The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 08, 1923, Image 1

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Misses Loretta and Agness Carr
have been quite ill the past,week.
The American Legion will give a
dance at the K. C. hall Friday evening.
Mrs. M. J. Darr, of Page, spent
Sunday with Mrs. E. Sivesind of this
Mr. and Mrs. J5. C. McDonald have
taken apartments in the Scott building
for the winter.
The opening club dance of the fall
and winter season was held at the K.
C. hall Tuesday evening.
Attorney Hugh Boyle, of Norfolk,
visited O’Neill friends over Sunday,
returning home Monday morning.
John Carr left Sunday night for
Merriman on business at his ranch.
He expects to be gone several days.
J. N. Trommershausser, W. H. Gra
ver and L. E. Skidmore, of Ewing,
were O’Neill business visitors Tuesday
Miss Mary Wettling, who has been
the house guest of Miss Demaris
Stout, returned Saturday to her home!
at Chicago.
George Fink left Tuesday for his
home in Denver, after having spent
the past nine months at the J. W.
Hickey farm.
John Gerdes, of Elgin, was an
O’Neill visitor the first of the week
while looking after his Holt county
land interests.
John Carr, son James and nephew
George Gallagher, of New York City,
went to Omaha last week with several I
loads of cattle.
Armistice Day, November 11, fall
ing on Sunday this year, observance
generally over the country will be on
the Monday following.
Mrs. Christina Sorenson of Willow
dale township, returning to her home
Friday afternoon after a several days
visit with O’Neill friends.
Mrs. H. L. Page returned to her
home at Sioux City Saturday, after a
short visit with her son, Harry Page,
who resides northeast of this city.
Miss Helen Miller, of Winside, Ne
braska, arrived Tuesday to be the
guest of the Reverend J. A. Hutchins
and Mrs. Hutchins for the winter.
Clinton Fry, of Winside, who has
been the guest of his daughter, Mrs.
J. A. Hutchins, for the last several
weeks, returned home Monday morn
' R. J. Hatch will speak at the Gibson
school house next Sunday at 11 a. m.
on the subject of Church Doctrine vs.
Christiany. Everybody is cordially in
George Bowen left Tuesday morning
for Hinckley, Illinois, where he will
represent the Holt county heirs in the
estate proceedings of the late William
Miss Marie Harrington, who has
been visiting at the home of her
parents the past six weeks, left Mon
day morning for Los Angeles, Cali
fornia, where she will make her future
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mellor entertain
ed for Dr George Stevens, of Sioux
Falls, and Dr. William Shearer, of
Omaha, after the dub dance Tuesday
evening. The two doctors returned to
Omaha Wednesday morning.
J. J. Thomas and Ed Williams, who
are engaged on a highway graveling
contract along the Winner line in
South Dakota, spent the week end at
home with their families, returning to
South Dakota the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zimmerman
celebrated the second anniversary of
their marriage, at the Zimmerman
residence Thursday, November 1.
Fourteen guests assisted in the fes
tivities and the evening was spent at
O’Neill was the victor by a score of
14 to 7 over Verdigre in one of the
best football contests of the season,
on the local gridiron Friday afternoon.
The Verdigre team is one of the strong
ones of north Nebraska arid had been
doped to win.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jordan and
Mrs. Walter McFarland, of Norfolk,
drove up in the latter’s car Sunday
after little Dorothy Ann Jordan, who
had spent a week at the home of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Carr.
They returned that night.
Mrs. A. L. Willcox entertained Mon
day evening at a dancing party in
honor of. her cousin, Mr. George
Stevens, of Sioux Falls, and Dr. Wil
liam Shearer, of Omaha, who have
been her guests since Saturday. They
returned to Omaha Wednesday morn
Miss Maxine O’Donnell, of O'Neill,
has been elected Secretary of the
Freshman class at the College of
Saint Teresa, Winona, Minnesota.
Miss O’Donnell is the'daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James F. O’Donnell. She is
a graduate of Saint Mary’s Academy,
Walter Sire, of Inman, member of
Inman high school and also of the
Elkhorn Valley, Pig club, will go to
Chicago December 1 to 8, to attend
the International Live Stock show as
the guest of the Chicago and North
Western railroad, as a reward for win
ning the championship in the pig club
John Schmidt of Shields township
probably is the only ranchman in Holt
or any other county who grows his
rough feed already shocked. Mr.
Schmidt some time ago cut and
shocked a fine crop of Sudan grass.
Several weeks later when he went to
haul the crop to the barnyard he dis
coverd that the shocks all had taken
root and~were busy growing.
J To The Depositor
they do depositors lose heavily. Why?
Because deposits in National Banks
are not guaranteed.
do depositors are paid in full. Why?
, Because deposits in State Banks are
protected by the Depositors Guarantee
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
OF O’NEILL is the only Bank in
O’Neill which offers you this pro
You will protect yourself and please
us by depositing your money with us.
5 per cent paid on time deposits.
.. 1 ~~~— - ——- ..I.
Nebraska State Bank
of O’Neill, Nebraska
A daughter was born October 15tl
to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. .Johnson, o
A daughter was born November Is
to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Everett, o
A daughter was born to Mr. am
Mrs. William Brown, of Stuart, oi
October 23rd.
The Catholic ladies will hold theii
annual card party for the benefit oJ
St. Mary’s academy, at the K. C. hal
Thursday evening.
Dr. George Stevens, of Sioux Falls
and Dr. William Shearer, bf Omaha
came up Saturday morning for a shorl
visit with Dr.'Steven's cousin, Mrs. A
L. Willcox, and other O’Neill friends
and incidentally to do a little duel
hunting. They returned to Omaha
Wednesday morning.
The Frontier this week received a
very pleasant communication from one
of its oldest readers in continuity, Mr,
E. O. Root, of Oxford Junction, Iowa.
Mr. Root states he has been a reader
of The Frontier since 1880 and states
that he always looks forward with
pleasant anticipation to its weekly
The Holt county farmers are realiz
ing the value of dairying as a steady
money producer was indicated by the
large attendance at the John White
sale, north of town, Tuesday after
noon, and the good prices brought for
milch cows. The top cow sold for $101
and other prices of milch stuff ranged
from $65 to ; 00. Other stock offered
at the sale also brought good prices.
United States Marshal D. H. Cronin
came up from Omaha Friday morning
and left Friday afternoon with John
McKenna, Joel Parker, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. O’Neill and Albert Strube for
Norfolk, where the first four named
gave bond before the United States
commissioner to appear in federal
court to answer to the charge of vio
lation of the federal prohibition laws
recently preferred against them. Mr.
Strube was unable to give bond at the
Hugh J. Boyle, of Norfolk one of
Nebraska’s most eloquent young ora
tors, will deliver the address at the
Armistice Day service to be held
under the auspices of Simonson post
of the American Legion at the
Knights of Columbus hall next Mon
day afternoon, November 12. A
patriotic program of speaking and
music will be carried out under direct
ion of Commander Cecil Conklin. In
the evening the Legion will give a
dance at the hall.
A banded mallard duck, marked by
the United States biological survey
was killed by E. N. Purcell down on
Horseshoe lake Sunday afternoon. The
duck bore an aluminum band around
one of its legs, numbered 203,325, and
inscribed with the request that the
United States Biological Surey at
Washington be notified as to the time
and place of the bird’s capture. The
survey through this method deter
mines the range and course of flight
of migratory birds.
S. J. Snyder and Charles Sanders,
of Knoxville, were on the O’Neill mar
ket Monday with several truck loads
of hogs, for which they received six
cents. The visit of Mr. Snyder and
Mi’. Sanders, who are among the
prominent farmers and stock raisers
of northeastern Holt - and western
Knox county, is but another testimo
nial to the growing importance of
O’Neill as a hog market. O’Neill now
receives by truck hogs from every one
of its bordering counties, because the
Messrs Pruss, the local buyers, pay
the top.
Stuart Advocate: Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Kizisek were very pleasantly
surprised last Saturday evening when
about fifty relatives and friends came
in cars to their home to celebrate and
remind them of the occasion of their
fifteenth wedding anniversary. The
guests brought with them food already
prepared for a large' supper which
was greatly enjoyed by the assem
blage. The evening was pleasantly
spent in games and music. Mr. and
Mrs. Kozisek received some very use
ful and beautiful pieces of cut glass
from their many friends.
Beck and Walker’s Minstrels, one of
the best road companies playing the
central west, will play a one-night
stand at the K. C. hall here next Tues
day evening. The company, composed
entirely of colored artists, has been
attracting most favorable press com
ment throughout South Dakota and
elsewhere, where it has appeared.
Professor Walker's famous colored
quartet and a real jazz orchestra are
feature numbers of the bill, every
number of which is a headliner. The
company has been greeted with pack
ed houses werever it has appeared.
Pierce County Leader: The Pierce
Post American Legion is planning
another fight here on Armistice Day
Nov. 11th. Since the last fight here
which has established the reputatior
of the Pierce Post to put on real fights
they have decided to stage anothei
one on Armistice Day. For the
main event will be between Jerry
Vokac, the fighting Bohemian of Ver
digre, Nebraska, and Joe Strangle, oi
Omaha, Nebraska, the man who knock
ed out Andy Schmader in two rounds
recently at Council Bluffs, Iowa. The
Semi-Final will be a ten-round fighl
between Connie Curry, featherweighl
of Sioux City, Iowa, and Newsboy
Brown, who fought the semi-final jusi
the other night at Omaha, in the mair
attraction between Billy Wells, Wei
terweight Champion of England ane
Morrie Schlaifer, of Omaha. In the
preliminary they are planning oi
matching Tiger Johnny Cline o:
Omaha versus Charie Long, fas
Omaha Welterweight, who recently
appeared here with Ernest Smith o
Walnut, whom he knocked out in the
fourth round. Ralph Boyd, Pierce’!
fat featherweight and Kid Bordy o:
Columbus, will also be on the same
card, if it is possible to match them.
i A son was born to Mr. and Mrs
[ Herbert Rouse, of Inman, on Octobei
; Inman Leader: A daughter was
• born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sobotka, liv'
ing southwest of Inman, on Octobei
[ 18th.
t Miss Helen Willcox left Wednesday
afternoon for a several weeks visil
. with friends and relatives at St
; Louis
Frank O’Donnell, who now is located
in Oklahoma City, Came up the first
, of the week for a visit with his
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth O’Donnell.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Baker drove tc
Oakdale, Nebraska, Saturday, where
they visited over Sunday at the home
of their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
The county board of supervisors
were in session last week, completing
their labors Thursday afternoon, at
which time they adjourned to No
vember 20.
Harry Fox received word Wednes
day of the death of his father the same
day at Kalispel, Montana. George
Fox, a rifephew, left Wednesday even
ing to attend the funeral.
S. L. Berry this week completed the
disposal of the old jKaplan place three
miles north of the city, to Ed Ferger
son, of Onawa, Iowa. In the deal a
quarter section of Iowa land is taken
Inman Leader: While cutting wood
last Sunday morning, Dewey Davis
had the misfortune to cut his right
foot quite badly. The axe slipped cut
ting a deep gash just above the great
County Agent Fred Rose has taken
unto himself a Ford coupe of latest
design, that he may be better pro
tected from winter’s blasts while mak
ing his calls upon the farmers of the
Two hard games are on the sched
ule of the O’Neill football team for
this week. The team will meet the
Springview high school at that place
Friday, and Ainsworth at Ainsworth
Edward Gallagher returned the lat
ter pa. t of last week from the Ameri
can Legion convention at San Fran
cisco and a tour of Calfornia and the
west. He visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Gallagher at Casper while enroute
home. '
E. E. Bowden was fined a total of
$100 and-tosts in the court of County
Judge C. J. Malone Wednesday after
noon on. the two charges of being
drunk and diorderly and of wilfully de
facing a dwelling house. The action
was on complaint of Jasper Ritts.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Porter, of
OimihjS arrived Monday for a winter’s
visit With Mrs. Porter’s daughter, Mrs.
Nora Knapp. Mrs. Porter formerly
was Mrs. Elizabeth McManus of this
city. Mr. and Mrs. Porter were mar
ried at Council Bluffs, October 10.
The Misses Vivian and Inez Grant
entertained at a dinner and dancing
party at the hospitable ranch home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Grant, last Friday evening. Fifteen
couples were present, including many
of the younger social set of this city
and a most enjoyable time was had.
A contemplated trip of the Misses
Rose Mary and Ruth Ann Biglin, and
Miss Mary Harty, ages two and one
half years, to the motion picture
colony at Hollywood, California, was
heartlessly nipped in the bud by their
'parents Tuesday morning. The young
ladies left home about 10 o’clock in
the morning and carefully avoided
passing the business establishments
of their fathers on the way to the
Northwestern. They were missed soon
after their departure and were appre
hended about 11 o'clock walking west
on the Northwestern railroad tracks,
pushing a doll buggy and dragging a
Armistice Day will be observed
Monday afternoon and evening, under
the auspices of Simonson post of the
American Legion. Business houses
will close from 2 o'clock to 5 o’clock
in the afternoon. The afternoon pro
gram, beginning at 2:30 o’clock, at
the Knights of Columbus hall, will be
as follows:
Vocal Solo—Miss DeMaris Stout.
t Reading—Miss JUizabeth Latta.
Vocal Solo—Miss Irma Stout.
Chorus—Women’s Club.
Address—Hon. Hugh J. Boyle, of
Norfolk, Nebraska.
The Legion will give a grand con
fetti ball at the K. C. hall in the even
The Chambers!highway between the
southern Holt metropolis and O’Neill
is to be extended and improved by the
city of O'Neill, the county and the
townships along the route, working in
conjunction. An appropriation of $3,
000 already has been made by the
county to assit in the work, and at a
special meeting of the city council
Monday afternoon an appropriation oi
$2,000 also was set aside for the pur
pose. These funds, in addition to a
sum to be donated by Grattan town
ship, and work and money to be fur
nisbed by Chambers township, are tc
, be used to improve the highway sc
that it will be able to withstand the
1 ravages of the spring and fall floods
> along Dry creelc' and the South Fork
\ The city’s appropriation was mads
after a settlement had been arrived al
' between the city and Grattan town
"bin, through the efforts of Citv At
torney Hammond, whereby the town
; shin pays the city $5,500 in settlemeni
\ of past road fund due A portion oi
; the highway south of the correct.inr
! line, which already has been clayed
will be graveled this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pinkerman,
assisted by all but seven of their
children and thirteen of their great
grandchildren, celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of their marriage, at their
residence in O’Neill, Friday, Novem
ber 2. Although it is half a century
since their weddng in Macon county,
Missouri, November 2, 1873, both Mr.
and Mrs. Pinkerman are comparatively
young people, Mr. Pinkerman being
but 69 years of age and Mrs. Pinker
man 68 years. Of their thirteen
children, all but one, a boy Who died
in youth, are living. They are James,
Roy, John, Walter, Will and Ralph
Pinkerman of Holt county; Glenn
Pinkerman, of Lincoln, Nebraska; and
Mrs. Charles Phelps, of 25J6 Popple
ton avenue, Omaha: Mrs. William
Yosts, of Lincoln; Miss Nellie Pinker
man, of Denver, Colorado* Mrs. Harry
Whitmer, of O’Neill, and Mrs. Walter
Spencer, of Scottville, and Mrs. Wil
liam Kemmer, of Ascuncion, Illinois.
Althongh the Pinkerman home is
spacious it was somewhat crowded
when the children, gandchildren, great
grandchildren, sons-in-law and daugh
ters-in-law and close friends and
neighbors of the early days assembled
therein to assist in observing the day.
A long dining table extending through
the colcnade the entire length of the
living and dining room was filled
several times by the participants in
the wedding feast, for which the rooms
and table were beautifully decorated
in gold and white. Mr. and Mrs.
Pinkerman were presented a purse
filled with gold pieces by their child
ren, the presentation address being
made by the Reverend George Long
staff. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkerman are
among the early pioneers of Holt
county, coming to northeast Holt
county on March 22, 1882, to home
stead a portion of the large and fertile
ranch they still own and which is
operated by one of the sons.
W. C. T. U.
The W. C. T. U. held their regular
meeting Tueday, November 6th, at the
home of Mra. Clark Hough.
Rev. Hutchins and the Evangelist,
Rev. Wood, both gave, very interesting
and helpful talks.
' The County Attorney, J. D. Cronin,
?ave a splendid talk on “Law En
orcement.” These talks were enjoy
ed by at large attendance.
Every member should attend these
meetings as there will be something
of interest to all.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. J. H. Meredith, Tues
day, November 20th.
MRS. ASHTON, Secretary.
Washington, Nov. 6.—Directions for
sending Christmas mail and express
packages for naval vessels in Euro
Kn waters, the West Indies and the’
ific were issued today by the navy
department. t.
Mail for vessel in European water
will be carried by the Patoka leaving
Hampton Roads, Va., December 1, atm
it must be at the naval operating base
there not later than Nov. 28. The Kit
tery will carry mail to the West In
dies, leaving Hampton Roads, Va.,
Nov. 30. This ship should reach the
naval operating base not later than
November 29. , ,
Mail for Pearl Harbor, Guam, and
Cavile will be carried on the Ajrgonne.
from San Francisco on Nev. 30, and it
must reach San Francisco by Nov, 28.
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This May Mean You
You often hear people say
—“I wonder what’s the best
thing to do.”
Many things sound good
that have no chance of suc
Why not let us talk over
these things with you.
This bank carries no indebtedness
of officers or stockholders.
Resources over $600,000.00
O'Neill National