The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 26, 1924, Image 1

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    " The Frontier.
• «
We have for sale a—
with a 15-30 Oil Pull Engine and a 28-48 Separator
with a new Garden City Feeder, Weigher and Gear
less Blower, also a 10-Barrel Wagon Tank for Oil.
We also have a—
and a RUMLEY belt driven Hay Press which is a
good rig. And an Admiral Hay Press with 8-Horse
Olds Engine on the same frame. This machine only
l used iwc seasons and in good repair. Also a Horse
I Power Admiral Hay Press in good condition. These
machines are all in good condition and guaranteed in
every respect, and priced to sell.
Bowen Si Meyer, O’Neill
E. N. l’urcell drove to Norfolk
A dauhgter was born Sunday to Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Bazelman.
Mrs. R. M. Sauers was visiting in
Omaha last Thursday and Friday.
J. E. Smith, S. G. Coover and S. 0.
Campbell were up from Page Tuesday.
F. W. Carlson returned home last
Sunday from a visit with his parents
at Fountenelle, Iowa. ,
E. N. Purcell and famliy have moved
into the Parnell Golden residence on
the corner of Clay and Sixth streets.
J. H. Shultz came up from Neligh
Wednesday and spent the day shak
ing hands with his former O’Neill
Miss Helen. Valla returned Thurs
day morning, after spending a week at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Kaplan
in Stuart.
Mrs. Dan McGinty returned to her
_ home in Omaha today. She has been
visiting with her mother, Dr. Mar
garet Frost.
Dr. W. F. Finley 'went to St.
Paul, Minnesota, last Friday for a
visit with his children and other rela
tives. He returned home Wednesday.
A son was born Sunday to Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Jefferies, of Sioux City,
Iowa, at the home of Mrs. Jefferies’
mother, Mrs. H. M. Uttley, in this
Mrs. L. B. Parkinson and children
and Mrs. Sam Thompson and children
left Tuesday by way of auto for a
month’s visit in several places in the
eastern part of the state.
Mrs. George Tomlinson, of Oppor
tunity, returned home Tuesday night
from Danbury, Iowa, and Omaha, Ne
braska, where she has been visiting
relatives and friends for the past two
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farnsworth, of
Page, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Boyd, of Moscow, Idaho, were
shoping in O’Neill last Saturday. Mr.
Farnsworth and Mrs. Boyd are
brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd are returning home from
Springfield, Massachusetts, where Mr.
Boyd was a delegate to the recent
Methodist National convention.
County Agent Fred W. Rose went
to Dakota City, Nebraska, Thursday,
to attend a county agents convention.
He expects to return home Sunday
Parties having rooms to rent dur
ing the Semi-Centennial Home Coming
and Racing Meet will leave their
name, number of rooms to rent and
telephone number with the county
agent as soon as possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Ennis and
daughter, Miss Helen, drove up from
Omaha, Thursday evening for a few
days visit at the home of the former’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherm Ennis.
Mr. Ennis is superintendent of the
Ford Motor plant at Omaha.
Attorney Ansalem Whelan arrived
here last week from his home at San
Diego, California, and is looking after
some legal business for his father, E.
H. Whelan, who is also located at San
Diego. Ansalem will perhaps remain
here until after the Home Coming and
Race Meet.
A number of friends arranged a
surprise party for Mrs. H. J. Zimmer
man at the home of her son Clarence
on Tuesday evening of last week. The
occasion being a birthday anniver
sary. About fifteen lady and, gentle
man friends were present. The even
ing was passed with cards.
The city council and street com
missioner have about solved the street
trouble by having the streets plowed
up where the sand and gravel w'ere
dumped early in the spring, and,
where the roads have had time to pacK
they have become hard and show indi
cations of making excellent roads.
Emmet Wertz, one of the influen
tial ranchmen, of Star, came home
Saturday morning from Norfolk where
he left his brother Arthur in a hospi
tal with an infection in his face.
Arthur has been in Canada for some
time working on a farm. Emmet met
him in Sioux City and accompanied
him to Norfolk.
At the regular meeting of the
Masonic lodge Thursday evening the
following officers were installed by
Grand Master R. R. Dickson: W. M.,
L. A. Burgess; S. W., Clifford B.
Scott; J. W. John R. Cook; S. D., Ross
Harris; J. D. Pete Hereford; Sec.,
D. H. Clauson; Treasurer, S. J.
Weekes; Tyler, Anton Toy.
Sinks, Rudder .
The head is the rudder for the
human ship.
Many ships have gone on the rocks
because of a lost rudder. When a man
speculates he has lost his rudder—
don’t lose your head in business.
This bank carries no indebtedness
of officers or stockholders.
Resources over $600,000.00
O'Neill Natiorval
_ _
Miss Nellie Drollinger left last
Friday for points in Minnesota where
she will spend the summer with rela
Miss Lila Keenan, superintendent
of the Mitchell* South Dakota, hos
pital, arrived Monday for a visit with
her sister, Mrs. John Kersenbrock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clark and son,
Clifton, and Morris Shanahan, of
Sioux City, visited from Monday until
Wednesday with their aunt, Mrs. L.
E. Grass and other O’Neill relatives.
The Democratic National convention
is in session at Madison Square Gar
den, New York City. Nominations
are still being made for the Presi
John Carton came up from the Old
People’s Home at West Point the lat
ter part of last week and spent Sun
day with O’Neill friends. He returned
Mrs. J. E. Salmans and daughter,
Rachael Francis, of Huron, South Da
kota, came Monday for a visit with
her mother, Mrs. Ziemer and other
Hornet Mullen came up from Clear
water Wednesday evening for a short
visit with his little brother, Owen,
who is spending the summer with his
aunt, Mrs. S. F. McNichols.
The O’Neill tourist park has been
ouite well occupied for the past few
weeks with tourists from all over the
United States. Cars are seen at the
park from almost every state in the
August Hoppe has torn down the
old residence on his lots on the corner
of Eighth and'Everett streets in the
east part of the city, and has moved
the lumber to his ranch northwest of
L. F. bougey arrived in U Neill last
Saturday from Los Angeles, Cali
fornia, where he has been working.
Mrs. Sougey expects to leave Los
Angeles soon and will join Mr.
Sougey here.
Leonard McManus is home from St.
Mary’s high school at St. Marys, Kan
sas. Leonard was graduated from the
high school this spring. He may de
cide to return next fall and take up
the college course.
Deputy Revenue Collector Swanson,
of Omaha, has been in O’Neill several
days this week verifying valuations
on real estate as reported by a unm
ber of Holt county parties in their
1920 income tax returns.
George Wyant returned home the
first of the week from Sterling, Colo
rado, where he has been working on
a farm for the past four months.
George says that crops are looking
good in that part of the country.
Miss Catherine King entertained
twenty couples Wednesday evening at
a dancing party at the Country Club
followed by midnight luncheon at the
C. N. King home, in honor of her
cousin, Miss Louise Mann, of Chicago.
Charles W. Beal, of Broken Bow,
Nebraska, democratic candidate for
congress from this district, was in
O’Neill Monday looking over the gaps
in his political fences. While in the
city Mr. Beal made The Frontier a
pleasant call.
F. I. Talbert, field representative of
the Nebraska Seed Company with
headquarters at Omaha, is here with a
force of assistants purchasing blue
grass seed and cutting it with a top
per. The heads are shipped to Omaha
where they are threshed.
A bean in his lungs caused the
death in an Omaha hospital Tuesday
of the 13-months-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Kubart, living near At
kinson. The baby, when it was dis
covered that it had sucked the bean
through its windpipe into its lung,
was rushed to Atkinson and then to
an Omaha specialist. .
The gutter and curb has about been
completed on the two blocks north
from the bank corner to St. Patrick’s
church. Work on the east side of the
street will begin as soon as the
work ot nhe west side is completed.
We understand there is considerable
talk among the property owners to
curb and gutter the streets for one
block each way from the Golden hotel
George Koster, chief fish and game
commissioner, passed through O’Neill
with the state fish car, Angler, Wed
nesday afternoon. A number of cans
of bass, which were planted in the
Elkhorn, and of rainbow trout, which
were planted in the Redbird, were left
at this point. The fish car went as
far west as Long Pine, returning east
on the morning’s early train. This
will be the last trip of the fish car to
this section until September.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Purcell and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Youngkin drove up
to Gregory, South Dakota, Sunday,
where they spent the day visiting
with relatives. Mrs. Charles Shay, a
sister of Mrs. Purcell, returned to
O’Neill with them Sunday evening
and will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Pur
cell and their daughter, Miss Louella
on their annual trip to Denver and
Ft. Collins, Colorado, and Gillette,
Wyoming. They will visit sisters of
Mr. Purcell at Ft. Collins and Well
ington, Colorado, and a daughter at
Gillette, Wyoming. Mr. Purcell will
return horfie in about two weeks but
will return for the family the latter
part of August. Miss Iola Purcell,
who is attending a school of expres
sion in Omaha, will join her mother
and sister in Gillette the last of July.
There will be Lutheran services at
the Episcopal church in O’Neill on
Tuesday evening, July 1st, at 8 p.m.
Rev. Wm. G. Vahlc, of Atkinson,
will conduct these services. If you
are interested come.
The O’Neill ball team were up on
their toes last Sunday when they met
Bassett on the O’Neill grounds before
a large and enthusiastic crowd of
routers. The Shamrocks won the
game 16 to 1.
The boys pounded tho-Bassctt pitcher
for 11 hits, while Persons allowed
only 2 hits to be scored against him.
Persons struckout 17 while Hall
stoickout 3.
The main feature of the game was
the home runs by Joe Martin in the
fourth and one by George Hanley in
the eighth when Gene Gallagher the
pipch hitter was nicely located on
second. Joe won a special prize of
three cartons of Camel cigarettes
hung up by Zimmerman & Son. Han
ley was awarded the new cap hung up
as a special prize by D. Abdouch for
a home run.
The line-up was as follows:
Basset O’Neill
Berryman, 3rd Willging, 2nd
Leopard, 2nd Butterfield 3rd
Storkwell, rf Angst, ss
Merrit, cf Ford, c
Ludwig, If Martin, cf
Lit*, ss I ersons, p
Lapg, c Carney, If
Nelson, 1st Beha, 1st
Hall, p Lazelman, rf
Hanley, sub.
O’Neill . 22340302 x—16
Bassett . 00001000 0—1
The Emmet ball team will play the
Shamrocks here next Sunday. This
game will be a good one. If you are
at all interested in base ball you
should see this game.
W. D. Mathews, the founder and
former editor of The Frontier, sends
a cheek to the treasurer of the or
ganization recently organized for the
remo%'al of General John O’Neill from
its resting place in Holy Sepulchre
cemetery in Omaha, to the plot of
ground between, Calvary and Prospect
Hill cemeteries in this city.
Following is the letter accompany
ing the check:
June 18, 1924.
Editor The Frontier: Forty-four
years ago (July, 1880) I got out the
first issue of The Frontier, and from
that time to now, no matter where we
lived, Mrs. Mathews and I have by its
columns kept posted on the doings in
O’Neill and Holt county, rejoicing in
the many good things that have come
and empathizing in the adversities.
It ii-'Wfth pleasure that I note^ that a
movement has been inaugurated look
ing to the removal of the body of
General John O’Neill from Omaha to
the town he founded a half Icentury
ago, and the erection of a suitable
monument to perpetuate his memory.
Good. And we want to in a small
way be identified with this splendid
and proper idea, hence please hand to
Neil Brennan, the treasurer, the check
for five dollars. By the way good old
Neil Brennan, (God rest his soul) was
always my friend through evil as well
as good report. Sometimes we dis
ageed in our party matters, but friend
ship was never broken.
I am interested in this movement
for various reasons, among them be
cause the General’s youngest daughter,
sweet little Kitty O’Neill, was for
some time my deputy in the postoffice,
and also because I owned the O'Neill
homestead, laid it out in an addition,
and built my home* on corner on Main
street. This was the scene of very
many happy gatherings of our good
neighbors, the remembrance of which
yet afford us much pleasure. Fact is
that the years we lived in O’Neill were
the happiest of all years. There our
children were born, and there two of
them are sleeping the long sleep—
right near where the proposed memo
rial to Gen. O’Neill is to be erected.
The “gude wife” and her worser
half talk of making a visit up there
sometime in the not very distant
future, and we know we will enjoy the
renewal of old friendships with the
very best people on eath.
Very truly yours, with kind re
gards to all,
The Stt^e Railway Commission have
decided, as a result of the hearing
recently held in Norfolk, that the
Northwestern cannot remove their
passenger trains No. 2 and No. 11, on
week days, as asked for by the com
pany. The early morning passenger,
No. 6 from the west, now arrives in
O’Neill at 2:15 a. m., and the after
noon passenger from the east arrives
here at 3:35 p. m. The schedule is as
East Bound— West Bound—
No. 6—2:15 a. m. No. 13—7:16 a. m.
No. 22—10:00a.m. No. 11—3:35 p. m.
No. 2—2:00 p. m. No. 3—11:25 p. m.
The disc pushers enjoyed a treat
one day last week when Elmer Seeley
of Lincoln, dropped into the city look
ing for entertainment. Mr. Seeley is
one of the topnotehers in checkefdom
President Henry Waterson Tomlinson
Councellor L. C. Chapman and tht
Rev. J. A. Hutchins divided honors
with the champion.
“Foxey Grandpa” Eager writes th<
secretary of the club that he is long
ing for a game with the gang. H<
says that Arlington is alright but thej
don’t know how to play checkers dowr
Everyday Problems
Everyc ay problems of finance—
large or small—are the portion of
everyone. Opportunities for invest
ment—some good, some bad—are of
fered every day; means of financing
personal ventures must be considered
and all of them ought to be submitted
to your banker for advice.
We are in business to help our de
positors and clients to solve their
problems. It’s the reason our officers
are not kept behind closed doors; it’s
the reason they have comfortable'
visitors’ chairs at their elbows. Drop
in to see us anytime. ,
The Nebraska State Bank
(By Uncle Pete in Omaha Bee.)
O’Neill, Neb., June 22.—Unless
Charley Martin relents and merely
files a civil action against his owner,
Scar-Faced Billy, big pet pickerel be
longing to Frank Barrett, may have
to go to jail for violation of the state
game laws. Judge Kirwin of Beaver
Flats, in whose court the complaint
against the pet fish was filed, has
recommended that the criminal action
against Scar-Faced Billy be with
drawn and the civil action substituted,
to keep Beaver Flats from being bank
rupt through building a fish tank in
the local basile.
Scar-Faced Billy is charged with
killing wild duck out of season, which
is not only a serious offense, but a
federal one also. The Beaver Flats
fish and game association however
thinks that it has enough influence at
Washington to prevent a federal in
dictment of the fish at least until after
It seems that the big pickerel, which
Mr. Barrett uses to keep the carp out
of his trout streams and hay meadows,
recently was loaned to the fish and
game association and placed by them
in Waller’s Lake to keep the carp
from entering that body of water dur
ing the June floods which have so
swollen both the South Fork and Dry
creek that their flood waters have con
nected with the lake.
Mr. Martin, whose ranch borders on
the south shores of the lake, is en-|
gaged in duck raising and a number
of his tame ducks have intermarried
with the wild ones nesting in the
vicinity to such an extent that his
flocks are of sufficient percentage of
wiki blood to bring them under the
protection of the. state and federal
migratory bird acts.
A carp became panic stricken the
other day while being chased by the
pickerel and took refuge among a flock
of Mr. Martin’s duck which were
swimming in the lake. The pickerel
in the excitement of the chase and
while snapping at the carp accidently
bit one of the young birds, wounding
it severely.
He thereby acquired a taste for a
duck diet and since has been dining
profusely off of Mr. Martin’s birds.
Mr. Martin to protect the flocks im
mediately swore out a warrant in,
Judge Kirwin’s court for the arrest
of the fish. Judge Kirwin is anxious
to have the action changed because he
fears that if the fish were incarcer
ated and should die in jail unless the
community installed a fish tank to
keep it alive, Mr. Barrett might bring
suit for damages.
R. R. Dickson, L. G. Gillespie, Sam
A. Arnold, Clifford B. Scott, C. J.
Malone and E. D. Henry attended the
Tenth Annual Meeting of Holt County
Masons held in the opera house at Ew
ing, Tuesday evening. About seventy
five masons from different parts of
the county were present. The banquet
was held in the basement of the school
house. The following program was
given in the opera house following the
Toastmaster ...J. N. Trommershausser
Address of Welcome .S. W. Green
Response ..Clifford B. Ccott
Addres .F. J. Sexsmith
Address . C. J. Malone
Address .W. L. Philley
Address, Grand Master R. R. Dickson
Following the program “Mud and
Sand,” a three reel comedy, and “High
Sign,” Buster Keaton comedy were
shown by the theatre management for
tfhe entertainment of the assembly.
The O’Neill second base ball nine
were defeated at Inman last Sunday
by the Inman lads, 6 to 5.
... l
Special SeJe!
Friday and Saturday
We pay 20c cash for eggs
Lentil per lb. 30c
Good large Bananas, doz. 30c
Nice Oranges, per dozen, 23c
3 large cans of peaches $1.00
Bread 13c loaves 11c
Mustard, quart 73c
Sugar per sack $8.73
I.arge pineapple each 23c
if. C. Horiskey
I 111 1 II ■■ IB ■—-/