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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1923)
Stable and Safest. A liquid asset is one that can be converted into cash quickly. A Certificate of Deposit in this bank is the best quick asset there is. This bank carries no indebtedness v of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 15he O’Neill National Bank 1. “"■■■■■N PAID LOCALS. Paid announcements will ap. ; pear under this head. If you have anything to sell or wish to buy tell the people of It In this column. fen cents per line first in sertion, subsequent insertions | five cents per line each week. FARM LOANS—R. H. PARKER.87tf KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Graves, O'Neill. 80-tf FOR SALE—MAJESTIC RANGE, practically new.—Inquire Frontier office. 28-tf. FOR SALE—HOUSE AND EIGHT lots. One or all.—Harry L. Page. 29-tf WE WILL DISPOSE OF ALL OUR winter hats at $1.00 and $2.00 each. —Donnelly & Dillon. 29-1 WANTED-—AGENT IN O’NEILL and vicinity. Experience not neces ary. Devote part time or full time Inquire at this office. 49-2 IN ORDER TO CLEAN UP ALL Winter Millinery we will sell all winter hats at one and two dollars each. Sale starts Friday, December 21st at —The Clinton Hat Shop. 29-1 FARM WANTED—I WANT FARMS for cash buyers. Describe and give prices.—R. McNown, 186 Wilkinson Bldg., Omaha, Npbr. 28-3p TWO MEN WANTED TO SELL Singer Sewing Machines in and around O’Neill Write or see G. H. Guy, Ainsworth, Nebraska. 19-tf FOR SALE—THE MRS. TRAVER farm 160 acres, well improved, nice location, 8 miles out. Cheap. Might consider some trade.—J. H. Shultz, City 29-lp THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm renewed for another 5 or 10 years, or if you need a larger loan I can make it for you.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf ALL WINTER HATS PLACED IN two lots. Lot A, $2.00. Lot B. $1.00.—Donnelly & Dillon. 29-1 I WANT SOME FARM AND RANCH loans. If you want money come in and see John L. Quig. 32-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE—THE H. J. McKenna property east of the fair ground. 12 acres well improved. 28-2 LOST—ON THANKSGIVING DAY, one Buick auto crank. Finder please leave at this office.—S. B. Hart. 27-tf I HAVE TWO 1923 DODGE TOUR ing cars in first class condition for sale at bargain prices.—A. G. Wyant. 28-tf ON SHARES—600 to 1,000 CORD OF Cotton Wood and Willow wood, 2 miles from town on shares.—Who wants itr?—John L. Quig. 28-2 I HAVE FOR SALE THE WM. FAL lon acreage in northwest part of city. All of Block 8. Good modern 8 room house with basement, good barn and out buildings. Fine evergreen grove. Some fruit. Good home for retired farmer. Price worth the money on good terms.—J, H. Shultz, City. 28-p2 WANTED MARRIED MAN BE tween thirty and forty years of age, as district manager in northern Ne braska, of large life insurance company. Must have had sales experience of some kind. $3,00 first year to right man; bond required write giving sales ejdperience to W. I Fraser, Agency Manager, 901 Termi nal Building, Lincoln Nebraska. 20-t. The Frontier, only $2.00 per year. MILCH COWS FOR SALE. I have eleven head of choice milch cows for sale; eight milking now, balance to be fresh in January. I also have one registered Scotch Durham bull, two years old. for sale. Some stock cattle consisting of cows and calves. One new cream separator. 29-tf C. F. McKENNA. STOCK FARM FOR SALE. 320 acres, well improved. Located II miles east of O’Neill, the county To The Depositor NATIONAL BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors lose heavily. Why? Because deposits in National Banks are not guaranteed. STATE BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors are paid in full. Why? Because deposits in State Banks are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK OF O'NEILL is the only Bank in O’Neill which offers you this pro tection. You will protect yourself and please, us by depositing your money with us. 5 per cent paid on time deposits. Nebraska State Bank of O’Neill, Nebraska seat of Holt County. 180 acres uned plow, balance pasture and hay mead ow. Fenced and crossfenced. Price $85.00 per acre. ANTON SOUKUP, 18-tf Page, Nebraska. (First publication Dec. 20.) SHERIFF’S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County. Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein John D. Kelly, is plaintiff and Patrick E. McKillip, A. Lugene McKillip, his wife, Frank Brandi, Mary Brandi, his wife, Atlas Land Company, a corpora tion and Atlas Investment Company, a corporation, are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill. Nebraska, on the 21st day of January, 1924, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described premises in Holt County, Nebraska: Northwest Quarter of Section 10, in Township 29, North, of Range 11, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, to satisfy the sum of $6,332.50 found due plaintiff; and also to satisfy the sum of $6,007.00 found due the defendant, Atias Investment Company; and also to satisfy the sum of $5,347.00 found due the defendant Atlas Land Company, and interest thereon and $45.35 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 18th day of December, 1923. Sheriff of Holt. County, Nebraska. 29-5 PETER W. DUFFY, (First publication December 13.) NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR SUPPLIES. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, at O’Neill, Nebraska, up to noon the 8th day of January, A. D. 1924, for the furnishing of the books and blanks for the various offices of Holt County for the year 1924, and tjhat said bids shall be opened by the Board of Su pervisors of said county and the con tract awarded to the lowest and best bidder. The following is the probable num ber of each of the items of books, blanks and stationery that will be re quired during said year: Class “A” Books. 6 Records, 8 quire bound, medium plain, each. * 6 Records, 8 quire bound, medium printed heads, each. 6 Records, 8 quire bound, medium printed page, each. 6 Records, double cap, 8 quires, printed, each. 6 Records, double cap, 8 quires, printed heads, each. 3 Loose Leaf records, medium plain, each. 6 Loose leaf records, medium, print ed head, each. 6 Loose leaf records, medium, printed page, each. 1 8 quire personal tax list. 3 Double medium tax list, 10 quires printed page, each. 300 Special Index tabs with shields for lists 10.000 Tax Receipts, 200 in a book, duplicate, well bound, ruled and printed to copy, furnished, numbered consecutively, per M. 1 Dozen Sheriff’s pocket documents, each. 34 1 quire personal assessment' rec ords, each. 6 2 quire personal assessment rec ords, each. 7.000 Duplicate personal assessment •chadules, per M. 7.000 Original personal assessment schedules, per M. 600 Smeads Banded files specially printed, per M. 12 Assessors schedule files, each. 40 Real Estate Assessors books. 20 Patent Backs, each. 20 Canvas covers, each. 40 Assessment of improvements on real estate, each. 1 Dozen Revenue Laws, each. 24 Memorandum of mortgage in debtedness, Manilla bound, each. 12 Books Treasurer’s Receipts for school money, cloth bound, each. 12 Books order of County Clerk for Overseer of Highways, cloth bound, each. 12 Books, receipts of Overseer of Highways, each. 1 Double Medium Surveyors record, with tracing cloth, 600 pages, each. 2 Rebinding complete records for Clerk of District Court, each. 6 4 quire day fee books, half bound, printed heads, each. 36 Special claim files, each. 1 Real Estate assessment record 1 quire each. 500 Special assessment schedule, 10 forms, each. All above books, except where bind ing is specified, are to be extra Full bound, numbered and lettered on back and made of Byron Westen’s linen Ledger paper. Class “B” Blanks. 2.000 Legal Blanks, full sheet, per 1,000. 3.000 Legal Blanks, half sheet, per 1,000. 5.000 Legal Blanks, quarter sheet, per 1,000. 8.000 Legal Blanks, eighth sheet, Christmas Selections OUR STORE THIS YEAR HAS THE CHOICEST THE MARKET AFFORDS --In Holiday Goods WE HAVE RINGS OF ALL KINDS. PLAIN' STONE, AND DIAMOND; CUFF BUTTONS, WATCHES, WATCH FOBS, LOCKETS, SILVER WARE, VIOLINS AND KODAKS, ANY OF WHICH WOULD MAKE A BEAUTIFUL AND LASTING PRESENT WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF EASTMAN’S KODAKS W. B. GRAVES, Jeweler per 1,000. 2.000 Letter Heads, printed 8%xll, Westend Mills or equal paper 201bs., per 1,000. 10.000 Envelopes printed, No. 1 Rag, 20 pound, size 6%, white, per 1,000. 1.000 Envelopes printed No. 1 Rag, 50 lb., size 10, white, per 1,000. 1,000 Envelopes, printed No. 1 Rag, 50 lb., size 11, white, iper 1,000. Supplies For The County Superintendent Class “C ” 300 Teachers’ Check Cards. 100 Free High School Certificates. 100 Maps of Township. 2 Books Notice to Director of tax levy. 100 Folders for Examination. 100 District order books on the dis trict treasurer. 100 District Order books on County Treasurer. 100 Combination registers. 50 Boxes of teachers’ examination paper. 100 Clasp envelopes (10*4x7%). 100 Clasp envelopes (12x9). 100 Clasp envelopes (15%x9%). 100 District treasurer’s bonds. 25 Director’s records. 25 Moderator’s records. 25 Teasurer’s records. 100 records of visits. 200 Books of Perfect attendance certificates. 100 School laws. 50 District Treasurer’s bond. 1 Book examination No. for trans fer. 50 History of school district bond. 50 Teacher’s contracts. 100 Census blanks. 50 desired transfer for school pur poses. 50 Notice to director of transfer. 50 Petition to change boundary line. 7 Books free high school tuition statements. 7 Books free high school attendance report. 300 Certificates of award (small). 200 Certificates of award (large). 1 Alphabetical index (one letter to the card). 250 Daily progams blanks. 200 courses of study. 240 Director’s legal blanks. 300 Application for free high school tuition. 100 Classification and term sum mary blanks. 200 Mailing tubes (10 inch). 200 Mailing tubes (16 inch). 10 Report of private and parochial schools. 200 Eighth grade diplomas. 250 Institute note books. 275 Teacher’s card sets. 3 Reams drawing paper (not punch ed). 3 Reams History note paper (not punched). 1,000 Report cards for pupils H .L. BENNETT GRADUATE VETERN ARI AN Phone 304. Day or Night. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday morning service 10:30 a. m., Sunday School 11:30 a. m., Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Sunday. Midweek Service, Wednesday 8:00 [■■..—.1111. 1 HOT SPRINGS CLINIC SPECIALIZING IN I MEDICINE, SURGERY, RADIUM, X-RAY g EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT 1 Particular Attention Given To 1 TREATMENT OF CANCER AND 1 TUBERCULOSIS I. Clinical Laboratories Hot Springs, South Dakota I __4 300 Cards application for free high school tuition by pupil. 100 First grade certificates. 100 Second grade certificates. 1 Book free high school admission certificates 15 Reams examination paper, per ream. Class “D ” 6,000 Printed Government postal cards, one side only, cards furnished by County, per 100. 12 Quarts Carter’s writing fluid per quart. c 12 Pints, Carter’s red ink, per pint. 10 Gross Spencerian Glucinum or Silver series pens, per grogs. 4 Gross Velvet pencils, per gross. 4 Gross Faber’s pencils, per grogs. 6 Gross Perfection pencils, per gross 300 Manuscript covers, per 100. 6 Reams typewriter paper. 24 Reams Alexis bond, per ream. 6 Reams Onion skin, per ream. 6 Reams, numbered line legal cap, best quality, per box. 24 Stenographer’s note books, each. 12 Boxes No. 20 Typewriter paper, per box. 6 Dozen Senate Pads, 8%xl4, per dozen. 6 chattel mortgage files, each. 6 motor vehicle license books, each. 2 Quarts Carter’s mucilage, each. 2 Quarts Liberty paste, each. 1 Dozen IXL Steel Erasers, per dozen. 5 lb. Rubber band3, per % box. 500 Sheets best grade Carbon paper. 2 Dozen Webster or equal type writer ribbon, per dozen. 3 Reams court reporter paper, per ream. ' 10 Dozen Tower’s pen holders, per dozen. 10 Reams Marginal ruled typewriter paper, net weight, per ream. 5 reams Marginal ruled typewriter paper, light weight, per ream. 1 Dozen 1Y* oz. bottles Ruids stamping ink, per oz. 24 Boxes Hotchkiss stapels, No. 1, per box. 1 Gross blotters 414x9, old English cloth finish, per gross. 3 Dozen Comet erasers, per dozen. 3 Dozen document boxes, metal bound, 2x4x10, per dozen. 3 Dozen document boxes, metal bound, 4x4x19, per dozen. 12 Dozen boxes “DB” eyelets, per dozen. 2 Dozen full sheets English cloth finish blotting paiper, 19x24, per -dozen, 1 Dozen Safety ink stands No. 2, each. 1 Dozen Capital ink stands, each, 1 Dozen box letter files, Excelsior, or equal, each. 1 Dozen Adar glass pen racks, each. 3 Dozen roll Cresent pins, No. 4, each. 1 Dozen Crown daters, No. 1%, each. Separate bids must be made on books and blanks. All supplies must be furnished in accordance’with speci fications furnished by office ordering same. Payments to be made by warrant on the County General Fund. All supplies are to be furnished as ordered. Bids must be marked for class "A”, “C,” “D,” as the case may be and ad dressed to the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish a good and sufficient bond for faithful performance of con tract. The County Board of Supervisors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be (Opened according to the requirements of the law at the first meeting of the County Board on and after January 8, 1924. Seal) E. F. PORTER, 28-4 County Clerk. Two good smokes for fifteen cents ✓ N ■ Where dood cidars are sold