The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 13, 1923, Image 1

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Christmans Dinner
Whertvlooking over your list for that Christmas Dinner you must remem
ber that quality must be considered. See
BEN J. GRADY, The. Quality Grocer
We have a complete line of fresh fruits and vegetables:
We also have a full line of Mixed Nuts and Candies, at
Berv J. Grady
“Quality Grocery”
Attorney W. J. Hammond went to
Omaha Wednesday.
R. E. Carvert went to Omaha Mon
day where he will consult a specialist.
A daughter was born Wednesday to
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Pollard residing
seven miles north.
Will Ross came home last Tuesday!
from Madison county where he has
been husking com.
Supervisor L. L. Larson of the First
district, went over to Iowa last Mon
day on a business trip.
Elton William Clyde, and Rhea Belle
Stewart, both of Page, applied on De
cember 8th, for a license to wed.
Miss Wanda Dillon, who has ben the
guest of Mrs. P. J. O’Donnell, return
ed to her home in St. Paul, Minnesota,
A son was born Thursday to Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Spencer, of Scottville, at
the home df Grandma and Grandpa
' James Pinkerman of this city.
Mrs. Ada Allen, on December 11th,
filed a petition for divorce from her
husband Vernon. She claims non
support and desertion as the cause.
Edward Hancock and1 Archie Bowen
are the latest addition to the long list
of radio fans in O'Neill. A. V. Virgin
installed a set for each of these gentle
men last week.
J. N. Trommershausser and W. W.
Bethea were up from Ewing Monday.
Senator Brantley Sturdevant was
down from Atkinson Monday shaking
hands with O’Neill friends.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Virgin, of Utica,
Nebraska, stopped Tuesday night with
the former's brother, A. V. Virgin and
Wifd. They were on their way to Bas
set where they will visit Mrs. Virgin’s
Supervisors L. C. McKim, L. E.
Skidmore. Elmer Gibson and John
Sullivan went to Omaha last Monday
where they have been attending the
, state meeting of the county clerks and
Henry Losher has resigned as the
official driver of the Anncar mail route
and Ellis McCan has taken the job for
the winter. Mr. McCan has been mak
ing his home with Mr. and Mrs. Rube
Ballinger residing on the Hugh O'Neill
Casper Herald, Dec. 8: P. C. Kel
ley, one of the larger realty owners in
the city, has returned from Fort Coll
ins, Colorado, where he has extensive
holdings in the vicinity of adjoining
territory to the large Wellington
gasser which came in recently.
Roy Kinkaid and wife, of Wichita,
Kansas; John Kinkaid, Jr., of Los
Angeles, California; D. 0. States and
John K. States, of Buffalo, Kansas;
Clawson States, of McLouth, Kansas,
and James H. States, of Kansas City,
Missouri, are in O’Neill this week in
connection with the settlement of the
estate of the late Moses P. Kinkaid.
In a letter received a few days ago
from A. Y. Craig, who is confined in
the Good Samaritan hospital at Port
land, Oregon, he says that he has just
gone through a very serious operation.
He asks that The Frontier remember
him to his friends. Miss Ida Craig is
with him. Mr. Craig is in a very
serious condition and may be com
pelled to undergo another operation
Casper Herald: Mark Berry, con
tracting driller, leaves Sunday for
Tulsa to complete arrangements for
the putting down of four wells in the
Mid-Continent field. Mr. Berry has
just closed his contract in Salt Creek
and will engage in extensive operat
ions in thair held with the improve
ment of weather conditions next
spring. ,
A number of the Burlington officials
were shaking hands with the business
men of O’Neill this (Thursday) morn
ing. The party are traveling over the
Burlington lines meeting the business
men and shippers. The Frontier
acknowledges a pleasant visit with
them. The party consists of the fol
lowing: Messrs. E. Flynn, Genral
Manager, Omaha; F. Montmorency,
General Freight Agent, Omaha; A.
Cotsworth, Jr., General Passenger
Agent, Omaha; E. M. Westervelt, Land
and Industrial Commissioner, Lincoln;
J. J. Col. Division Freight Agent, Lin
coln; C. A. Burkett, Division Pas
senger Agent, Omaha; N. C. Allen,
Superintendent, Omaha; Ray Hurlbut,
Train Road Master, Ferry.
(Dec. 13.)
Mrs. Herman DeGroff met with
quite a painful accident Thursday by
falling through an open trap door irjto
the cellar, and dislocating her rigwfc
Mr. Fred Jungbluth, who was taken
to the hospital at Norfolk to be under
Dr. Campbell’s care, cannot be oper
ated on for a few days on account of
his weakened condition.
Mrs. Lura Root, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rodell Root, and Mr. George
Ingles, both of Amelia, were married
at Burke, South Dakota, October 3rd.
They will make their home at Haw
thorne, Colorado.
A lighted cigar, thrown by the
roadside by some autoists passing the
Matt Fillinger farm south of town
started a conflagration but fortunately
no hay stacks were burned as people
soon quelled he flames.
Fire of unknown origin started in
Rody Adams house at about six o’clock
last Thursday morning. A little fur
niture was saved, but the house was
completely burned. Rody was in At
kinson at the time and his two boys
were away from home for some weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ritterbush, who
recently moved from near Sioux
City, Iowa, had the misfortune to lose
their new born baby, who lived only
a day, and was buried on Friday, De
cember 7th. The Sun joins their
friends in extending sympathy.
Mrs. W. F. Finley died in St.
Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City, Iowa,
Wednesday evening, December 5th,
following an operation for appendi
citis, to which she submitted about
three weeks previous.
Mary Grace Donovan was born in
Minnesota, in December, 1888. She
was married to Dr. W. F. Finley,
September 15, 1914, at McGregor,
Iowa. She with her husband located
at Lonsdale, Minnesota, where they
remained until coming to O’Neill in
August, 1918.
Besides her husband she leaves two
daughters, Mary Joan, aged seven
years, and Catherine Elizabeth, aged
one year; her mother, Mrs. T. L.
Donovan, three sisters, Miss Frances,
Miss Gertrude, and Miss Ellen Claire,
one brother, John, all of St. Paul,
The remains were taken to Man
kato, Minnesota, where they were laid
to rest beside her father and a sister,
Saturday morning, December 8th.
The deceased leaves a host of
friends in this vicinity who mourn
with the sorrowing husband and
Mrs. W. J. Myers died at her home
in Stuart, Nebraska, Saturday evening
following several week’s of illness with
typhoid fever.
Mrs. Meyers was a sister-in-law of
Mrs. George Bowen of this city.
Chicago, Dec. 1.—The story tellers
of Nebraska have had a great season
this year. They have worked up some
wonderful stuff. They seem to have
had a contest and every man won a
I'hy have seen Bengal tigers and
South American snakes; they have
seen ghosts and prehistoric animals;
they have seen rats as big as dogs
and three-headed horses no larger than
hogs, and they have seen a lot of other
And they expect to be believed when
I5*y tell about it, too. Whole com
munities seem to have entered into the
merry game of lying.
Up in the Elkhom Valley they have
been seeing a royal Bengal tiger. At
the last reports the tiger had found
himself a mate. By next summer
there’ll probably be more tigers than
cattle on the Elkhom ranches.
Tiger started in around the town of
Battle Creek and used to stand on the
bold bluffs overlooking the Elkhom
River and about sundown give out
some awful yowls. Then he moved
northward and at last reports was in
the Devil’s Nest country.
Up around the nest Ananias saw
one of the tigers kill a 2-year-old
steer, throw the carcass over its
shoulder and make its getaway into
the tall timber.
Up around O’Neill, Nebraka, not so
far from the tiger’s lair, Ananias has
' .
At The Rest Room
■■■'— .. ■■■I.MI.I.II.I. I. | | II———A—
I will show my new line of Ladies’ Wearing Apparel
--at the
-in the “Cook” building
until Christmas.
I carry Ve-lete Company's all silk garments including
Blouses Camisoles
Sport Sweaters Combinations
Jacouettes Netherbockers
Sport Skirts * Blouses i
Vests, Step-ins Petticoats
Costume Slips Night Gowns
Also Gents’ Neckties and Ladies’ Gents’, Boys* and
Girls* Fine Hosiery
been seeing ghosts and lots of them,
too. Two whole sections of land 1,280
acres, are just full of spirits which run
around at night carrying big luminous
balls of blue and green. Old-time gun
men who can shave the left eyebrow
off a scared jack rabbit at 100 yards and
never break the rabbit's skin, have fired
round after round at those lights with
t causing them to waver or flicker.
O'Neill, en masse, has gone ghost
hunting night after night and has seen
the lights, but has never been able bo
catch one. The O’Neill postoffice is
cluttered with letters from ghost
catchers who want a sort of Pied
Piper’s job of ridding.those 1,280 acres
of spirits. But Ananias reports the
ghost lights are just as plentiful now
as they have been all the Bummer and
The travels of Mr. Ananias took him
all through the Elkhorn Valley. At
lpast, his footprints can be seen in
several places that are widely separ
ated. That South American snake was
reported from up the Elkhorn. He
was anywhere from ten to twenty feet
in length—never less than ten.
And as big around as a beer keg.
Where he came from is not even con
jectured. How Ananias knew he was
from South America is not even an
other conjecture. A number of times
he was seen swimming down the Elk
horn, or sunning himself on the banks
of that stream. He had a whole town
ship in terror.
As for that rat the size of a dog.
Ananias reported him down in south
western Nebraska near McCook. His
tail was about four feet long and his
teeth about four inches. Cats took to
the woods when Jumbo rat came
The prize production of the yeat,
however, was that prehistoric marine
monster that lived in a shallow little
lake tip in the sand hills. The lake
was half a mile in circumference. The
animal was anywhere from 76 feet to
125 feet long.
Its voice was like the siren of an
ocean liner. It paid no more attention
to bullets than to rain drops. It lived
in a cave beneath the waters. It even
appeared with descendants*, supposed
to be one and two years old respect
Its mate had grown so large it could
not get through the entrance to the
cave and was forced to spend its few
remaining thousands of years in the
cave. It was so realistic that one man
actually caught one of the younger
moiisters and had it in a twenty-foot
stock tank on his farm. So Mr. Ana
nias said. *
Half a dozen towns were in rivalry
as to which owned that monster—and
as to which could tell and authenticate,
the biggest lies about him. Each town
produced every proof—except the
animal itself.
That “three-headed horse about the
size of a hog” story came from out
around Kearney. The tnple-headed
horse ate so much with its three
mouths that finally the owner had to
shoot him to Iprevent being eaten out
of house and home. So the story goes.
PradicL. ~ _ nts
We are clc. ing out all ladies’ coats and dresses, also girls’ and misses coats and dresses during the holiday buying season at
nearly one-half price. Big reduction in men’s overcoats.
It always pays to buy something useful. You can get useful articles at the Nfew Toggery.
We have a beautiful line of dress
shirts at any price from $2.00 to $8.00.
Gloves Ties Mufflers
Silk Socks Wool Socks
Sweaters Leather Bag
Beaded Bags Leather Bags
Phoenix Silk Hose
(the best line manufactured, any price,
all colors)
Fine line of Handkerchiefs
Ladies’ Gloves
Silk Vests
Bracelets Beads Combs
Mittens Novelty Cases
' • i l 1
Gloves Pearls ,
It will be worth your time to come to our store and look our stock over before buying elsewhere. Our goods are all new and
up-to-date. Nothing old in the entire store.
O’Neill, Nebraska The New T< tilery M. S. Abdalla, Prop.