CALUMET Tjj» Economy BAKING PG&DER the next time you bake—give it just one honest and fair trial. One test in your own kitchen will prove to you that there is a big difference between Calumet and any other brand—that for uniform and wholesome bak ing it has no equal* lilt BvT.ct ^_*___A Favors should be conferred with judgment and deliberation. - A Standard External Remedy ef known value—safe and effective. It’s “Allcock’s”—the original and gen uine porous plaster.—Adv. kt A Routine Matter. I "She still stays young.” “Yes, it’s an old habit of hers.”— Ktans-Gene (Paris). Says the Philosopher. When the world turns round we’ll get on the brighter side, but—let> help the world to turn! A Standard tor 90 Years. As a laxative and blood purifier there is nothing better than Brandreth Pills. In use throughout the world.—Adv. Women use calling cards in playing the social game. | • ri ‘ . MOTHERFletcher’s Cas toria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants and Children all ages. lTo avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it Get rid of constipation! by internal | cleanliness Many Diteaata Start from Clogged Int&tinei THERE is no reason why you should suffer from constipation. Headaches, biliousness, sleepless nights, heaviness, are nature's warning that intestinal poisons are flooding your system. If allowed to con tinue, you may become a victim of serious organic disease. _ In constipation, say intestinal specialists, lies the primary cause of more than three-quarters of all ill ness including the gravest diseases of life. Laxatives Aggravate Constipation Laxatives and cathartics do not overcome constipa tion, says a noted authority, but by their continued use tend only to aggravate the condition and often lead to permanent injury. Why Physicians Favor Lubrication Medical science, through knowledge of the intestinal tract gained by X-ray observation, has found at last in lubrication a means of overcoming constipation. The gentle lubricant, Nujol, penetrates and softens the hard food waste and thus hastens its passage out of the body. Thus Nujol brings internal cleanliness. Nujol ia used in leading hospital* and is prescribed by physicians throughout the world. Nujol is not a medicine or laxative and cannot gripe. Like pure water it is harmless. Get rid of constipation and avoid disease by adopting the habit of internal cleanliness. Take Nujol as regularly as you brush your teeth or wash your face. For sale by all druggists. Nujol rcc. u.s. pat. orr. For Internal Cleanliness f«A«* Two pleasant ways to relieve a cough Take your choice and suit I your taste. S-B—or Menthol 1 p. flavor. A sure relief for coughs, J? W colds and hoarseness. Put one ^ in your mouth at bedtime. ^ Always koep a box on hand. SMITH BROTHERS sr COUCH DROPS menthol. I tSSSS_1847 WOMAN KILLS MATE, THEN WALKS THREE MILES TO CONFESS Red Cloud, Neb., Jan. 13.—(Special.) —Not for years has Red Cloud and Webster county had such a sensation as that cauced by the killing Sat urday, of Arthur G. Hamer by Ills wife, who walked three miles from the Hamer farm home to this place to confess her act and surrender to the sheriff. The Hamer family is prom inent, several wealthy relatives living in Lincoln. Hamer had the reputa tion of being abusive to his family. The attorney for Mrs. Hamer said It was apparent from all he could learn that Mrs. Hamer shot her hus band In self defense. BUILERORDERS SECOND ATTACK Turns From Rum Raids To Banditry and War On “Dope” Sellers Philadelphia, Jan. 12. (U. P.)—A second 48-hour offensive against crime and vice was planned today by Brig. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, New director, of Public safety, who in less than five days has turned Philadel phia from a wide open city into a virtual quakertown. With 973 of the 1,200 saloons of the city closed tight and 90 per cent, of the known vice dens wiped out, ‘Old Gimlet Eye" Butler has turned his attention to gunmen, bandits, confi dence men and dope sellers. Military tactics will be used to com bat banditry. Armed police sentries will be detailed tonight to guard every exit from the city* Armored bandit chasing automobiles will be stationed at the city's outskirts and at the 42 police stations to close in on any band of desperadoes who attempt to operate. “The cleanup has Just begun,” But ler, visibly tired but still full of fight, declared when he reached his office this morning. New York Pastor Switches Stand Rev. Leighton Parks, Who Recently Defied Bishops, Joins Fundamentalists Universal Service New York, Jan. 13.—A bombshell was dropped in the great church con troversy Sunday when the Rev. Leighton Parks, who recently defied the bishops to try him for heresy, re canted. He startled his congregation by definitely Joining with the fundamen talists. He had been considered one of the leaders of the modernist group in the Episcopal church. In his previous sermon he ques tioned the historic fact of the Virgin birth. Sunday he lauded the estab lished pos' .Ion of the church in re spect to such matters as the Virgin birth and the physical resurrection of the body. Without explanation, he denounced modernism and said he deplored the fact that it was being taught in schools and colleges and that the younger generation was being led to believe that the physical birth of Jesus was a myth. Cochran Has Decided To Challenge Hollywood Paris. Jan. 9,—Charles B. Cochran, best known theatrical man In Eng land, who produced, among other suc cesses. “The Miracle,” In London, stated In an_intervlew with Universal Service that he had decided to invade the movies. “I am going to ehiillenge Holly wood,” said Cochran, 'and I’m going to be the one to win.” It was delicately suggested that other Europeans had had the same idea. “Yes, but they didn't go about it right. My purpose is to prove that you cannot get-historical atmosphere —European historical atmosphere, that is—in California. You must come to Europe. “You can build an exact replica of the Palace of Versailles at Hollywood, and you can import all the actors, but you cannot import atmosphere To get that, the one thing lacking in most American productions, you must come to Europe.” Cochran’s first adventure into film land will be as owner of the American and British rights of Raquel Meller's latest picture, which the enchanting songstress made out of her own funds. Weeks Asks More Time To Make Water Payments Washington, Jan. 12.—Secretary Work today urged the Senate com mittee irrigation and reclamation to favorably report tlie bill which would authorize extension of lime for pay government reclamation projects, maintenance and water charges on BANDIT ESCAPES West Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 12.— John Ashley, one of the two mem bers of the notorious Ashley gang still at large, today apparently had made good his escape as small search ing parties, one by one, gave up the pursuit and returned to their homes. 17 DROWN Manila, Jan. 12 (By the A. P.)-~ Seventeen natives have been downed by the capsizing of a sail boat In which they were going from Romblon an—Six ban lilts hold up the Brighton Part State bank here today, seized $431, shot three persons, fought a pistol duel with police and escaped. The bandits drove up to the bank in a touring car. Four alight ed. Two entered the bank and two stood guard at the door. Custom ers and bank officers were lined up against the wall. "Move and we'll kill you" the bandits warned. As one bandit was scooping up the money, tho guards shouted a warn ing that police were coming. The four robbers fled to their automobile, shooting at the police as they ran. Albert Tzer, assistant cashier, was wounded by a bullet as he ran into the street after the bandits. An other man and a small boy also were shot. The three victims were taken 4o hospitals. Police squads hastily summoned pursued the bandit car but lost the trail. An automobile was found two miles from the scene of the holdup. Police said it answered the de scription of the bandit machine. BANDITS SECURE $100,000 BOOZE Newark, N. J., Jan. 14.—Eight or 10 bandits early today broke into the warehouse of the Pierce, Butler and Pierce company, bound and gag ged the negro watchman and es caped with two truck loads of bonded . Whisky valued at $100,000. croWhunters ARE NUMEROUS | France, Portugal, Hungary, Russia and Germany All Have Pretenders London, Jan. 9.—The Duke of Or leans, whose unhappy plight in this country was disclosed recently, is not the only claimant to a throne who has found himself the sport .of fate. He is not even the only claimant to the French throne. In England the Jacobites still sur vive, and hold their observances every year on January 30. the anniversary of the execution of Charles L, in 1649. Their claimant, until her death in 1919 was Princess Maria Theresa of Ba varia, to whom they did distant hom age as "Queen Mary IV. of Great Bri tain.” and her successor is Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, of whom, how ever, since the war they have only spoken in a minor key. The most famous pretender of mod ern times was Don Carlos, who died In 1909, but left a son, Don Jaime, to carry on the Carlist tradition and pursue his claim to the throne of Spain. Don Jaime is another Bour bon, but so far he has declared for a policy of peace and has resisted all the persuasions of the Carlists. There is a pretender to the thron? of Hungary, if not to that of Austria, too. In the person of Prince Otto, ths 11-year-old son of the ex-Empress Zita, who is being educated for the great day when he will come Into his own, If ever Austria or Hungary should be disposed to let him have It. To tlie Russian throne there are two claimantsi the Grand Duke Nic holas and the Grand Duke Cyril. The former has withdrawn his claim pending such time as a committee to be appointed by the United Russian Monarchist organizations shall have established bey*vnd doubt that the Czar N^iolas. the Czarevitch, and the Gra^d Duke Nichael ‘‘are all real ly dead.” Germany, of course, has its pre tender in the person of “Little Willie," the ex-crown prince. Meanwhile, the only modern in stance of a pretender succeeding his claim is in the case of Serbia, where, after the murder of King Alexander, King Peter ascended the throne, which is now occupied by his son. ABANDON HOPE U BOAT RE8CUE London, Jan. 12.—The admiralty today abandoned all hope of saving the lives of the 43 men who went down with the submarine L-24 when it was rammed by the dreadnaught Resolution off Portland, Thursday. PINCHOT TO RUN. Harrisburg. Pa., Jan. 12.—Gover nor Pinchot, frequently mentioned i's a potential candidate for tlie re publican presidential nomination, yesterday announced ills candidacy for delegate at large from Pennsyl vania to the republican national convention next June. M’ADOO SATISFIED Washington, Jan. 12.—William G. McAdoo. democratic presidential nom ination candidate, will make no effort to change the two-thirds rule in the nutional convention Daniel K. Roper, McAdoo supporter, said. CLEARING HOU8E BANKS New York, Jan. 12.—Actual condi tion of Clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows a deficit in reserve of $4,402,90. Re serve decreased $21,791,440, RUTH PAYS THREE FINES IN COURT; REVOKE LICENSE Newton, Mass., Jan. 12.—Babe Ruth struck out In court today, pay ing three successive fines for Infrac tions of the automobile Ihwh. Judge Weston penalized him $50 tor oper ating a motor vehicle after the 11 had been suspended, $100 for the same act without r< gist ration, and $10 for speeding. Ruth's Massachusetts license was suspended In 1914 because of an ac Oldent In Cambridge, officials said. M’KELLARTO PUSH PROBE OF FUR CONTRACT Declares Minority Report, at Least, Will Demand Sen ate Investigation Washington, Jan. 13,—A minority report demanding a full Investigation of the government’s secret sealskin contract will be made to the Senate Monday by Senator McKellar. of Tennessee, if the committee on con tingent expenses continues its obs tructive tactics. Senator McKellar said: “I think the committee will report favorably. If It does otherwise I shall move the rejection of its report and the adoption of a minority report which I shall make. I have not the slightest doubt that such a minority report will prevail. "Though this Is in no sense a poli tical inquiry but strictly an Inquiry in the public interests and for the protection of the government in its business relations with a valuable Industry, it appears that some repub lican senators are not friendly to the Investigation, but that a number of democratic senators are. Will Push Probe "I will say this: The sealskin In vestigation is going to be made. It will be made by the manufactures committee, towhieh the Senate al ready has committeed it. Obstruction by the committee to audit and con trol the contingent expenses of the Senate will not be powerful enough to prevent the probe. The neces sity for the investigation is too obvious.” Senator LaFollette is chairman of the manufauctures committee. Senator Burton K. Wheeeler of Montana who introduced the resolu tion to investigate the government's states losses of $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 by operation of the secret conract with the fur trust, will be in New England all of this week filling speaking engagement. The subcom mittee to conduct the investigation will-not be appointed by Senator LaFollette until after Mr. Wheeler returns to Washington. Monoply Charged. The contract, given Feburary 15, 1921, by the department of com merce to the Fouke Fur company of St. Louis runs to Feburary 15, 1931. Among the charges to be taken up by Senator LaFollette's committee Is this brought by a New York fur house: “The reason why American women have quit buying sealskin coats is that they can’t afford the price—all the way from $875 to $2,000 and $2,600. The reason for the price is .the monopoly. The fur trust has gained control of both the genuine (Pribilof island) sealskin supply and ' the Imitations (chiefly dyed musk rat). "The fur trust Is engaged in play ing both ends to the middle. At one end is the government, its partner by contract: at the other end is the public. Both are being played. One department of the trust receives ex orbitant prices for dyeing and dress ing the government's (genuine) skins, while another department buys great quantities of muskrat skins from trappers, dyes and dresses them In clever imitation of Beal, and makes a huge and profitable market for the imitation by maintaining prohibitive prices on the genuine. “That—not any change In women’s „tyjeB—is why genuine sealskin coats and wraps are not now being bought by American women." This is but one of the many phases of the government's sealskin indus try which the manufactures commit tee will explore. The department of justice is expected to present evi dence as a rsult of its Investigations into price fixing. ____ Frenchman Would Revamp Canal Free For America New York, Jan. 12.—Lteut.^ Col. Phillippe Bunau-Varilla, the French soldier-editor-engineer, 1s expected to reach here on the steamer Paris Sunday to open a campaign for con struction of a $1,000,000,000 “Panama Straits" to replace the present lock canal. He will present his plan on Jan uary 19. He says \ie will voice before the Cincinnati Commercial club his long cherished vision of a trait 1,000 feet wide, 50 feet deep at the lowest stages of the tide between Panama and Col on, without asking a cent of the $1,000,000,000 necessary from the American treasury.” French Francs Take Another Dive Today London, Jan. 14.