The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 20, 1924, Image 1
VOLUMN XLIV. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1924. ————————---—— SPRING OPENING We have the most complete line of Ladies’ Dresses, Spring Coats, Skirts, Blouses and Silk Sweaters ever shown in this section of the country. We cordiallv invite you to come in and inspect our new styles. ? ____ - SILK DRESSES Silk Dresses, in various prices from $15.00 up Linen and House Dresses, and Aprons from $1.25 to $10.00 THE STAR SKIRT The best on the market from $5.00 to $16.50 BLOUSES A beautiful line of Jeney, Crepe and Pongee KUPPENHEIMER GOOD CLOTHES Just received a new line of these favorite garments. It will pay you to come in and inspect our line of Men’s Suits from $20.00 to $50.00 « STETSON HATS See our new line of the old time Standard Hats BEST OF EVERYTHING IN MEN’S FURNISHINGS Emery Shirts, Phoenix Hosiery, Van Heusen Collars, Cooper’s Underwear to thtTminute y°U purc^ase a* this store is a standard brand and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Please remember that our line of merchandise is new and up The Toggery LOCAL MATTERS. - Will Cronin returned Saturday from a short sojourn in Omaha. James F. O'Donnell went down to Omaha on business the first of the week. C. P, Hancock returned Monday of last week from a week’s* visit in Lincoln. Miss Ida Chapman left Saturday morning for Omaha for a visit with her brother, Lawrence. Petitions have been placed in circu lation for Tom Brennan for council man from the Second ward. George Brandi, residing four miles northeast of this city, moved to Hum phrey, Nebraska, last Saturday. A son was born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. BIa*e Benson, who reside seventeen miles northwest of O’Neill. Miss Loretta Sullivan and Miss Helen Donohoe returned Sunday even, ing from a week end visit at Omaha. Miss Demaris Stout went down to Lincoln Saturday morning for a visit with sorority sisters at the state uni versity. Mrs. Margaret Allen went to Mil ford Saturday, also Pleasant Dale and Havelock, Nebraska, to visit with her children. R. J. McGinnis of the Northwestern and former owner of the creamery and light plant, was circulating among O’Neill friends Saturday. A petition has been circulated dur ing the past week asking the city council to submit the proposition of voting municipal electric light bonds. Con Keys returned last Wednesday from Omaha, where be has been un dergoing treatment at St. Catherine’s hospital for some time. He is much improved In health. Petitions for the submission of a bond issue for the erection of a muni cipal electric lighting and power plant, to be voted upon this spring, are in circulation and a large number of signers already have been secured. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Losher, of Los Angeles, California, arrived last Thursday for a visit with Mr. Losh er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Losher. They made the trip overland in their car in seventeen days, com ing by the southern route. Mr. Carl Oppen, of Creighton, di vision manager of the Minnesota Elec tric Distribution company, accom panied by the company’s engineers, ar rived in the city Monday evening for the purpose of completing arrange ments for the construction of a 16, 000 volt high line between this point and Creighton. Construction is to begin in the near future. The high line will run between the two points and the line from Inman will be built north to connect with it. Mr. Oppen on his arrival announced a reduction in local rates, varying from 1 cent to small users of current to four cents for large consumers. Also a reduc tion of the minimum charge from $1.88 to $1.60, as shown elsewhere in the company’s advertisement in this issue. Miss Amelia Boettcher came up from Wayne Friday and spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Nana Beha. i Some of the unregenerate of At kinson are attempting to divert the attention of O’Neill sportsmen from crow shooting by the issuance of a challenge for a blue rock shoot be tween the* two towns. When the O’Neill challenge for a team crow shoot was issued last week it applied only to shooters in the eastern half of Holt county. However Captain E. O’Don nell has extended the limits of the ter. ritcry challenged to include Atkinson, if any of the sports up there would like to shoot crows. But until the crow war, which lasts until April 30, is over it is needless for Atkinson to attempt to entice O’Neill into any other kind of a contest. “After April 30,” says Captain O’Donnell, “if At kinson still is in a sporty mood O’Neill is not only willing, but anxious to meet them in a blue rock shoot, mah jong, pinnochle, solo, golf or any other con test of skill at which the Atkinson men consider themselves most profi cient, and for any sized purse desired by Atkinson, with the sky the limit. Until April 30, however, the slogan is 'Get That Crow’.” DECLAMATORY CONTEST DELEGATE SELECTED Academy Team For Northeast Ne braska Declamatory Contest At Clearwater Next Friday Selected. Miss Geraldine Cronin was the win ner-in the oratorical division, Miss Joyce Kent in the dramatic division and Miss Mildred Timlin in the humor ous division of the declamatory con test at St. Mary's academy last Friday and will attend the Northeast) Nebr. disrict declamatory contest to be held at Clearwater, at which a team to rep resent the district in the state con test will be selected. Following is the program rendered at St. Mary’s Fri day evening: Oratorical. Gettysburg Address—Abraham Lin. coin—Geraldine Cronin. Dramatic. The House With Nobody In It— Joyce Kilmer—Joyce Kent. Home — Edgar Guest — Eileen O’Brien. Dave Lily—Joyce Kilmer—Helen Velder. Humorous. A Pleasant Half Hour On the Beach —Helen Ryan. The Debutante Plays Bridge—Mir iam Golden. Penrod—Elsie Petsel. How Gentlemen Are Made—Mildred Timlin. INMATES OF PRISON GIVE SIMMONS MONEY Inmates of the Nebraska state peni tentiary have presented Walter Sim mons $225 with which to help defray expenses to hunt evidence in his ef fort to clear himself of a murder charge. Simmons is sentenced to die in the electric chair on May 23 for the mur der of Frank Pahl of Spencer. Sim mons continues to plead his innocence and says new evidence will be pre sented to the circuit court of appeals. The 225 given to Simmons was ac companied by the following note: “Feeling as we do as to your in nocence, we consider it our place to help you in the only way we are able. Enclosed you will find $225 to help you in proving what we think is the truth. Our best wishes for you are included and our motto is “Help the man that is down.” E. H. WHELAN HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM CATCHING BIG BASS IN CALIFORNIA E. H. Whelan, formerly of O'Neill, and now resident of San Diego, Calif ornia, had a narrow escape Sunday, March 9th, from catching a big bass. He already had the big fish landed and in the boat, but it jumped out of a I water can and got away. Following 1 is a communication from Mr. Whelan to M. H. Horiskey, relating the de tails of the sad event: 438-9 McNeece Bldg, San Diego, Calif. Dear Mike: I was bass fishing last Sunday at Sweetwater Lake, ten miles from here. Caught only four, as they weren’t striking bassareno very well. Fellows that used minnows (alive) did better. Funny thing happened. The biggest one (no fooling) jumped out of a water can three-fourths full of water and over the side of the boat which was eight inches higher than the top of the can and escaped, the very first try! Wisest bass I ever saw. Of course he doesn’t compare with Frank Barret's “Scar-Faced Billy," who, you can tell Peters (or Shack) made the first page of the San IMego Sun. (newspaper.) Am interested in Sdar Faced Billy, because 1 knew his father, viz., Jim Davis’ “Billy the Trout." “I haint seen Billy today." Wish you and Griffin were out here. Sweetwater Lakp is as large as Lake Andes. Mrs. W. and all the family send best regards. E. H. WHELAN. - ' * '. To Our C to ers & Friends During the month of March we will share our profits with our customers: March 24 and 31 We will sell all Shoes at 20% Discount March 27 We will sell Yardage, that is all piece goods, such as Percales and Ginghamsv etc., at 20% Discount March 26 We will sell Men’s Shirts, both Dress and Wo rk at 20% Discount. March 21 and 28 We will sell all Underwear both Mens’ and Women’s at 20% Discount. March 35 We will sell Ladies’ Coats and Dresses, Sweaters for Ladies and Men, Leather Vests and Coats at 20% Discount. • On these days and on none others you can buy these goods at this Discount. Come in and look our prices over. If you can’t* save money don’t buy. Bressler’s Store