The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 06, 1923, Image 4

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    The Frontier
D. H. CRONIN, Publisher.
Editor and Business Manager.
Entered at the post office at O'Neill.
Nebraska, as second-class matter.
One Year_ $2i00
Six Months ...._ $ijoo
Three Months ...._ $0.50
Display advertU V? »n Pages 4, 6
#nd 8 are charged for on a basis of
•5 cents an inch (one column wide)
>er week; on Page 1 the charge is
’0 cents an inch per week. Local ad
vertisements, 10 cents per line first
usertion, subsequent insertions 5
ientg per line.
Every subscription is regarded as
an open account The names of sub
scribers will be instantly removed
from our mailing list at expiration of
“*J® for, if publisher shall be
notified; otherwise the subscription
remains in force at the designated
subscription price. Every subscriber
must understand that these conditions
are made a part of the contract be
tween publisher wv .-.hecriber.
County Agent Fred Rose is attend
ing the potato show at Chadron this
Joe McDonald, of Atkinson, was in
the city Monday looking after business
Mrs. Fannie Gallagher returned
Tuesday evening from .a week’s visit
at Sioux City.
• 9;rJr,.,f^pp,eli' o{ Ainsworth, was
m O’Neill Monday, looking after some
real estate business.
Miss Helen Willcox returned Friday
evening from a several weeks visit at
St. Louis, Missouri.
Fay Miles went to Chadron last
week where he has accepted a position
with the Chadron Journal.
Miss Dorothy Dunhaver, of Norfolk,
has accepted a position as stenog
rapher in the office of County Attor
ney J. D. Cronin.
Mr. John Kinkaid, of Sawyer Bar, on
the Salmon river in northern Cali
fornia, a brother of the late Judge
Moses P. Kinkaid, is in the city on
matters connected with the estatp of
the judge.
Royal Theatre
t rjedy. Last Chapter Daniel Boone
Marshall Neilan’s
A powerful .drama jjf the Pacific
ship yards. Vital, Compelling. The
kind of drama that grips you! A true
master piece of screen entertainment
with twenty-three famous stars. Ho
bart Bosworth, Claire Winsor, Stuart
Holmes and twenty more stars.
2-Reel Comedy
A change of pictures and vaudeville
every night.
Alice Brady and David Powell in
Doris Kenyon in
Elsie Furgerson anl David Powell in
Agnes Ayers in
--- FRIDAY -
Mable Ballin and Harrison Ford in
Edith Roberts in
“Daddy.” “Masquerader.” “West
Bound Limited.” “Three Wise Fools.”
II 1
Mr. and Mr*. A. L. GowjmrthWAU*
drove to West Point 6ftd Dfeek Wed
nesday. ® f
Walter Stein and family are hiyne
from their auto trip to Huron, South
Postmaster J. S. Jackson and
Banker George Davies, of Inman, were
O’Neill visitors Tuesday.
Andy Davis, df South Sioux City,
spent Thanksgiving with his mother,
Mrs. Chas. Davis in this city.
■ Sumner Downey came home for
Thanksgiving. He is traveling in the
interest of the O’Neill Photo Co.
Miss Irenaeia Biglin returned home
Sunday from Sioux City where she had
been with her sister, Miss Julia, who
is ill.
Arthur Carson was called to Hast
ings, Nebraska, the latter ipart of the
week to attend the funeral of his
The Knights of Columbus have
leased the opera house to Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Rasley. Martin Cronin will
have charge of the house the same as
The ladies of the Woman’s club
will continue their Rummage Sale in
the Cook building next Saturday after
noon at which time the remainder of
the articles will be disposed of.
G. W. Myers of the light company
was in Inman last Tuesday and closed
the contract with the Inman people for
the extension of the lighting system
to Inman. Work will begin soon.
. ^e.V- Minor Gerrard, of Bristow, was
visiting his grandfparents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H, Polk in this city last week.
His brother, Ted, returned home with
him Wednesday and remained at Bris
tow during the Thanksgiving va
Former County Agent Homer L.
Nye and Rev. E. V. Price, pastor at
Chambers about ten years ago and
later on the Marquet circuit, were
shaking hands with old time friends
on Wednesday of last week. The
gentlemen now reside at Gibbons, Ne
Miss Edna Barnard received a card
from Miss Ida Craig, who is teaching
at Hammond, Indiana, stating that her
father, A. Y. Craig, was seriously ill
in a hospital at Portland, Oregon,
where he has been visiting for some
time, and that she was on her way
there to be with him.
Walter Sire, of Inman, left for
Chicago last Saturday where he is at
tending the International Stock Show
and the National Boys and Girls Club
Congress which is being held in that
city this week. Walter is the young
man who won the county championship
of this county in the contest arranged
by the Northwestern railway
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O’Neill have
moved to Chadron where they will
make their future home. Mr. O’Neill
was one of the early settlers along
Niobrara river in the northern part of
the county and has been one of the
hustling ranchmen that has made Holt
county what she is today. Hugh will
be missed from this county where he
has been a prominent citizen for many
The American Legion are sponsor
ing a basket ball team that will no
doubt win their way to glory before
the season is over. The boys were out
for (practice for the first time last
week. They expect to play the first
game about the first of the year. Fol
lowing are the members of the team:
Joe Beha, Joe Bazelman, Tom Sulli
van, George Stannard, Ralph Mellor,
Jim Davidson and Ed Bright.
The O’Neill Commercial Club met
in the dining room of the Golden hotel
last Wednesday evening. The wives of
the members were also invited. Fol
lowing the banquet and regular busi
ness meeting of the club, H. C. Mc
Donald entertained the gathering with
a lantern and slides showing some of
the new inventions pertaining to the
telephone and also some of the views
of the different sides of the telephone
J. M. Hunter has been appointed
county chairman for Harding Memo
rial week, which begins Sunday, De
cember 9th, and will select a-number
of precinct chairmen for the county.
Harding Memorial week is designated
for the purpose of raising funds for
the erection of a memorial to the late
president, Warren G. Harding. John
L. Kennedy, of Omaha, is state chair
man for the drive. A proclamation
asking general observance of Harding
Memorial week has been issued by
Governor Charles Bryan. The quota
of the fund to be raised in Holt
county is $350.
i #
Xmas will soon be here and you will find us with the most complete line of Holiday Goods we have
ever had. We have a large assortment of Store Window, Xmas Tree and Home Decorations.
All goods now on display. You can find a present for every member of the family, even Grandma
and Grandpa. Come early and do! your Xmas shopping while we have time to show you our entire stock
and you will be better satisfied with your selections.
We will lay your packages away, if you wish, and you can call for them later.
O’Neill Variety Store
W. W. ABBOTT, Prop.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hoxsie Wednesday.
Mrs. J. S. Jackson, Mrs. Preston
Richardson, Mrs. Clyde Richardson,
and Mrs. Fred Richardson, a 11 of
Inman, were shopping in O'Neill to
On October 1st ten of the young
folks of Mineola presented to a full
house at the Minneola school house
the play entitled, “A Fortunate Ca
lamity,” which was a very clever three
act comedy and was well rendered.
Each and every actor played their part
as only ones with talent can. Their
commedian, Clifford Addison, who
played the part of “Rastus,” an old
negro servant, was a wonder as was
also his wife, “Dina,” who was his
sister. Leo Orr is not only an actor
but an artist. He made all the scenery
used which was equal to some of the
scenery used by our traveling troups.
A great deal of credit must be given
these young folks as they did every
thing in connection with the play
themselves, not even having an ex
perienced one to help them in any
way. As this was their first attempt
at such work they didn’t feel like
charging admission, but had a pie so
cial after the play which brought them
very near $40.00 for their work and
expenses. If more communities would
do likewise this would be a better
world to live in.
Cards have been received by O’Neill
frends announcing the marriage of
Miss Dorothy Frost, of this city, to
Mr. Daniel P. McGinty, of Omaha.
The ceremony took place in Council
Bluffs, Iowa, Saturday afternoon.
phey will be at home at the Black
' "o hotel in Omaha, after January
; ih.
The bride is the daughter of Dr. H.
Margaret Frost of this city. She has
been employed, during the past years,
in the office of County Attorney ,J. D.
The groom is traveling for an
Omaha wholesale house.
The Frontier wishes the happy
couple an unmeasurable amount of joy
and happiness.
Mrs. W. F. Finley died in St.
Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City, Iowa,
Wednesday evening about six o’clock,
where she had been taken about two
weeks previous fqr an olperation for
Mrs. Finley has been quite ill for
the past five weeks. She was about
thirty-five years of age.
The remains were taken to Mankato,
Minnesota, where they will be placed
beside her father and a sister, Satur
day morfting.
The Frontier will publish a further
obituary next week.
Buy Practical Gifts For Christmas
We have a line of Gifts for Every Member of the Family.
\ .| - - -
O. F. Biglin
SI A.: J i . r:! J. i: r 3brtUT 1
Many Patio We .ier> Think ilothing of
Having Ti.ah* . .-.ea Uroken
and K.ast.
Parlsiennes tuv going to such lengths
to achieve beauty as quite to put in
the shade the painful . operation of
“dimpling" (making a hole in the chin
by means of a drugged needle).
Many women think nothing of having
their noses broken and reset in a dif
ferent shape, says a Paris correspon
dent. Others actually have the eye
brows moved upward or downward, as
the fancy dictates. This necessitates
a complete removal of the hair and
either a false and forced growth in a
different position or makeup.
One beauty expert, who undertakes
to change the form of a woman’s lips,
has performed many operations. His
latest experiment is to make the upper
lip turn up, giving it an alluring pout.
To do this he stretches a thin hair
from the upper lip to the tip of the
nose. This effect*, naturally, Is limited
to actresses, wno use n on mu
Some fashionable women are being
laughed at for their Insistence on hav
ing their cosmetics flavored. One has
her lip-rouge tasting of banana.
Cats and Weather,
Are cats weather prophets? Do their
highly-strung nervous systems respond
to changes in the atmosphere? It Is
an old belief that good weather may
be expected when the cat washes her
self, but bad when she licks her coat
against the grain, or washes herself
over the ears, or sits with her tail to
the fire. In superstitious days pussie’s
response to a coming change in the
weather was thought to mean that she
had some control over it. A confusion
of cause with effect. So sailors were
afraid to provoke a cat; in fact they
did not like a cat on board ship at
all. A frisky cat made them quote
the saying: "A cat has a gale of
wind in her tall.” The way to raise
a gale was to throw a cat overboard.
Ruffles on a calm surface from a ris
ing wind are still called “cats’ paws ”
in some parts or mis *iauu a _
name for the stormy northwest wind
is tlie “cat’s nose.”
Marry Late.
Confucius is said to have played the
lute at three, discoursed gravely on
prudence and rectitude at five, and at
seventeen was made Inspector of the
marts, distinguishing himself by re
pressing frauds and by introducing
order and integrity. Modern eugenlsts
nowadays account for ^ecocit^by the
advanced age of one or both of the
child’s parents at the time of its birth.
This is true of nearly all of those !
whose names are in the Book of Fame, j
and we have very marked examples!
in the following (the father’s age ati
the time of the distinguished son’s
birth is given In each cas»): Vol
taire, sixty-five; Franklin, fifty-seven;
Audubon, fifty-seven; Goethe, fifty
three; Irving, fifty-two; Bacon, fifty
one ; Shakespeare, about forty-five;
Milton, forty-five; 'Confucius, forty
five ; Johnson, forty-seven; Edison, I
fcrty-three. §
P. O. B. Fully
Detroit Equipped
The Lowest Priced Sedan
IN the Tudor Sedan a wholly new
Ford body type is offered
American motorists.
It is distinguished by a compact,
roomy body, two wide doom open
ing forward, and folding right front
seat. It is a car you can ge“t into easily,
drive handily, and park quickly.
direction, make for* safer driving
and greater motoring enjoyment.
Upholstery is both attractive and
At $590, this is the lowest priced
Sedan ever placed on the American
market. Combining all the familiar
Ford qualities with the utility of its
Long-panel win
dows affording an
open view in every
This Car can be obtained through the
distinctive body
type, it is a car of
broad appeal and
compelling value.
J. B. Mellor, Dealer
O’Neill, Nebraska