Chew it after every meal It stimulates appetite aad aids dlflcstled* It makes you* food do you mors oood. Note how __ WOMEN! DON’T BE IMPOSED UPON Warning} Not All Paekago Dyoo Aro "Diamond Dyoo." Always ask for “Diamond Dyes” and tf you don’t see the name “Diamond Dyes” on the package—refuse it—hand it back! Bach 15-cent package of “Diamond Dyes” contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint skirts, dresses, waists, sweaters, stockings, kimonos, coats, draperies, coverings—everything new, even if she has never dyed before. Chooee any color at drug store. Refuse substitutes I Playing Safa A Frenchman was courting an Eng llah girl. Her mother said, mischiev ously: “Now, monsieur, if my daugh ter 00 miles to go. Few Argentine fanners pay over 16 centa a bushel for railroad transportation. Many American farmers pay 60 per cent. more. un me omer nana, we Argentinian has farther to go by sea and he pays much higher for his going. It costs him about 15 cents to ship a bushel of wheat from Rosario to Liverpool. From New York to Liverpool last September the ocean rate was 4.8 cents, from New Orleans it was 8.6 cents. According .to the studies of our department of agriculture, however, our advantage In ocean rates does not overcome Argentine’s advant age In railroad freights. The Ameri can wheat farmer must meet Argen tine competition in wheat under a handicap of 3 to 11 cents in costs of delivery in the market where they meet. President Coolidge spoke favorably in his message of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence waterway which would bring the wheatflelds of Nebraska within a few hundred miles of an ocean port. That, probably would put Nebraska on an equality with Argentina in the competition of wheat. [In discussing competition between United States and Argentine wheat, due consideration should be taken of the fact that the United States "sur plus" Is Just a trade myth. It is produced largely by Canadian im portations. In other -words, we im port as much wheat from Canada as we export to outside points.—Editor’s Note.] ^ Net Her Fault. From the Boston Transcript Doctor—I suppose, Mrs. Johnson, that you have given the medicine according to directions. Mrs. Johnson—Well, doctah, I done mah bes’ You said give Sam one o’ dese heah pills three times a day onttl gone, but I done run out o’ pills yista day an’ he haint gone yit. Cashes His Opinions. From the Washington Star. “You are sometimes rather cautious about expressing your opinions." "Not cautious,’’ answered Senator Sorghum, "but economical. A states man’s opinions are his capital, and it's utter improvidence to scatter them around unless they are wanted by a campaign manager or a magaslne editor." The Minister of Finance at Rome, Signor De Stefani, has presented to the cabinet a measure making 3000 lire the minimum income on which a tax will be levied. Under the present law th« minimum is 10.000 lire. A Powerful Timepiece. From the Logdon Weekly Telegraph. Ship’s Officer—Oh, there goes eight bells. Excuse me. It’s my watch below. Miss Brown—Good gracious. Fancy your watch striking as loud as that. - I Five times more fish are consumed in England than in France. Bet L. cy Got It I From Life. Little Lucy (to gueet)—Do you like that cake, Mrs. Brown? Mrs. Brown—Yes, dear, very much. Lucy—That’s funny, ’cause muvvef said you haven’t any taste. I ’ . . . X Will Your Family Be Happy This Spring? If your* in one of the few remaining families lacking an automobile, no doubt you have finely decided to get one within the next four months. A low-priced modem automobile like the Chevrolet has be come indispensable to the family of ordinary income- A million other families can easily prove to you tnat the better wav is with Chevrolet. The beauties of nature, the interesting and educational features of other places and ways of living, remain things to read about or seen dimly in cold photographs until you are free to get to them at your convenience and pleasure. But, suppose you have definitely decided to buy a Chevrolet this spring. This does not necessarily mean you are going to get it. Anyone posted on conditions in die automobile business will tell you that thousands of families are going to be unable to get cars this spring. This has been true almost every rprog for the last ten years. There are Just two ways of making sure of getting your Chevrolet for use when the flowers and balmy breezes of spring hue you to the country roads—buy it now or order it now. If you do not want to pay for it In foil at this time, any Chevrolet dealer will arrange terms to suit your convenience. You will be surprised to learn how easy It is to pay for a Chevrolet and use it addle yon are paying for It. Please realize these statements at* made by us in good faith and we mean Just whet we my about the possible difficulties of getting a car delivered |to yon this spring if yon wait until then to order it. The only way to be ante of a Chevrolet this Spring Is to order it NOW. Prices /. a k Flint, Michigan ■ Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan Division •/ QomtsI Meters Corporation Her Favorite Tactless Lady Friend (to hostess)— By the way, what birthday is this we are celebrating? Hostess—My thirty-fifth. Lady Friend—But huve we not cele brated that before? Hostess—Oh, yes; it is one of tny favorite birthdays.—Struy Stories. Always Keep Allcock’s Piasters In your home. Invaluable for ail local aches and pains. Inexpensive, abso lutely pure, safe and effective.—Adv. Eoeieet to Make Fair Caller (at the tax office t» Paris)—A declaration la obligatory? Clerk—Absolutely. Fair Caller—AlFrlghf, then I adore you!—Boston Transcript. No man ever lives to be as old as be feels at twenty-one. Embarraeemg Moment A shy young hostess. In an effort to be genial, led aside the comparative stranger, whose name somehow eluded her. “Look,” she said, "I’ve paired yon off with that lady In the corper. WtU yon take her In to dinner? My husband, naughty man, says she's a bit of an old frump, but she’s got lots of money, and one of his clever friends has jaat married her for It, so we must be nice to her." “1 am sorry, madam,’’, said the guest, “but I am the clever- friend In quo -- 4 Worth Trying * i„ Brown—Halloa, old chap! Nice melons >eo’ve gob tttsife! Green—Yes, tliere’re for my mot he r In-law. She said she would giro haft her life for a good melon, so IV* bought a couple.—Stray Stories. T B Look-for ■ the Cross I and Circle I Stated fa Red « Ewry Ht I Alabastine I H Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper || 9 BectuMoDWrmiWAyM^wiar»7MllMMe«A