The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 03, 1924, Image 7

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MmShawCaBs Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound
a God-Send to Side Women
Cambridge, Maine.—“ I suffered ter
ribly with pains and soreness in my
ImiiIi SSRnndea Each month
IHIII_ I I to go to bed.
auu iuc uwwr una
me I simply bad to
go under an opera
tion before I could
get help. I saw your
paper, and I told my
husband one day to
Gt me a bottle of
rdia EL Pinkham’s
Vegetable Com
»—i I --1pouna. rseioreicook
the third dose I felt better. I took it
four times a day for two years, getting
better all the time, and now for four
years I don’t have any pains. After
taking the medicine for two years I bad
another child—a lovely baby girl now
four years old—the life of our home. I
do praise this medicine. It is a Godsend
to women who suffer with female
troubles and especially for pains at the
periods. I surely was very bad once,
and I know that Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound saved me from an
operation."—Mrs. Josie M. Shaw,
Route -No. 1, Cambridge, Maine.
A country-wide canvass of purchasers
of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound reports 98 out of every 100 wert.
benefited by it For sale by druggists
Expert Analysis
Judge Hoy Campbell Is a person of
quiet mien and few words. Like all
the rest of humanity, however, he has
likes and dislikes, and once in a blue
moon he bolls over.
Discussing with a newspaper man
recently the personality of a nmn who
takes an uninvited part in politics, the
Judge said;
“He’s like an electric fan—his only
excuse for being is that he keeps the
air circulating, though the good Lord
knows he does enough of that to make
all the rest of the electric fans in the
world Jealous.”—Houston Post.
Sure Relief
Bell-ans *
Hot water
Sure Relief
... - i. i ..-—I i ,i -
Whe.n Silver Tarnishes
The tarnish on silver Is sliver sul
phide and Is due to the sulphur com
pounds In the air where coal and gas
are burned, also In many foods, In
wool, in rubber and in some bleached
and dyed materials. Dryness prevents
tarnishing somewhat, so camphor,
which absorbs moisture, Is sometimes
put in the silver drawer. White cot
ton flannel should never be used for a
silver container.
Gas in Germany
In the Ruhr, according to Das Gas
nnd Wasserfach, artificial gas is sup
planting coal and coke for heating
schools and business offices. This is
being accomplished in spite of the
fact that this Is a new use for gas in
that part of Germany, and that th<
cost of locally produced coal nnd coke
is low. Savings, it is stated, even un
der these conditions, have amounted to
more than 5 per cent.
Might Form the Habit
“Who Is that guy in the flivver try
ing to pass our ear?
“It’s the professor of Greek.”
“Then I’ll slow up aiul let him go
by. If I don't, with examinations com
ing on next week, he might get the
idea he can't ever pass me at all.”—
Farm Life.
The cultivation of sugar beet in
England last year showed o marked
advance, the total acreage being just
double that of the previous year.
Kill RATS!
Nothing can be more disagreeable
than a home infested with rats, mice, cock
roaches, waterbugs, ants,etc., the greatest known
destroyers oi food and property; also carriers oi
disease. Kill these pests by using—
Electric Paste
the standard exterminator lor over 45 years.
It is ready (or use; better than traps; and does not
blow into food like powders. Directions in 15
languages. 35c snd $1.50. Money back il it fails.
Sold by all druggists. Refuse substitutes.
U* S# Government Bays It
! Shaving Stick
W Freely Lathering
^Medicinal and Emollient
Restores nn§
Beauty to Gray and FmM H*b
Me and *1,00 a* Drantna
Ibimo. Chon. WkePrtBfcaot.ll.Tj
tf INDeVivOKNS Remove* Corn*. CU>
Souses. eta. stone all pula. ensure* cun'tort So th*
SIOUX CITY PTC. CO., NO. 27-1924.
*—■ ■" . ■ .1 - I I ■ ■
The Dearborn Independent.
In the clip-sheet of one of the
national political committees Is
found the following:
"In one of Professor Irving
Fisher’s latest computations the
purchasing power of the average
man’s dollar Is rated at 68.6 cents,
compared with a pre-war value of
100 cents. According to Professor
Fisher the dollar was worth 3.9
cents leas In the week of April
25, 1924, than It was oa January 1,
"During ths first quarter of
1924 the dollar, was worth an
average of 68.4 cents, according
to Professor Fisher’s calculations.
The dollar’s average value for
1923, he fixes at 63.4 cents."
The statements are doubtless
accurate as far as they go, but
they do not tell the whole truth.
If the returns from production
and labor will buy as much at a
given time as at any time before,
the amount which the dollar will
buy does not matter. If the wage
level of 1924 is Increased In the
s&ms proportion as the price
level, there Is no loss to the
laborer. The real comparison Is
between the production required
to secure the dollar and the com
modity needed to buy the dollar.
Briefly, It Is not what a dollar
will buy, but what will buy a dol
The Garden of Lamps.
And lovers loiter In the gloom,
The mystic lamp man following
Taps with his torch the barren stem
And fills each lamp with bloom.
The old wives gossip, but the shy
Young lovers are not talkative.
They watch the line of lamps take
Of golden bloom above the mire,
Too happy that they live.
The young are glad that they are
The old are sorry they are old,
And sigh, remembering their old
dream e
Beneath the shining lamp that
A giant marigold.
The night becomes a garden then
Whose seeds are eparks In mystic
The lamp man sows. The golden
To lovers walking in the gloom
Seems dropped from Paradise.
—Wilfrid Thorley, in the Windsor
A 8oeclal Advantage
From the Passing Show (London)
Visitor—"Are you going to be a great
man when, you grow up, Willie?’'
Willie—"You bet! I’m going to be an
arctic explorer."
"An arctic explorer's life is full ot
hardships, Willie."
"Yes’m. But I can stand ’em, I reck
”1 like your spirit, my boy. There is
a great deal of glory to be gained in a
career of that kind."
"Yes’m, and you don't never have to
wash your face.’1
Of Interest In America.
From League of Nations Bulletin.
I The 29th session of the Council,
which began June 11, has on the
agenda a number of Important top
ics which are of large interest In
America, either from the fact of the
large number of residents of for
eign birth in America, or from the
fact that a number of Important ac
tivities are In the charge of Amer
ican citizens In behalf of the League.
Among the Items on the agenda
1. Reduction of armaments.
2. Famine in Albania.
8. Situation as to Russian refugees
and Greek refugees.
4. The financial reconstruction of
6. The financial reconstruction of
6. Appointment of an Expert Body
on Slavery.
7. Traffic in women and children.
8. Report of the work of the
Health Committee.
Concurrently with the session of
the Council there was on June 12,
the 23rd Session of the Government
Body of the International Labor
Office and on the 16th the Sixth In
ternational Labor Conference.
Women are braver than men. No
man would dare try on $1S6 gar
ments If he had only IS cents.—
Charles City Press.
Now some of the old-fashioned
girls are wearing their hair bobbed
Instead of shingled.—Edwmrdsvllle
The literary horizon of the aver
age college etudent le bounded on
the west by Zane Grey and on the
East Dy the American Magazine.—
Aged 8heik Made a Hit.
From the New York Sun.
Jonathan Foulk, 106 years old, wae
euch a pet of the women during his
transcontinental Journey from Los
Angeles to his home In Cedar Rapids,
la., that he is seriously thinking of
marrying again.
If he does the lucky woman will be
a "pretty widder from South Dakota,’’
aocordlng to him. Mr. Foulk, who
has been making the trip to California
alone in the winter and back again in
the spring for the last ten years, was
the pet of every woman on the train,
he told newspaper men.
"Thinking of marrying again,
Uncle John?” he was asked.
"Getting mighty tired of living
alone, and there’s no fun when the
women are not around,” replied Mr.
Foulk. "If I decide to take my fourth |
wife the Dakota widder is the gal. She
treated me like a king all the way
from Los Angeles to Denver. Some
of the flappers were nice ta me, too,
but I can’t stand their hair and their
Asked If present day JfOuths had
any chance of living to tee century
mark, Mr. Foulk replied: “Not if they
smoke 40 or 60 cigarets a day and
drink a pint of hooch. I used to
drink. A doctor prescribed a pint of
whisky a day for me 60 years ago.
The first pint made me sick, and I
haven’t taken a drink since.”
The last show Mr. Foulk saw was
"The Black Crook” In New York.
“Them danged wimmen showing
their legs made me sick, and I
haven’t been In a theater since.”
Mr. Foulk fought through the Civil
war as a member of the 36th Illinois
Proper Punishment.
From the Los Angeles Times.
An eastern city, In seeking to dis
pose of traffic problems and motor
perils, is endeavoring to put tne
speed fiends at work on the high
ways. Instead of being fined or sent
to Jail they will be turned over to
the street department and required
to help in various departments of
road work. When a guy has been
burning up the road for some days
it will do him good to give him a
hose and broom and make him take
a turn at cooling it off. When a
motorist feels that he cannot pos
sibly travel a boulevard at a pace
less than 60 miles an hour put him
on a steam roller for a week and
see how much mileage he can get.
Also it Is a noble Idea to take the
ones who have been making the
1 highways unsafe for others and use
them In the definite task of saining
them up and extending their ser
vice. While the motor maniacs are
pouring asphalt they are at least
not running over the^r fellowman.
It is hoped that means will be found
to extend this plan of punishment.
It seems to fit the crime.
Another View of It.
From Sketch.
Gladys—"I refused Ferdy two weeks
ago and he has been drinking heavily
ever since.”
Ethel—‘Isn’t it about time he stopped
Why Worry?
From the New York Mercury
"Offl or, catch that man running
there. He tried to kiss me!”
“’S’ll right, miss. There'll be another
along in a minute.”
Fun Measure
From Dumb Animals
Judge Brown: ’’Well, Ephraim, what
are you preaching to your flock these
days? I hear you are making a mighty
Ephraim, “Well, sur, yassar I Is. 1
gives it to ’um dis way: Fustly, I tells
um what I’m gwine to tell’um, den i
tells um what I said I wuz gwine tell
’um, and den I te’ls ’um what I done
tole ’um.”
Foremost Women Song Writers
« —--—--— ___
MJFb? ,flTe, f°remo8t women songwriters in America were photo*
graphed together, for the first time, at the “Recital of Composers” held
uuring the Pen Women’s Convention in Washington. Left- to ri"ht.
„Dck 7JW- ar® ®ena Branacombe and Ethel Glenn Hier. Front row,
Harriett Ware, Mary Turner Salter and Mrs. H. H. A. Beach. All of
them are famous for the songs they have written.
Not Often Anyhow
From The Duluth Herald
You never hear a man knocking
hlB town unless somebody else has
all the little grafts nailed down.
About All.
From the Fayette Advertiser.
At times we conclude that the only
difference between primitive man
and civilised man is a shave.
Kditor’s note to contributors:
“Please write on both sides of the
paper as we have only a limited sup
ply of waste baskets."—The Office
A Command Generally Obeyed.
From the Boston Transcript.
Asked by her Sunday school tea
cher to give the Bible veise for that
day's lesson, a little western girl
replied: "Go ye into all the world
and spread the gossip to all the
The subscriber who asks the mean
ing of the word “hokum” is advised
to wait and read the political plat
forms.—Dubuque Tribune.
Army officials gassed the president
to cure his cold, but the Senate gas
ses him to kill him pulitlcai/y.—Dea
Moines Register.
Worn FUrralng
No man’s world Is any bigger
thali the man himself. That which
his sye can see, his ear can hear,
and his heart can feel make up
for him his universe. For no
men has anything me can't uas.
What good is money to a Hotten
tot, or a magnificent picture to
and Idiot T You have to know
how to use the one and enjoy the
other before they are of any value
to you.
The world of the scientist, poet,
j artist or musician is filled with
wonderful sights and sounds.
They have trained themsdfvea to
appropriate the elements of Na
ture and mold them Into a mors
per feet form.
Most of us live In a small world
—our home, our business, our
neighbors, fill the universe for
us. We have not learned to see
with the scientist or hear with
the musician. For the whole
world for you lies under your own
hat, and It Is just as large and
just as varied as the capacity ot
your own mind will let It be
June Is June and iny heart is young!
I heard today, from a bitter tongue,
A doleful story of wedded life;
Of bickering, borodnese, endless strife.
The tale was true, and the hurt was
Yet the moon Is full and I cannot
So I’m deaf to the wall of that soul
Ah, June Is June and my heart is
June Is June and my heart ie young—
I have known many whose lives
were flung
To ravening Hons, through love like
That seems, this moment, a thing
I've read the chronicles o’er and o’er
How life had mocked at the poets’
Yet here's Dan Cupid, hie bow new
Well, June is June, and my heart is
June Is June and my heart is young—
Not every heart that loves la wrung;
I have known many who found life
Whose love has made It a thing *
So here In the moonlight I turn to
Surrendered quite to his tender
Believing the words frem his honey
ed tongue—
Lo, June is June, and my heart is
Strickland Gllltlan in the Kansas
City Star
I was glad that day, the June was la
With Its multitude of nightingales
All singing in the dark.
Elizabeth Barnett Browning.
The June dusk, the rune dusk,
The dusk of sliver Bound;
Of Wlr.da frvwn dreaming hilltops,
And thrushes from the ground.
—J. Gertrude Menard.
And what Is so rare as a day In June?
Then, if ever, come perfect days;
Then Heaven tries if the earth be in
And over it softly her warm ear
Whether we look or whether w#
We hear life niqrmur or see it
Every clod feels a stir of might,
An Instinct within It that reaches
and towers.
And, groping blindly above It for light.
Climbs to a soul In grass and
—James Russell Low||l.
Gentle June
Touched the cornsllk, fine and yel
Kissed the apples, made them mellow;
Dike a golden harvest moon—
Gentle June!
—Hattie Whitney. ,
0 death, whore is thy victory —
1 Cor. 15:55.
1 have no sympathy with those
who would make the fact of death
the controlling factor of life.
The flaming Inscriptions on the bill
boards, “Prepare to meet thy Uod,"
and tho exhortations of the preach
ers, “Live today as if you were to
die tomorrow," leave me cold.
The meeting (I say U reverently)
has already taken place.
I do not expect to die tomorrow.
I want to take life as it comes—
as bravely, as decently, as cheerfully
as possible.
There are lots of innocent, Inter
esting, and possibly useful things
which I propose doing today, which
I should probably not do if I thought
that I had to die tomorrow.
The beloved ones, the friends, wh*
have moved before me Into the un
known world, I believe are still liv
I have no need of Sir Oliver Lodge
nor of the excessively Belgian Shake
speare, Maeterlinck, -to assure me of
their existence.
I rely upon a better Teacher.
Nor do I think that my invisible
friends would choose to speak to me
through personB — mediums — "With
whom they would have had no sym
pathy nor intercourse iu mortal life.
Nor would they use a patented
Oulja board for their communica
They would speak to me directly
—my father, my dear daughter Boro
thea—and I believe they have done
so, whether In the body or out of
the body I know not.
From the Chicago News.
A bright little girl, aged 4, and her
brother, aged 6, were spending the night
with their aunt. When bedtime came
the aunt asked them how they said
their prayers. The little girl answer
ed: "Sometimes I say them In muit
dy’s knees and sometimes to the side
of the bed.”
“And how about you, little boy?"
asked the aunt.
“Oh, I don’t need to pray; 1 sleep
with daddy.” ^
If marriage Is a lottery then ali
mony must be a sort of gambling
The wife who
is a good bread
maker is a real
helpmate for the
Send for free booklet
4tThe Art of Baking Bread” |
"Good bread it the bride
of the thrifty bride”
Northwestern Yeast Co.
1730 North Ashland Ave.
Chicago. 111.
Girls Put Color of
Food Before Taste
“Girls Judge food mostly by their
eyes. They talk about the color rather
than the taste. A red cherry or a
green leaf, a fancy shape or a (lab of
whipped cream casts the die.”
This Is the belief of Miss Mary
Swartz Rose, a professor of nutrition
at Columbia' university, writing in Hy
gela on “The High Cost of Growing.”
Although it costs more to prepare
and serve food in these fancy guises.
Miss Rose tells parents that It pays
to use the girl’s love of beauty to sup
plement her weaker urge to eat. A
girl does not need as many calories of
food as her brother, but the sanre
amount of money can be spent on her
with good conscience.
“Keep her diet liberally supplied
with fruit and vegetables. Give her an
egg and a quart of milk n day. Insist
on her eating at regular times, and try
to nrrange for her a wholesome life
that will give her a good appetite. She
Is learning, at school that the physical,
beauty, which Is one of her greatest
concerns, comes through health and
she has seen how quickly animals show
the effects of unsuitable food In stringy
hair and blotched skin.”
Don’t Forget Cutlcura Talcum
When adding to your toilet requisites.
Au exquisite face, skin, baby and dust
ing powder and perfume, rendering
other perfumes superfluous. 'fouTu*.,
rely on It because one of the Cutlcura
Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum),
25c each everywhere,—Advertisement.
- - -. - . . — _ #
Excellent Reason
In n book by Sir J. C. Percy, entitled
"More Bulls and Blunders,” we read
of a man who went up to a railway
porter at one of the big London sta
tions and said: ‘‘There are half a
dozen clocks In this place, and they
are each different.”
"Well, sir,” replied the porter, ‘‘If
they were all alike, one would do.”—
Youth's Companion.
Thoughtful Man
Salesman--Here's a very nice pair
hi overalls, excellent to wear when
stoking the furnace.
Mr. Grump—Haven’t you an apron
of the same material? My wife dis
likes overalls.
Made More Difficult
The New Maid—In my last place'1
always took things fairly easy.
The Mistress—You won’t do that
here. 1 keep everything locked up.—
London Answers.
Like Chatting With Plumber
“My dentist likes to pnuse in his
work and tell funny stories.”
“So does mine, but I don’t appre
ciate funny stories at $10 an hour.”—
Buffalo Commercial.
Table Front' Fifty Trees
A table made from 100,000 pieces of
tvood from more than fifty different
trees that grow In the Holy Land Is
possessed by a clergyman of Denton,
The fact that you haven’t any voice
is no excuse for practicing on a yornet
in a thickly populated neighborhood.
Somehow a man is unable to get the
ideu into his head that a girl with a
dimple can be in the intellectual class.
Consumption of Butterflies
The natives of Australia consume
every year millions of butterflies.
These insects live largely in the moun
tain rocks. The natives catch them
by lighting wood fires, the smoke of.
which suffocates them. The natives'
collect them In baskets, put them in
the oven and, ufter having sifted them
to get rid of the wings, make them in
to n sort of tart, much appreciated
among connoisseurs.
Selling Unborn Sheep
In the wool-growing states of the
West It Is n common occurrence for
thousnnds of sheep to be sold before
they are bom. In Wyoming n deal has
been made for the sale of 50,000 In mbs
at |7 a bead, not one of which is yet
--- ---*
Weak and Miserable?
It a lama, aching back keeping you
miserable? Art you tortured with
sharp, stabbing pains? Feel weak,
tired—“all-played-out”? Then look to
your kidnevs, for these are common
signs of kidney weakness. There
1m; headaohea and dizziness, too. Don t
risk serious kidney sickness. Help
your weakened kidneys with Doan'a
Pills, a stimulant diuretic to the kid
neys. Doan’s have helped thousands
and should help you. Ask pour
A South Dakota Case
Mrs. Wm. Crock
«t.. Brit
ton, 8. D., says:
"My kidneys caused
rne to suffer a long
time and my back
ached as If It would
break. Mornings I
felt dull and had
no energy. I often
had headaches and
dlzsy spells and my.
kidneys acted lr-l
n-Kuiariy, iuu. t/uau c jriiia yui an
end to the bacluvches and other
slgna of kidney trouble."
Foater-Milbum Co., Mig. Chora., Buffalo, N. Y.
Up-to-Date Person
Philosopher—No man Is u hero to
his valet.
Miss Sharp—It’s not to be wondered
at! Anybody who wants to be con
sidered u hero onght at least be man
enough to dress himself.—London An
Hibernating Animals
Among the mammals which hibernate
nre the dormouse, badger, bat and
hamster. A number are incomplete
hlbernators, as the pruirie dog and
A Serious One
“Have you ever hnd a motor mis
“Yes. I met my wife in a garage.”
Aha! a Sale
The . Bride (to iceman)—Very well,
I don’t mind paying a little extra,
but it's got to be the coldest piece
you have.
More Painful Place
Mother—“There! I hope I’ve im
pressed on your mind—” Willie—“But
it wasn't my mind, ma.”—Stray Stories.
A shoe In being made passes through
more than 100 separate operations.
One can be made complete in less than
twenty minutes.
'■ -
MOTHERFletcher’s Cas
toria is a pleasant, harmless
Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Teething Drops and
Soothing Syrups, prepared for
Infants and Children all ages.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
1 Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it