The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 24, 1924, Image 4

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    The Frontier
D. H. CRONIN, Publisher.
Editor and Buisnesa Manager.
Entered at the post office at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as second-class matter.
One Year .’.. $2.00
Six Months . $1.00
Three Months . $0.50
Display advertising on Pages 4, 5
and 8 are charged for on a basis of
26 cents an inch (one column wide)
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40 cents an inch per week. Local ad
vertisments, 10 cents per line first
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Every subscription is regarded as
an open account. The names of sub
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tween publisher and subscriber.
America’s Democratic System of Na
tional Defence Signally Proving
Its Success
(By John W. Weeks, Secy, of War)
The year 1923 has been the first
since the World war during which the
War department could give fairly
complete attention to normal pease
time activities. After the war, the
department was occupied to a large
extent with problems of readjustment,
which gradually decreased until the
past year, when it was free to con
centrate practically all of its atten
tion upon training and mobilization
programs. Disposition has been made
of most of the war-time surplus.
Temporary camps and larmy bases
had been dismantled and sold. Care
taking detachments had beep released
for their proper duties. The regular
army units had been reconcentrated
and relocated after successive reduc
tions. Plans for the allocation of the
National Guard and the Reserves had
been completed. The National Guard
had been reconstituted and the organ
ization of the organized reserves was
well under way. The army was ready
to give careful attention to prepara
tion for future service.
The chief tangible accomplishments
of the year have been! a general prog
i ess in training of all military ele
ments, the growth and further organ
ization of the reserves and reserve
headquarters, and the devlopment of
plans for mobilization. The number
of reserve officers has grown from 69,
000 to 82,000 and the commissioned
strength of the organized reserve
divisions from 61% per cent to 81%
per cent. With establishment and pre
limary functioning of these skeleton
units and headquarters in the com
munities about the country, it has
been possible to make arrangements
for mobilizing our man power. In
June, 1923, we were able to announce
that we had, for the first time, a com
pleted scheme of mobiiiation. This
we (consider la noteworthy achieve
ment. It is all the more noteworthy
because it also comprises the mobili
zation of industry, of civil products
as well as of citizen soldiers. Manu
facturers of all sections have volun
tarily assisted the War department
and, although the need for strict
economy restricted the work to very
modest limits, there have been definite
indications of the success of plans for
cooperative procurement of supplies,
equipment and material.
To those in the War department who
have been concerned with puttng into
effect the provisions of the national
defense act of 1920, the outstanding
result of the year has been the pro
nounced enthusiasm with which our
citizens have responded to opportuni
ties for military instruction. Whether
their work was in the camps, armor
ies or lecture halls, the zeal of these
citizens has been an ins$>iration and
incentive to all who camo in contact
with them. Our \N|atjional Guard,
commanded to a large extent by lead
ers tested ia active service during the
World war, has never been in a high
er state of efficiency. Applications
for training from members of the Offi
cers’ Reserve corps have far exceeded
the numbers (limited by appropria
tions. Those who attended the camps
gave unceasing interest and atten
tion. They possess a broad concep
tion of our military situation which
constitutes an effective safeguard
against both public relaxation of vig
ilance and thoughtless precipitation
into conflict. In their preparatory
work in the Officers Training corps
and the citizens’ military training
camps, our younger men are emulat
ing the example of the National
Guard and organized reserves in
which components many will, in the
future, become officers. The Reserve
Officers’ Training corps exceeded in
serious interest even the 25 per cent
increase shown by the year’s enroll
To sum tip, the year has proved to
the War department that our country
is not too large nor the interests of its
citizens too diversified to prevent the
successful operation of our typically
democratic system of national defense.
Secretary Mellon Predicts Prosperity
for Nation and Citizens During
Coming Months
Washington, January 21. The cal
endar year 1923 was the best in the
history of the United States Treasury
department. When the hooka were
balanced they showed on Income dur
ing the calendar year of $4,164,9-.y
600, yhich i ; $: 06,000,000 rryre than
was receive ' v-- the Ur.i o. States
government .a 1922. Thy expenditures
for the caVndar year . j v-t.bSS,
063,(.'2, which left u net balance to
the c. edit of Uncle Sam of $276,842,
The increased receipts came from
two sources—income taxes and tariff.
The revenue collected by the tariff at
customhouses for the calendar year
aggregated $582,589,000, which is
$125,000,000 more than has ever been
collected in the history of the United
States by tariff. The tariff collections
during the entire calendar year of
1923 averaged more than $1,500,000
a day.
The other large source of revenue
was the income and profits tax. Dur
ing the calandar year $1,868,698,442
was collected from this source as com
pared with $1,501,604,002 fpr 1922.
In speaking of the showing of the
year just closed and the prospects for
the coming year, Secretary of the
Treasury Mellon said:
“During the last year this country
has made a remarkable recovery from
a severe industrial depression. It has
become increasing evidence that, with
business on a sound footing and fairly
balanced relations between industries,
our own country can enjoy stability
and a moderate degree of prosperity,
even when unsatisfactory conditions
prevail abroad. The result should not
only inspire confidence for the future,
but justifies the belief that the year
immediately ahead of us will see con
tinued progress, if the drag of an un
sound basis of taxation is removed
from business and industry.
“Much depends upon the continued
efforts of the country to keep its fi
nancial house in order, holding down
expenditures and following sound pol
icies as regards new undertakings.
“The government has succeeded in
closing the fiscal year 1923 with a sur
plus of about $310,000,000 above all
expenditures chargeable against ordi
nal y receipts, including the sinking
fund and other debt retirements to
which the government is committed
under the sound policy of balancing
Hs budget and gradually reducing its
“During the year the Treasury has
completed the refunding of the $7,600,
000,000 of the short-dated debt on a
strict investment basis and without
disturbance to business or a strain on
the financial market. This has includ
ed the completion of the refunding of
the Victory loan, aggregating over
$4,050,000,000, and the retirement of
oyer $500,000,000 of War Savings cer
tificates. The year just closed has
also witnessed the funding of the debt
owed to this country by Great Britain
with satisfactory arrangements for
their gradual retirement.
“As a result of the present favor
able condition of the government's
finances,the Treasury has recommend
ed a reduction of taxes in the belief that
the country should be relieved, so far
as may be possible, of the excess
ive burden of taxation which has been
borne so uncomplaingly during and
after the war. The Treasury has ac
cordingly recommended to Congress
that legislation be enacted which will
distribute the benefits of tax reduction
among all classes of taxpayers and
release for investment in productive
enterprise funds which are necessary
for the country’s expansion and futu-<
healthy developement.
“I am convinced that, if the tax pro
posals are enacted into law and sound
policy at retrenchment in expendi
tures is continued, the coming year
will witness a steady improvement in
the favorable conditions which have
already be pun to make themselves
felt, and this country will enjoy pros
perity in 1924.”
At the time of the election of
SpeaJker Gillett in December it was
agreed that the House should operate
under the rules of the 67th Congress
for 30 days, and at that time an op
portunity should be given to anyone
to offer amendments to the rules. Pur
suant to that agreement the Rules
Committee held public hearings on
proposed amendments, and on Monday
the 14th, imported twenty-two pro
posed changes. Three of these were of
material importance.
One created a new committee,
known as the Committee on World
War Veterans Legislation, to deal with
legislation affecting the soldiers, nail
ors and marines of the late war, ex
cepting adjusted compensation, pen
sions and private claims. Similar
committees to deal with the veterans
of other wars exist. The need was ap
parent for this committee, and it was
provided for without opposition.
The next matter related to the so
called “Underwood Rules.” It was
adopted by the Democratic majority in
1911, in order to secure the passage of
their tariff bill without material
amendment. The rule practically pre
vented amendments from the floor to
revenue and tariff bills, and could be
so worked as to compel members to
aocept or reject, without serious
amendment, legislation affecting tax
ation, tariff, etc., as reported by a
committee. The rule seemed to me to
be too drastic and twenty-five Re
publicans joined with the Democratic
minority and voted to repeal it, which
was done.
Strong 'supporters of the Mellon
plan of tax reduction opposed the re
peal of this rule on the ground that
it endangered the passage of that
plan, without material change. Those
of us who supported its repeal felt
that without the restrictions caused by
the rule, we would be better able to
to represent our western constituency,
and better able to vote for that which
finally appears bo be for the best in
terests of our districts and the country
at large.
The other matter that has kept us
busy for five days affects the discharge
of committees from the consideration
of a measure. In all legislative bodies
bills proposed by members are refer
red to various committees for con
sideration and recommendation. The
discharge rule is intended to expediate
the consideration and passage of legis
lation for which there is a pressing
public demand and to preyent the kill
ing of such legislation by committees
unfavorable to it. As reported the
rule provides that 150 members could
sign a motion asking that a bill be re
ported fiom the committee to the
House. After 150 have so petitioned,
a majority vote on the floor of the
House must favor its being reported
out. Then before it is considered a
majority vote again must be had in
favor of immediate action on the bill.
Many republicans on the floor failed
to agree with the republican majority
on the committee, and moved to re
quire a majority of the membership of
the House to petition out a bill. The
Democratic leaders then attempted to
reduce the number to 100. In this
they failed. The rule finally passed
substantially as reported by the com
mittee. Under it all factions reason
ably believe that a measure for which
there is a popular need or demand can
be brought out and considered without
at the same time having important
measures defeated by a minority of
100 forcing votes cn other measures.
This rule should not only expediate
legislation, but given a better oppor
tunity for needed national legislation
to be considered and passed. Through
out I supported the committees report
on this rule, requiring 150 signers out
of the total membership, which was
finally adopted.
Willmm Daly was bom in Parsons
Town Burr, Kings County, Ireland,
Tanuary 12, 1840. He came to America
with his parents when about twelve
years of age, and grew to manhood
on a farm near Lacon, Illinois, where
the family had settled. On December
5, 1867, he was married to Nora Ryan
at Benson, Illinois, and to their mar
riage were born thirteen children, five
of the children died in youth, a son,
Henry Sylvester died at the age of
twenty-seven and waa buried in
O’Neill. The deceased and family re
sided in Illinois until 1894, when they
movQd to Holt County, Nebraska, and
located on a farm near Mineola, where
they remained until 1909, when they
moved to O’Neill. After two years of
residence in O’Neill they moved to
Lincoln where they lived continuously
until the death of Mr. Daly on Jan
uary 16th, at the age of eighty-four
years. The remains were brought to
O’Neill Wednesday afternoon and the
funeral was held Saturday from St.
Patrick’s church, interment was in
Calvary cemetery. The family sur
viving are the wife, four daughters,
Mrs. J. J. Harrington, O’Neill; Mrs.
William Meals, Valdez, Alaska; Mrs.
Edward R. Girard, Los Angeles, Cali
fornia; Mrs. Patrick S. Dolan, Denver,
Colorado. Three sons, C. M Daly, of
O’Neill; J. E., of Fremont, and Frank
V., of Chicago, all of whom were pres
ent at the funeral excepting Mrs.
We wish to express' our sincere
thanks and appreciation for the great
assistance and consideration shown to
us by our kind friends of O’Neill who
so generously and lovingly helped us
by their many acts of kindness during
our bereavement and the burial of our
husband and father.
Mrs. William Daly and Family.
Dramatic Masterpiece of Comedy
and Music.
“The Climax,’-musScal, dramatic,
humorous—a play that for two seasons
thrilled New York, will be given in
Page, at the Odd Fellows Hall, by a
cast organized and coached by Ed
ward Locke, the author. This is a
very unusual opportunity for those
who like the exceptionally good in
drama. The date of the performance
is Monday, January 28. 33-2
(Atkinson Graphic, January 18.)
Mr. Ral^>h Kissinger, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kissinger, and
Miss Hazel Marr, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Marr, were married in
Sioux City, Thursday, January 10.
This ne^rs came as a suprjse to their
many friends, with the exception of
Miss Norma Dexter and Harold Bond
who accompanied then/ on their trip.
Both the principals/nave been high
school students, thc*fgroom graduat
ing with the class p *21 and the bride
being a member of the senior class.
The wedding party returned Friday.
(December 22.)
Ernest E. Reed, brakeman on Burl
ington freight train No. 91, is bed
fast at his home here from injuries
received last Saturday morning at
Fremont. Reed was doing some
switching in the yards, and wras rid
ing the footboard of the engine, when
it struck an auto on the Broad street
crossing, carrying it 100 feet along
the track. F. W. Witshey, manager
of the Mutual Oil company, was in his
new sedan and escaped uninjured, but
the car was almost demolished. Reed
strained his back to avoid being
caught between the engine and the
car. He was taken to a hospital in
Fremont. Mrs. Reed went to Fre
mont on Saturday night and on Mon
day Mr. Reed was brought to his home
(Norfolk News)
Chadron, Neb., Jan. 19.—Special to
The News: A distinguished honor was
accorded a Chadron man this week,
when Tom Kane of this city was re
elected state legislative representative
of the railroad engineers of Nebraska
at the state convention of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers.
Mr. Kane’s office is conected not a
lone with the C. & N. W. lines, but
with all the railroads in Nebraska.
Mi*. Kane’s term of office is for three
years. The convention was held in
Homer Mullen, of Lincoln, spent
Sunday with friends in O’Neill.
Willard Arnold has been quite sick
with tonsilitis during the past few
Miss Mildred Malone expects to be
hostess to a few young lady friends at
her home this evening.
Miss Ruth Barnard entertained
eight young lady friends at cards at
her home Wednesday evening.
Lawrence Chapman arrived in
O’Neill Monday from Denver for a
short visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Chapman.
Albert Herrick, entertained a num
ber of young people at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Surber, Monday
evening, at a radio party.
Frank Summers was found guity of
selling intoxicating liquor, in county
court this afternoon. He at once,
through his attorney, George Har
rington, filed a motion for appeal.
Judge R. R. Dickson was called to
Osage, Iowa, last Saturday by the
serious illness of his sister, Miss Jen
nie Dickson, who died Monday. The
funeral services were held Wednes
Ralph Funk, of Ewing, pleaded
guilty to the charge of not burning
the carcasses of hogs that had died
from cholera, in county court Wednes
day. He was fined $100.00 and costs
which he paid.
Arthur F. Mullen spoke to a large
audience at the K. C. hall last Thurs
day evening. The subject of his talk
was what he saw and learned oh his
trip to Europe. The talk was not
supposed to be along political lines.
Miss Mildred Malone expects to
leave for Washington, D.;C., Saturday
morning, where she will visit for some
time with her brother, L. H. Malone
and family and with her sister
Florence. Miss Mildred expects to
visit at a number of points enroute.
The W. C. T. U. met at the home of
Mrs. Stella Ashton, Tuesday after
noon, January 22nd. A splendid meet
ing was enjoyed by a large number of
members. The next meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. Frank Bain. Roll
call will be “The Right To Childhood.”
A. 0. Elvidge, who has been
manager of the O’Neill plant of the
Hanford Produce Company has been
promoted to the position of assistant
manage of the Sioux City office and
will assume his duties some time
early in March. G. H. Nichols, of
Norfolk, became the 'manager of this
district and will make O’Neill his
headquarters. He assumed his duties
on January 20th.
The need of some kind of an organ
ization to bring together parents and
teachers to discuss the welfare of the
children of the O’Neill school has long
been felt. At a meeting of the Board
of Education, Mrs. R. L. Arbuthhot,
Mrs. H. B. Hubbard and Supt. E. II.
Suhr were appointed as a committee
to consider and take the firit steps
necessary in the organization of a
Parent Teachers Associatiqil.
Any man or woman ij? the school
community who is interested in the
welfare of children ar J who believes
in them; he does not need to be either
a parent or a teacher, is invited to at
tend a meeting at the High School au
ditorium to be held Friday after
noon, January 25th, at 3:30. The pur
pose of this meeting is to consider the
feasibility of organizing a Parent
Teachers Association.
Semester examinations were given
in ihe High school last week. Students
h.wing an average of 90 per cent in
me subject taken and providing their
deportment was satisfactory, were ex.
fcused |from the semester examina
The following students were ex
cused from the Civil Government ex
amination: Bernice Brentson, Velda
The following were excused from
examinations in American History:
Joe Connolly, Russell Weingartner.
The pupils having an average of 90
per cent thereby being exempted in
Commercial Arithmetic are: Kenneth
Berger, Elmer Bowen, Joe Connelly,
Frances Howard, Cecil Hirsch, Rich
ard Morrison, John Peter, Leslie
Smith, Gerald Sauser, Russel Wein
gartner and Edgar Young.
Due to good work in class and tests
Margorie Alderson, Iola Bates, Mar
guerite Bates, Muriel Bates, Margaret
Leach, Iola Purcell and Edith Sex
smith were exempted from the sem
ester’s examination.
Richard Morrison and Leslie Smith
were the only students in Physics who
were exempted from the semester ex
The following pupils were exempt
from the semester examination in the
Ninth Grade Latin: Claude Johnson,
Martin Lawrence, Pearl Nelson, Min
nie Wade, Ethel Anderson, Howard
Ashton, Lenore Cleary, Burt Hubbard,
John Fox, Carl Saunders.
The following pupils were exempt
from the Caesar examinations: Mar
garet Leach, Edith Sexsmith, Ruby
Kndpp, Marjorie Alderson.
Those exempt in B English: Leslie
Smith, Elmer Bowen, John Peter,
Kenneth Berger, Joe Conley, Russell
those exempt m Tenth English:
Marjorie Alderson, Iola Bates, Adale
Gresseck, Margaret Leach, Edith Sex
Those exempt in Eleventh English:
Bessie Calsre, Elenor Gillespie, Cyril
Hersch, Catherine Loy, Elsie Long
staff, Richard Morrison, Velda Oberle,
Iola Persell, Della Wertsbaugh.
Those exempt in. Ninth English:
E£hel Anderson, Alfred Gresseck,
Arthur King, Irene Peter, Edna Sim
onson, Mildred Tomlinson, Howard
Ashton, Claud Johnson.
Geometery Tenth: Behia Abdouch,
Clark Hough, Donald Alderson, Clar
ence Shaw, Marjorie Alderson, Lil
lian Simonson, Marguerite Bates,
Ruby Knapp, Iola Bates, Margurite
Leach, Merial Bates, Robert Lans
worth, Everett Dimmitt, Ceselia Mar
O’Neill, Nebraska
key, Adail Gressick, Irene Markey,
Alfreda Gressick, Hazel Struhe, Ruby
Martin, Laura Wade, Russell Shoe
maker, Minnie Wade, Edith- Sexsmith,
Pearl Nelson, Helen Wafers.
Algebra Ninth: Clayde Johnson,
Howard Ashton, Edna Simonson, John
Fox, Mildred Tomlinson, Burt Hub
bard, Verne Winch^Il, Arthur Devall,
Ethel Anderson.
The following pupils were excused
from taking the semester examina
tions because their work averaged 90
per cent or more:
In Professional Training: Mary
Clyde, Della Harnish, Edna Harnish,
Lola Knapp, Edna Van Kleek, Russell
Weingartner, Florence Gunn.
r In Physiology: Kenneth Berger,
Leslie Smith, Russell Weingartner.
In Home Economics: Ethel Ander
son, Mildred Tomlinson, Elfreda Gres
seck, Lillian Simonson, Mary Knapp,
Edna Simonson, Mildred Tomlinson,
Lillian Simonson.
Eighth Grade.
The following were neither absent
nor tardy during the first semester:
Franklin Gaughenbaugh, Russell
Bowen, Jess Kellogg, Marjorie Garter
and Harlow Schwisow.
The class has completed their ex
aminations and Harlow Schwisow and
Jess Kellogg led the class, each hav
ing an average of 93 4-7 per cent:
Russell Bowen came second with an
average of 93 1-7 per cent; while
Merlin Bay came third, his average
being 92 6-7 per cent.
In the Arithmetic test Bernard
Hull, Mervin Clyde, Marjorie Carter,
and Frank Gaughenbaugh each re
ceived 100 per cent. Edmund Han
cock and Erma Dimmitt 98 per cent
and Jess Kellogg 96 per cent.
In the Civics test the following
earned 100 per cent; Clark Hough,
Frank Maben, Melvin Hunt, Melvin
Clyde, Donald Clyde, Melvin Bay,
Harlow Schwisow, Erma Dimmitt and
Jess Kellogg. Russell Bowen earned
95 Iper cent and Alta Strube, Ruth
Scott and Franklin Gaughenbaugh 90
per cent.
Isabelle Tomlinon is the only mem
ber of the Eighth grade who received
100 per cent in deportment.
The class devoted a period Friday
to the life of Andrew Carnegie.
Marjorie Carter led in'a speed drill
in Arithmetic Monday.
The class took up the courtship of
Miles Standish Monday.
Wednesday's History lesson was
devoted to the reading of “The Per
fect Tribute’” the preceding lesson be
ing about the battle of Gettysburg.
These pupils have perfect attend
ance records for the first semester:
Blanche Mohr, Anita Liddy, Pheobe
Abdousch, Vivian Eidenmiller, Vira
Eidenmiller, Amalia Merrell, Violet
Strube, Beryl Winchell, Bennett
Gillespie, Ray Toy.
CEhe Sanitary
)J)fteat Market
We have a full line of
Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Mom
Rendered Lard.
Owing to the minimum profit in to
bacco we have decided to sell Camel
cigarettes at 20c per package or two
packages for 35c, effective January
22, 1924.
34—1 The Merchants of O’Neill
Royal Theatre
Coleen Moore and Malcomb McGregor
Thrills! Fights! Pursuits! Danger!
Love! See this corking action picture.
2-Reel Comedy
1 st Chapter
“The Way Of A Man”
Matinee Friday 4 p. m.
2-Reel Baby Peggy Comedy
Betty Oompson, Bert Lytell, May Mc
Avoy and Garrath Hughes, in
You’ll revel in the dash and thrill
of it. The lavish gowns and jazzy set
tings, crammed with excitement,
bristling with thrills! The biggest
crook love drama ever filmed.
2-Reel Comedy
News Reel
• Special Music
Bebe Daniels and Conrad Nagel in
Bebe as a gorgeous dancer, who
plays wjth the hearts of men. A
flaming love drama in a setting of
lavish beauty.
Fables and Comedy
Thomas H. Ince (presents
A rollicking farce with the Ince
—if the sweetest girl in the world had
been waiting to elope with you.
—and rich old uncle wanted to
marry you to a museum piece as old
as Methuselah and as rich as home
made shortcake.
—and you only had fifteen cents in
your pocket and the only job you could
get was on the Ice Water Route in a
bellhop’s uniform.
—and Uncle and sweetheart and
rival and the Antique maiden were
all in the hotel ! ! ! !
All In A Hotel With A Thousand
Rooms and A Thousand Laughs!
2-Reel Comedy
-Watch For
“Brass.” “Trifling
“Brass.’’ “Trifling With Honor.”
“Enemies of Women.” “When
Knighthood Was In Flower.”
Particular Attention Given To
Clinical Laboratories Hot Springs, South Dakota