The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 20, 1923, Image 3

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    Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans !
Hot water
Sure Relief
Exceptional Opportunity
Belling half Interest, $3,500; else want pri
vate loan. $3,600, replacing expiring mort
gage on 180-acre farm, southern Oklahoma j
■andy soli; good Improvements. Might sell
entire acreage, carry h»lf mortgage, but re
serving some oil rights; test well within $
Sties making good showing. J. Egll, Bachelor
otel, 610 E. 8th St., Kansas City. Mo.
To Harness River in Ireland.
It Ib proposed to use the water of
the River Bann, flowing Into Lough
Neagh, in County Antrim, Ireland, to
furnish electric power to light six
counties and run mills and factories.
Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver
and Bowels of Baby or Child.
Even constipat
ed, bilious, fever
ish, or sick, colic
Babies and Chil
dren love to take
genuine “Califor
nia Fig Syrup.”
No other laxative
regulates the ten
der little bowels
so nicely. It.
sweetens the
stomach and starts the liver and
bowels acting without griping. Con
tains no narcotics or soothing drugs.
Say “California” to your druggist and
avoid counterfeits! Insist upon gen
nine “California Fig Syrup” which
contains directions.—Advertisement.
“Waves of Ether."
Many persons have wondered about
the so-called waves of ether which, we
are told, transmit sound by the wire
less telephone. Mountains do not ob
struct them, but how is It when the
distance Is such that a straight line
between two stations would pass be
low the surface of the earth. An au
thority in such matters declares that
the path of the ether waves is not a
straight line, but follows the earth’s
curvature. Ordinary obstructions do
not interfere with wireless waves.
Take Tablets Without Fear if You
See the Safety “Bayer Cross."
Warning! Unless you see the name
“Bayer” on package or on tablets you
•re not getting the genuine Bayer
Aspirin proved safe by millions and
prescribed by physicians for 23 years.
Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin.
Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv.
Invention Aids Housewife.
The twisting and consequent break
ing of wires attached to electric appli
ances such ns flatirons, toasters, heat
ers, etc., is a common annoyance. To
remedy tills, an inventor has produced
a rotating attachment plug, of which
the center portion turns freely when
the wires are twisted.
A Universal Remedy for Pain.
For over 70 years Allcock’s Plaster has
been a standard external remedy, sold in
all parts of the civilized world.—Adv.
Cholera Kills 2,250,000 Hogs.
Cholera killed approximately 4 per
cent of the hogs on farms in the United
States during the last year. The total
number of swine lost from hog cholera
exceeded 2,250,000, valued at approx
imately $20,393,000.
Cures Biliousness, Constipation, Sick
Headache,Ind!gestIon. Drug stores. Adv.
Incentive to Reform.
MA goat Is about the only animal that
chews tobacco.”
“Well,” said Uncle BUI Bottletop, “If
chewing tobacco Is what makes a goat
so mean I’m going to quit.”
Hall’s Catarrh
Medicine ’IMI";’!
rid your system of Catarrh or Deafnesi
caused by Catarrh.
Sold by dmggutt for ever 40 year*
P. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohlr
vakThat Cbldc~*d «wct|
7U Fit Tomorrow. j^G
Shave, Bathe and|
Shampoo with one
Soap.— Cuticura
Cutfeura Soap fa the f aaoritef oraafaty raaorshaving.
BmaoTfPanarug ^IopaHalr Tail Inf
twtwn Color and
Boaaty to Cray and Fadotf Hafa
•Sc. and $1-09 at IVoecirt*.
iBlaeoi Chem- Wka. ratehoaofjt. t4
lonoeo. Me., mom all pcia. enaurac comfort to the
•IOUX CITY PTQ. CO., NO. 51-1923.
Fugitive Cornered in Swamp
—Posses Plan to Fire
Hiding Place
Universal Service.
Drew, Mirs., Dec. 14.—Two prom
inent planters met Instant death
another is missing and is believed
dead, and seven others were wounded,
two of them seriously, late Friday
when Joe Pullen, 40 years old, share
chopper on the plantation -of W. T.
Sanders, three miles southeast of
Drew, ran amuck with pump gun
and revolver.
After slaying Sanders and receiv
ing wounds himself, Pullen shot
himself out of searching parties at
point blank range In three different
Late Friday night Pullen was
surrounded in a swamp by 1,000
men northeast of Drew. Members
of the pos.:e carrying 500 gallons
of gasoline to set the swamp on
fire to burn out the fugitive, as
well as light the neighborhood.
The trouble started over the en
vision of the crop, Pullen drawing
a pistol during the argument and
killing Mr. Sanders instantly.
The dead are:
W. T. Sanders, 45 years old.
R. L. Methln, 5E years old, a posse
Many Nations Seeking
Favor and Business of
South America
Universal Service
Washington, Dec. 14.—A spirited
competition for the favor and trade
of South American republics-by the
leading powers of the world will soon
approach a climax In the opinion of
well informed observers here.
Following are some of the devel
1— Great Britain has dispatched a
financial commission from Southamp
ton to the South American countries,
to recommend loans.
2— France has a military commis
sion in Argentina, and seeks to ex
tend her power and influence.
3— Italy and Spain have entered
into an understanding whereby they
will go after a share of South Amer
ican business, and will combat the
efforts of France and possibly Brit
4— The United States has, for some
time, maintained a naval commis
sion in Brazil and Peru, and late this
month will send to Peru, Lieut. H.
B. Grow to build up an aviation unit.
If all these moves do not bring the
Monroe Doctrine to the fore, in the
opinion of observers, there will be
cause for surpise. They also mean
that the South Americans are get
ting up on their toes and demanding
a place in the sun.
Short Shifts Thing of Past—
National Ownership De
clared Failure
Universal Service
Berlin, Dec. 14.-—Germany, which
heretofore has been held up as a
model for successful national owner
ship of means of production, finds the
system going to smash in emergency.
Following tile move to sell the state
owned railways to a private group
headed by Hugo Stinnes, the dena
tionalization movement lias been giv
en another boost by the action of the
Prussian government in turning over
state owned mines, smelting ftrorks
and salt mines to a stock company
especially formed for the purpose.
The stock remains in the hands
of the government but the manage
ment is freed from bureauatic lim
itations and put in the hands of
men drawn from business life.
Great increases in profits are ex
The eight hour day which Ger
man workers held sacred as their
greatest gain in the revolution, has
Agreements signed before the la
bor ministry, reintroduce the nine
and 10 hour day as before the war
in the iron and steel industry in
all Germany and also in the coal
mines in Silesia and Saxony.
New York, Dee> 14. (U. P.)—A
light snow, the first "of the season fell
here today melting as soon as it
struck the streets The snow stopper
shortly after 7
2.500.000 Barrels Oil
Pumped Every 24 Hours
St. Louis, Dec. 13.—Approximately
3.250.000 barrels of oil are gathered
and transported every 24 hours by
pipe lines in ths United States, D. S.
Bushneli, president of the Buck
eye Pipe Line company, told ths
American Petroleum Institute con
vention today.
The convention, which has been
dtsetibed as the most important
held in the institute’s histroy, ends
Activity Behind Scenes
Blocks Organization
Universal Service dorreepondent
Washington, Dec. 14.—With Wil
liam Jennings Brayn prominent in
the background, democratic presiden
tial politics was injected Friday to
further complicate the organization
fight in the house of representatives.
Bryan’s activity behind' the scenes
had The surprising effect of blocking
plans of the republican leaders to
have the committee slntesCsof both
parties ratified and of forcing con
sideration of this last act of the or
ganization process over tG Monday
More important from a political
standpoint, the three-time presiden
tial candidate’s intervention has con
fronted the democratic leaders in the
house with the necessity of following
his advice or laying themselves open
to his charge that they are reaction
Candidates Uneasy
This phase of the situation has
brought the friends of William Q.
McAdoo and Senator Underwood, the
two most active aspirants for the
party presidential nomination, to the
fore. They foresee grave dangers
ahead for their candidates, should
either be nominated, and for the par
ty If It Is given the stamp of con
servatism or reactionism in the house.
The whole. fight, which took this
new turn Friday, revolves around the
powerful rules committee. The issues
are the ratio of democratic represen
tation and the demand of the pro
gressive republican bloc that a place
on the committee be given to Rep
resentative John M. Nelson of Wls
son, their chairman
Request Refused
The republicans turned down the
democrat’s request for five out of
the 12 places on the committee and
also refused to put on Nelson. The
bloc leader and his associates, who
demonstrated their balance of power
by holding up the election of a
speaker until they won a victory on
liberalization of the rules, charged
the committee had been packed and
started a fight to upset the old guard
slate. They made overtures to the
democrats to, Join in a plan to put
one more democrat and Nelson on the
Bryan, learning of the situation,
invited a number of his friends in
the house to his hotel apartment.
Among those who conferred with him
was Cordell Hull of Tenessee, chair
man of the national committee. Bryan
urged that the democrats should join
with the progressives to overturn re
publican control of the house at ev
ery point possible.
He gave out an interview In which
he said the democrats who refused
to Join in such a move to overthrow
republican "reactionary” control
should be made known to the dem
ocratic voters over the country. Rep
resentative Garrett of Tennessee, the
party leader in the house, and his
chief liutenants have opposed any
combination with the insurgents.
Mayfield of Texas Will Op
pose Attempts to Oust
Washington, Dec. 14.—(U. P.)—
Senator Earl B. Mayfield of Texas
will retain his seat In th evbgkqjbgkq
upper house of congress.
Breaking his long silence on the
attempts made to oust him, Mayfield
told the United Perss Friday:
“I am here. I am duly and legiti
mately elected senator from Texas
by a majority of 132,000 votes.
“I Intend to continue to serve the
interests of the people who elected me
to the best of my ability.”
Although Mayfied does not wish
to be placed in the position of taking
cognizance of the attacks made
against him at this time, it Is learn
ed on Indisputable author) xy that he
will present a vigorous defense to the
proposed senate Investigating com
Mayfield will base his defense on
the following points:
1.—Before the primary contest for
the senatorship he was a member of
the Ku Klux Klan but he resigned
and is not now n member
S-—Campaign expenditures cer
tificates now on file with Tex as state
officials show disbursement In May
field's campaign of only a little more
than $9,000 when $10,000 is permittad
by law.
3. —The name of his opponent,
George E. B. Peddy, was not on the
election ballot because courts held
that as Peddy was not in the pri
mary contest he had no right to a
place on the ballot.
4. —In tw'o primaries and in the reg
ular election he defeated all opposing
Merchandise Worth $3,000
Stolen From Craig Store
Lincoln, Neb., Dec- 14. (Special)—
The Miller and McDonald general
store at Craig, Neb., was robbed of
$3,000 worth of clothing Thursday
night, according to advices received
Friday by state enforcement officers.
The Only clue discovered Friday
morning was two pairs of gloves,
which were Identified as the prop
erty of a man at Oakdale from whom
a car was stolen Thursday.
Federal Soldiers Recapture
Capital of Nayarit—In
dians Offer Services
Universal Service
El Paso, Tex., Dec. 14.—Loyal sol
dier* commanded by Gen. Heriberto
Caras have recaptured Teplc, capital
of the state of Nayarit, on the west
coa*t from rebels, who have retreated
toward Guadalajara, says a dispatch
to Mexican Consul General E. D.
Ruiz from Consul J. Terrazas at
Gov. Alelo Bey, of tVnora, reported
state of Sinaloa without disturb
ances. He said that the Yaqul In
dian Chiefs Mori and Mapun have
offered the services of 2,000 Yaquls
to the government to be moved
w'herever wanted.
Gen. Alfredo Garcia, who rebelled
against Obregon In Zacatosas and
marced the garrison to Join Estra
da's rebels at Guadalajara, forced a
loan of 80,000 pesos upon property
owners and took wltth him every
available automobile In Zacatecas
and a carload of gasoline.
Friday’s federal advices said loyal
troops of the Amaro command has
routed Estrada rebels 50 miles east
of Guadalajara and were moving
rapidly to invade that capital.
Universal Service
Tampico, Dec. 14.—A dispatch from
Mexico City to the newspaper El
Tiempo here Friday night stated that
deputiets representing the Huertistats
and the federal government have pro
posed an armistice pending efforts to
arrange a settlement of the revolu
In the event that the proposal# to
conciliate are accepted by President
Obregon and the government, imme
diate steps will be taken to extend the
movement to the entire nation in the
hope of restoring immediate peace.
While the news of the proposed
armistice was received with consid
erable skepticism in some quarters,
there is a genuine expression of
hopefulness of early fruition of the
The initiaters of the movement
state they desire to prevent bloodshed
throughout the nation.” It is pointed
out that the proposal was probably
inspired by the though of the impos
ing struggle between the opposing
armies when they meet In the region
of Guadalajara, which meeting, if
not prevented, will likely result in
great ioss of life.
Rebel Leader Surounded
Skeptics say the acceptance of the
proposal by President Obregon might
he construed as weakness on the part
of the government, adding that it
is necessary to quell by force once
and for all, the uprising.
On the other hand it is declared
that a cessation of hostilities and a
settlement of political differences will
have an influence on the congress of
the United States in considering the
conditions for recognition of Mexico.
Reports from Linares state that
Lopez De Lara, abdicating governor
of the state of Tamnulipas, is hiding
in the mountains surrounded by fed
eral troops, apd that el-ape is im
possible. He is reported as being in
a half dozen different places at the
same time, however, and his present
whereabouts are in doubt.
Revolt Spreading
Reports from Inland sources state
that Colonel Marquese, in the state
of Durango, has Joined the rebels, as
also has Gen. Romula Figueroa, in
the state of Guerrero, but both are
said to have only a small following.
Woman Who “Staked”
Miner Given $20,450
Jury Returns Verdict in Suit
for Estate of Colorado
Universal Service.
San Francisco, Dec. 14—A Jury In
the federal court late Friday handed
down a decision In the suit of
Miss Sadie W. Pritchard against
the estate of the late Fred G. King,
Colorado mining operator, awarding
her $20,450. Miss Pritchard sued
for half of the million dollar estate
left by King.
Miss Pritchard testified she had
"grubstaked” with King with $30,000
more than 25 years ago when he was
a penniless mining engineer In Den
ver and she was a thrifty dress
maker, and that he had made trill
ions qut of that grubstake. She
introduced scores of letter* writ
ten, by King to her up to the time
of his death In support of her claim
t^iat he acknowledged their “grub
stake partnership,” The letters
teemed with endearing terms and
with references to "our $400,000” and
“our $1,000,000” and it was upon
these allusions to alleged “partner
ship property” that Miss Pritchard
!>csed her claim* upon the estate.
An appeal will be taken by lawyers
for the estate.
■ » ■
Verdict in Sioux City
Paving Case Reversed
Des Moines, la., Dec. 1.4 (Special)
—The verdict In the suit of Humbolt
county1' against Dakota City in ths
matter of & special assesment for the
construction of paving in Floyd Park
addition, owned by the Sioux City
Stock Yards Company, was reversed
by the Iowa Supreme court Friday.
The verdict was rendered on u cross
apueal made bv the defendants.
For a light, sweet \T A TW
^^itrw>«h Yeast roam
“Qood bread is the pride
of the thrifty bride99
The wife who
is a good bread
maker is a real
helpmate for the
bread winner*
Send for free booklet
"The Art of Baking Bread”
Northwestern Yeast Co,
1730 North Ashland Ave.
Chicago, Hi.
Didn’t Want to Be Rude.
“These here song writers,” declared
Uncle Pennywise, "don’t seem to care
a hoot about etiquette or the ordinary
procedure of life. There used to be
one of them, for instance, who was
always extending the invitation—
Come where my love lies dreuming.
Gal In hammock, I suppose, flowery
bower, and all that sort of tldng. Still,
I never went with him to where ids
love lay dreaming. I didn't think It
would be polite.”
Always Keep a Box on Hand.
Brandreth Pills are a safe and reli
able laxative, made in America foi
ninety years, entirely vegetable.—Adv.
Deepest Place in Sea.
The Philippine deep, the deepest
place yet discovered In th<* sea, could
swallow up Mount Everest, the high
est mountain In the world, and still
leave 8,000 feet of water over its sum
Keeping to the Point.
Porter—This train goes to Buffalo
and points east.
Old Lady—Well, I want a train that
gets to Syracuse and I don't care
which way it points.
A harmless vegetable butter color
used by millions for 50 years. Drug
stores and general stores sell bottles
of “Dandelion” for 85 cents.—Adv.
Airy About It.
“Your bill has been running now for.
nearly a year.” “Looks like one of
those nonstop affairs, eh?"
Seeks New Uses for Silver.
Secretary of the Interior Work «t
Washington has ordered a survey to
determine how silver may be used in
new phases of commerce and Indnstry.
The survey will be undertaken by tlio
bureau of mines, because of the de
crease In demand for silver for mone
tary purposes. The expiration of tho
Pittman act, Secretary Work declared,
had left silver producers facing the
necessity of u new market.
A Double Killing.
Higgs—Now Dorn Is what I woulo
call an efficient girl. When she got
married she killed two tdrds with on«
Biggs—So everybody was sattsnea
Higgs—Not exactly. The man si*
jilted shot himself out of disappoint
ment and the man she married com
mltted suicide when he received the
first month’s bills.
Cuticura for Pimply Faces.
To remove pimples and blackheatn
smear them with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off In five minutes with Curb
cura Soap and hot water. Once cleat
keep your skin clear By, using them fo*
dally toilet purposes. Don’t fall to l»
elude Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement
Hogs Raised on Most Farm*.
Hogs are produced on three-foaruA
of the farms In the United Stntia an*5
represent over 10 per cent of the v*lu«
of the nation’s agricultural produc
Vacations frequently are enjoyed jS*
per cent more before and after.
Demand ^ynuim BAYER ASPIRIN-Insist
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved, safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 23 years for
Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
£s!z ‘Sara.”
which contains proven directions.
1Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and* 100—Druggists.
WARNINP* Genuine “Payer Aspirin” is never sold in
VV1A r\l x 1VJ. can<jy stores, bars or cafes. Go to Drugstore.
Aspirin U tb* trad* mark of Bafor Manufacture of MonoaceUcacldeater of SallerUeaett
two pleasant ways
to relieve a cough
Take your choice and suit
your taste. S-B—or Menthol
|. flavor. A sure relief for coughs,
® colds and hoarseness. Put one
in your mouth at bedtime.
Always keep a box on hand.
m COUGHJ>nOPS£gffl&
Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver PI’Is
—then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. They
cleanse your system of all waste matter and
Regulate Yoar Bowels. Mild—as easy to
take as sugar. Genuine bear tignalure—
Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price.