The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 06, 1923, Image 5

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We have a nice line of Toys, Dells, Candy, Fruit,
Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos, Christmas Cards, Christmas
Tree Decorations.
D. St8Li\iY&j*d
• “Abstracts of Title”
i. ——-.........
Physician and Surgeon
Glasses Correctly Fitted.
Office and Residence, Naylor Blk.
-Phone 72
j Everything In Road Machinery
Western Representative
O’Neill :: Nebraska
£ IIMIMIIIMMMI iru I mini I 13#
The Frontier, only »z.00 per year.
A Personal Message
at Xmas Time 7
That is what a photograph of
you at Christmas will mean to
your distant relatives and friends.
You cannot make a more accept
able choice.
Many people consider a photo
graph the ideal gift.
Now is the best time to ar
range appointments — free from
the bustle and confusion ol
Christmas week.
The Studio will be open
every Sunday until Christ
Mrs. Downey will take the
O’Neill, Nebr.
25°unces for 25*
11 Baking
iVW Powder
No better made
regardless of price*
MILLIONS of pounds bought
Ralph Phillips transacted business
in O’Neill Monday, returning home the
same day.
Corn husking will advance yield
above normal. Percent of moisture
above normal.
Charley Spengler, of Norfolk,
visited at the Wertz home Friday,
driving to O’Neill Saturday.
The pie social at Mineola Saturday
evening was well attended and a suc
cess financially and the program inter
esting. Those present report an en
joyable time.
Ralph Resencrans, of Dorsey, rep
resenting an Omaha firm, was in this
vicinity Monday. He advises us that
his territory has been increased hav
ing a general agency, of this te rritory
Prices of com sippears to decrease
as the season advances. It is conceded
by some that good com will be in de
mand at much higher prices July 15,
1924. The producer certainly is en
titled to renumeration for his labor.
The Western Bridge company re
cently completed a 30-foot bridge on
the county line near the F. W. Phillips
farm, and now are at work on a 30
foot span crossing a tributary of
north branch of the Verdigre near
the Wertz farm.
We are informed of loss of swine in
this part of the county and vaccina
tion has been resorted to. Where
hogs show isymptoms of gwine disease
vaccination should not be delayed. In
fact we are informed that in some
states the state law requires vacci
Thanksgiving in 1923 was one of
Nebraska’s lovely days, reminding
your correspondent of Thanksgiving
in 1881. Warm with a bright sun
shine that was thoroughly enjoyed by
the pioneers of the Hainsville settle
ment. Elder Blain delivered the
Thanksgiving sermon in the “sod house
on the claim” of J. W. Wertz. Sing
ing by the. Hainsville Sunday school.
After the services we were invited to
the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Mohr where the Thanksgiving
dinner was served. The interesting
sermon of Elder Blain, the hospitality
of the Mohr home, the good will and
the good bye’s as those pioneers re
turned to their claims will not be for
gotten. Several of those present have
crossed the “turbulent stream.”
% _
Spencer, Neb., Dec. 3: Funeral
services were held here Sunday for Dr.
II. A. Skelton of this (place, who died
Thursday after an illness of ten .days
following two paralytic strokes within
the last year. Burial was made at the
former home at Page.
Dr. Skelton was 56 years, 6 months
and 13 days old and was known as the
pioneer doctor. He was bom in
Princeton, Indiana, on IMay 16, 1867.
J. B. Skelton, father of Dr. Skelton,
came to Nebraska from Indiana in De
cember, 1881, and settled in O'Neill,
Nebraska, in the practice of law. Dr.
Skelton Remained in the home town in
Indiana,"and attended the city schools
of Princeton from which he graduated
in 1883. After graduation he came
west, and about the year 1885 he be
gan the study of .medicine with Dr. J.
E. Shore, with whom he continued for
some five years, the part of the time
being at Inman, Nebraska. He work
ed in a drug store in the latter place
during his study of medicine, and
there also prepared himself as a phar
macist. Fallowing this he took two
years’ work at Drake university at
Keokuk, Iowa, from which school he
graduated in 1881, and he at once re
moved to Page, Nebrasl a, where he
began the practice of medicine.
He was particularly su: essful in
the ten years he remained :.t Page he
extended his practice to a r umber of
distant Nebraska points, and in 1902,
he removed to Spencer. Nebraska,
where he continued in the practice of
medicine and surgery, until he suffer
ed a stroke of paralysis in 1920, which
left his right side partially affected.
Dr. Skelton was a skillful surgeon,
and a highly capable physician and
the high character of his work won
him recognition all over the northeast
part of Nebraska and southern South
Dakota. He was not only a great
doctor and surgeon, he was great in
the things which constitute a man, and
in this his memory will remain with
the people. His passing is a personal
lets to the whole community.
Dr. Skelton was married to Miss
F. uky Chase, of Page, Nebraska, on
Ja; ..ary 1, 1896, daughter of Perry
and Della Chase, who were early set
tlers in Page. Of this marriage two
children were born, Perry and Harold.
Perrv is now practicing dentistry,
while Harold is following his father’s
footsteps and fitting himself for the
practice of medicine, being a student
of the University of Minnesota. He
leaves surviving him besides his widow
and two sons, three sisters, Mrs. Mur
!phy> of Lincoln; Mr* Lomison, of
Page, and Mrs. Hathaway, of Monett;
Missouri. -
Mondamin, la.—To the Editor of
The Omaha'Bee: I want to congratu
late “School Man” on the stand he
takes in regard to football in the pub
lic school. I think if more people
would ejipress their opinion along the
same line that it might do some good
to abolish so ifiuch athletic doings in
our schools.
It seems like there is about as much
time taken up in sports and practicing
for the same as there is in studies.
One school alone can't do much to
abolish the practice, but if they would
co-operate and all cut it out, or if
there were some law enacted to pro
hibit it, I think it would be a good
thing both for the school and pupil.
Plenty of accidents in other ways
without football to swell the list.
Missouri Valley, la.—To the Editor
of The Omaha Bee: The “School
Man” from O’Neill I am afraid is open
for argument. He says that every fall
the papers are full of the tragedies of
football. You’re off your base there,
brother. I take three daily papers and
read them, but I’ll be hanged if I car
see where you get the dope that the
football accidents and deaths make
them look like the casualty lists dur
ing the war. There’s more young
folks get killed riding in cars going to
and from the games than get a scratch
on the gridiron. We sure are sorry for
the people bereaved over their loss.
Indeed we are. But you are not
arguing that.
Better help wake the taxpayers and
fathers and mothers up to the dangers
of the automobile, for the casualties
of football fade into nothing when you
compare the number of the same
young fo’l-s that are killed and injured
simply “joy ridinr.” Jumlp onto some
thing that is an evil. I would rather
have my boy on a football team
matched against men far heavier than
he is than I would have! him out in an
automobile rising hell. That’s where
you have a real evil to fight. On the
football field certain rules are observed
religiously. Well, when the same
bunch are out raising hell in a car the
“devil” makes the\ rules. As to the
nature of football. I played back in
1901 and 1902 when it was a real
game. However, now they have
changed and modified the game so that
it sometimes looks like a game of
parlor ping-pong or drop the handker
chief. Of course I would not want to
see the kindergarten kids play foot
ball, but wiser birds than you or I
ever will be would have stopped it
back in the good old days if it was
going to put the youth of the nation
in the cemetery or hospital.
Brother, let the legislature alone
about it. Wake them up to the neces
sity of repealing some of the crazy
idiotic stuff they have written into the
law codes instead of putting more into
the lists of “shalt nots.” I have
watched football closely in the town
where I live. I cannot recal all of the
accidents, fatal and serious, which
have attended the trips to the games
due to automobiles. But the only ac
cident I can recall to a player was a
broken collar bone—that was received
“monkeying” and not under the train
ed and watchful eye of his coach.
It is true that once in a while there
is a serious injury, but they are few
and far between. You're liable to get
hurt any time under circumstances less
potent writh danger than those on a
gridiron. Let them play football, but
God help and save them from the auto
mobile. That’s what is raising the
duce with the boys and girls both.
Let’s shake hand over this football
stuff and get after something wortyi
The escape from the trunk of the
dainty Miss with Pull Brothers is
great; but when the trunk is opened
and a man appears in her place with
shackles, sealed mystery bag and all,
just as the lady was locked u)p and
roped in, you are set wondering
whether yoq really saw the act, or
dreamed it. See this wonderful act at
O'Neill, on Monday, December 10th.
Measles Old as the Race.
Measles Is probably as old as the
race. In ancient times It was diagnosed
as a form of smallpox. Somewhere
about the Tenth or Eleventh centuries,
when Arab culture and science flamed
high in a mentally dark world, Arab
physicians distinguished the difference
between the two diseases. These men
noted that having smallpox did not
give Immunity to measles and having
measles did not give Immunity to
smallpox. They studied both dlseuses
and pointed out the difference In the
eruptions. But measles continued to
be confounded with scarlet fever until
the latter half of the Seventeenth cen
tury, when Sydenham, an English phy
sician, pointed out the difference in
the symptoms and the eruptions.
f:p!der Kills Bird;
Birds ure caught and killed by the
Mygale, one of the best-known of the
large and heavy spiders. It Is a native
of tropical and subtropical America.
It sucks the blood of its victims. The
body of this spider is dead'black and
is covered with long reddish-brown
hair. It possesses eight eyes, placed
close together in the front of its head.
The species of spider are difficult of
enumeration. The spiders of North
America have beer, studied by Hentz,
Emerton, Keyserllng and Thorell, and
no doubt by a number of other men
Who have specialized in Insects, and !'
is estimated there are 800 species In
North America. The spider has heart,
liver, stomach, Intestines, thorax,
lungs, ns well as several other inter
esting organs, ns, for example, tb*
spinning glands and spinnerets.
Scarlet Tanager, During the Mating
Season, Is One of the Most
Beautiful of Birds.
He flies from twig to twig, a flash of
flaming color among the leaves. All
eyes rest on him. He Is a scarlet tana
His plumage is more glaring than
the feathers of a cardinal. Nature,
ever lavish In color, has piled, on him
her most glaring combination. Red
and black make the most conspicuous
color pattern on earth. This motif ap
pears over and over In the realm of
nature. Sir Tanager wears them proud
ly. He wants to be seen.
Ills mate is not gaudy. She Is
dressed in a greenish drab, so like the
moss on tree trunks that our eyes can
hardly discern her.
Sir Tanager wore this plumage, too,
in his youth. In thoBe days of hard
flying and long travels he did not
need to he conspicuous. He would
have made too easy an eyeful for
But it is the mating season. He
wants to he seen. What male is there
who does not want to appear his best
In the eyes of the other sex?
Bee keepers hate tana gets. They
claim that these birds sometimes eat
their bees. Perhaps this is true. Tan
ilgers catch much of their food on the
wing, and who could expect a bird to
know the difference between a tame
bee and a wild bug?
No more beautiful sight could be
imagined than a tanager as he swoops
gracefully out front his twig, to snap
up an Insect quite invisible to human
eyes. His red feathers flash, his glossy
wings gleam with shining black; you
wonder what further word could be
added about "feathered beauty.—Chi
cago Tribuos.
Her Mistake.
A woman of the new rich type paid
a visit to a well-known school with
a view to placing he* boy there. She
arrived In a limousine elaborately
dressed and loaded with jewelry. Dur
ing her interview with the head mas
ter, whom she embarrassed and Im
pressed with lier grandeur, the poor
man remarked:
“Madam, you remind me of the
queen of Sheba.”
“Really,” said the lady, “I had no
Ideu she had a boy in this school."
The Public Library wilf be open
each day except Monday from this
time on until further notice:
Afternoons, 2:00 to 6:30s.
Evenings, 7:00 to 9:00.
Sundays, 2:00 to 5:30 p. m.
California and
the Burlington
are solving the winter vacation problem
for hundreds of folks who were unable
to “get away” during the midwest’s
busy summer.
The cost of the trip (minus what it
will cost to remain at home) is quite
moderate, and the use of THE BURL
INGTON—the road to Vacationland—
makes the going as enjoyable as the get
ting there.
The favored route leads through Den
ver, Pikes Peak Region, Royal Gorge,
scenic Colorado, and Salt Lake City—a
world-famous steel highway through a
large share of America's most inspir
ing scenic territory. And the rest of
the best is to be found in the Pacific
Northwest—The American Wonder
land—Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, the
Columbia River, the Olympics, Cas
cades, the Northern Rockies, Spokane
—which may be included in round trip,
reduced rate tickets at a surprisingly
low additional cost. Let’s discuss this
in detail.
Ticket Agent
cine 5ar?itapy
VWeat Market
We have a full line of
Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Home
Rendered Lard.
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given To
Insure your dwellings
and contents against fire,
lightning, tornado, wind
storm, cyclone and hail
damage for 5 years at
$15.00 per $1,000.00, with
O’Neill, Nebraska
The Frontier, only $2.00 per yeai.
Real News Paramount
In the country newspaper, sensations, scandals—the recording
of human misery—is almost taboo. At least it certainly is sec
ondary to the printing of real news about people and things.
For the province of the country paper—your HomeTownPaper
—is to give community interests first place, printing the more or
less sensational personal items only when necessary to keep faith
with subscribers who pay for ALL the news.
Therefore, your Home Town Paper can give you, in full meas
ure and overflowing, 100 per cent pure news about the people in
whom you are interested—your relatives and friends of the Old
Home Town.
“The Frontier”
Only $2.00 Per Year