The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 27, 1923, Image 5

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    Royal Theatre
The mighty photodrama of flesh and
steel. It roars, it pounds, it crashes,
it thunders. A forest fire. Two trains
racing towards each other. A terrific
duel tc the death in the engine cab.
A crashing climax that will leave you
spell bound.
2-Reel Comedy
Anita Stewart more radiantly beau
tiful, more deliciously ajdpealing than
over in this splendid role of a society
heiress. A play that scales the
heights of a stirring emotions and
sweeps on to a climax of breathless
intensity. Plenty of rich comedy.
2-Reel Baby Peggy Comedy.
New* Reel
Oil up your? rusty glands! Massage
your smile muscles,! Loosen up your
clothes! Here comes the boomshell
of mirth! Warning! Patrons who
wear tight clothes will do so at their
own rish during the run of this
picture. The management will not be
responsible for riplped seams or loss of
Comedy and Fables.
2-Eeel Comedy
“Three Wise Fools.” “Spoilers.”
“Six Days.” “Kick In.”
Sunday Morning Service, 10:30 a.
m., Sunday School, 11:30 a. m., Young
People’s Service 6:30 p. m., Evening
Service, 7:30 p. m.
Midweek Services: Tuesday, 7:80
a. m.; Young People’s Prayer Ser
vice Wednesday 7:80 p. m., Regular
Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7.30 p. m.
Morning Choir Saturday, 7:30 p. m.
Rev. J. A. Hutchins, Pastor.
Sunday Services: First Mass 8 a.
m., Second Mass 9 a. m., High Mass
at 10.30 a. m. Vespers 7:30 p. m.
Daily Mass 8 a. m.
Catechetical Instruction fot First
Communicants 3 p. m. Tuesdays and
Confession, Saturday from 8 p. m.
to 6 p m. and from 7 p. m. to 9:30
p. m. Children’s Confession, First
Thursday every month at 1:30 p. m.
Very Rev. M. F. Cassidy, Pastor.
Washington, D. C., Dec. 14, 1923.
An experience such as hat of Mon
day the 3rd is worth recording, even I
cannot tell it with the thrill the oc
casion really had.
In the first place, I had planned by.
all means to attend the opening session !
cf Congress, but the papers said, and
opinion among men at the office build •
ing was that they would merely con
vene and adjourn, in honor of the many
members who had died since the last
session. So we decided that I should
wait until perhaps Tuesday to go.
About ten o’clock Bob phoned that I’d
better come —so I did—but by the
time I got ready and traveled our
eleven miles to the Capitol, the mob
was ”o dense that one couldn’t get even
a peek into the gallery. Mr. Malone
immediately hunted up Bob for me,
told him my trouble, and he went to
the official doorkeeper and asked him
if he’d let me into the Executive Sec
tion of the Gallery. He said “No,” but
Bob said. “Mrs. Longworth’s there,”
whereupon he said, “Get her and come
along.” So I sat in the back row of
the President's Section ,and though
there were no members of his family
nor of any of the Cabinet there, I felt
verv much honored. I spent sometime
looking at Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Long
worth. She is a very fine looking wo
man. She was beautifully gowned, but
impressed me as little concerned with
her appearance. She was the only
woman in all that crowd who had re
moved her hat. She was greatly in
terested in procedings. I read that
she is an ardent student of states
But of course, the great thing was
below—the 415 men moving about for
all the world like a bunch of college
men back at school in September.
Slapping each other on the back, hail
ing passersby, visiting, introducing
new ones. It was far from offering
any appearance of stiffness or awe.
And the men are much younger, on the
whole, than I had expected to see.
Especially was I impressed by the
amount of hair visible from above.
There is much less in the Senate! On
the whole, they look like a friendly,
businesslike, earnestly interested
bunch of men. Not one presented any
appearance of possessing horns or
hoofs. I’m sure reports of any such
must be exaggerated. Of course, the
voting was very exciting, at least to
me. Everyone knew how the first
ballot would be, with the seventeen
so-called “progressive Republicans”
voting for their Mr. Cooper, and so
making the Republican and Demo
cratic nominees for Speaker. Mr. Gillet
and Mr. Garrett, practically even. But
when it continued almost identically
the same for four ballots, it ceased to
be exciting. It made one wonder why
a few men from one or two states
should hold up the bus'ness of a na
tion in such a way. Mr. Cooper wa3
moving around below (they all were.)
Frequently the clerk pounded for or
der, saying that he could not hear the
responses to roll call.. I am sure that
no 415 women in the world could majte
any more noise than those men.) Me
is such a fine looking old gentle/nan
one could not help believing th#it he
was a martyr to the cause he without
— ■ 1 — — »*_=
doubt believes right.
Several things were especially in
teresting to me . One of course was
the woman member, Mrs. Nolan of
California. She was elected to succeed
her husband, who died last spring. She
was there with her daughter, a ten or
twelve year oM girl, both with beauti
ful auburn hair. I had to think that
it is a lonesome job to be a Congress
woman, but of course none of the new
men were visiting a great deal either.
Another woman on the floor was Mrs.
Huck of Illinois, who was a member
last session, but was defeated for re
election. There were very few whom
I recognized, only our own Nebraska
members, Mr. Mondell and Mr. Jef
feries. but fortunately the talkative
old gentleman who sat next to me
knew everyone and was glad to tell
of them. Otherwise I would have
learned and enjoyed much less.
On Wednesday I went down to hear
the President give his message. Such
mobs! The stairways were roped off
and only those with tickets allowed to
go up. Then to get into the gallery
after getting upstairs was a proposi
tion. Crowded clear to the door people
standing and many turned away with
tickets. They say there was an im
mense crowd without, hearing by
means of the wireless as well as those
Again it was an intensely interest
ing scene, similar to that of Monday.
But soon all seats below were filled,
even the extra ones brought in. We
above were very much surprised to see
women occupying seats below where
they were not entitled to enter, while
many Representatives stood, and
Senators sat crowded together un
comfortably. They ordered the floor
cleared of all but members but none
moved. It was wonderful what nerve
will do in this world!
Mrs. Coolidge came into the Execu
tive Section promptly at 12:30, and
was hon'-'-ed W everyone’s rising and
applaud ;t,~ c"1,e is a fine looking wo
man, very nrracious and friendly in her
manner. In the Section with her were
several ladies, wives of Cabinet mem
The President entered, escorted by
a committee from the Senate and
House, and of course, was given an
ovation of some length. It is not nec
essary to comment on his speech. It
was given in a very firm, convincing
manner. The listeners were all very
attentive and appreciative, all recom
mendations receiving applause, varied
in amount and position. At the close
there was prolonged applause from
everyone. Undoubtedly, the Presi
dent's frankness and sincerity won ad
miration even in points where the
listeners did not agree with him. He
gives the inforession of absolutely no
grandstand play, but a clear statement
of his convictions, regardless of the
political effect upon his hearers.
an ear ring. Leave at this office.
The Public Library will be open
each day except Sunday and Monday,
from 2:00 until 6:00 lp. m.
Real News Paramount
In the country newspaper, sensations, scandals—the recording
of human misery—is almost taboo. At least it certainly is sec*
ondary to the printing of real news about people and things.
For the province of the country paper—your Home Town Paper
—is to give community interests first place, printing the more or
less sensational personal items only when necessary to l?eep faith
with subscribers who pay for ALL the news.
Therefore, your Home Town Paper can give you, in full meas
ure and overflowing, 100 per cent pure news about the people in
whom you are interested—your relatives and friends of the Old
Home Tow n.
“The Frontier”
Only $2.00 Per Year
(©. 1023, Western Newspaper Union.)
T OUNA THAYER stared at the note
she found on the table. It was
from George, and It told her that he
had left her forever.
“We both made a mistake," her
husband had written. “I quarreled
with my father In order to marry you,
and gave up everything for your sake.
You have not made me happy. Now
you can go back to your shop.”
That cut her to the heart. When the
little shopgirl married the son of the
riel) old financier she idealized him. It
was quite true that old Thayer had
disinherited his son on account of Ids
.marriage, had told him never to
darken his d ors again. It was an in
tolerable affront that his son should
have married a girl out of u shop.
So George had g<! a Job and an
apartment, and they bad struggled
along together for about a year. Rut
Lorna soon discovered tiie yellow
streak in her busballTT. For a while
she refused to recognize It. Then she
had to. She knew lie was unfaithful
to her. She knew that lie was morally
worthless. So Iter love died.
Still, she would have stayed by him
as long us lie needed her. Old Thayer
had told George “T have no sou.” lie
wrtuld never receive him in his home
again on account of ids marriage,
fcorna owed George some recompense;
she had ruined his life. Yes. she
would have stuck to him
Now George had left her. Lorna
knew very well that he had gone off
with another woman. And suddenly
sne felt glad, suddenly she knew that
she had received a stroke of good luck,
not of had.
Only there was something George
didn’t know about. Lorna find been
too proud to tell hirn of that. For ttie
soke of the child that was to be she
must act. . . . She sat a long while
In meditation.
Meanwhile, a hundred miles away,
George Thayer sat in a hotel room
with a rather common-looking young
woman of unmistakable type.
"Don't you worry about the money.
Be'la," he was saying. “The old man
will take me back with open amis now
that I’m rid of that woman. So long
ns I don’t marry you after she’s got
her divorce, you understand. lie
wouldn't stand for my marrying out of
my station.”
“Your station!” sneered the woman.
"Well, we won’t quarrel over that,”
said George good-humoredly. "The old
man isn’t a prig. He understands life.
He'll he just tickled to death when lie
finds out I’ve shaken Lorna. I’m going
to see him tomorrow and tell him I’ve
got rid of her for good."
“Do you mean that. Georgy?” asked
the woman.
"You just bet I mean It. It’s buck
to the shop for hers. She broke my
life, dragged me down, ruined me, and
I’m through with her for keeps. Only,
you understand, kid. I can’t marry you.
The oldjnan won’t make any inquiries
so long as he understands I’m free.
Maybe he'll give Lorna n few hundred
to divorce me.”
"You'll' write your father you’re
“I’ll send him n wire.”
The wire was in Thayer, senior’s
hand and the old man was seated In
the library of his honffe, awaiting
George. The stern face' was carved
like granite. It was a year since he
had seen his son. Often during that
year he had t>een tempted to write to
him to ask him to come hack and
l>rin: Ids wife with him. Pride had
prevailed. The shock of tho telegram
had been a great one. Now be was
The doorbell ni%g. Thayer had told
the butler that he himself would an
swer It. He opened It. George stood
“Father, you got my wire? Father,
I'm free. I’ve sent that woman hack
to the shop where she belongs. I did
a foolish thing In letting myself be
come infatuated with her. Sh* was a
designing person, father, and I guess
all she wanted was a share in your
•Well. I’ve got rid of her for good
and all. and she won’t trouble me
again. And I’ve come back to live
with you, and ask* that bygones may
t>e bygones—
George’s. Jaw dropped. Ills father
stood there, so very uncompromising,
so silent.
“Is it all right, father?" he asked,
less confidently.
“1 have no son," said Thayer in nn
awful voice. “1 have a daughter—in
m.v house. No son. Never darken my
doors again. You will be apprised of
the divorce proceedings when they are
The door closed.
His Wonderful Pills.
It was a lecture delivered by a
learned purveyor of liver pills and Il
lustrated by diagrams of the frame of
man. “That," he explained, pointing
out a totally different spot, “Is where
man’s liver Is."
“Excuse me,” observed the man In
spectacles, “but I am a surgeon, nnt\
that’s not where the liver Is.”
“Never you mind where his 'liver
is,” retorted the lecturer; "if It was iu
Ids big toe or his left ear my pills
would read " >nd shake It for him."
$10,000 000 Oti.ige in India.
Government engineers In India have!
recommended the erection of a cant!.!
lever type bridge to cost about $10,
000,000 to connect the business section
of Calcutta with the city’s chief rail- j
Wuj smt ion.
—this large
Galvanized Pail
Your Grocer Has
One For You
7 Bars P. & O. White $1.45
t Bar Ivory “It Floats” WORTH
l Pkg. Ivory Flakes * FOR ONLY
7 Luna or Bob White ^ _
I Star Naptha Powder §gg)
I Large Galvanized Pai!
I ■*' •
Get This Big Bargain at
John Protovinsky
Ben J. Grady
Geo. Bressler I
Whiting Bridge, Boyd and Holt Coun
ties, Nebraska, Nov. 30, 1923.
Wm. McQuistian, Geo. Chittenden,
Guy Barnes, Martin Johnson, Boyd
County Commissioners, together
with with L. C. McKim, John Sulli
van, C. B. Nellis, C. E. Havens, Holt
County Commissioners met at the
Whiting Bridge at the call of A. C.
Tilley, Division Engineer, who spoke
upon advisability of further protect
ion of the Whiting Bridge.
Mr. McQustian nominated L. C.
McKim to act as Chairman of the joint
meeting and he was duly elected.
Mr. McQuistian moved that Boyd
and Holt Counties construct a tree
nosing for protection of Whiting
Bridge Fill approximately 150 feet
long. Seconded by Geo. Chittenden.
Mr. McQuinstian moved that ditches
be constructed to eliminate island be
low bridge. Seconded by Guy Barnes.
The two counties, Boyd and Holt
take above action and hope the State
Legislature will pass a Deficiency Ap
propriation at some future date and
reimburse them for this expense.
No more business coming before
joint Board Mr. McQuistian moves to
adjourn. Seconded by Martin John
Project Engineer,
• Secretary.
O’Neill, Neb., Dec. 10, 1923, 10 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present. Board
called to order by Chairman. This
being date set for a hearing on the
proposed County Road from Atkinson
to Amelia. The matter was taken up
at this time.
Remonstrance Against the Atkinson
Amelia Road.
Come now the undersigned resident
taxpayers of Holt County, Nebraska,
and remonstrate against the estab
lishment by the County Board of Su
pervisors of Holt County, Nebraska,
of a County road, to be described as
Commencing at the Southeast Cor
ner of the corporate limits of the City
of Atkinson, Nebraska, thence running
east on the boundary line between
Sheridan Township and Atkinson
Township a distance of one mile to
the Northeast Corner ,of Section 4
Township 29, North, Range 14 West of
6th Principal Meridian in Holt County,
Nebraska, and thence running due
South a distance of Six miles to the
correction line and at the Southeast
Corner of Section 33, in Township 29,
Norh, of Rangel4, West of the 6th
Principal Meridian, thence East to the
Northeast Corner of Section 4, in
Township 28, North of Range 14 West
of the 6th Princpial Meridain, thence
South one mile, thence East one mile,
thence South a distance of 13 miles to
the Southwest Corner of Section 11,
in Township 26, North of Range 14
West of the 6th Principal Meridian,
thence east along the south boundary
line of Section 11, to the town of
Amelia, Holt County, Nebraska.
Your remonstrators show that the
State of Nebraska has decignated by
Legislative Act a State Aid road at a
point one mile west of the northeast
corner of Section 4, Township 29,
Range 14, West of the 6th Principal
Meridian. That work has been com
menced on said road and said road
completed a distance of six miles.
That on said State Road there has al
ready been expended out of the county
Road fund of Holt County over $5,000.
That there has been erected on said
state road bridges for which the
County has incurred liability of about
$24,000. That it is unjust that the
County Board should duplicate this six
miles of road. Your remonstrators
show that by changing the boundary
of the iproposed road and establishing
a road as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest Cor
ner of Section 4, Township 29, North,
Range 14 West of the 6th Principal
Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska,
and thence running due South a dis
tance of Six miles to the correction
line and at the Southwest Corner of
Section 33, Township 29 North,
Range 14 West of the 6th Principal
Meridian, thence East to the Northeast
Corner of Section 4, Township 28,
North of Range 14, West of the 6th
Principal Meridian, thence South one
mile. thence east one mile,
thence South a distance of 13 miles to
the Southwest Corner of Section 11,
in Township 26, North of Range 14,
West of the 6th Principal Meridian,
thence East along the South boundary
line of Section 11 to the town of
W. J. Hammond.
W. T. Willging.
Edward Gatz.
S. L. Berry.
P. J. O’Donnell.
Jas. F. O’Donnell.
J. A. Pinkerman.
C. H. Cooper.
H. J. Reardon.
C. E. Stout.
F. J. Dishner.
Ed. L. O’Donnell.
Geo. Shoemaker.
Oelagation from localities along the
route appeared before the board sug
gesting other changes in road.
On motion the board decided to go
as a Committee of the whole and view
the iproposed road and suggested
changes and the present hearing be
adjourned until December 26, 1923.
Delegation from Inrpan Township.
On motion the board decided to send
the County Tractor and grader to
throw up the two miles of road asked
The following bond was approved:
T. R. Davis, bond, Soldiers Relief.
The following claims were audited
and on motion allowed in the General
Northwestern Bell T$l. Co. $ 76.45
Home of Good Shepherd. 8.10
At 12 o’cock Noon, on motion board
adjourned until December 26, 1923, at
10 o’clock a. m.
L. C. McKIM, Chairman.
E, F. PORTER, Clerk. _