—--Yovir Christmans Dinner j • • When locking over your list for that Christmas Dinner you must remem ber that quality must be considered. See BEN J. GRADY, The Quality Grocer We have a complete line of fresh fruits and vegetables: LETTUCE GREEN ONIONS PARSLEY CELERY GRAPE FRUIT PEANUT BUTTER HONEY SORGHUM MAPLE SYRUP CUCUMBERS CRANBERRIES SWEET POTATOES ORANGES BANANAS LOGAN BERRIES GRAPES STRAWBERRIES RED CHERRIES RASBERRIES TOMATOES We also have a full line of Mixed Nuts and Candies, at Ben J J. Grady “Quality Grocery” \ * LOCAL MATTERS. J. W. Hiber was called to Bassett last Saturday to doctor a sick radio. Clarence Gist came up from Sioux City Thursday night for a short visit with old friends. W. J. Barker, of Boliver, Missouri, was in O’Neill several days during the past week looking after the sale of a number of mules. The senicy' day Ipupils were host esses to the boarding pupils at a card party ar/ luncheon at St. Mary's academy Friday evening. Elkliorn Valley Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., elect'd their officers last Monday even ing for the ensuing term: They are: Harry Bowen, noble grand; Forest Smith, vice grand; J. C. Harnish, sec retary; J. S. Ennis, treasurer; t.. G. Gillespie, trustee. ' l We Quote the Following Prices On Ground Feed j Per 100 lbs. Ground Wheat_$2.00 Ground Corn and Oats...$1.50 Ground Rye and Corn .-_ $1.60 Ground Rye-$1.70 Cracked Corn_$1.35 Ground Ear Com $1.35 « We are Equipped to Grind Grain in Any Quantity. If you want to know ! what your corn is actu ally worth on the mar ket bring in a sample and we will run a test on it. It will cost you ; nothing if you bring it to The O’Neill Grain Co. Phone 113 Top Prices for Ear Corn * Henry Wabs, of Phoenix, returned home last Saturday from Rochester, Minnesota, where he was in consulta tion with the Mayo Brothers. D. D. Miles and son, Hershel of Lin coln, were in -O’Neill last Friday. *Mr>; Miles and son were on their way to look over their farms near Page and Dorsey. I. R. Harding went to Omaha Mon day to consult a specialist in regard to his health, which has been some what below normal for the past two months. J. A. Donohoe has become a radio fan and spends the evenings listening in on the nightly concerts in the va rious parts of the world. J. W. lliben installed the machine last Wednesday. Ed Peterson went down to the river Monday, chopped himself a little hole in the ice at a deep and quiet place and then with hook and line caught a bass and a mess of croppies. The bait used were minnows from the private flock which Eld keeps in a washtub in the basement of his residence to be pre pared for emergencies. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bazelman ac companied the Bazelman boys to Creighton last Sunday, where they are attending school. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hiber and child ren were in Long Pine over Thanks giving visiting with Mrs. Hiber's brother, Tom Hutchinson and family. H. B. Hubbard returned home Tues day from Lincoln where he has been looking after his real estate interests. James Cameron, a cousin, of Syracuse, Nebraska, accompanied him to O'Neill for a visit. 9 Col. Mose Elliott, of Lynch, emerged from a bath in Whiskey creek, north of Lynch, a few days ago with out any bad effects after his Ford car took a 'twelve-foot dive from a bridge. The car was entirely ruined. » Mr. and Mrs. Hans Anderson and son, Norman, of North Bend, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan Simmons, parents of Mrs. Anderson. Other family guests at the Simmons home for Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Simmons, of Mc Clean, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sim mons, of Venus. Mrs. Mary Mu’len returned from a short visit at Sioux City. Mrs. E. J. Rockefeller, of Tilden, is the guest of her daughter, Mr?. Phil Zeimer. Edward Eager returned Tuesday morning from a visit at Arlington ahd Louisville, Nebraska. George A. Miles was called to Har lan, Iowa, Wednesday of last week by the seriousness illness of a sister. P. J. McManus and Ambrose Slat tery returned Monday evening from a short trip to Winner, where they were looking after their extensive land holdings. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Dovrack, of Spencer, spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Valla south of town. They returned to their home Sunday. A daughter, Miss Mary Constance, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Max Golden, last Thursday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. McMillian in this city. Grandpa T. V. Golden is quite elated over the young lady as she is the first granddaughter in the family. A very nice program'was given last Friday evening, November 23rd, by Miss Lucille Hough and pupils, in school district No. 157. The box so cial which followed was very success ful and Jerrold Dusatko played his part well as an auctioneer, and made the boxes bring enough to more than pay for the organ, which was pur chased for the school. This was the first program in this district for several years. The peace and quiet of the Checker club was broken a few nights ago when A. M. Voss, of Lincoln, met L.C. Chap man in a series of games before the large gallery of onlookers. Mr. Chap man has met Mr. Voss several times during the past year and has always maintained the honor of the club, not allowing the Lincoln man to get away with the bacon. The recent series ^terminated with two wins each and six draws. Those who witnessed the ses sion say that Mr. Chapman should have won the series but lost one of the games purely Upon an oversight. Simonson post of the American Le gion installed its new officers Tuesday evening with a banquet and get to gether meeting , at the Hotel Golden. About forty members of the Legion, with several visitors from abroad and other guests participated in the festi vities, which were presided over by the new commander, George Harring ton. The menu was a most delightful one and the music by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cooper added much to the enjoy ableness of the occasion. After the eats short informal talks made i hjf Donald Mapes, of Norfolk, Thomas [Keenan, of Geneva, Past Commanded Cecil W. Conklin, Past Adjutant Hugh Birmingham, J. D. Cronin, John Lans worth, Jack Higgins and Adjutant Fred W. Rose, and then a general gabfest was indulged in. The gathering was first of a series to be held this winter. Chester Morgan and! Floyd Barnhill, of O’Neill, and McKinley G. Dennis, R. C. Carroll and Ward Hatcher, of Lincoln, were sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary, each, at hard labor, Wednesday of last week by Dis trict Judge Morning, of Lincoln, for holding up a~ street car conductor of that city the Sunday night previous. The five young men were apprehended at Fremont several days after the rob bery and taken back to Lincoln, where they confessed. Chester Morgan, who was the driver of the Fond car from which the bandits staged the hold up, seems to have been the dupe of the other men and to have counselled At The Rest Room _——,—— ___ _ • I will show my new line of Ladies’ Wearing Apparel -at the ✓ REST ROOM -in the ‘“Cook” building EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY until Christmas. I carry Ve-lete Company’s all silk garments including Blouses Camisoles Sport Sweaters Combinations Jacouettes _ Netherbockers Sport Skirts Blouses Vests, Step-ins Petticoats Costume Slips Night Gowns Also Gents’ Neckties and Ladies’ Gents’, Boys’ and Girl s’ fine hosiery. MRS. P. T. WALSH O’NEILL, : : : NEBRASKA _ against the hold-uip before it took place. An a«jcount of the affair in a Lincoln paper says that while four of the men laughed and made light of their predicament, “one of their num ber sat off to himself with nothing to say except in answer to questions. This man was Chester Morgan, who drove the car on the night of the rob bery, but who insisted that he urged against the hold-up.” One of the five men, McKinley Dennis, is said to have a police record and to have admitted to the Lincoln police implication in hold-ups at Denver and Sheridan, Wy oming. All of the men are said to have been in O’Neill this summer. CALIFORNIANS WOULD DE VELOP JAMES CONNOLLY'S / GHOST FORM OIL PROSPECTS The Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas company would develop James Con nolly’s ghost light oil fields on a fifty fifty basis, or if that prdposition is not acceptable makes a flat offer of $500 an acre for the strip of Die land comprised in the ghost graveyard. Following is a communication just re ceived by Mr. Connolly from them: Los Angeles, Cal.,_Nov. 28, 1923. Mr. Connolly:—We have had our agents getting information as to the prospects of oil and gas on your farm. Things look very promising. Would you consider an offer of $500 an acre. If so let us know at once. Rocky Mountain Oil & Gas Co., Paul Bunion, Sec 121 East 1st St., Los Angeles, Cal. PADDOCK CORNHUSKERS ISSUE DEFY TO REST OF HOLT COUNTY Corn huskers who think they can shuck corn in championship quantities are invited to meet Joe Martin and Harry Lansworth, of Paddock town ship. The friends of the two gentle men named have been reading in the papers about the championship claimn of several huskers in the county ana have authorized the aborting depart ment of this great family and religious journal to issue a challenge to Holt county in general, offering to bet the sum of $26 that either Mr. Martin or Mr. Lansworth can husk and crib more corn in a day than any other man in Holt county. Also a bet of fSO that the two gentlemen can husk and crib more corn than any other two men in the county. Paddock township also claims the husking champion three some in James Crawley, jr., W. J. Langon and John Langon, jr. The three, recently, working in 10-bushel corn, which had been hailed out, husk ed and cribbed 375 bushels of corn in e>artly six hours. Any other three men in the county, Joe Martin and Harry Lansworth barred can make $"5 by defeating them in a contest. Since writing the above this office has been vupt-.a by several members of gjg|ery M.S.AHalla,Prop.