The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 03, 1924, Image 11

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    And Every
The Family
Standby for
Over Fifty
Tablet* or
1 Ing or running at the I
I nose? If so, give them “SPOHN’S.” I
1 A valuable remedy for Coughs, 1
i Colds, Distemper, Influenza, Pink I
I Bye and Worms among horses and I
I mules. An occasional dose “tones” I
•1 (hem up. Sold rit all drug stores. I
Teach Children
* To^Use
Soothes end Heals "i
Rashes and Irritations
haarlem oil has been a world
wide remedy for kidney, liver and
bladder disorders, rheumatism,
lumbago and uric acid conditions.
r~ . i
correct Internal troubles, stimulate vital
organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist
on the original genuine Gold Medal.
Where Speed Makes Beauty
Wherever crystals form rapidly their
shapes will be more beautiful in all
likelihood than when they form slowly.
When they form rapidly they assume
fantastic branching forma In some
instances, but where they take a leis
urely course of freezing or solidifying
they tend to become more solid. This
Is one explanation of the beauty of
the snowflake, which is a form of crys
Deep Scottish Lochs
Many of the Scottish lochs are as
tonishingly deep, the depth of one—
1,000* feet.
Nearly every woman finds a be
coming hat; a good many men Just
“become used to" theirs.
Sure Relief
_-1^1 _ "■Ofc.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
_ Sure Relief
Kousands afflicted with na
sal catarrh have found Zon
itc highly efficacious as treat
ment for it. Spray the nose
morning and night accord
ing to directions on bottle.
Tones up the mucous mem
branes and kills germs with
out injuring body tissues.
Doesn’t irritate or burn and
is positively non-poisonous.
Allays irritation, soothes and heals throat
and lung inflammation. The constant
irritation of a cough keeps the delicate
mucus membrane of the throat and lungs
Ins congested condition, which BOSCHES*
SYRUP gently and quickly heals. For this
reason it has been a favorite household
remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis and
especially for lung troubles in millions of
homes all over the world for the last fifty
seven years, enabling the patient ta obtain
a good night’s rest, free from coughing
with easy expectoration In the morning.
You can buy BOSCHEE* SYRUP wherever
medicines are sold.
Action Follows Refusal to
Testify — Dill Wants
Roosevelt Fired
Universal Service
Washington, March 31.—Harry F.
Sinclair, oil magnate, was indicted
by a federal grand Jury here Monday
on 10 counts growing out of his re
fusal to answer questions propounded
by the oil investigating committee.
Other developments of the leasing of
the naval oil fields to private parties
1— President Coolidge was called
upon, In a resolution Introduced in
the Senate by Senator C. C. Dill, to
ask for the Immediate resignation of
Assistant Secretary of the Navy The
odore Roosevelt because of his con
nection with the naval oil leases. The
resolution was not acted on.
2— Senator James W. Wadsworth,
of New Yorkk, defended Mr. Roose
velt, on the floor of the Senate. He
had read a letter Mr. Roosevelt
sent to State Senator William W.
Campbell, of New York, asserting
that he protested against the grant
ing of the naval reserve leases.
Resume Hearings Today
3— The oil Investigating commit
tee will resume hearing Tuesday with
Prof. R. H. Wilson, former superin
tendent of schools of Oklahoma, as
the star witness. Senator Walsh of
Montana, chief prosecutor, expects to
prove, in part, through him the story
A1 Jennings told about how the oil
interests controlled the Chicago con
vention in 1920 and dictated the nom
The Indictment against Sinclair
fills 22 pages and relates in detail his
refusal to answer pertinent questions
propounded by Senator Walsh rela
tive to the oil leases. A count is
based on each specific question while
the tenth count deals with the gen
eral refusal of the millionaire to an
swer all questions propounded to him.
According to the indictment Sin
clair was summoned to give testi
mony, December 4. 1923, and was re
called on March 22, 1924. The ques
tions propounded on March 22. which
he refused to answer are set forth.
Penalty Year In Jail
The statute which Sinclair is
charged with having violated carries
a penalty of a maximum fine of $1,000
and one year in jail.
After the indictments Sinclair’s at
torneys made arrangement for his
appearance in court to give bail.
Under the rules, the Dill resolu
tion directed against Assistant Sec
retary of the Navy Roosevelt went
over until called up. Senator Din
Is leaving for the middle west to
make some speeches within the next
few days when he will explain, in
detail, the aims and purposes of h:s
resolution, he said.
Senator Wadsworth took occasion
later in the day to refer to the Dill
“I notice." he said, "if I may use
the expression, another sniper has
raised his head above the political
trenches to take a shot at a member
of the administration.**
Says Author Careful
After quoting that part of the res
olution which says Roosevelt was a
director of the Sinclair Oil company
before entering the government serv
ice, Senator Wadsworth said:
"The author of the resolution is
exceedingly careful, apparently, in
refraining from giving details and the
dates having to do with Mr. Roose
velt’s former connection with the
Sinclair Oil company. The fact is
that Mr. Roosevelt was one of a num
ber of investment hankers who
joined with others in underwriting
the stock for the Sinclair Oil com
pany and that he accepted a director
ship in the Sinclair Oil company at
the time.
"He resigned as director of that
company in 1917, before going into
the service in the war against Ger
many. In that war he took part in
some of the most severe battles
waged in France. He was gassed and
wounded and made for himself a
name as one of the most distinguish
ed combat battalion leaders in the
entire A. E. F."
Opposed Transfer
Senator Wadsworth then referred
to the assertion in the Dill resolution
that Mr. Roosevelt carried the ex
ecutive order transferring the oil re
serves to the Interior department to
the president to sign. Then he had
read the letter which Mr. Roosevelt
sent to State Senator Campbell of
New York, under date of Kebraury
15, 1924, In which he told of his con
nection with the oil leases.
In that letter Mr. Roosevelt told
how he received a copy of the pro
posed executive order to transfer the
naval oil fields from the navy de
partment to the interior department
soon after President Harding was
inaugurated. He said he took the
matter up with Rear Admiral Griffin,
then in charge of the bureau of en
gineering, who felt that the transfer
would be a mistake.
“I decided,” he added, ‘‘lie was
probably right. My grounds for cotn
St. Paul Digging Out
After Great Blizzard
St. Paul, Minn., Mareli 31.—-Work
t>f clearing highways and restoring
communication, crippled by the bliz
zard tn the northwest, wus under way
today. Telephone and telegraph
companies sent out large crews to
repair lines torn down when several
thousand poles were snapped off by
sleet and gale.
Chicago. March 31.—Dr. Max
Thorek, operating Sunday on Wil
liam Bartell, professional "swal
lower," removed 275 objects, rang
ing from pins to bolts, from Bar
tell’s stomach. The collection In
cluded a dime and a beer check.
Bartell did not suffer loss of ap
petite or any Indigestion, until a
nail penetrated the wall of his
stomach, causing peritonitis, Dr.
Thorek said. Thu patient was
resting nicely.
lng to that conclusion were that the
interior department had, as Its mis
sion, the developments of the re
sources of the United States, while
the oil lands belonging to the navy
should not be developed except In
a case of real necessity.
“I went to the secretary of the
navy and urged that the lands be not
transferred to the Interior depart
ment. He said my protest was too
late, that the transfer had already
been agreed to by the president, Mr.
I'alt and himself."
Then Mr. Roosevelt told how he
go< an amendment inserted in the
order whereby the navy department
had the final say in leasing any of
the land in the nava'. oil fields "to
guard against improper exploitation.*
He emphasized the declaration that
he was not consulted concerning the
leases and that he did not know there
was any plan cn foot to lease Teapot
Dome until the matter was made
Expects to Remain Force in
Politics—Charges News
Universal Service
Atlantic City N- J. March 31.—A1
though former Attorney General
Harry M. Daugherty expects to con
tinue as a force in politics he in
dicated that he probably will return
to the practice of law as his chief
concern. Mr. Daugherty left at 1
o'clock Monday afternoon for Wash
He charged that the "country has
been swept off its feet by headlines
and the headless." He declared there
had been deliberate and wilful sup
pression of news that would have
cleared his name in a sweeping
fashion had his side been fairly pres
ented in press reports from Washing
On leaving the former attorney
general said he is seriously consider
ing acceptance of an offer to establish
a large law organization in New York
City. Pressure has been exerted on
him to undertake such an organiza
tion lie added. Who his advisers or
possible associates in the proposed
venture are Mr. Daugherty declined
to reveal. He said however that he
would be called on to spend much of
his time in Europe should he establish
a legal headquarters In New York
City. It was inferred that interna
s tional legal practice would be in
Believes Man Has
Right to Suicide
Matter Between Himself and
Maker, Asserts Coroner;
Can’t Gauge Reason
London.—Is there a right to die?
The point has been raised again in
England by George E. Royle, the
coroner for the Scarborough dis
trict of Yorkshire. At a recent in
quest he said
“So far as human law is concern
ed, people have a right to commit
suicide. I object to their being
charged with attempting to do so.
"If people want to cut their
throats, I do not see why they
shouldn't, from the human point of
view. Whether it is an offense
against divine law is another mat
These opinions aroused a great
outcry, not only among lawyers, but
among the general public in Britain.
Discussing the protests, Royle said:
"I have always felt, rightly or
wrongly, That it is consummate im
pudence on the part of the human
mind to try to gauge the physical
pain and mental agony of those who
attempt to commit suicide.
“Some have more capacity tot
bearing pain, both physical and men
tal, than others. I say that th»
courts have no business to chargs
a man with attempting to commix
suicide; it is a matter between him
and his Maker.
"I draw a sharp difference, how
ever, between a case where a man
injures no One but himself and a
case where a mun’s mode of life is
a source of danger to the public
‘Dry’ Agent Who Wounded
Senator Is Exonerated
Universal Service
Washington, March 31.—Otis D.
Fisher, "dry*’ agent, who shot and
seriously wounded Senator Greene,
Vermont, while firing at bootleggers,
was Monday exonerated by a grand
Jury of a charge of assault with a
dangerous weapon. Senator Oreene
was accidentally shot while passing
an alley in which the gun fight was
taking place.
Bride Watched Husband Kill For Money
P ,>QS>» MRg. H^Xaj^TEliTOO^
Greed for money caused Harry Fenton, 21 years old, to murder hla
landlady, Mrs. Mary Coleman, 60, In her home In New York City, while
his 18-year-old bride of a few days, Mary Fenton, looked on. Then he
fired the bouse and made It appear she was burned to death. Later Mrs.
Fenton became conscious stricken and confessed. They thought the
woman had <5,000 in the house. All Fenton got was <15. Both he and
his wife Joked to the police ad they confessed. At Mrs. Coleman's funeral
Fenton and Mrs. Fenton consoled Sister Mary Phillips, a nun, the dead
woman's sister, and took her to dinner. Thinking they were her sister’s
best friends, the religious woman presented them with their victim’s
Department of Justice Goes
To Support of Brook
hart Committee
Universal Service
Washington, March 31.—The de
partments of justice, through acting
Attorney General James M. Beck,
Monday night went to the support of
the Brookhart committee in the con
troversy over Gajjton B. Means, w'lt
v*sa in the Daugherty investigation.
Earlier in the day Judge Garvin is
sued a bench warrant of arrest and
forfeiture of $15,OOP bail when the
Means case was called in federal court
in New York,
Mr. Beck directed Assistant Attor
ney General Todd, who is conducting
the Means trial, that the Daugherty
committee finds it necessary to keep
Means here for several weeks more
and that the government will consent
to have Judge Garvin’s order vacated.
It is expected that the motion to
vacate the order and suspend the
trial until Means has concluded his
testimony before the committee will
be made in federal court by Mr. Todd
Confers With President
Mr. Beck took this action after a
conference with Senator Wheeler,
who is directing the committee in
vestigation. It is understood he dis
cussed the matter also with President
Senator Wheeler Informed the act
ing attorney general that the Senate
committee would Insist upon its right
to hold Means here as an important
witness in the investigation until his
testimony had been concluded.
When word of Judged Garvin's ac
tion reached here, members of the
investigating committee were greatly
incensed by the terms of his order.
Chairman Brookhart called the com
mittee Into executive session and it
was announced the committee would
Insist upon keeping Means here.
Sergeajit-at-Arms Barry was directed
by Brookhart to offer "physical
resistance" to any attempt on the
part of federal agents to serve the
bench warrant or to take Means out
of the committee’s jurisdiction. A
special guard of the sergeant-at-arms
forces was directed to protect Means
against service of the warrant.
No Wish to Hinder Probe
Mr. Beck assured the committee
that the department of justice has no
desire to interfere In nny way with
the Investigation. It Is understood
his position In this respect has the
full sanction of President Coolldge.
Senator Brookhnrt said at the con
clusion of the committee session that
Its members were favorably Impressed
with Mr. Beck’s attitude; he express
ed the belief that the committee will
bo afforded access to documents and
records in the department of Justice,
which have been sought In the In
Other important developments In
the Daugherty Investigation were:
1— The committee decided to act
summarily In the matter of Mel
Daugherty’s refusal to submit records
of the Midland National bank of
Washington Court House, Ohio, In
which, according to Roxle Stinson,
large deposits for the account of the
late Jess Smith wer# made. Chair
man Brookhart declared Daugherty ]
will be cited to the Senate for con
tempt, and a grand Jury Indictment
exactly similar to that returned
against Harry Sinclair in the Teapot
Dome Investigation will be sought.
2— Assistant Attorney General Todd
may be summoned before the com
mittee to explain why he took action
to have Means arrested and his bond
forfeited while he was under the com
mittee subpoena.
8—Action of some sort Is planned
by the committee again both banks
In Washington Court House, which
refused to submit their ledgers for
the committee's inspection. Comp
troller of the currency Dawes was In
conference with the committee Mon
day afternoon concerning this phase
of the Investigation.
Denison Mayor Re-Elected
Over Democratic Nominee
Denison, la., March 31.—(Special.)
—W. H. I.aub was re-elected mayor
of Denison Monday by a majority
v.jte of 108 over August Christensen.
Laub ran on the republican ticket,
which carried the city. Christensen
was the democratic nominee. Charles
Voss was elected city treasurer.
Women cast a large vote.
Hornick, la.. March 31.—((Special.)
—In a total of 151 votes cast hero
Monday in the city election, Mr.
White was elected mayor. Members
of the olty council chosen are Davis,
Thelly, Becker. Cleveland and Myers.
York, March 31.—Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Glauque today celebrated their
60th wedding anniversary. Thoy
have lived In York for the last 44
Alleged Bank Defrauder and Thief
of Milk Funds, Taken In the West
Ukiah, Cal., March 31.—Held on a |
charge of having defrauded the First
National Bank, of Willith of $7,000 t>.
h. Flint, lias confessed not only to
that alleged swindle, according to
Deputy Sheriff Ward Hies, but has
admitted having mulcted three New
Haven, Conn., banks out of $15,000 in
February, 1023 and the Bank of Italy,
in Ontario, Cal., out of $1,000 before
he arrived in Willith. In Ontario he
Is said to have used the name of Don
ald Forbes. Willith bank officials
asserted Flint represented to them
that he was worth $300,000.
New Haven, Conn., March 31.—A
warrant was issued today for Daniel
La Fayette Flint, now under arrest
in California, charging him with em
bezzling by ugont, $350 In milk funds
raised by the school children of New
For some time Flint was principal
of the Orange street school here, but
left the city without notice to his
friends or the school authorities, on
February 22, 1923. A few days later,
a tolegram was received by a friend
from New York signed "S J. Brown,"
staling that Flint had died in a New
York hospital, following an operation
for throat trouble and directing dis
posal of his effects.
Police began a country wide searoh
a few days later, on complaint that
hr had misappropriated money of the
local Junior Red Cross contributed by
school children.
Fight On to Make Work
of Domestics Happier
London.—’Plans to make domestic
service more attractive in Great
Britain have been prepared by the
Women's Group of the Fabian society.
They suggest.
Hotels for training and for dally
workers to live In.
Minimum wage of £ 25 per year
for resident workers.
Maximum week of ** hours for
dally workers.
No dismissal without notice.
South Dakota Bank
To Be Reopened
Sioux Falls. 8. D., March SI.— A.
P.)—The First Stats bank, of Ren
ner. suspended January 19. re-opened
for business today with replaced
capital through subscriptions of farm
ers and business men of the com
munity. It is the first closed bank to
be reopened in this section of South
Vdministration Spent About
$3 for Every Coolidge
Vote, Senator Asserts
Chicago, March 31. -Charges that
"there was much more evidence of
lavishness" in the Coolidge pri
mary campaign in Kouth Dakota
than wus noted in the Wood .and
Lowdcn campaigns in that state in
1920, when criticism of the expenses
resulted in a Senate inquiry into
campaign funds, were made today
In a telegram from United States
Senator Peter Norreck, a leader i*»
the Johnson campaign. The tele
gram also charged employment of
federal workers In the "elaborate
headquarte rs" of the Coolidge mana
Senator Norheck pledged to the
Johnson candidacy, was elected as
a delegate at large to the national
convention In the primary last week.
The telegram challenging the de
nial of William M. Butler, national
director of the Coolidge forces, that
excessive amounts were expended in
South Dakota, was anted at Red
field, March 29. It read:
“The statement of the Coolidge
management as to their expenses In
South Dakota Is untrue la many re
spects. They spent about $16,000 In
"Paid Coolidge organizers were
numerous in trains and hotels. Paid
workers were much in evidence on
the street cornerr. of our villages and
towns. Checks were sent Into the
smallest villages by the Coolidge or
ganization with Instructions to draw
for more If needed. The dally news
paper was established in the state
capital to champion the Coolidge
cause. There was a large army of
South Dakota men women on
their payrolls. They maintained ela
borate headquarters under the direc
tion of federal employes. Expensive
offices and organization forces were
maintained In towns and cities.
$3 Per Vote
“Criticism was frequently made
of the expenditures of the Wood
Lowden campaign in 1920 and led
to investigation by the Senate}
but there was, much more evi
dence of lavishness in the Cool
idge campaign, I believe the ex
penses would average three dol
lars for every vote they received.
"Indications are that some of the
larger counties, ■ were ilnanced from
outside and not from state head
quarters. In addition, outside cor
porations ran thousands of lines of
advertising in every paper in the
state, including even the smallest
weeklies, for three weeks preceding
the election, the avowed purpose of
which was to break down the pro
gressive forces but especially the can
didacy of Governor McMaster for tha
United States Senate. Evidently they
resented ills effort to bring down the
high gasoline prices.
"Among the Coolidge speakers were
members of congress, a member of
the cabinet and a former cabinet of
ficer. Neither effort no • expense
was spared by the Coolidge managers
| but the farmers and working people
i saved the day. Not only Is the John
son majority substantial, but fti»
Johnson delegation of which I am
one, appears on partial returns to be
victorious by a much larger major
ity." _ _
Horse Doctors Still In
Great Demand, Asserts
Ithaca, N. Y.—“The old gray mare,
she ain't what she used to be."
And, to quote the old army song,
neither Is the veterinarian.
Tho fellow who used to come
around and swing J'our favorite
horse up to a beam by rope tackle
and administer to Its medical needs,
is fewer than he used to be and prom
ises to become still fewer, according
to figures announced recently by
Dean V. A. Moore, of the State Vet
erinary College at Cornell University.
That the shortage is real Is shown
by Dean Moore in figures that reveal
the number of veterinary students la
the whole country decreased from
1910 to 1923 from 2,717 to 630.
The head of the State College saye
he is receiving more- demands from
organizations or localities who want
veterinarians In salaried positions
than there are graduates to supply
the needs. The whole class last June
was engaged to fill responsible posi
tions before September, except one
graduate, who was 111 all summer,
he said.
Dean Moore blames the oomm*B
belief that Increasing use of the au
tomobile and the fact that the gov
ernment and the state have arrange*
for free tuberculosis testing of cat
tle herds, the practitioners feeling
this has made private practice un
Dean Moore declares the need for
veterinarians was never greater than
Melbourne. Australia. March 31.—
Music broadcast from Chicago by
WON. the Tribune-Zenith station,
was heard distinctly.
Taxes on Promissory
Notes Put In Tax Bffl
Washington. March SI.—The taxes
on produce exchange sales and on
drafts of promissory notes were re*
stored to the revenue bill with the
rates of the present law today by the
Senate finance committee.
London. March 89.—Sir Cher lee
VlUlers Stanford, the noted Irish
composer, died today. He was bora
in Dublin In 1868.^