Neb. F. E. Harmon, Norfolk, 1881. Carl Storjohann, Phoenix, 1887. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Roberts, Sidney. Mrs. 0. E. Ott, Dickson, Tenn. Ed Jenkinson, Dallas, Texas. A. J. Edson, Wanut, Neb. Leslie Lee, Long Pine. Floyd Farley, Bassett. John M. Grutch, O'Neill, 1885. John Ernst, O’Neill, 1884. W. A. Moler, O’Neill, 1895. Harold Green, Neligh. Geo. R. Sanders, Scottville, 1880. Dewey Darrah, Inman, 1883, Ord, 1849. L. G. Greenflll, O’Neill, 1877. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellswortih, York. Fred Anderson, Ewing, 1883. C. F. Kury, O’Neill, April, 1885. Patrick Regan, O’Neill, Oct., 1*882. J. J. Swartz, O’Neill, March, 1883. Sam Wolfe, O’Neill, 1873. Mrs.. John J. Machaley, Casper, Wyoming, O’Neill in 1886. 18John J. McNally, Casper, O’Neill, Mrs. James Crowley, O'Neill, April 29, 1876. * Louise Sattler, Notre Dame, Ind. Miss Louise Palmer, Atwood, Coio., O’Neill, 1892. Juniata Miller, Salina, Kansas. Mrs. Kate Dougherty, Scranton, Pa. C. A. Grass, O’Neill, March, 1884. Mrs. A. F. Spengler, O’Neill, Jan. 6, 1890. Mrs. F. E. Samples, with parents in 1871. Mrs. Wm. Cuddy, with parents in 1871. James Triggs, O’Neill, 1881. Mrs. W. T. Woolvington, Denver, Colorado. Herbert J. Roberts, Stanton, N. D. J. A. Maring, Emmet, June 1, 1882. Thos. J. Gaffney, Atkinson, 1881. Joe Welsh, Emmet, parents in 1875. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hickman, Lin coln. Miss Mattie Kinzie, Bristow. M. T. Elliott, Lynch, Oct. 25, 1883. J. A. Pinkerman, O’Neill, 1882. T. J. Bauman, O’Neill, April 29, 1877. Mrs. Laura Karel, O’Neill, 1883. Mrs. Mary Mullen, O’Neill, 1878. Jas. A. Brennan, O’Neill, Oct. 4, 1879. Henry J. Cook, O’Neill, Oct. 4, 1877. D. H. Cronin, O’Neill, June, 1877. J. M. Hunter, O’Neill, April, 1884. Wallace Gray, O’Neill, Feb., 1906. W. D. Bradstreet, May 16, 1879. J. M. and Tim Brophie, Fairfax, South Dakota. P. J. Biglin, Aug. 16, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ricketts, Fre mont. Geo. W. Bradt, O’Neill, Sept. 18, 1879. John Philinson, with Gen. O’Neill, 1874. John Carney, O’Neill, April 14, 1876. Bernard Doyle, Grand Rapids, Mich. W. H. Dartt, Rapid City, South Da kota, O’Neill, 1879. W. T. Hayes, Atkinson, 1878. Mrs. John Hunt, Omaha, O’Neill in 1878. Walter Spengler, Seneca, Nebr , O’Neill, 1893. J. W. Fullerton, Atkinson, with parents, Oct. 1, 1883. Walter F. Roberts, Wahoo. Herbert J. Roberts, North Dakota. James C. Graham, Emmet, May, 1881. Frank Barrett, O’Neill, March 1, 1881. Matt Cleary, Emmet, Oct., 1879. Wm. F. Grothe, Emmet, March 9, 1887. ' C. E. Stout, O’Neill, 1895. John Carr, Stafford, 1884. Walter M. Burge, Omaha. Charles Berger, O'Neill, 1882. James Conley, May 12, 1874. W. G. Townsend, Norfolk, 1871. John A. Robertson, Joy, 1883. M. F. Norton, to Neb. in 1867. Miss Tyfil O’Neill, Norfolk. Miss B. and Miss Dimple Good, Omaha. Paul D. Riley, O’Neill, 1880. Smith Merrill, O’Neill, Aug. 10, 1884. Frank J. Brennan, O’Neill, 1893. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Moore, Sioux City, Iowa. L. H. Downey, Page, 1880. Sherm S. Pittinger, Neb. in 1864. Hugh O’Neill, Ann Carr, December 2 1878. ’ J. H.' Wade, O’Neill, 1878. J. F. Root, Stuart, 1890. Let’s Get Acquainted It’s easy. Just drop in anytime and say hello. Well be glad to meet you and whatever advice we can give you will not cost one penny. In the old days, bankers used to shut themselves up in private offices— and they were as hard to see as a potentate. All that is changed, though, and nowadays your banker is right where you can see him and talk to him any hour of the banking day. It’s that way at our bank, and a cordial invitation is extended to call The Nebraska State Bank James Mullen, Caldwell, Mont. John C. Mullen, Falls City, Neb. Waldo E. Pilger, Plainview. Cecil G. Pilger, Plainview. Jack Milford, Omaha. Miss Martha Braun, Huron, S. D. W. H. Maskell, Ponca, Neb. Ralph Baker, Brunswick. Henry Thompson, Brunswick. Cecil W. Gawen, Creighton. THE PRESIDENTS SON DIES MONDAY EVENING FROM SEPTIC POISONING Calvin Coolidgts, the sixteen year old son of President and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, died Monday evening at 10:30 o’clock in the Walter Reed hospi tal in Washington, D. C., following a five days’ illness from septic poisoning resulting from a blister upon his heel which he received while playing tennis. HOLT COUNTY VALUATION MUCH LOWER THIS YEAR Abstracts of the assessments as returned by the county assessors of the state show a decrease over last year in nearly all of the counties. The total valuation of Holt county for 1924 as reported to the state tax commissioner by County Assessor J. M. Hunter, is $28,642,025, while in 1923 the valuation was $32,239,745. Show ing a decrease of $3,597,720. George McFarlin, of Des Arc, Ar kansas, head chef at Col. Phil Ziemer’s Bell Hotel, arrived in the city the first of last week to assist the colonel in conducting the eatery at the home-coming celebration just closed, and later in the summer will accom pany the hotel force on its annual summer tour of the country. FIRST COMMUNION AT EMMET Thirty children received first com munion at the Catholic church at Em met last Sunday at the 8:30 a. m. Mass. The largest congregation that w»a ever seen in the cnurch was present on the occasion. Every pew was filled and quite a number stood in the back of the church and in the choir gallery. All the children in the parish under sixteen years of age repeated or re newed their first communion. Thus about eighty children in all went up to the altar steps to receive com munion. All the girls wore white dresses with wreaths and veils. The boys were neatly dressed in black and each boy had a boquet of flowers on the lapel of his coat. The children showed excellent training. The choir sang appropriate hymns during Mass and Communion and Benediction. Father Byrne gave a very impressive sermon. The following children re ceived first communion: Joseph Malloy Blondina Welsh John Cuddy Beatrice Welsh James Coday Bertha Bruder Bernard Coday Rita Cleary Clement Cleary Cecelia Malloy Bernard Pongratz Frances Heinowski Anthony O’Donnell Rita Coday Thomas Malloy • Velma Johnson Jeremiah O’Connel Helen Malloy Lawrence Murray Rose Malloy Clement Cuddy Cleta Murray Francis Tenborg Margaret Gallaghe John O’Donnell Edna Heeb Alexander Cleary Eileen Johnson Helen McCaffrey Mary Murray An Object Lesson Observe the successful men you know. All of them have simple living habits. This insures to them good health and the quick perception that enables them to quickly grasp good opportu nities. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 15he O’Neill National Bank i