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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1924)
VOLUMN XLV. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1924. NO. 2. ANNOUNCING The Second Annual JUVENILE GOLF TOURNAMENT To Be Held JUNE 14-16-17 Ail Boys and Girls in the United States under 16 years of age eligible. Entrance Fee 25c. Campfire Banquet. Prizes worth $100.00. This is the only Kid Golf Tournament in the world. Not responsible for accidents. C. P. HANCOCK F. J. BIGLIN J. B. O’SULLIVAN The ladies of the Presbyterian Working Society will meet June 19th with Mrs. Julia Parker. •.. The Misses Margaret and Mildred Walker, of Page, were visiting friends in O’Neill Wednesday. SpeciaJ SaJe! Friday and Saturday % Good large Bananas, doz. 30c Nice Oranges, per dozen, 20c 3 large cans fruit in good syrup. Black Cherries, White Cherries or Sliced Peaches, $1.00 J. C. Horiskey <! Co-operation Our Policy Every man or woman who handles money should study his banking con nections carefully. Your first deposit in this bank may mean, more to you than you realize. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 15he. O’Neill Natiorval Bank O’NEILL SHAMROCKS DEFEAT BRISTOW The Shamrocks defeated the Bris tow ball team 5 to 0 in a very good game last Sunday at the O’Neill ball park. The feature of the game was a three base hit by Willging for which he was awarded the sweater that was bung up by the Toggery. CLASS DAY EXERCISES AT ST. MARY’S ACADEMY The 24th Annual Reunion of the St. Mary's Alumnae Association was held June 8th, in the large gymnasium of the school. The room was beautifully decorated in wine red and cream. The table decorations were carried out in the same color combination. Sixty-seven Alumnae and guests were served a wonderfully well pre pared, six-course dinner.’ Among the guests present were Rev. Father Cas sidy and Kohler, Rev. Jast Duhamel of St. James Orphanage, Omaha, Miss Anna Dcnohoe and Miss Mary Carney. FRED SIEBERT LOSES RESIDENCE BY FIRE Fire destroyed the residence of Fred Siebert,‘residing about eighteen miles northwest of O’Neill, last Thursday afternoon about thi’ee o’clock. The fire originated, as near as can be de termined, around tlhe chimney and was burning fiercely when discovered. Nearly all of the furniture was re moved from the lower floor and some of the bedding wras gotten from the upper floor. The house was quite large. Mrs. Seibert was not at home at the time the fire started. We un derstand that the house was partially covered by insurance. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY HOLD COMMENCEMENT Twenty students of St. Mary’s Academy finished the course of study and were given their diplomas Wed nesday evening, June 11th, at the K. G. opera house, where appropriate exercises were held. The opera house was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and was well filled with friends and relatives of those who were closing their high school work. Rev. David Hickey, S. J. of Creigh ton University, gave the address to the class. Rev. M. F. Cassidy presented the diplomas. Following is the class roll: Normal Training Course: Roberta Arbuthnot, Geraldine Cronin, Mar garet Howard, Hazel MacDonald, Mary Sauser, all of O’Neill; Dorothy Bruder, Atkinson; Genevieve Cleary, and Eileen Tenborg, of Emmet; Flor ence Johnson, Merriman; Mary Kuhre, Johnstown; Agnes Langer and Elsie Petsel of Norden; Eileen O’Brien, Til den; Lila Pinkerman, Dorsey; Emma Stasch, Nanzel; Helen Velder, Fair fax, South Dakota; Gertrude Wirer, Phoenix, Arizona. Classical Course—Ruth Graham, Emmet; Lenora McConnell, Emmet; Helen Valla, O’Neill. h. c. McDonald wins THE NORTH NEBRASKA GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP II. C. McDonald again is champion of the North Nebraska golfers, win ning the honor by defeating J. A. Donohoe in the finals of the Champion ship flight 2 up and 1 to go. Frank Biglin is winner of the Presidents flight. J. D. Cronin is the winner of the Secretarys flight. Despite the unfavorable weather the Third Annual Invitation Golf tournament was the largest yet held. A number of visiting golfers from many towns in North Nebraska and Iowa took part in the tournament as is shown by the score. The qualifying rounds were played Sunday. The tournament play began Monday and continued during Tues day. The banquet was held at the Golden Monday evening at eight o’clock. T. V. Golden presided as toastmaster. Interesting addresses were made by the local and visiting golfers. George Furnam, mayor of Ainsworth, was voted six golf balls for the best alibi “Why He Was Defeated.” Bob Reick hoff, of Orange City, Iowa, was awarded Golf Illustrated, for the second best alibi. The annual golf dance was given at the Country Club Tuesday evening. King’s orchestra furnished the music. Following are the scores: CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT. First Round. Harry Snyder, 4 up, P. C. Donohoe; H. J. Birmingham, 2 up, F. J. Kubit schek; Edw. Gallagher, 2-1, J. W. Hi ber; J. A. Donohoe, 2 up, Sam Nes bit; Bob Reickhoff. 6-5, F. N. Cronin; H. C. McDonald, Ed. O’Donnell; P. J. O’Donnell, 4 up, Fred Jungman; H. J. Readron, 1 up 20 holes, Joe Baldwin. Second Round. Harry Snyder, 3-2, H. J. Birming ham; J. A. Donohoe, 4-2, Edw. Gal lagher; McDonald, 6-5, Reickhoff; P. J. O’Donnell, 2 up, H. J. Reardon. Semi-Finals. J. A. Donohoe, 4-3, H. Snyder; H. C. McDonald, 3-2, P. J. O’Donnell. Finals. McDonald, 2-1, Donohoe. PRESIDENTS FLIGHT. First Round. Pat Harty, 1 up, Edw. Campbell; Frank Biglin, 1 up, Roy Griffin; W. J. Biglin, 1 up 19 holes, M. H. Horis key; A. N. Anderson, 3 up, C. N. King C. E. Stout, 4-3, L. A. Burgess; W. H Harty, 6-4, George Farnam; J. F O’Donnell, 3-2, Harry Holbert; H. E Coyne, 5-4, D. H. Clauson. Second Round. Frank Biglin, 1 up 19 holes, Pat Harty; W. J. Biglin, 1 up, A. Ander son; C. E. Stout, 5-4, W. H. Harty; J, F. O’Donnell, 3-2, H. E. Coyne. Semi Finals. Frank Biglin, 2 up, W. J. Biglin; J. F. O’Donnell, 6-4, C. E. Stout. Finals Frank Biglin, 3-2, j. F. O’Donnell. SECRETARY FLIGHT. First Round. J. F. Gallagher, E. V. Larson; Geo. Agnes, 4 up, C. M. Fowler; J. B. Mel lor, 1 up 19 holes, T. V. Golden; Clif ford B. Scott, 2 up, A. N. Anderson; C. W. Conklin, 2 up, Tom Hanson; E. F. Porter, 8-7, C. P. Hancock; J. D. Cronin, 4-4, L. A. Carter; George Har rington, F. J. Dishner. Second Round. J. F. Gallagher, 4 up, George Agnes; J. B. Mellor, 3-1, Clifford B. Scott; C. W. Conklin, 2 up, E. F. Porter; J. D. Cronin, 2 up, Geo. Harrington. Semi-Finals. J. F. Gallagher, 1 up, J. B. Mellor; J. D. Cronin, 9-8, C. W. Conklin. Finals. J. D. Cronin, 3-1, J. F. Gallagher. CHAMPIONSHIP CONSOLATIONS. First Round. P. C. Donohoe, 2 up, F. J. Kubit schek; J. W. Hiber, 1 up, Sam Nesbit; F. N. Cronin, 2-1, Ed O’Donnell; Joe Baldwin, 6-5, Fred Jungman. Semi-Finals. P. C. Donohoe, 1 up, J. W. Hiber; Joe Baldwin, 2 up, F. N. Cronin. Finals. Joe Baldwin, P. C. Donohoe. PRESIDENT CONSOLATION. First Round. Ed Campbell, default, Roy Griffin; M. H. Horiskey, 5 up, C. N. King; L. A. Burgess, 4 up, George Farnam; Hairy Holbert, 3-2, D. II. Clauson. Semi-Finals. Ed Campbell, 3 up, M. H. Horiskey; L. A. Burgess, 1 up, Harry Holbert. Finals. Edw. Campbell, L. A. Burgess. SECRETARY CONSOLATION. First Round. E. V. Larson, 5-4, C. M. Fowler; T. V. Golden, 4-3, A. N. Butler; C. P. Hancock, Tom Hanson; L. A. Carter, F< J. Dishner. Semi-Finals. T. V. Golden, 5-4, E. V. Larson; L. A. Carter, default. C. P. Hancock. Finals. L. A. Carter, 5-4r Golden. CALVIN COOLIDGE Advices by radio state that Calvin Coolidge was nominated by the Republican convention at Cleveland, Ohio, this morning. TOURNAMENT WINNERS. Chmpionship Flight—H. C. Mc Donald, silver pitcher. Runner-up, J. A. Donohoe, box ciagrs. Con solation—Joe Baldwin, driver. Run ner-up, P. C. Donohoe, mashie. Presidents Flight—Frank Biglin bag and driver. Runner-up, J. F. O’Donnell, box cigars. Consolation— Ed Campbell, driver. Runner-up, L. A. Burgess, golf hose. Secretarys Flight—J. D. Cronin, sweater. Runner-up, J. F. Gallagher, cigars. Consolation—L. A. Carter, Im pound box candy. Runner-up, T. V. Golden, straw hat Medal Score—Local, P. C. Donohoe, 6 golf balls. Medal Score—Visitors, Bob Reick hoff, 6 golf balls, silk hose. To Our Customer Friends Owing to the very small margin of profit in gasoline, have been compelled to go on a strictly cash basis, so after June 15th, we will sell for cash only. We sincerely thank you for your liberal patron* age and hope our pleasant business relations shall continue. I—MWl'IIIW I Yours for service, O’Neill Gas & Oil Go.