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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1923)
Stop and Read. We want your business be cause we believe in you. It is the ties of friendship and confidence that inspire our complete cooperation. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 T5he O’Neill National Bank PAID LOCALS. Paid announcements will ap. pear under this head. 3 U you have anything to sell or wish to buy tell the people of It in this column. * fen cents per line first in sertion, subsequent insertions five cents per line each week. FARM LOANS—R. H. PARKER.37tf KODAKS. FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Graves. O’Neill. 80-tf 1 WANT SOME FARM AND RANCH loans. If you want money come in and see John L. Quig. 82-tf FOR SALE-TEN DUROC JERSEY Boar Pigs eligible to registry.— John T Murray. 26— l JR SALE — POLAND CHINA Boars. Price very reasonable for quick sale.—J. W. Hickey, O’Neill. 21tf FOR RENT—MY RANCH, 9 MILES southeast of Atkinson. For particu lars write Pat O'Donnell. O’Neill, Ne braska. 25-4p TWO MEN WANTED TO SELL Singer Sewing Machines in and around O’Neill. Write or see G. H. Guy, Ainsworth, Nebraska. 19-tf THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm renewed for another 6 or 10 years, or if you need a larger loan I can make it for you.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf WILL'SELL TO PARTY GIVING most satisfactory offer by Dec. 20, 160 acres unimproved land in Holt Co. Description N W. % of Sec. 27, Town. 29, R. 10.—Write Mrs. E. A Holt grew, Lamar, Nebr. 26-3 WE HAVE IN YOUR VICINITY A high grade piano on which party is unable to continue payments. You can own this piano by paying the un paid balance, either cash or payments. If interested write A. Hospe Co., Omaha, Nebr. 26-8 FOR ROYAL SOCIETY ART GOODS see Donnelly & Dillon. 27 SATIN HATS AT $5. NEW SHIP ment. All popular colors and shapes. —Donnelly & Dillon. 27 LOST—ON THANKSGIVING DAY, one Buick auto crank. Finder please leav* at this office.—S. B. Hart. 27-tf FOR RENT—MODERN SIX-ROOM house and good garage located in southwest part of town. Inquire of C. M. Daly. 27-1 FOR EXCHANGE — MY DORT Touring Car 1920 Model in fine con dition, for a Ford Coupe. Must be'a good car.—J. H. Shultz, city. 27-2 FOR SALE—MY 320 ACRE FARM north of Ainsworth, unimproved, lays level, price $25.00 per acre. One third cash, balance your own time. No trade considered.—J. H. Shultz, O’Neill, Nebr. 27-2 WANTED MARRIED MAN BE tween thirty and forty years of age, as district manager in northern Ne braska, of large life insurance company. Mast have had sales experience of some kind, $3,00 first year to right man; bond required, write giving sales eadperience to W. I. Fraser, Agency Manager, 901 Termi nal Building, Lincoln Nebraska. 20-tf CORN FOR SALE. About 400 bushels of good ear corn, one half mile north of cemetery —C. F. McKenna. 26-2p STOCK FARM FOR SALE. 320 acres, well improved. Located 11 miles east of O'Neill, the county seat of Holt County. 180 acres uned plow, balance pasture and hay mead ow. Fenced and crossfenced. Price $85.00 per acre. ANTON SOUKUP, 18-tf Page, Nebraska. SURPRISE FOR O'NEILL The simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.f known as Adler i-ka, the appendicitis preventative, surprises O’Neill. It draws so much foul matter from the system that ONE SPOONFUL relieves Sour stomach, gas and constipation AT ONCE. Charles E. Stout, Druggist. (E-3) To The Depositor NATIONAL BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors lose heavily. Why? Because deposits in National Banks are not guaranteed. STATE BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors are paid in full. Why? Because deposits in State Banks are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK OF O’NEILL is the only Bank in O’Neill which offers you this pro tection. / You will protect yourself and please us by depositing your money with us. 5 per cent paid on time deposits. Nebraska State Bank of O’Neill, Nebraska WHEN tftffSl&ALLYfiM OUT Specialist on Subject ..last People Are Mistaken the Time. So few of us notice trees carefully that In early spring v I en the buds are swelling we say be buds are coining on the trees," wheie.m, if our eyes had been opened to nature s won ders we would have known they laid been patiently “budded ’ the summer before. As the buds begin lo swell the out feide coverings or scales grow larger, separate and fall, writes Susan S. Alhurtis in Nature Magazine of Wash ington. They leave their scars behind them as a group of very close rings. Wherever thesu rings are, there a ter minal bud has been. Not necessarily does Hit distance be tween ring groups me. n a year’s growth. Sometimes, according to the season, a (roe will make a second growth, then it lias made two terml- 1 nal buds In a growing season. The horse chestnut frequently does this, because of a disease that attacks it In early July. In such cases two groups of rings would be made In one year. Not all the side buds on a twig will open. They are the reserve army wait ing to come into action If the main buds are injured. After a few years of waiting, if they have not been brought Into service, they will be cov ered by the growing wood, but have “served by waiting.” Not much variation occurs In the shape of the bud bundles In the same species, so probably the safest way to know trees is by their buds. Then, too, If fee remember that they are on the trees all the year round except for a very short time' immediately after the old buds have opened and the new leaves are getting strong enough to work, we can identify trees when all Hie leaves are gone If we know the bud bundles. SELLING FURS TO ESKIMOS Sounds Like Paradox, but Wolverine Headdress I3 Popular With Peo ple of the North. Selling furs for consignment to the Eskimos sounds like a paradox, but that Is exactly what took place at the opening day of the week’s sale of the Canadian Fur Auction Sales, Limited, at the Mount Royal hotel, according to the Montreal correspondent of the Boston Transcript. The explanation was more simple than it looked. F. H; PIngres, general manager and also auc tioneer for the sale, said that the Es kimos of Alaska have plenty of beau tiful seal, fox and similar furs, but each Eskimo with any pretensions as a beau desires above all things to have a wolverine headdress for himself and his favored squaws. So the Alaska dealers load up with the choicest skins they can get from the Eskimos and bring them to the Montreal auctions, where they barter them for wolverine skins, which they take hack to Alaska j for the adornment of the Eskimo I onv:x and belles. The Eskimos are satisfied and the various bartering processes are not done without profit. GIVING OUT. The Struggle Discourages Many a Citizen of O’Neill. Around all day with an aching back, Can’t rest at night; Enough to make any one “give out.” Doan’s Pills are helping thousands. They are for kidney backache; And other kidney ills. Here is O’Neill proof of their merit: Mrs. Minnie Bowen, says: “I had backache and a heavy dull pain in my kidneys that seemed to wear me all opt. I couldn’t get much rest at night and it was all I could do to keep at my work. There was a severe pain in the back of my head and through my shoulders. My kidneys were weak, causing a great deal of annoyance. Doan’s Pills relieved me completely. FOUR YEARS LATER, Mrs. Bow en added: “I still think Doan’s are a good kindey medicine. It has been a long time since I have had need of a kidney remedy.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Pills—the same that Mrs. Bowen had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Christmas Selections OUR STORE THIS YEAR HAS THE CHOICEST THE MARKET AFFORDS » In Holiday Goods WE HAVE RINGS OF ALL KINDS. PLAIN STONE, AND DIAMOND; CUFF BUTTONS, WATCHES, WATCH FOBS, LOCKETS, SILVER WARE, VIOLINS AND KODAKS, ANY OF WHICH WOULD MAKE A BEAUTIFUL AND LASTING PRESENT WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF EASTMAN’S KODAKS W. B. GRAVES, Jeweler Future Invention. The ever busy scientific research worker in his laboratory has succeed ed in making a superior grade of rub ber from the cactus so widely found in the southwestern United States. In South Africa a man has found a way of converting the juice of the prickly pear into industrial alcohol. Probably our dandelions and daisies and butter cups contain alcohol, too. Perhaps some day Winnipeg will ship her old people and invalids to Baffin land in the summer and the West Indies in the winter in flying machines driven with weed-made alcohol fuel. And*our heating and cooking and lighting and transportation and factory power may come from sea-power. The ebb and flow of the tides furnishes an inex haustible reservoir of electric power. Above Bristol on. the Severn river in England, a great project is being planned to dam the river and utilize the ebb and flow of the tide for elec tric power purposes. The high spring tides rise forty feet there. (First publication Nov. 22.) NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. Estate No. 1634. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, November 20, 1923. In the matter of the Estate of Joachim Wabs, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a peti tion has been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instrument pur porting to be the last will and testa ment of Joachim Wabs, Deceased, and for the appointment of Roman Rhode, as executor thereof; that December 12, 1923, at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and .prov ing said instrument in said Court when all persons concerned may appear and contest the probate thereof. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 25-3 County Judge. JNEW FEED STORE! In the Roberts Barn in connection with the Feed Barn. All kinds of feeds and hay carried in stock. We make de livery. We do custom grinding. Office, 336. Re3. 270 or 303 ROBERTS & HOUGH v H .L. BENNETT GRADUATE VETERNARIAN Phone 304. Day or Night. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday morning service 10:80 a. m., Sunday School 11:30 a. m., Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Sunday. Midweek Service, Wednesday 8:00 HOT SPRINGS CLINIC SPECIALIZING IN MEDICINE, SURGERY, RADIUM, X-RAY EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Particular Attention Given To TREATMENT OF CANCER AND TUBERCULOSIS Clinical Laboratories Hot Springs, South Dakota The Christmas Dinner Our store is full of things that will add to the Christ mas dinner. Among the many good things are: Cranberries Oysters, Celery Meats of All Kiri Roasts Bananas, Apples Cabbage Steaks Oranges, Dates Olives Grape Fruit, Figs Honey Our assortment of canned goods is new and fresh Henry Bay PHONE 35. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Two good smokes for fifteen cents Where good cigars are sold