The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 20, 1923, Image 9

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    The Former German Emperor
Wrote This Story For Use With
Other Stories By Royal Authors
In the millionaire’s restaurant not
far from tihe Linden there assembled
on Christmas Eve a gay company of
army officers and men about town,
- young men and old, many In uni
form and alldfistingulshed for a cer
tain air of refinement, the result of
birth and education.
All who know Berlin will recognise
the place of rendevous as Borchart’s
on Charlottenstrasse, the most aris
tocratic resort in the capital, because
the prices asked are so high as to
frighten away those who earn what
they spend without recourse to patri
money, found by more fortunate per
sons at the side of their cradle.
Is it right to call them more fortu
nat or extol their good luck? Phil
osophers without number have asked
the question again and again, (have
denied and reasserted it- Self-madp'
men despise those born with a golden
“*• spoon in their mouth. Who shall de
cide what after all Is a matter of In
dividuality? A strong mind Is not
easily swayed by good fortune, a
weak mind often perishes under a
small load of adversities.
When we ponder the life history
of Prussia’s foremost monarchs tlhe
Oreat Elector and Fredrick the Only
we find that both spent their youth
In comparative penury, that they
■were deprived of the luxury and
oxtraxagance that as a matter of
course falls to the lot of the heir of a
crown, but tfhese circumstances,
which their contemporaries styled
misfortunes only tended to strengthen
the character of Fredrick William
and of Fredrick, increase their vigi
lance, make them most expert stu
dente of human nature.
Don’t reproach me for wandering
eff rny subject. The above remarks
■eminently to the party of gentlemen
Just encountered in the gilded resort.
Bordhart’s has none of the outside
grlamour by which similar establish
ments attract customers. It Is locat
ed In a building bearing a strong
resemblance to a private residence.
There are neither show window nor
signs. The doorkeeper in evening
alress receives agreeable guests with
* low bow and frowns away others.
In a corner of the big dining-room,
discreetly inclosed by plants and
screens, sat a party of three men, two
of whom wore army uniforms. The
•other, in mufti was spoken of as
“counsellor.’’ Hhe had been rejected
at two examinations held to establish
his claim for a position on the bench
He failed, but being tolerably well
-off by Inheritance cared littie for
advancement. Become gray in a
secondary position, he holds his (head
high, disdaining the acquaintance
*»ven of superiors not privileged, like
himself, by noble birth.
The young officer in fatigue uni
form who has just risen to walk off
a bit of tipisness is his cousin. Both
expect to retire to a landed estate
when the relative from whom they
have expectations makes ready to
-depart this life.
If the two of them ever do pray It
1s for the hurried dissolution of the
"worthy' one who have the Imperti
nence to keep out of their matrimony.
The third In the group is Lieu
tenant von—, 24 years old. blond and
pink well-made, with the face and
manner of a ladiy killer.l They call
him Baron for short.
If I were not afraid of increasing
one of his chief faults—vanity— I
would designate him the type of an
improvident, reckless and conscience
less golden youth.
The Baron has practically not a
y>enny aside from his pay, but man
ages to conseal the fact under cover
of a great name. His father was a
■colonel of the Guard Dragoons, \
squandered his fortune and left a
widow besides this son and two
•daughters. Nothing stood between
them and the poorhouse but a moder
ate pension, hardly sufficient to keep
one of the four in comfort
By the king's grace" the girls were |
admitted to a home for Indigent
noble women; the privy purse also
equipped the young army man for
his present position, and occasionally
provides (him a little cash in answer
to specific petitions.
A few days ago he received $25
from that source ‘‘to replenish his
wardrobe” for the New Year's recep
tions at court.
"I had a stormy interview with my
tailor this morning,” we hear him say !
to his companions after sitting down !
again. ‘‘The scoundrel of a com- I
moner actually attempted to refuse j
credit to me, a Baron of the old j
empire. You bet I let him have tha '
length of my tongue, and In the end
he felt so cheap as to be quasi com
pelled to send around the new uni
form I am wearing,”
The trio laughed boisterously and
clinked glasses. “Confusion to
obstreperous creditors, Baron.
The Bar-'u not to be outdone,
answered the toast with a sneering
“Death to ail relatives In our way.”
The conversation then turned upon
horses, women and good living sub
pects on which all present consid
ered themselves experts. Reputa
tions were demolished, the names of
fair women blasted by innuendos
and side /trust.
Who oaied? If perchance a?1-friend 1
or relative of the abused persons!
overheard them/ let his step up andi
make himself known. He shall have j
satisfaction, sword or pistol in hand. ;
_ I
Maidservants from the Antilles were
Imported by a group of French women.
However, they did not prove althogethcr
sativ'^-ctory. A quarter of the Negress
es tirade fairly good servants, but wers
Inclimed to be restless. Another quarter!
had to be repatriated. The remainder!
have futly lived up to the expectations!
M their employers. Hard-working!
Ozeclio-Slovak girls are now drift ins i
Into France as •servants. They are hard
working and know their value, which
is far above that of the serving girls
from Martinique.
The offer of the Rockefeller Institute
to send a commission to Japan to in
quire into the necessity for hospitals
has been accepted by the Japanese
In Sucre, South America, dolls are
manufactured from pieces of wire, lace
*Ad tinsel,
The head waiter. George, tiptoed
to the Baron's chair and whispered:
"Your Lordship’s man craves a word
with your lordsihlp.”
"Bring him In. I don’t feel strong
enough to waltz outside,”
The orderly entered with military
step, and saluting stood at attention.
He brought his master a pair of white
kid gloves, several handferchlefs and
a bouquet of roses, all In tissue
“Call a cab and place those things
Inside,” commanded the Baron. "And
see to It that you get my regular
He turned to his companions and
observed. "I hope the flowers won’t
spoil while Cherl delights her audi
“You keep the box seat and wait,”
_ ho added, looking at the orderly.
When the latter did not retire at once
ihe cried Impatiently; "Anything else,
At your command, your lordship,
A letter from madame the Baroness."
Pardon my indiscretion." put in
the Counsellor. "I didn't know that
mademoiselle had already assumed
the title.” He laughed loud and
winked at his neighbor who joined
In the merriment.
The Baron fairly tore the letter
from the orderly’s hand and looking
at the envelope remarked coldly:
“From my mother, If you please.”
The Counsellor and his friend
looked sheepish and murmured ex
cuses, then applied themselves to the
bottles and cigarettes to hide their
was a poor envelops the Baron
held In his hand and the Ink on It
had a rusty hue. An unsteady band
had inscribed it with name and title.
As the Baron opened the letter two
five mark hills fell from It to the
floor. The Baron violently, fearing
For Christmas Patent Inside
Gaily No. 2
that his boon companions might have
observed the paltry lnclosure. He
would rather be penniless than Incur
their contempt.
A waiter rushed forward to pick up
the banknotes but the Baron gave
him a withering look that made the
man stop short. Then crushing his
mother.'s lettel in his left hand and
placing a foot over her poor Christ
mas present he cried. "Two mag
nums,-vintage 1878, George.”
The Counsellor smote the table
with his fist and said: "Bravo, Bar
on! You are right man to keep up
one's jpirits.”
"Cheri is In luck.” laughed the other
officer as all set to (demolishing the
Next morning one of the cleaners
found two wine-stained five marks on
the floor, which she made haste to
bury in her bosom, and a letter which
she turned over to George, the head
waiter, who Intends to sell it some
day at a good price if the Baron ever
makes a rich marriage. The letter
reads as follows1
"My Dead Son—I did as you re
ouested. and hope you will not find
fault with your poor mother, as you
are in the habit of doing.
"I sold poor papa’s foreign decora
tions and pawned the sword of honor,
given his by officers of liis regiment
after the war. In all I raised 300
marks, which I intended to send you
forthwith. But unfortunately the
doctor, the grocer, the landlord and
other creditors got wind of the bar
gain and insisted upon being paid.
They fairly besieged me until I paid
off my Indebtedness to them.
"Twenty marks I saved out of the
wreck, and half of the amount I in
close, trusting to God that you will
not despise your mother's small
Christmas gift.
"I know ten marks is not much In
Berlin, but my dearly beloved son,
when you spend it remember that
your poor old mother manages to
live three whole days on a pittance
like thai6—pittance, I believe, is the
word you use.
“Do not tell me, ,»ray, that I could
have done otherwise; that. Indeed,
I should have sold the sword of honor
instead of merely pawning It. I
couldn't bring myself to do it. my
dear son. It would make me afraid
that your father would turn In his
"An<\, my son, you wll not be
grudge your mothre that at last she
is free from debt. It's the first time
in many years that I can look my
tradespeople in the face. And you
know that T need their good will, for
with'» t it I would starve, seeing that
I send you one-half of my pension
every month.
"But what a price I paid for this
monetary freedom from embar&as
ment Ah, I must not think of it,
though as a matter of fact I only
acted upon your advice, and you the
head of the family!
“If you can afford to, buy your
self a little Christmas present with
the money inclosed, and when you see
it. give your mother a pleasant
“And pray forgive me.' my dear
ly beloved son. If I did wrong in this
matte. And may God preserve you.
"Be embraced and happy Christ
mas to you.
"Your Poor Old Mother.”
Here we have a man gay at the ex
pense. of his old, mother. From her
dry lips he snatches the very nour
M. Carde, governor general of French
West Africa, has issued a decree for
bidding the capture, detention in cap
tivity, sale or exportation of live chim
panzees. except at the request of scien
tific or medical authorities.
“Budda Chicago traffic officer's
horse, died rf gastritis the other day.
Too many well meaning humans fed
him candy and sugar.
Senator Caraway of Arkansas has the
shortest sketch In the new congression
al directory. It says "T. II. Caraway,
democrat. Jonesboro,” and stops.
Col. Charier McK. Saltzman bt s been
selected to s jeceed Gen. George O.
Squier as chief signal office: of the
army, it is announced.
The Dearborn Ford-for-sresident club
wilt not take part In the Ford-for-pres
[dent c at Detroit on Decern
12 it Is annov rc«*a.
lshment necessary to her existence,
only to trample under foot the gift
she holds out to him with trembling
Abominable beyond words la this
misnamed man, but wnat about the
rich and the fabulously rich who
bleed the near-bloodless corpse of
toil for a few extra drops to faintly
color the cup of their criminal ex
There are millionaires and multi
millionaires In every industrial cen
ter of the world, fattening on child
labor, employing nursing mothers, ex
pectant mothers even, and slowly
killing the born and the unborn.
They use their brother's mother as
the Baron used his own—to wring
money from them and throw the
tear-stained pittance to the winds—
a shameful thing, a criminal thing,
a murderous, unpatriotic habit, for
whoever reduces the living of the
masses beggars the state.
To oppose luxury is foolish, not to
protest against extravagance a
grievous fault.
The luxury of the rich Is the prol
etariat’s bread and butter, while their
extravfgance spells contempt of
You who employ other men’s
fathers, mothers, brothers and sis
ters ponder well on the difference
between spending money to make
life more beautiful and agreeable, to
foster trade and the arts, and ob
taining money under false pretences
from the helpless and downtrodden,
to foster vice and drunkenness, to
lie, to cheat, to betray, even as the
Baron of this story did, making
himself an eyesore In the sight of
Ood and man I
J. R.
Deal courageously, and the Lord
be with the good.—II. Citron. 19:11.
Courage Is a serviceable virtue.
There Is hardly any place In which
It Is not useful.
There Is no type of character, no
sphere of action, In which there Is not
room and need for It.
Genius is talent set on f re b/ cour
Fidelity is si.nply daring to be true
in small things as well as in great.
As many as are the conflicts and
perils and hardships of life, so many
are the uses and the forms of cour
It Is necessary, Indeed, is the pro
tector and defender of all the other
Courage Is the standing army of
the soul which keeps It from con
quest, pillage, and slavery.
Unless we are brave we can hard
ly be truthful or generous, or Just, or
pure, or kind or loyal.
"Few persons,” says a wise ob
server, “have the courage to appear
as -good as they really are.”
You must be brave in order to ful
fil your own possibilities bf virtue.
Courage is essential to guard the
best qualities of the sour, and to clear
the way for their action, and make
them move with freedom and vigor.
“Courage, the highest gift, that
scorns to bend
To mean devices for a sordid end;
Courage, an Independent spark
from Heaven's throne,
By which the soul Btands raised,
triumphant, high, alone;
The spring <~t all true ^Jts Is seat
ed here.
As falsehoods draw their sordid
birth from fear.”
If we desire to be good, we must
first of all desire to be brave, that
against all opposition, scorn, and
danger we may move straight on
ward to do the right.
Thou madest him a little lower
than the angels.—Ps. 8:4.
Christ looks upon tihe children of
men, not as herds of “dumb driven
cattle,” but as living souls moving on
ward to eternity.
He tWes for men, not to deliver
them brief sorrows, but to save them
from final loss, and to bring them in
to bliss that knows no end.
He speaks to men in solemn words
before which the dreams of earthly
pleasure and power and fame and
W'ealth are dissipated like substantial
"What shall a man give in ex
change for his soul?”
There never was a time In which
Christ’s doctrine of the dignity and
value of a man as a man was more
needed than it is today.
Til*re is no truth more important
and necessary for us to take into our
hearts, and hold fast, and carry out
in our lives
For here we stand in an age when
the \ery tihrorg and pressure an su
perfluity of human life lead us to set
a low estimate upon its value.
The air we breathe is heavy with
mat' rlalisni and commercialism.
The lowest and moat debasing view
of human nature are freely proclaim
ed and unconsciously accepted.
There is no escape, no safety for
us, save in coming back to Christ,
and learning from him that man is
the spiritual child of Ocd, made in
tlhe divine image, capable of the di
vine fellowship and an Immortal life
A Doleful Outlook!
From Science.
Now that Turkey hae ,jone dry, we
shudder to think of the atrocities
that the Turkish bootleggers will
sell. __
Stopping Wars.
From the Boston Transcript.
The war cost 11,000,000 lives,
which is one reason why prepard
ness against wars pays.
The war department Is reported plan
ning to book vaudeville acts for Its 150
camp theaters next summer. Its full
operation will start as summer ap
proaches. Hntertalnment for the sol
diers. Including the national guard ex
campmentH, la the object.
The co-operative unions of Russia
totaling some 80,000 societies, whose pur
poses are to supply the population with
Its needs in the most economical man
ner. did 40 per cent, of the merchandise
business of Russia In I92L In 1!I14 they
did 7 per cent. unions are purely
economic, and have no interest in poli
Am«Pig early races death on the cross
was the usual form of military punish
Canada recently received an order
from Rumania for a 19,000,000 shipment
of woolen textiles.
Bayberry Had
Its Origin in
New England
Christmas would not seem like
Christmas without candles and the
bayberry candle is the candle of
candles- The bayberry candle Is a
New England institution, but it has
been carried to all parts of the coun
try by New England people and is
burned by them and their descend
ents in every city under the Ameri
can flag. It Is one of the New Eng
land customs that has spread to the
south. People of Jhe south have al
ways used candles at Christmas but
the custom is not nearly so generally
followed as it was age,deration or
two ago.
There Is a superstition about the
hayberry candle. It is burned not
alone for Its pungent fragrance but
also for the good luck that It brings,
for it has been said for two or three
hundred years that 'a bayberry
candle burned to the socket, brings
luck to the house and wealth to the
The northeastern Indians soon
learned the value of the hayberry
for making candles, or "torches" af
ter the coming of the whites. It has
been said that they 'made wax from
this berry and used it Is an lUuml
nant before the coming of the whites,
but the evidence is shadowy.
Its light was known in New Eng
land at an early time. At the Abe
naki Indian village on the Kennebec
river, the learned Jesuit priest Pere
Rale (or Rasies) lighted his chapel
with great numbers of these fragrant
candles. All the early settlers of up
per New England had molds for
candles before whale oil became
common and they used to “run” the
wax of bayberrles Into those candle
The plant from which the bayberry
wax Is obtained is the shrub Myrcla
cerlfera (Myrtle wild wax) and It Is
common along the sandy coast line
of the eastern and central states and
on the sand dunes back of the beaoh.
It Insists on a salt-water neighbor
hood. Tho wax of the bayberry has
been known In some parts of the
country as “myrtle tallow” and “myr
tle wax."
The bayberry comes from a famous
plant family. In classic times suc
cessful warriors and athletes, poets,
and singers were often crowned with
bay and It is somtimes written that
they were crowned with myrtle
. wreaths- Botanists believe that these
triumphal wreaths and chaplets were
woven from the leaves of a tree which
they now call “laurus nobllls" or
the laurel of the noble.
Met “Injun” and Indian.
From the Dally Oklahoman
Oklahoma has Indians as well as
"Injuns,” Ben Es'tman has learned
to his satisfaction. From "H’l ole N
Yawk" came Ben with a line of fall
clothing samples intended to loosen
the purse strings of local Wanamak
ers and delight the eyes of Muskogee
"lounge lizards."
Someone told him about the edu
cational institution for Indians out
at Bacone and accordingly Eastman
clambered on a Muskogee car with
the firm intention of viewing tne
"scalp hunting redskin” at «close
range and getting some first hand
“How! Heap fine tepee,” said East
man by way of Introducing himself
as he approached Henry Owl, a
swarthy Creek, at the same time
pointing to the recently completed
Jeanetta Barnett hall.
“Smokum pipe peace," the tender
foot continued as he offered Henry a
Henry disdainfully declined the
"fag" and reloctantly took Eastman’s
proffered hand. Finally he said:
“Sir, the language you speak Is
neither Greek nor Latin. Your words
convey no message to me. Just what
you are attempting to say, I know not.
Please confine your remarks to the
English language. If you speak It, and
possibly I may be able to understand
Abashed but still determined, the
dismayed Benjamin bade Henry a
hurried "au revoir” and stared across
the campus.
Johnny Beaver was emerging from
the dining hall as Eastman appear
ed. The latter was all set for an
j hour’s conversation.
“A wonderful. Institution you have
here,” Eastman informed Johnny In
his second attempt to make the ac
quaintance of an honest-to-goodness
I red man.
“I’m sure I'd enjoy living here my
self. How old are you? How long
nave you been here? Where do you
live? To what trlbo do you belong?”
Eastman Inquired In chronological
"Hot like hell. Want sleep. No
want pow-wow. You too much want
know, Beatum,” replied the aggravat.
ed Johnny.
All of which probably accounts for
Eastman catching the next street
car back to Muskogee and his hur
ried departure for New York.
Wild Ducks Destructive in Oklahoma.
Tyrone news In Hutchinson News.
Wild ducks are eating the feed
crops of farmers here. The worst
trouble is southwest of here about
ten to twelve mllea where the heavy
rains filled all the low places with
water. At any time of the day
thousands of ducks fly to the fields
where they feed. Some of the lakes
ara so large that the birds can stay
In the middle' and be in no danger
of the hunters, being so far from
the shore they ara out of range.
Freight handlers and employees In
clerical and station service working for
the Maine Central Railroad and the
Portland Terminal Company, who for
merly received pay for holidays when
they did not work, shall continue to re
ceive it. tho United States Railroad La
bor Board has ruled.
A Debt Futurist.
From the New York Kvenlng Mall.
"Owens Is always promising to pay
back that money I lent him, but he
never does."
"Ovens Is an artist at the sort of
"Yes, evidently a futurist.”
Amerieati chefs, meeting In Chicane,
have decided they have "Ion* been
artists without knowing it.” According
ly they have voted to doff the white
cap and wear “two quart hats.”
Harry Polack of Detroit alleges that
two hours after his bride had sworn to
love, honor and obey him she belabored
him over the head with a stove poker.
He Is caking for a divorce.
The average age of the presidents of
the United States at the time of death
la K) years.
How Christmas
Tree Originated
Milwaukee Journal.
One story of the origin Of the ever
green tree as the Christmas tree
among the people of northern Europe
Is givn In one of the legends of St. Win
nlfred. It Is one of the man ythosands
of those simple and beautiful beliefs
that have attached themselves to th*
great midwinter festival. It Is related
that St. Winnlfred, a greet Christian
missionary among the pagans of the
north, began cutting down a'sacred"
oak whlcfh had been an object of wor
ship by the pagans whom he was try
ing to lead aright. While he was hew
ing down the huge tree it was blasted
and uprooted by a sudden whirlwind
Close beside the giant oak was a
young fir tree whiah was not harmed
either by the whirlwind or by the
fall of the oak. Then St. Winnlfred
is reported to have spoken as follows:
“This little tree, a young child of
the forest shall be your holy tree to
night. * It is tzhe wood of peace for
your homes to be built of. It is the
sign of an endless life for Its leave*
are always green. See how it points
toward heaven! Let this be called
the tree of the Christ Child! Gather
about it, not in the wild woods but
In your homes; there it will shelter
no deeds of blood, but loving gifts
and acts of kindness."
The fir tree, the common evergz'een
tree of the nortehrn regions, became
the holy tree of the converted pagans
and In its honor or in the memory of
the thoughts It stood for, tihey deco
rated It with lights and gifts at
Splendid Ruins" of Taxation.
From the New York World.
When jeath struck down Samuel
W. McCall, former representative
and governor of Massachusetts he
was preparing an address upon tax
ation, which Is now printed. Mr.
McCall was a sage of republicanism,
but he was also a New England
town-meeting man, which is in prin
ciple, not so very different from a
home-rule democrat. He found that
in taxation we had been “driving
ahead on dangerous lines.”
The work of taxation and spend
ing money had been “shifted from
the different neighborhoods to a
distant point.” How strikingly this
is true a diagram printed in The
World, giving the recent trend of
federal, state and local taxation,
showed at a glance. Taxes “fall
upon those who pay as If they had
been Imposed by a foreign authority.
One taxes and the other pays. It
has been easy to shift Jurisdiction
to this central Washington deity.”
The condition suggests a lesson from
I do not think we appreciate
how profoundly taxation affects
not merely the prosperity of a
nation, but the character of its
Institutions. Exorbitant taxation
hus often lain at the foundation
of destruction of states and of
civilization itself. Governmental
extravagance and a lack of In
telligent financing have over
thrown more than one mighty
Mr. McCall reminds us how we
may ”sce the hilltops of Italy stud
ded with splendid ruins” which ran
derelict because “the imposition of
government grew so steadily that
“the produce of Industry was not
enough to pay the taxes.” He saw
"the same thing today In England’*
with the "excessive tax-rate upon
income supplemented by the inheri
tance tax. The process need not
go very far before England will be
come like Italy, a country of splen
did ruins.”
There appears In sudh passages
the pessimism of an aging man near,
death who had suffered from the Ill
treatment of his political associates.
England is not yet a land of “splen
did ruins;” the United States Is
far from that condltiona. Federal
taxation passed the peak three years
ago. But the time has come for
further reduction. What Mr. McCall
saya of taxation at a "distant point
as compared with taxation for local
is always true.
The older republicans In congress
may still listen with profit to a
former trusted associate whose
counsel they valued In his time.
Democrats In congress will find. In
Mr McCall’s last word upon taxation,
doctrine In no wise different from
their own. As far and as fast as
possible we should restore the con
dition, fractional In the republic
when the greater burden of taxation
shall be collected by local author
ity and expended for local purposes
known to the voter.
Forever Is linked with Eternity,
And endless time In the yet to be;
But finite man though very clever,
Has no deslrs to live forever;
No, never.
If I was endowed with wordly wealth,
A happy home and perhaps good
Fd hesitate my life to sever.
Still yet I would not live forever.
No, never.
Or vet If my lot was poverty,
And home and health were denied to
With me reward for alt Endeavor,
I certainly would not. live forever.
No, never.
’Tie human nature to cling to life,
Whether filled with pleasure or
grief and strife;
So Nature resorts to Time’s old lever,
To pvy us loose, oh we'd live forever,
No, never.
T. b. Guernsey, December 10, 1923.
Puzzles Others, Too
From the Chicago News
The younger son was a hit of a hand
ful and had now come to ask his fa
ther's blessing on his marriage.
The Indulgent father promised to do
what he could for him once mors.
"But.” said he. "I hope you understand
that you will never get on In the world
unless you adopt a more rigid code and
Vow to keep straight.”
“Rightly sounds all very ell, dad,"
agreed the irrepressible one; “hut I
wish you'd make clear to me how a
chap's to keep straight while he’s try
ing to make both ends meet.”
State licenses of 18 physicians whose
q nail heat Ions wers questioned have
been revoked by IT. Stanley H. Os
borns, state health commissioner of
Connecticut. u U announced. I
Senator Willis. tall, hnndsom#
gentleman from Ohio, who might
serve as model for all the ready
made clothing advertisements, has
a program for the republicans la j
"They must stand for the Const!-1
tutlcn of the United States and not:
for any of the various proposals ad- '
vanced by so-called reformers, who
would like nothing better than to,
see it torn to tatters.
"I refer, for one thing, to the pro-,
posal now pending to substitute thcj
tiar.sltory power of Congress for tho
power of our courts." ;
Mr. Willis, and some others be
lieve that the people of the United
Slates never really Intended to rule
themselves. The idea was to male*
a constitution, and then give con
trol of the nation to somebody else
and let somebody else run |t.
Mr. Willis Is mistaken and he an*
others will realize It when the time
The people of the United States do
mean to rule themselves.
Once In a while a man enters a
police station and says, "1 think I
, *»n cr»?y gnd I’m afraid I may do
something foolish, please take charge
of me.”
The people of the United States
are not that kind of crazy persons—
not yet. They think they can take,
charge of themselves. And if they;
find that any power outside of the!
people has become greater than the;
power of the people then that thing
will be changed.
It isn’t necessary to "tear the Con
stitution to tatters" to have this &
country managed, as its founders
Intended, by the people and not by a
chosen few. whatever their label may
A very weak chain is the human
race. If it is only as strong as its
weakest link. And far is that poor
human race from real civilization.
From Rangoon, India, comes news
that the effort of the British to stop
slavery, on the border districts be
tween Burtnah and Assam, are bit
terly fought by the slaves them
selves. They have enough to eat,
their brains are comfortably soaked
with opium, they want to remain
That’s bad enough, but In Nag*
hills, human sacrifices still continue.
The Papuan head hunters capturo
and sell Indian children to be used
in the sacrifices.
That shocked us, but our own
Supreme court declared unconstitu
tional a law that would have pre-'
vented United States head hunting
under the guise of child labor.
Whether you chop off a child's head
to please a savage God by the sight1
of Its blood, or kill a thousand child
ren slowly to make money out ot
their small bodies, doesn’t make
much real difference.
Prince Youssoupoff, of Russia, de
mands two Rembrandt pictures held1
by Joseph B. Wldener of Philadel
phia. Mr, Wldener says he will bs
delighted to return the Rembrandts
when the Prince pays him back
$500,000 plus S per cent. Interest
now due.
Frederick Landis, brilliant brother
of the famous Judge Landis, writes:
“Youssoupoff Is about the only
Russian Prince now worrying about
Rembrandts, most of them worry
about ham sandwiches. If Rembrandt!
knows about two of his canvases
now being worth $500,000, he doubt->
less recalls the day when »*1 his1
possessions were sold at auction, In-1
eluding his dead wife’s clothes, even!
her wedding dress; of the hungry
days when he sketched with chalk i
on tavern walls to amuse the crowd
and of his funeral at the hands of
charity, which cost a little over $7.’*
If you want to hunt for gold go to
Siberia, to tho Stanovoi Zhugh-Zhur
and Yablonol ranges.
Gold Is there, according to a great
mining engineer recently killed In
the Japanese earthquake. Nobody
can guess.what the wealth of Siberia'
and the future wealth of Russia ara
to be. This expert says, “four thous
and square miles within 60 miles of
the seacoast, every part of it as far
as it has been explored, shows gold.”
Klondike or Alaska would be no
thing compared to It. That news
will promote friendship with Russia.
If you have plenty of real gold
you are all right—tjust a little ec
centric, perhaps.
. t
Many Americans are amazed at thai
prosperity and rapid growth of Can
ada, with farms producing more
bushels of wheat per acre than ours,
lail.oad stocks selling, In proportion
to return far above our own and soi
There is no mystery about It.
They use common sense In Canada,
While we shut out population thati
this country needs, and tax our
people to pay dividends on privately
owned. Inflated railroad stocks, the
Canadian National Railways es-1
tabltsh a department of Immigration
and colonization, to import, distri
bute, encourage and asaist desirable
Canada has brains enough to know
that nations are made prosperous,
and lands made valuable by human'
beings, not by bond Issues, or foolish
A new mercury boiler process which
will produce electricity for power and
lighting purposes at approximately one
half the present fuel cost Is being dem-i
'I, th® *•** br *he Inventor,
William L, Emmett of the General Elec
tric company. Production of enough
mercury to meet the demand if the.
boiler becomes generally used is admit-'
tedly a problem.
Two hundred Russian refugees from
Constantinople, who have been in Cner-I
bourg for some time past waiting to.
come to America, have been informed
that, as the quota allowed for Russian
emigrants has been reached,' they can
not lie admitted to this country before
June, 1924. Arrangements are being
made for their return to Constantinople.
Too Critical
From the Kansas City Star.
Hoffy was going to an art exhibit and
an artist friend volunteered to accom
pany him. This seemed an excellent
•you'll explain the pictures, erf
asked Hoffy.
“To be sure.”
Rut when Hoffy got back to the club
he vowed that never again would ho
visit a picture gallery with an artist.
“Why not?” asked one of the boys.
“Positively he wouldn't let me Hko
A gland clinic has been opened it. Sara
Francisco and a large number of per
sons seeking restored youth and vltn>r
are reported visiting toe establishment
for operations