The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 13, 1923, Image 6
Get Your Poultry Here For Your Christmas Dinner! We have some of the largest and best oysters on the market. Our cerery is crisp and palatable. TURKEYS CHICKENS DUCKS, GEESE ROASTS VEAL MUTTON j Sanitary Meat Market O’Neill, Nebraska. ST.PATRICK’8 CHURCH CATHOLIC Sunday Services: First Mass 8 a. m., Second Mass 9 a. m., High Mass at 10.80 a. m. Vespers 7:80 p. m. Daily Mass 8 a. m. Catechetical Instruction for First *mnuuycants 8 p. m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Confession, Saturday from 8 p. tn, to* 6 p m. and from 7 p. m. to 9:80 p. m. Children’s Confession, First Thursday every month at 1:80 p. m. Very Rev. M. F. Cassidy, Pastor. Get your Sale Bills printed here. I George M. Harrington 1 l ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 1 | PHONE 11. 1 I O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. # W. F. FINLEY, M. I) Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. j O’Neill Nebraska The Frontier for Sale Bills. KO&C-KC-KC-KC-KC For Finer Texture and Larger Volume in the baked goods [tue Sane Price for over 30 years. 25 Ounces for 25* WHY PAY WAR PRICES? MILLIONS OF POUNDS BOUGHT BY OUR GOVERNMENT KOKC-KC-KC-KC-KC / FOUNTAIN PENS EVERSHARP PENCILS WATCHES DIAMONDS SILVERWARE RINGS ’ DUTCH SILVER CLOCKS W. F. WILLGING Jeweler In Reardon’s Drug Store CITY COUNCIL PRQCEEDINGS. December 4, 1923. Council met in regular session. Present: Mayor Gilligan, Council men Phalin, Shoemaker, Johnson, Coyne, Bay and Birmingham. Minutes of previous meeting read and on motion were approved The City Treasurer’s statements for for the months of November showing balances as follows were read and on motion were approved as read: Bal ance in the General fund, $1,129.08; in the Water fund, $2,093.42; in the Road fund, $3,579.48, and in the Spec ial Water fund, $368.98. | Motion made by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Shoemaker ht.t the claim of the Hanford Produce Co. for $51.35 for street lamps pur chased in the month of March and May, 1922, be allowed and warrants drawn on Dhe General fund in payment of same. Carried. Motion made by Councilman Bay, seconded by Councilman Johnson that the Council accept the renewal of the Workmen’s Compensation policy in the Travelers Insurance Co. at a premium of $95.07. Said policy to be dated De cember 5th and to be in force and ef fect for one year from date. Carried. Motion made by Councilman John son, seconded by Councilman Phalin that the Council accept the renewal Fire Insurance policy for $2,500.00, issued by L. G. Gillespie, Agent, for the American Eagle Fire Insurance Co., at a premium of $17.01 on. the pump station and contents. Policy to be dated December 23,1923, and to be in force one year from date. Also, that Mr. Gillespie be authorized to write a tornado policy on the pump station in the amount of $4,500.00. Tornado policy to be dated December 5, 1923, and to be in force and effect for one year. Carried. Motion made by Councilman Ooyne, seconded by Councilmn Bay, that the following claims as audited and ap proved be allowed and warrants er dered drawn on the General fund in payment of same. Carried. N. W. Bell Tel. Co.....$ 3.58 O’Neill Fire Dept. 11,00 Scott Hough. 100.00 W. J. Hammond . 37.50 Ed. T. Compbell . 25.00 H. J. Hammond . 4.15 Geo. Bay . 20.00 Neil P. Brennan .:. 18.75 Minn. Elec. Dis. Co. 144.00 L. G. Gillespie . 96.07 Motion made by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Bay, that the following claims as audited and ap proved be allowed anti warrants order ed drawn on the Water fund in pay ment of same. Carried. Fairbanks Morse Co. $ 7.50 O’Neill Gas & Oil Co. 4.00 Jos. Filsinger . 100.00 Ed. T. Compbll .10.00 J. B. Mellor . 55.57 Motion made by Councilman Shoe maker, seconded by Councilman Bay, that the bond of John J. Thomas in the amount of $2,000.00 and contract for graveling road south of O’Neill be ac cepted and; further, that the Mayor be authorized to sign contract in behalf of the City. Carried. Motion made by Councilman Shoe maker, seconded by Councilman John son,_ that the following claims as audited and approved be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road YtfLETIDE A|0VELTIES More useful presents in a Hardware and Fur niture Store than all the rest together. Buy Hardware and Furniture for Christmas presents this year. NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPHS We have New Edison Phono graphs at $60, $75, $100, $145, $200, $245 and $295. SEWING MACHINES, WASHERS, IRONS, ETC. White Sewing Machines and Electric White Sewing Machines. Electric Irons; Copper-Clad Ranges FOR THE HOME Music Cabinets Floor Lamps Table Lamps Pictures Picture Frames Stands Clocks Carving Sets Vacuum Bottles Silver Plated Ware Pocket Knives Razors Safety Razors Razor Strops Manicure Sets Flash Lights Toilet Sets Scissors Casseroles Fry Baking Dishes Individual Custard Cups Aluminum Tea Kettles Fry Casseroles Roasters Water Pails Combination Kettles Double Boilers Pudding Pans Gem Pans Skillets Griddles Tools, Sleds Rifles Air Rifles Buffets, Duofolds - Dressing Tables Rugs—All Sizes Chairs, Tables Dressers FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS We also have things for the little folks: Rocking Horses Ice and Roller Skates Coaster Wagons Horse Cycles Automobiles Kiddie Cars Carts WARNER & SONS, O’NEILL fund in payment of same. Carried. Geo. Van Every . $105.30 Geo. Van Every . 22.00 Seth Noble Lbr. Co. 93.20 Scott Hough . 39.25 H. E. Coyne. 24.00 John J. Thomas .. 330.60 Geo. H. Jones ... 122.30 Motion made by Councilman Bay, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the City Clerk take the matter ufp with the different banks with reference to giving depository bonds to cover the City’s funds on deposit with them. Bonds in the amount of $5,000.00 to be given. Carried. As a matter of record the City has paid $25.50 for bolts, nails and lumber in erecing trap at sand pit by Mr. J. J. Thomas. Motion made by Councilman John son, seconded by Councilman Bay, that the City purchase one of the outstand ing water bonds and warrant ordered drawn on the writer fund for par and accrued interest. Carried . Motion made by Councilman Bay, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the Council appropriate $400.00 out of the General fund for law enforcment and the Mayor authorized t» expend such money. Carried. Motion made by Councilman Shoe maker. seconded by Councilman Bay that T. A. Quilty's water account be credited $3.00 . Money paid to Ed ward Davidson, Water Commissioner, and not credited to his account. Carried. Motion made by Councilman John son, seconded by Councliman Bay, that Council adjourn subject to call of Mayor. - ED. T. CAMPBELL, , City Clerk. | NEW FEED STORE! In the Roberts Bam in connection with the Feed Barn. All kinds of feeds and hay carried in stock. We make de livery. We do custom grinding. Office, 336. Res. 270 or 303 RdBERTS & HOUGH f ■ ■ ■ ■ II I ! ■ ■ >■■■■■■■■■■■■■■“ 1 THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY —Compiles— “Abstracts of Title” THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. The Frontier, only *24.00 ner year, j NEBRASKA CULVERT AND MFG. CO. AUSTIN-WESTERN ROAD \ MACHINERY ARMCO CULVERTS Everything In Road Machinery Western Representative L. C PETERS O’Neil] :: Nebraska Christmas Candy Buying at the Bakery is a real event this year. Candies in beautiful boxes as low as 15c to $5.50. Candies of our own make at bargain prices. f Get the habit of buying your candy at the candy * factory. \ McMillian & Markey