The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 24, 1924, Image 5

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A Big Shipment of the
New Pathe Records
that play on all makes of
phonographs that use
the steel needles.
All the latest Hits.
Price, 55c; 2 for $1.00
Bowen's Racket Store
for over 30 years
25 Ounces for 25*
Use less of
than of higher
priced brands.
Sale on
To make room for our New
Line of Hosiery, we have our
old line on the Bargain Counter.
Children’s 30c Hose .20c
Children’s 25c Hose. 15c
Children’s 20c Hose...10c
Children’s 20c Hose . 10c
Children’s 15c Hose. 5c
Variety Store
W. W. ABBOTT, Proprietor
Succeeds A. O. Elvedge As.. Superin
tendant With Headquarters
At O’Neill.
(Norfolk News)
G. H. Nichols, who for twenty-two
years has traveled in Nebraska in
connected with the dairy and cream
ery business and who resigned his po
sition with the Beatrice Creamery
confpany last April, intending to go
west, has accepted a position with the
Hanford Produce company of Sioux
City, Iowa, as superintendent of the
O'Neill district which reaches as far
west as the Rocky mountains. He
will succeed A. O. Elvedge who be
comes assistant manager at Sioux
City. Mr. Nichols’ headquarters will
be at O’Neill, but he plans to main
tain his home in Norfolk. The O’Neill
plant is a concentrating point for the
company. An ice cream manufactur
ing plant is also maintained there.
Mr. Nichols started in the dairy
business twenty-two years ago for the
Harding Creamery company and travel,
ed over Kansas, Iowa and southern
ne was wiui whs company Duymg
cream, selling ice cream and supplies
until 1914 when it was necessary for
him to leave the road on account of
sickness in his family. After three
years’ absence Mr. Nichols went back
on the road and naturally took up the
creamery line. While engaged in
this work the governor offered him an
appointment as state dairy inspector
and he accepted it.
Mr, Nichols then accepted employ
ment with the Beatrice Creamery
company and came to Norfolk terri
tory. For six years he covered all of
the territory in the east half of the
north Platte district and had an ideal
ojfportunity of seeing first-hand the
steady development and the improve
ment of the dairy interests.
“Not in twenty years have I seen
such an awakening of the dairy indus
try, as there is now. Mr. Nichols said
“the farm communities are awaken
ing to the importance of the creamery
and produce business on their farms.
The farmer who used to look at the
butter and egg and cream business as
a very little side line and a thing
which brought pin money to the women
folks, has changed his mind. The hum
ble cow and the clufcking hen have
kept the wolf from the door and the
cream check has come back to the farm
as a messenger of releif more than
once. It has pulled many a farmer
out of the hole and it has done it so
often that the cream, butter and egg
Perfumed with
the Wonderful
New Odor of
26 Flowers
\—,-- . -✓
F?ace Powder in its handiest, most economical form.
Dainty ca\es of Face Powder Jonteel in charming
little boxes that slip into your hand-bag. No spilling
no waste. Exquisite shades—to match all complexions.
Pomplete with puff, 50c
[P. S. There*s a large lire Jonteel Beauty 1
Compact for the dreuing table, $1.00j
C. E, Stout,The Rexall Store’’
-3 wr ■ * 9 ; . r
business is an important factor on
the farm today. What was once con
sidered as a small part of the farm
product iB now a life sustainer. It is
ready cash. The farmer is learning
| that it is the little things, even on the
farm, that count.
“There is a strong tendency today
on the (part of the farmers of north
Nebraska to go into the dairy busi
ness. Those who do it right are go
ing to profit froni After looking
the entire country over, east, north,
south and west, I have decided that
the north Platte territory has the
greatest possibilities for the dairy
industry of any part of the United
States. Look at the thousands of
acres of grazing land we have to offer.
This land is practically worthless ex
cept for grazing, but it provides that
which makes beef and milk. The
natural resources are in the north
Platte territory. There is a big mar
ket for these products. The ship
ping facilities to market are now ideal.
I predict a great future for the north
Platte territory so far as the creamery
and produce business is concerned.”
In selecting X>’Neill as his head
quarters, Mr. Nichols indicated that
this will give him an Opportunity to
travel into virgin territory and help to
develop the business in which he is
most interested the dairy and poultry
business. Incidentally Mr. |Nichols
who is an ardent fisherman and hun
te'r, is highly pleased at the facilities
for his out-of-door pursuits in the ter
ritory in which he will be employed.
"Filling Stations" Are an Institution
on the University of Chicago
What* do you do when your fountntn
pen run? dry at the moat Inconvenient
possible movirnt—as It always does?
If you aiv a . uilent at the University
of Chicago, you patronize the nenrest
filling station; the campus is supplied
with these quite as freely as the Lin
coln highway with filling stations for
the tourist. A penny in the slot ope
rates the machine, and enables the
owner of the most voracious pen to ap
pease the thirst of his instrument.
The machine works with self-filling
pens and with the old style that fills
from a dropper—provided the user has
his own dropper. The dropping of a
roln and the turning of the handle re
leases the ink from the reservoir, and
the fluid flows into the right hand
well, whence It can he sucked up by
the pen Itself or by the dropper. A slot
In the upper left hand corner of the
outfit contains a wiper with which any
damage done by spilling or slopping
may be repaired. If one drink turns
out not enough, a second penny will, of
course, turn the trick.—Scientific
Island Devoted to Religion.
Star island, one of the Isles of
Shoals, ten miles off the mainland of
New Hampshire, has been dedicated
exclusively to a religious service, says
the Detroit News. On its rock sum
mit is a small gray stone church which
was built In the year 1800. This has
been used ever since as a place of wor
ship, first by fishermen’s mothers, sis
ters and sweethearts, who prayed for
the safe return of their loved ones.
During the last twenty-six years it has
been a shrine for Unitarians and Con
At ten o'clock each night long lines
of men and women, carrying small
lanterns, wend their way thither and,
a churchful at a time, hung their lan
toi ns on the walls and bow their
heads In prayer or raise their voices
in appropriate hyinns.
Tame Deer in British Columbia.
An interesting story comes from
British Columbia by the roundabout
way of the Yorkshire (England) Post,
as follows: A settler took up his abode
on a small rocky island. After he had
been there a few days, a solitary deer
paid him a visit He put down some
cornstalks for it, and, later, It brought
a second. Food was provided regu
larly, and by the end of the year thirty
were In the habit of coming, swim
ming, as he learned, from the main
land. The animals soon lost all fear,
and clustered round the dwelling ns
cattle might, some of the more daring
knocking at the door to announce their
Quite Disappointed.
She reached Newquay after dark
and was met by friends who motored
her to their country home on a hill
The next morning she walked Into
the garden, quite prepared to be as
tounded by the grandeur of Cornwall.
Down an avenue of tall trees she
caught a glimpse of sky-blue water.
"What is that water?" she asked.
“That,” replied her hostess, proud
ly, “is the Atlantic ocean.”
“Oh, I had an idea It was larger.”
Judge Kirwin receives a telegram
from the United Press wanting him to
verify the story about the fur-bearing
frog the account of which appeared
in the Monday issue of the Omaha
Bee under an O’Neill date line.
Following is the telegram:
Lincoln, Nebr., 12:34 P. M., Jan. 21,
Judge Kirkin, O’Neill, Nebr.
Is story Doc Wilkinson fur bearing
frogs true? Does he seek court
action prevent trappers molesting?
Wire immediate, collect, verification
or denial. Omaha Bee carried story,
sought action, your court, protect
United, Press.
In reply to the above message,
Judge Kirwin replied as follows:
O'Neill, Neb,, January 22, 1924.
United Press,
Lincoln, Neb.
No action has been started as yet
in my court.
Among the letters of inquiry re
ceived by Dr. Wilkinson are the fol
Osceola, Nebraska, Jan. 21, 1924.
Dr. Wilkinson, O’Neill, Neb.
Dear Sir: Noticed in the Omaha
Bee what I claim to be one of the
wonders of the Twentieth Centurv.
Being Greatly interested in same, I
wish that you would make me a price
on a pair and how soon obtainable.
_ Yours very truly,
Fremont, Nebraska, January 21, 1924.
Dr. Wilkingson, O’Neill, Nebraska.
Dear Sir: I notice an article in the
Omaha Bee of Monday that you are
propogating a furbearing frog. I
am greatly interested in this discovery
and wish you much success.
The furbearing frog will revolution
ize the fur industry if what you say
is true about him shedding his coat
several times each year. My brother
spent several years trying to grow fur
upon a number of frogs by crossing
them with field mice but did not have
very much luck and gave up the effort
a few years ago.
I am sending him the clipping of
what you have done at your ranch up
in Holt county and he will write to
you later. My brother’s frogs didn’t
shed their fur, or skin, because they
did not ^produce a heavy enough coat
I presume.
I read about your gland trans
plantation in the Omaha Bee some
weeks ago and I believe that I will
ship you a horse and mule which I
want to experiment on as soon as the
weather warms up in the spring.
Wishing you much success in your
fur production I am,
Yours respectfully,
This is the story that is causing al!
of the excitement:
Doc Wilkinson of Beaver Flats, With
Eye On Warmpth of Future Genera
tions, Protects Hairy Croakers Who
Crow Covering In Winter Time.
O’Neill Neb., Jan. 20.—Doc Wilkin
son, the zoologicial Burbank of the
Elkhom valley, who devotes his time
to experimentation when not minist
ering to the ills of man and beast in
Beaver Flats, has begun an action in
Judge Kirwin’s court seeking to en
join the muskrat trappers of the pre
—Walter Stein, O’Neill, Neb. 34-1
Public Sale
I will sell at my place 16 miles north and 4 miles east of O’Neill, be
* ginning at one o’clock, on
Thursday, February 7, 1924
6 Head Horses. 8 Hd. Cattle
V . " ' » .
A Mammoth Jack, stands
fifteen hands high, weight 900
lbs. 11 years old. An extra
Rood foal getter.
10 Head of Hogs, weight about 175
pounds each. 200 Bushels of Corn and Some Hay
cinet from ensnaring his recently de
veloped species of fur-bearing frogs.
He is unable to gain relief through
the fish and game laws, as there is no
closed trapping season provided, and
action for trespass is not effective be
cause in most instances the frogs are
captured after they have straypd be
yond the confines of his Beaver Flats
With proper protection until the
species has gained a foothold the doc
tor believes that he has solved the
problem of furs for future generations
when the beaver, mink and coney sa
ble, which are fast disappearing,
have become extixet.
The fur-bearing frog was developed
by the doctor through planting spawn
of the common green frog in lagoons
with hard pan bottoms, too far remov
ed from other bodies of water for the
adult frogs to migrate thereto. As a
result, when cold, hibernating seasons
come around, the creatures were un
able to burrow in for their winter’s
sleep and nature .gradually remedied
the difficulty by providing them with
a hairy covering, which through the
first few years was very light. The
doctor sped tip nature by destroying
all but the most advanced specimens.
The new creature, according to the
doctor, is the only one from which it
will be able to produce from three to
four crops of fur and skins a year,
for an indefinite period, without de
stroying the animal itself. Each frog
will produce several distinct qualities
and grades of fur, varying from the
prime one of the extremely cold sea
son to the light one of the summer
period, thus adapting them for various
articles in the trade.
The new frog does not hibernate
and only produces one crop of fur dur
ing the winter months. It sheds its
skin at frequent intervals during the
heated Iperiod, however, as does its less
advanced relatives. The fur is the
texture of the finest baby beaver and
of a bronze and greenish tinge.
The Public Library will be open
each day except Sunday and Monday,
from 2:00 until 6:00 to. m.
I will sell at the farm joining O’Neill on the north. Commencing at 1:30 p.
m. sharp, on
Saturday, Feb. 2
30 Head of Cattle
Consisting of 12 good milch cows just fresh or to freshen soon; 6 spring
calves; 1 calf 2 month-old; registered Shorthorn bull, coming yearling; 1
good grade bull, coming yearling; 9 head stock cows.
65 Head of Duroc Hods
Forty bred gilts eligible to register and bred to the first prize boar at
O’Neill and Chambers fairs; bred for April and May farrftw; 25 head fall
Part of cattle are consigned by L. W. Arnold, Chas. McKenna and J. B.
Ryan. Hogs by myself.
A few other articles.
TERMS OF SALE—Eight months’ time on sums over $10.00 with approved
security and 10 per cent interest. $10.00 and under cash. No property to be
removed until settled for.
F. H. Lancaster, Owner