The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 03, 1924, Image 4

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    rim Frontier
D. H. CRONIN, Publisher.
Editor and Buisness Manager.
Entered at the post office at vO’Neill,
Nebraska, as second-class matter.
One Year . $2.00
Six Months . $1.00
Three Months . $0.50
Display advertising on Pages 4, 5
and 8 are charged for on a basis of
25 cents an inch (one column wide)
per week; on Page 1 the charge is
40 cents an inch per week. *Local ad
vertisments, 10 cents per line first
insertion, subsequent insertions 5
cents per line.
Every subscription is regarded as
an open account. The names of sub
scribers will be instantly removed
from our mailing list at expiration of
time paid for, if publisher shall be
notified; otherwise the subscription
remains in force at the designated
subscription price. Every subscriber
must understand that these conditions
are made a part of the contract be
tween publisher and subscriber.
R. E. Simmons, of Battle Creek,
Nebraska, was in the city Friday on
Mr. and Mrs. Orville VanConnet,
who reside in the eastern part of the
county, were O’Neill visitors last Sat
a large class of children will re
ceive first communion xit the Catholic
church at Emmet on Sunday, July 6th,
at the 8:30 a. m. Mass.
Dr. Margaret Frost will leave
Thursday for a month’s visit with
friends in Omaha and Twin Falls,
Idaho. Miss Ruth Roberts, who is
studying osteopathy, will be in charge
of the office.
Miss Claudia Harper, of Mitchell,
South Dakota, arrived Saturday for a
visit with Miss Marguerite Carney.
Miss Harper and Miss Carney taught
together for the last two years in the
Bonesteel High school.
J. K. Aaberg left Tuesday after
noon for Arcadia, Texas, for a visit
with his family and where he will
look after some business matters for
the next three months before return
ing tb O’Niell. Dewit Story, of Val
entine, a nephew, accompanied him
and will spend a year in the south.
Inman Leader, June 26: Mike
Peterson was thrown from a mowing
machine while mowing the school
house yard last Tuesday. He landed
' .i his head and shoulders and received
injuries that will probably lay him up
for a few days. The cycle blade struck
a stump in the grass with sufficient
force to throw him from the mower.
Inman Leader, June 26: We notice
by the Norfolk News of Tuesday of
the marriage of Miss Lucretia Ark
feld to Jack Harsch which occurred at
Norfolk Monday morning at 8 o’clock
at the Catholic church. The Arkfeld
family formerly lived in Imnan and
have many friends here who will be
pleased to hear of the happy event.
The groom is assistant cashier of the
Citizens National Bank of Norfolk,
where they will make their future
Mr. and Mrs. Pat O’Donnell, accom
panied by their two sons, Francis and
Cecil and their daughter, Miss Mar
tina, left Tuesday morning for an auto
trip to the home of relatives about
fifty milc3 west of Winipeg, Canada.
They will be absent about a month.
The boys recently returned from St.
Marys, Kansas, where they have been
attending school. Francis was grad
uated from the high school this
*• No. 7
*J*he Father o? his
Country’ Surely has
Some variety of
descendants "
ONLY $4.75
-1-- <•——*
Rainmal Hurry Bowen reports .88
of an inch of moisture last Fiday
James Enright came home from
Omaha Tuesday where he has been
visiting relatives.
Miss Mildred Riley and Miss Edith
Kivett, of Inman, are guests of Miss
Florence Malone during the races.
Mrs. George Shoemaker and Miss
Grace Joyce returned home last week
from a visit with relatives in Iowa.
Wilsio Harris, residing northeast of
Page, was looking after business mat
ters in the county seat last Saturday,
Mrs. George Bressler is enjoying a
visit from her father, M. Dibble, and
her sister, Mrs. Maude Ogg, of Plain
Miss Helen Rossiter, of York, Ne
braska, came Wednesday evening for
a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Arnold.
Prof, and Mrs. E. H. Suhr came up
from Lincoln Monday for a short visit
with O’Neill friends. They returned
to Lincoln today.
Rev. and Mrs. Minar Gerrard, of
Bristow, are visiting O’Neill relatives
and friends during the Home Coming
and Race Meet this week.
A son was born Wednesday to Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Joslyn, residing about
fourteen miles north of O’Neill, at the
Gilligan hospital in this city.
Miss Delia Timlin came up from
Broken Bow, Nebraska, Tuesday,
where she has been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Timlin.
A small blaze around the chimney
at the P. B. Harty residence Wednes
day afternoon did some damage to the
roof. Some damage was also done by
Miss Florence Miller, of Fremont,
and Wm. Gatley, of Denver, came
Wednesday evening and are guests at
the C. E. Stout home during the re
mainder of the week.
Miss Florence McCafferty came
home from Omaha the first of the
week to be present at the Semi-Cen
tennial and Home Coming celebration
being held this week. ,•
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. VanAllen, of
Kearney, came Monday for a few
days visit with Mrs. Van Allen’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Berry. They
returned home Wednesday.
A ten-pound son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Gallagher, of Cas
per, Wyoriling, at the home of Mrs.
Gallagher’s parents, Warden and Mrs.
W. T. Fenton, at Lincoln Monday.
Dr. A. H. Corbett and sister, Mrs.
Wm. Swigart, and the Pennsylvania
bunch with whom they have been
touring the Rockies, in Colorado, ex
pect to reach O'Neill about July 10th
or 11th.
Evangelistic revival services will
begin in the large tent on the vacant
lots east of the Methodist church in
O’Neill on Sunday evening, July 6th.
Rev. August Gustafson will conduct
the services.
Kenneth Pound arrived here the
first of the week for a visit with his
family at the C. E. Downey home.
Kenneth has been employed in a
clothing store at Lavoye, Wyoming,
for the past year.
Tom Murray, of Dunbar, Nebraska,
was in O’Neill Saturday on'Tbusiness,
and incidentally shaking hands with
a number of O’Neill people. Mr. Mur
ray was president of the state bankers
association a few years ago.
The electors of school district No.
30, which is the consolidated school at
Inman, voted Tuesday on the propo
sition of dissolving the consolidated
district). The vote was 32 for dis
solving the district and 117 against.
Among those who are driving up
from Omaha today to attend the
Three-day Semi-Centennial Home
Coming and Racing Meet, are Mrs.
M. Fitzsimmons and daughters, Miss
Mary and Julia, Miss Mae Hammond
and Jack Sullivan.
Leo Carney, who was playing left
field for the O’Neill Shamrocks last
Sunday against the Emmet team, suf
fered a compound fracture of his left
leg when he collided with the hub-cap
cf the S. F. McNichols coupe while
endeavoring to catch a ball. Ralph
Mercer, catcher for the Emmet team
also received a broken finger during
the game.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Purcell, daughter
Miss Louella, and Mrs. Charles Shay,
departed Monday morning for an auto
trip to Denver and Ft. Collins, Colo
rado, and Gillette, Wyoming,where the
ladies will spend a couple of months
with relatives. Miss loin Purcell, who
is attending a school of expression in
Omaha and who spent the week-end
at home, accompanied her parents as
far as Clarks, Nebraska, on her way
to Omaha.
A family reunion of the children
and grand-children of Mr. and Mrs. E.
F. Roberts is being held at the Rob
erts’ home in this city. Twelve grand
children are taking part in the cele
bration; one sone of Herbert Roberts
was unable to be here because of the
stock and things at home to look
after. Those present are: Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Roberts and family, of
Stanton, North Dakota; Mrs. W. L.
Wolvington and children, of Denver;
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Benson and family,
of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Roberts and family, of Sidney; Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Roberts, of Wahoo;
Miss Ruth, who is attending school of
ost Apathy, at KJirksville, Missouri.
The gathering numbers twenty-four.
L. Pryne, living in the northern
part of Holt county, was seriously in
jured Monday, when the truck, loaded
with shelled corn, that he was driving
missed a culvert on the Brownfield
hill near Spencer and ran into the
ditch. He was unconscious from 5 p.
ra. until the next morning, but is re
covering nicely now.
Job Work—High Grade—Frontier.
The Founding of O’Neill,
By General John O’Neill
(Continued from last week.)
There are still other helps to the
settler in this locality. There are pine
forests sufficiently near, and of suffi
cient extent to furnish p;ne lumber to
the settler at reasonable rates. It
matters not that others may doubt the
existance of these pine forests.* 1
know that they are there, and Gen.
O’Neill knows that they are there, for
I have seen them. When the lumber
is being produced from these forests,
as I am certain it will be at no
distant day, it cannot be otherwise
A Great Assistance
To those who settle within conve
nient distance. So much for the lo
cality selected by General O’Neill for
colonization by his countrymen. 1
have been employed in that part of the
State for the past five summers, and
have taken pleasure in reporting its
advantages for settlement, but it fails
to attract much attention, until gazed
upon by the comprehensive eye of
Gen O’Neiil, who realized at once its
many advantages. It is still a
mystery to me how -he came to visit
ihis particular locality. The whole
wide West was spread out before him
like a map from which to choose, and
it has surprised me much that he has
found and settled upon these lands,
that were overlooked by others, who
were seeking as he eought. I cannot
account for it otherwise than tlTat the
great Ruler, who seems to nave es
pecially designed him to labor effi
ciently for the bci i ft. of his race has
guided him to fields most favorable to
his own ami his countrymoa’t future
happiness and prosperity. General
O’Neill is i stranger to me, I had met
him but once, prevoius t > his present
visit to Omaha, at O’Neill City. I
Found Him At Work
lviaKing nimsen rnorougmy ac
quainted with that entire section of I
the country. He has traveled over it
in person, stopping at my camp with
the men engaged in making the sur
veys. He has slept upon the ground
with no cover but the wagon box, eat
ing such food as campers-out are
compelled to eat, often going hungry,
enduring anything, no matter how
great a hardship, so that he might
become perfectly familiar W'th the
country, and able to represent it from
his personal observations. I admire
his course, and approve his undertak
ing. It is for that reason that I am
with you to-night, that I may add my
testimony to his, and assist a worthy
man, a worthy object and a worthy
people, and help, as far as I am al.lo,
the laboring man, struggling with the
limited means to a place on the broad
earth, where he can find a home and
happiness. I will say further that my
sympathies and hopes are strongly in
favor of Gen. O’Neill. After having
tried by the best light that he had.
To Strike A Blow
That would redound to the ameliora'
tion of the oppressed of his native
land—and failed, he had turned his
attention to leading them, not against
an enemy, not to slaughter’—but to a
country rich in soil and natural re
sources, where they can build up their
own homes, and where they can live
\ foedom, peace and happiness.
M. S. Bartlett
( Brother in law of Clarence Selah,
a established the Ewing Item.)
The Editor of the Oakdale (Neb.)
journal, on returning from a visit to
Holt county, in the summer of (1874),
published the following sketch in his
The Upper Elkhorn—Holt uounty
As It Is Today, And A Glance At
Its Probable Future.
To the view of the tourist traveling
up the Elkhorn Valley, new and beau
tiful scenes are being continually un
folded. From the time you enter the
valley at Fremont, in Dodge county,
until you arrive at the head waters
of the Elkhorn, a general improve
ment in the appearance of the country
is noticeable. Through Dodge, Cum
ing and Stanton counties no great
transformation takes place. And yet
to the careful observer a gradual im
provement is manifest. Through
Madison and Antelope counties the
same change for the better is going
on. When you arrive at range 10, in
Holt county, you are at a point where
if you have any of the love for the
beautiful in your soul, you cannot but
help pausing in your journey to gaze
upon the wondrous beauties of the
scene which stretches out before you.
The line of bluffs which have stood
guard upon either side of the river
like an armed sentinel, for the one
hundred and fifty miles you have
traveled up the valley, have gradually
receded in the distances and are to be
seen no more as you approach the
source of the Elkhorn. Like the
ocean wave that rolls mountain high,
they have bowed their heads until they
are on a level with the elements
around them, and now as far—and
much farther—as the eye can reach,
stretch out in one level, unbroken ex
panse of green. Here section after
section and township after township,
with not one single foot of waste land,,
awaits the hand of industry. What
this country will be ten years hence,
•^ecple familiar with the rapid settle
ment of the western prairie countries,
'an alone conceive.
Sketch of Holt Cottnty.
Holt county is at present unor
"anwed. It is bounded on the east
by the counties of Antelope and Knox,
on the west and south by unorganized
territory, and on the north. by the
Niobrara river. It lays jyest forty
*wo miles from range 9, and extends
forty-eight miles on the eastern and
fifty-four miles on the western line,
north and south, thus making one of
the largest counties in the State. The
Elkhorn river enters the borders of
this county near the northwest corner
~f township 30, range 15 west, and
flows in a southeasternly course, leav
ing the county at a point near the
center of township 26. The tribu
taries of the Elkhorn in this county
are Cache Creek and South Fork. The
streams emptying into the Niobrara
are Red Bird and Eagle Creeks. Con
siderable timber is found along
these streams, and on the last two
named, oak exists in considerable
O’Neill City.
O’Neill City, which is situated in
township 29, range 12, about two
hundred miles from Omaha, is the
only laid cut town in the county, and
will doubtless be selected as the point
at which to locate the county seat,
when the county comes to be organ
ized. This town, although in embryo
as' yet, is without doubt destined to
be one of the thriving little citdes of
Northwestern Nebraska in the not dis
tant future. The gentleman whose
name the place bears is doing wonders
for this country. He is settling up
this locality with sturdy sons of the
Emerald Isle, who in years to come
will not only build up homes and gain
wealth for themselves but will de
velop Holt county, and place her where
she belongs—in the front rank of Ne
braska counties. We venture the as
sertion, and do it without fear of
successful contradiction, that this
place has the finest tract of agri
cultural lands tributary to it, of any
town in the State. This is a broad as
sertion, but we make it in candor, and
believe it to be true. Here for fifty
miles, north and south, stretches out
a country as level as a floor, and as
rich as the finest bottom land. The
soil, which is black sandy loam, varies
from twenty inches to three feet in
depth. One peculiarity about this
country is the existance of hardpan.
At no other point in Nebraska have
we ever heard of the existance of this
—in otheij States—common under
laying to soil. What little was planted
this year in this soil seems to have
stood the drought much better than
in other localities.
i ne settlement ot xioit county
really dates but a little over a year
back, although Mr. W. H. H. Inman,
the first settler in the county, and
others, have resided here for several
A year ago last June, H. H. Mc
Evony and five other families from
Wisconsin, settled in range 11. This,
at present, with Gen. O’Neill’s colony
constitutes the frontier settlement in
the Elkhorn Valley. It will not remain
.so long, however, as other colonies
will probably settle further up the
riven this fall.
Water Power
We believe the water power in the
county to be unsurpassed in the State.
Here limestone bottom is found in the
river, thus making it easy and cheap
matter to dam the stream. The river
anywhere in this county affords ample
power for grist mills, woolen mills,
or in fact any kind of manufactories
that the resources of the country may
Mineral Resources
Along the streams limestone, soap
stone and slate are to be found, thus
furnishing a sure harbinger of the
existence of coal. These minerals,
with the exception of limestone, have
been found upon the Niobrara river,
and Red Bird and Eagle Creeks. We
regard it as a fact that the day is
not five years distant when coal in
paying quantities will be found in
more than one place in this county.
The Future
Of this county none but a vivid
imagination can conceive. With
thousands upon thousands of acres of
rich lands, with timber in sufficient
quantities for building purposes and
for fuel, with coal, limestone and other
minerals, and with capital and labor
to utilize these, and what do we be
hold? A county with an assessed
valuation running into the millions,
and whose exports shall form no in
considerable portion of the commerce
of the Valley. A county rich in agri
cultural and mineral wealth, and one
that shall stand without a peer in the
catalogue of the best counties of the
(Continued next week)
When Did Moses Die? Is The Ques
tion Now Raised.
(Valentine Republican, June 27.)
(The following clipping is from the
old files of the Thedford Herald, ap
parently, and was reproduced in last
week’s issue. It will furnish news to
many people.)
Hon. Moses P. Kinkaid passed away
from earth forever on Sunday even
ing, October 25, 1908, and was laid to
rest in Grandview cemetery on Tues
day, quietly, reverently and with res
pectful ceremony. During almost two
years of sickness he was brave and
cheerful and his patient courage ad
ded pathos to his unequal conflict in
a losing battle, in . which he had the
loving spmpathy of the people who
honored him as a friend and citizen.
Big Juvenile Parade.
Have your children enter the “Big
l ittle Parade” on the morning of July
4th. They will come in baby car
riages, on kiddie cars, scooters, roller
skates, fast mail or express and if it
continues to rain they may come in
boats. Every child in O’Neill twelve
years old and under is eligible.
Everyone loves to see the children and
this is their part of the entertainment.
The line of march will be from the
Public school corner going west one
block, south to Bressler’s corner, east
to filling station, south one block,
crossing street, north one block to
to Warner’s corner, west one block.
For further information call Mrs.
Morrison first ward, Mrs. Haffner sec
ond ward and Mrs. Timlin third ward,
Mrs. C. M. Daly Chairman or Miss
Irenaeia Biglin.
All country children welcome to
take part in the parade.
^ - i » » .. »■ 1,11 i ■■ ■ i. i MWjMp
For Those Strawberries
Delivered Morning and Evening
Phone 84. F. H. LANCASTER, Owner
f™ " " 1 . *,
Parts Supplies * Hemstitching
The Singer Shop
New and Second-Hand Sewing Machines
All Makes Cleaned and Repaired
W. A Guy, Manager
11.00 A. M. Children’s Parade
starting at school house.
Double Quartette—Woman’s Club.
Sole—Miss Margaret Donohoe.
Patriotic and Reminiscent Address
—Hon. Robert R. Dickson.
Double Quartette—Woman’s Club
Music by the O’Neill Band.
Miss Ruth O’Neill, of San Diego,
California, granddaughter of General
John O’Neill, founder of O'Neill City,
will be the guest of the O’Neill Com
mercial Club the three days of the
semi-centennial home coming cele
bration and three days racing meet.
Miss O’Neill, who is touring the state
by automobile, will arrive this morn
ing to remain the entire period of the
celebration in the city her grand
father founded fifty years ago. In
a letter to O’Neill friends Miss O’Neill
states that neither her father nor her
illustrious grandfather would forgive
her, any more than she could forgive
herself, should she fail to be in attend
ance at the ceremonies commemorat
ing the fiftieth anniversary of the
founding of the city.
Possibly Remembered Tony
Weller’s Warning.
In n certain old New England sea
port the toll of the sea throughout
many years left so many widows that
they formed an Important part of the
population. Some of them, resident
upon a street that though It possessed
another name was never called any
thing except Widows’ lane, even took
a curious pride in their estate and
rather resented the Intention of a new
ly married couple to build a house on
the one remaining vacant lot.
“Being as we’re all widows on the
lane, It don't seem suitable,” one of
them explained to the bride, “nnd,
lookin’ for’ard, your husband not be
ing a seafaring man, there’s no reason
to think you’d be left a widow any
more likely than him to be left a
widower. Still, if you're really set on
coming, we’ll try and make you feel
ns If you was one of us."
Strange to say, -It was that kindly
offer which Induced the bride to select
a site elsewhere. She did not wish to
feel like a widow; she never became
a widow nor did she ever dwell in
Widows’ lane.
Kate Douglass Wiggln in her recent
reminiscences relates that there was
at the time she first took up her resi
dence in Hollis a singular lack of men
In the society of the village, says the
Youth’s Companion. "Almost all the
men had died in the Civil war, go»e
West or left the little village for towns
where there was more lucrative work
to be found. I remember leaning out
of my bedroom window one morning
on hearing the sound of a heavy truck
and saw that it was filled with split
pine boards— ‘cut rounds’ and ‘stick
“ ‘I think you have mistaken the
house,’ I said, ‘for we have ordered no
“ ‘Ain’t there a widder in this house?
They told me to bring this wood down
to a widder in Salmon Falls.’
** ‘Oh, yes,’ I replied. ‘The widders
are all right; It’s only the wood that’s
wrong. I am the Widder Wiggln; my
mother is the Widder Bradbury; the
lady who owns the house is the Wid
der Akers; but we don’t need wood.’
“ ‘Would it be for the house down
the road a piece?’
“ ‘Very likely; the Widder Pennell
lives there, and the Widder MacLeese
at the end of the bridge; or, if you go
up the street, the Widder Sweet lives
In the white house, and the Widder
Dunn across the way In the brick one.
Shall I make a list and throw it out
of the window?'
“ ‘Land, no,’ he grunted. ‘I don’t
want no list of widders. I’ll take the
wood back to Clark’s mills, get the
right name and have somebody else
haul it over. A man ain’t safe in such
a mess of widders,’ ”
Oldtimers are hereby notified that
they should not fail to bring their best
reminiscences of the early days with
them when they come to the big semi
centennial homecoming celebration
and race meet which begins today and,
continues until Sunday morning. Sat
urday, July 5, at 11 o’clock in the
morning, a reminiscence gabfest is
going to be staged at Doc Carter’s
sod shack just beside the filling sta
tion and the fellow with the best one
is going to get a prize. Sam Wolf
has been practicing up, down on the
river, for several days, Pat Hughes
is going ever his memories of the
early days and two or three other of
the oldtimers are reviewing and re
burnishing some of their early ex
—John McManus. 4-2p
The Frontier, $2.00 Per Year.
It’s easy to keep your
house free from fiie.j
STROYER. Just spray
it around. The flies fall
dead* Safe and easy
to use. Quick and
thorough. For a health
ier, more comfortable
home,free from flies,use
Cenol Fly Destroyer,
Sold by
Reardon Brothers
Cenol Agency
< '
" f
|ove if blrtvi -
-bleffed be
the tie ~
that blmAf "
Or the trouble makes no difference
to us. The worse the job the better
we like it.
We are in a position to do good
work and can save you money.
O’Neill, Neb.