♦ „0: > IYpur Nearest Dealer Car* ft ries Pe-ru-na 1 Tablets or Liquid | VCLEARljo»»r COMPLEXION^! I Remove *11 blemishes, discolorations. Have a I I ™teth.s*ft*M*-aatai*l.b*aat«al. Alldru»»1iU*1.2S. I | Or s«nt prepaid. Guaranteed. Beautr booklet tree. Write I I OR.CJ*.BERRY CO,2975 A Mieh.Ave. Chicapo. I FAMOUS FOR AO YEARS mwtwfwiwtwwiwwwmwmwws If you would learn a man’s good deeds attend Ids funeral. DEMAND “BAYER” ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross" Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer” on package or cn tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. To avoid temptation busy yourself with your own aljairs. MOTHER! GIVE SICK CHILD “CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP” Harmless Laxative for a Bilious, Constipated Baby or Child. Constipated, bil ious, feverish, or sick, colic Babies and Children love to take genuine '‘California Fig Syrup.” No other laxative regulates the tender little bowels so nicely. It sweetens the D i u iu a i' u nuu — starts the liver and bowels acting with out griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say “California” to your druggist and avoid counterfeits! Insist upon genuine “California Fig Syrup” * which contains directions.— Advertisement. The best seasoning for food is hun ger, for drink, thirst. “CASCARETS” FOR LIVER AND BOWELS—10c A BOX Cures Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headache,Indigestion. Drug stores. Adv Prize rings are the proper place to Strike a man for cash. "DANDELION BUTTER COLOR” A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 50 years. Drug stores and general stores sell bottles of “Dandelion” for 35 cents.—Adv. A broad mind isn't necessarily deep. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION /S^k ___ —'W SSSW P 6 Bell-ans n Hot water ourerceneT Bell-ans 25$ AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE ■ UsePiscys-thi8 itfescriprionquiddyl relieves children and adults. ^ A pleasant tyrup. No opiates. 35c and 60c tixet told HOTEL MARTIN In the Heart of SIOUX CITY Absolutely Fireproof — ltatce 11.76 to (3.50 BIG CAFETERIA-HOME COOKING Girls! Girls!!! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura Soup 25c. Omtaeit 25 u4 50c, Ttic OB 25c. YuRBCOlis^-LA GRIPPE in 2+/fourm Ot 3 Oaum —CASCAM & QUININE—i Standard o*M remedy world over. Demand bo* bearing Mr. Hflre portrait and aignature, Mtt, At All Drujiit,—SO Cent* filOUX CITY PTC. CO., NO. 52-1923. Coolidge Has Advantage In Still Hunt For Delegates; Proposal Not for Him From the New York World. The Coolidge political organization is to be like the Federal Reserve System or the Ford car-distributing plan. Despatches from Washington present details. The country is to be divided into regions. In the capital of each will be a regional manner, head of the local hunt but responsible to a central committee head ed by Charles D. Hilles of New York. George Harvey will be an unofficial but very alert master of the hounds. In Washington the president’s secretary, Mr. Slemp, will have a roving command of the Southern field, where the hunter who knows how to bring down delegates must thread the mazes of the blue-gum forest and paddle noiselessly up the old bayou. While bo doing he must arrange to get to each point ahead of Hiram Johnson’s equally skilled Southern woodsman, Frank H. Hitch cock. The president himself, although soon to become “an active candidate," will not “personally participate" in the regional act ivities of his organization. His message will be his platform, his acts his recor.d. Senator Johnson and Le Follette and Governor Pinchot of Pennsylvania might be glad to swap their so-called per sonal participation in their own candidacies for President Coo lidge ’s method. Only, one has to be President to do it that wal. Not so elaborate but just as earnest is Mr. Johnson’s cam paigning system. His activities will be divided into three groups; political, headed by Mr. Hitchcock and ranging in much the same territory that the Union commanders fought over; popular, headed by committees of dilettante radicals; and personal, headed by Mr. Johnson himself. The personal movement was begun before the Cook County Real Estate Board last week; the popular movement has heen at work for eleven years: and the first gun in the political movement was fired at Speaker Machold when Mr. Johnson’s New York manager proposed a presidential preference primary for the state. To grant it, he promised, would mean republican victory in New York for ten years and Johnson support of a possible other vic tory. To deny it would mean democratic control of this state for a “generation." The Coolidge forces, figuring that they will get 20 years the worst of it either way, may be expected to decline the proposal. Slaving, Dreaming of Frontier Mothers Back of Middlewest Civilization Today lioiucu v^uiun. iu iuu na w rcjo, The mothers of the frontier! They felt the oncoming of another day for their children. No life was so laborious, no situation so unpropitlous, no poverty so deep that they did not through a divine gift of prophecy see beyond the gloom a better day for their children. In the smoky over heated kitchens, struggling to feed the “gangs” of harvesters and thrash ers, as they washed and mopped and baked and brewed and spun and wove and knit and boiled soap and mended and cut and basted and sewed and strained milk and skimmed cream and churned and worked over but ter, catching now and then an opportunity to read while rocking a child tc sleep, drinking in once in a while a bit of poetry from the sky or the cloud or the flower; they were haloed like suns of progress for their fami lies and for the nation, as they worked and planned and assumed for themselves a higher and higher culture of its sort.—all for their children. We build monuments in the public square for the soldiers of our wars; but where is the monument for the Kate McConkeys who made possible so much of the good which is represented by the public square itself? Unless it is a monument not made with hands, in our hearts and souls, none can ever exist which can be in any way adequate. Any Anthracite Relief Must Come Through Regulations in Pennsylvania From the Minneapolis Journal. Governor Preus is on his way to attend Governor Pinchot's conference of anthracite-using states. Minnesota, should, of course, make her voice heard that gathering, which is to meet in Pennsylvania, home of the < nthracite monopoly. But, as Governor Cox of Massachusetts pointed out in a letter of reply to Governor Pinchot, “the remedy for the present injustice seems to be wholly within the control of Pennsylvania." Indeed, Governor Pinchot is likely to have this truth hurled at him from many directions in gubernational discussion. He will be told in varying tones of voice that Pennsylvania has the cure for most of the hard coal extortion in her own hands, and that it is high time she began to administer her natural monopoly with some regard to the rights of the people of other states. Governor Cox enumerated three things that the Legislature of Pennsylvania ought to do: Repeal the unjust tax which the State now levies on every shoveful of anthracite that is mined; Repeal the restrictive legislation on mine employment, and thus increase the volume of production; and Fix a definite standard of qualitiy and e^ze fvr the protection of consumers. Fix a definite standard of quality and size for the protection of consumers. Minnesota criticism of the tonnage tax on hard coal in Pennsylvania will probably provoke the retort that Minnesota has a tonnage tax on iron ore. The cases are not parallel, how ever. Pennsylvania has a monopoly of hard coal, while Minne sota iron ore must meet competition. The hard coal tax of 50 cents a ton means that at least oO cents is added to the price of every ton sold to consumers. The iron ore tax is taken out of profits, and does not increase the cost of products to the consumer. Pennsylvania is directly taxing every burner of hard coal. The employment restrictions are such as to give the Miners' Union a practical monopoly of the labor of taking the coal out of the ground. They mean that a strike is always effective, no mat ter what is justice. The lack of standards of quality and size is responsible for sale of much unburnable slate under the guise of anthracite, and for other losses. Since Pennsylvania has all the available an thracite within her borders, she should take pride in seeing that it is properly graded and inspected, just as Minnesota for so many years has guarded her grain shipments. The prohibition party is to hold Its na tional convention In Columbus, O., It Is announced. It will be held prior to June 10, acccording to present plans. Governor General Leonard Wood of the Philippines has been visiting the Dutch island of Java at the request of the state department. He has just re turned to Manila. Los Angeles, as a result of a recent "blue law” fight between the moving pic ture colony and some of the church lead ers, has started a revision and codifica tion of city ordinances. Many antiquated regulations have bean found still in force. NEEDS OF OUR GOBS. Los Angeles.—Men In the United States Navy need better living condi tions and "decent and reasonable comfort," says Vice Admiral H. A. Wiley, now In San Pedre, who has sent a report to thlse effect to the Secretary of the Navy. Desertions are due to uncomfortable and un pleasant conditions, declares Vice Admiral Wiley. He also believes the navy should not try to atttract men with "See the Wordr" signs when the navy Is doim* little or no traveling under the present polldy. Young Mr. Leeds is coming back with his wife, the little Greek prin cess, to live here and spend his in come o.' $t,0o0,000 a year. What would you do with $1,000,000 a year ? And wThat would your chances be of dbing anything really worth while if your father had started you in life w ith that kind of a handi cap? A two-year-old race horse with 1.000 pounds of lead chained to hi* off hind leg wouldn’t have much chance of winning a race. —1 ♦ -. Recent study of cancer shows the vicious growth within the body to be a separate existence, stimulated by its own excretions, and growing with the furious energy of embryonic life. Cutting out or destroying with X rays or radium is the only cure now. But a way may be found to cneck growth and bring about cancer de struction by scientific control ol growth stimulating substances. Can cer is to some extent! an embryo in the wrong place, a body within ths body. QUAKERS GOING BACK TO FEED HUNGRY GERMANY Philadelphia.—There are more than 1,000,000 under-nourished children in Germany who must be supplied with food at once if their lives are to be saved, according to Dr. Wilbur K. Thomas, executive secretary of the American Friends Service commis sion. "The Quaker Relief will have sole charge of feeding children In Ger many this winter," Dr. Thocas said. "The complicated and Internal and International political sitution makes It Imperative that a non-partlsm neutral agency have charge of this relief. "It has always been our policy to withdraw from a country as soon as we believe the relief problem there could be met by native organizations. We are going back to Germany be cause our own Investigators and rep resentatives of the German govern ment reported the exlstance of a des perate sitution." Henry T. Brown of Moorestown, N. J., has been selected to take charge of the Quaker Relief In Germany and will sail for Europe1 within a short time. Big Group of Suicides Caused by Gambling Paris.—Two more must be added to this year’s crop of seven gambling suicides. Three of these suicides, one a woman, were reported from Monte Carlo. Two were allegedly the re sult of reverses at Deauville. One occurred In the Vosges after a week of losses In tho Casino at Vittel. None were French or American. The two latest were Poles—Jean Wagner and Maurice Zidorkowskl. They lost their entire fortunes at Vichy, a place where one goes to re gain health, and then shot themselves in a field, having first put on new clothes and white gloves. The Man Men Admire. Martin Russell In the Continental edi tion of the London Mall. We like the generous man. When we are "broke" he suggests we "do a show” at his expense. He knows we'd do the same for him. We don't like the man who. Just because he knows we are "hroke,” suggests that It would be as well to be home early after all! We notice little things like clgarets. If he hands around his case we like him. If he doesn't-1 What a man says about woman Is always eagerly listened to by other men. In a few words he can give us a very ood Idea of his outlook on the opposite sex. If he Is constant ly talking of the women he has met we give him a wide herth. We no tice how he treats his own mother end sister and Judge accordingly. We admire the man who turns himself out well—the man who looks smart In every circumstance. We like to see him nicely shaven and clean about the head. The fact that a man Is dressed better tnan we are does not make us envy him. Indeed, he has our admiration. But wo do dislike any eccentricities In dress. We are rather down on the man who goes the limit in the matter of Clothes. The man who does things has our admiration. It doesn’t (matter In what way. If he makes a successful business deal, or creates a running record, or marries a charming girl, we admire him. But we dislike the "lounge lizard” type—the man who Is too lazy to work, who regards all sport as a "beastly fag," who hangs about dance halls all his time, and who talks cheaply about girls. We like the man who doesn’t keep airing his opinion in a loud and audible voice. We regard It as bad form. The ''loud" man Is awful, whatever form his "loudness” takes. Providing he Is generous, gentlemanly with girls, smart in appearance, makes something of his life, and is not self-assertive, a man can exact every ounce of admiration from his masculine friends. ■.-. » ^ 9 - n The Hour of Peace From the American Legion Weekly. A newly-arrived guest at one of those resorts called "Paradise Inn” was at tempting to write a letter, but great swarms of flies followed him about until he lost patience and sought the landlord. "Hang it all, man,” he exploded. “Here I’ve been trying all morning to dodge these files. I’ve tried It in your parlor, your front veranda, up in mv room and out under the trees. Where the Sam Hill can I go to shake off these pests?”. “Oh, I forgot to tell you." replied the unperturbed inkeeper. "You Just sit down anywhere and be patient for a spell. The minute the dinner bell rings the files will all make a break for the dining room.” Alike, But Different. From the Qhicago Nows The personnel manager of a telephone company sent for a new operator and asked her what sort of work she was doing before she began to preside at a switchboard. “I sold movie tickets,” faltered the new girl. “I thought so.” said the manager. “Now, don’t get offended. Just a word of advice. With us 'you say ‘Number, please?’ Not 'How many?’ The phrnses are very much alike and yet there’s a distinction." Changed Coinage. From The Chicago News. The head of an export firm hunted up his Junior partner and complained: “Our correspondent in Russia says that soap wrappers and cigarette coupons are no longer going as money.” “Seems to me ho is getting very fussy all of a sudden,” snorted the junior partner. "What's his kick?” "Being printed on paper, he claimed they lack intrinsic value.” “All right. We’ll ship tin tags.” Lee De Forest, engineer, h is been pre sented the medal of honor for 1S22 by the institute of radio engineers, for his Invention of the audion. Bing For It. From the Chicago News A debtor. oi» being sued, acknowl edged that he had borrowed the money, but declared that the plaintiff knew at the time that It was a “Kathleen Mavourneen loan.” “A Kathleen Mavourneen loan?” questioned the magistrate, with a puxsied look. “That’s it, yeur -honor—one of the ‘it may be for years, and It may be for eves' sort.” With 4,000.000 players through the Uni ted States, billiards boasts of more ac tual participants than any other sport. /f Trmn»pTtatl»m rim Quality Cars at Quantity Prices Chevrolet now leads all high-grade cars in number sold. Our new low prices have been made possible through doubling our productive capacity. We are now operating twelve mammoth manu facturing and assembly plants throughout the United States in which thousands of skilled work men are turning out 2500 Chevrolets per day. See Chevrolet First Notwithstanding our recent big reduction in price* the quality and equipment of our car* have been steadily la- > creased, until today Chevrolet stands beyond comparison as the best dollar value of any car sold at any price and th* most economical car to maintain. , Chevrolet Motor Co., Detroit, Michigan Division of Qcnrral Motor, Corporation Superior Road,ter.$490 * Commercial Cars Superior Touring.495 Superior Commercial Cha..ia . . *395 Superior Utility Coup* . . . . 640 Superior Light Delivery ... 49* Superior Sedan. 795 Utility Espre,* Truck Chaaiie . 550 All price, /. o. b. Flint, Michigan "" J —-- ' ■ " ■ .. Criticism doesn’t blockade a new style In clothes. Talk about persecu tion ! Fashion thrives under it. A Simple, Safe, Sure Remedy for all local aches and pains due to taking cold or over exertion Is an Allcock’s Plaster.—Adv. A woman need never be jealous of a man who Is miserly. Keep Well! Avoid Sickness. Take Brnndreth Pills. One or two at bed time will cleanse the system, purify the blood and keep you well.—Adv. If the under dog doesn’t howl he Is pretty safe to bet on. Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment In five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It Is wonderful what Cuticura will do for poor complexions, dandruff, Itching and red, rough hands.—Advertisement. The less money a man has the fewer friends bother him. Flowery Stuff, You Ninny. Betty (sentimental) — 1 suppose you've rend “To n Wood Violetl” Mr. Hohnhedd—Never. What do you rend to ’em?—Boston Transcript. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Treatment,both local and internal, and has been success ful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio hook-ups containing 22 tested circuit* for get ting new thrills out of your present equipment. Also latest All-American diagram circular de- I scribing Power Amplification. Enclose 4c In at I iMEBiciu stamps to cover ma !ng cost. All-I kmSSSm* Americans are world’s largest aell Amplifying |ng Amplifying Transformers be Tranif ormirt cause they’re the best. All dealers. Haulsnd Mfg. Co., lake A Jeff, tts., Chkage bsM——I II • I ——ss———W A limn always tells his wife that good husbands are made by letting them have their own way. Smile artificially in the right frame of mind and presently the smile will be felt inside. bAverJ I SAY “BAYER” when you buy-^0M