y-*- ' -■ ■ --—: The Frontier D. H. CRONIN, Publisher. W. C. TEMPLETON, Editor and Business Manager. Entered at the post office at O’Neill, Nebraska, as second-class matter. One Year-$2.00 Six Months _ $1.00 Three Months_$0.60 MORE LOCAL MATTERS. Roy Sauers went up to Newport Tuesday evening. Ed Calligan was in the city Satur day looking after business interests here. The county board of supervisors have been in session several days this week. Hans Boles, mayor of Scribner, and Frank Parks, also of Scribner, were in 'the city Wednesday. H. H. Haffner returned Saturday from southeastern Iowa where he had been on land business. The Wednesday night club met this week with Miss Dorothy Frost. Miss Demaris Stout won the high score prize. Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin drove to Pierce last Saturday were they visited until the following Monday with rela tives. Mrs. M. Clinton has purchased the Harold Zimmerman residence on Sixth street between Douglas and Everett, and will move thereto soon. Mrs. H. B. Hubbard enjoyed a couple of days visit the first of the week from an aunt, Mrs. Thomas Fithian, of Lincoln. She returned home today. The ladies of the Methodist church will serve chicken pie dinner on No vember 14th in the basement of the church. Serving will begin at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Margaret Honeywell and Cleta Vanavery were visiting between trains in Brunswick last Saturday with their aunts, Mrs. George Bsharah and Mrs. Will Rose. Peter W. Duffy went to Reno, Ne vada, last Frday, and is expected to return home this week with Horace Moss, who is wanted here for wife desertion. Mins Mary Horiskey entertained her pilpils at a Halloween party Wednes day afternoon at the school house. Games, contests and refreshments were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. James Pinkerman ex pect to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Friday. We understand there will be a large number of rela tives present. Miss Mary Wettling, of Chicago, came Sunday for a visit with Miss Demaris Stout. Miss Wettling and Miss Stout were sorority sisters at the state university. Miss Machea Abdouch entertained t«c Sophmore boys and girl of the High School at her home in the north west part of the city Wednesday night at a Halloween party. Dee Snyder arrived here Monday from Beverly Hills, California, and is spending the week looking after mat ters pertaining to the estate of the late 0. O. Snyder, and visiting with his many old time friends. Mrs. Z. G. Bullard, of Long Pine, stopped here Sunday for a couple of days visit with Mrs. H. B. Hubbard. Mrs. Bullard was returning home from Syracuse, Nebraska, where she re cently buried her husband. Mrs. L. Rubelcamp, of Garwin, Iowa, and Mrs. Kate Snodgrass, of Water loo, Iowa, arrived here last Friday for a visit with their father, Charles Wrede who was seriously injured by being struck by an auto on Sunday evening of last week. . ■ i .I., i ■ -i |- n iTTminrTiM ■ — Mr, and Mrs. F. 21, Griffith and youngest son, of Mask, Will leave Fri day morning for Fresno, California, where they will spend the winter with their daughter Jennie and other rela tives. The Altar Society of St. Patrick’s parish will hold a card party at the K. C. club rooms Thursday evening, November 8th. Parties wishing to make reservations may do so by call ing Mrs. D. Stannard, Phone 185. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Connell and son, Frank, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward O’Connell and children, went to Columbus last Saturday where they have taken possession of the Meridian hotel which they recently purchased. Father Kohler entertained the Boys Club at the K. C. club rooms Wednes day evening at a Halloween party. Halloween games, boxing and other appropriate entertainment was enjoy ed during the evening. About thirty five were present. Luncheon was served. Charles Wrede, aged 82, pioneer citizen of Holt county and veteran of the Civil war, who suffered a fractur ed hip and arm when struck by an automobile a week ago Sunday, slowly is recovering from his injuries and his condition is reported much improved by his physicians. Halloween passed off quietly in O’Neill this year. The former hilar ious and destructive feature* were not indulged in this year. A number of parties were given by the young people and all seemed to have as good a time as though they had filled the streets with everything loose. Miss Margaret Howard, Miss Ro berta Arbuthnot and Miss \Loretta Enright entertained at a Halloween party at the home of Miss Howard last Monday evening. Jack'o'lanterns, ghosts and other Halloween specials were in evidence and the young folks spent a very enjoyable evening. H. P. Kauffman has been appointed City Passenger Agent, Lincoln, Neb., to succeed Mr. George W. Bonnell, de ceased after fiity-four years of honor able service. C. A. Burkett has been appointed Division Passenger Agent, with headquarters at Omaha, to suc ceed Mr. Kauffman, promoted as above. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Clark Hough Tuesday, November 6th. A program outlined by the National association will be taken up. It is requested that all members attend this meeting, which will be interesting and instructive. Meeting to begin promptly at three o’clock.—Mrs. Ashton, Sefcy. Miss Dorothy Frost entertained thirty young ladies at a Halloween party at the Subway Tuesday even ing. The lights, decorations and place cards were in keeping with the Halloween spirit. The evening was spent at bridge. Miss Grace Ham mond won the high score prize, Miss Evelyn Stannard won the second prize and Mrs. Ben Grady received the all cut. Mrs. P. B. Harty and Mrs. C. F. McKenna entertpinod at a seven o’clock dinner at the Golden Tuesday evening followed by bridge. The af fair was in keeping with the Hallow een idea. Mrs. P. J. O’Donnell won the high score prize and Mrs. J. A. Brown was awarded the consolation. Miss Irma Stout won the all-cut for the single ladies and Mrs. F. J. Kubit schek the all-cut for the married ladies. Casper Herald, Oct. 31: Attorney Donald Gallagher will be associated with the office of Hagens and Murane after November 1. Mr. Gallagher has been practicing law in Casper for the past four months. Previous to the Coming to Casper he was a member of the Nebraska legislature and deputy county attorney of Holt county, Ne braska. Mr. Gallagher will take the place of Attorney Coombs. Mr. Coombs has formed a partnership with Attorney Sennett. ♦ THJB UNIVERSAL CAM Business men—with whom the runabout has always been very popular—ars well pleased with the changes embodied in this model. Always rugged, the car has been made decidedly trimmer and more comfortable. This result is obtained by raising the radiator and enlarging the cowl; making a decided improvement in looks and providing more leg room. A well designed top and slanting windshield do their share toward adding a finished, clean-cut appearance. / Make it a point to see the other new models Vise on display in oar show room. These cars com be obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan, J. B. MELLOR Dealer, O’Neill, Nebraska ■ |pj|fips _ o . .. . f CARS * TRUCKS • TRACTOKS Mrs. R. £. Gallagher came home Saturday from a week’s visit with her sister, Miss Florence McCafferty. in Omaha William Joseph Murray and Martha Margaret Bruder applied to the county judge on, October 27th for a marriage license. Mr. and Mrs. Will McCormick, of! Valentine, came ^Wednesday night for a visit with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter. Mrs. Ivan Kinsman and two sons, of Columbus, have been visiting the past week at*the home of her father, T. V. Golden in this city. Mrs. Frank Renschler, of Spring view, spent several days here the past week visiting with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth O’Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. Delbeit Estep left Wednesday morning for their home in Clearwater, after a few days visit with their friends, E. N. Purcell of this city. Mrs. A. L. Cowperthwaite received word of the death of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary LeZotte, at her home in Mason City, Nebr., Monday. Funeral services were held and burial made at Beaver Crossing on Wedneday. Miss Beryl Winchell entertained the young folks of the south side at her home Wednesday evening from seven until ten at a Halloween party. The usual Halloween games and amuse ments occupied the evening until luncheon. , Miss Helen Willcox, Miss Kathleen Roskoff and Miss Bernadette Brennan drove to Bonesteel and Winner last Saturday in Miss Helen’s car. TTie young ladies attended a social function Saturday evening at Winner and re turned home Sunday. Mrs. Ambrose Biglin, of Casper, Wyoming., arrived here last Saturday from Olean, New York, where she went a short time ago for her daugh ter who has been spending the sum mer with her grandmother. Mrs. Big lin returned "to her home in Casper, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Purcell enter tained at their home on east Benton street Monday evening in honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Estep. A very enjoyable evening was spent, at bridge, followed by a de lightful repast. Miss May Keys won the high score prize at bridge. The first regular snow of the sea son came Monday morning and con tinued throughout the day. About nine inches is reported here. The temperature went to three degrees above zero Monday night and to ten above Tuesday night. The weather has warmed up, and the snow is about all gone. t Ewing Advocate: The Advocate office is in receipt of an announcement telling of the wedding of Mr*. Clifford K. Sprague and Mrs. Eva M. Galaski on Wednesday, October 3rd, at Kan sas City, Missouri. The bride has many friends in Ewing and vicinity who extend best wishes to the happy couple. They will reside at 626 So. 12th St., Lincoln. C. W. Conklin returned home Tues day evening from San Francisco where he represented the sixth district of Nebraska at the National American Legion convention which closed in'thht city a short time ago. Mr. Conklip returned home by way of Hollywood. At Bakersfield, California, he visited a short time with Will Stannard. In speaking of the convention Mr. Conk lip states that it was a wonderfpl gathering. There were 993 delegates present, from all parts of the world— Paris; Hawaii; British Isles; Chili, South America; Guatemala, Central America; Panama; Alaska; Japan and many other foreign points. The con vention was addressed by many very prominent man among whom were Mayor James Rolph, of San Francisco, Senator Hiram Johnson, of Caifornia, Samuel Gompers, president ef the national federation of labor; James J, Davis, secretary of labor under the present administration; Broni Jozefa Hallera, commander of the Polish army, and many others. The girls cadet corps, of Hastings, Nebraska, received recognition and special decoration by the National commander during the session. The gii’ls each represented a different Legion post of the state and did much to advertise Nebraska. John R. Quinn, of Delano, California was chosen National com mander for the coming year. The next convention will be held in St. > gives you a receipt for beautiful teeth Chas. E. Stout “The Rexall” Store mm i -tti^iii.i i -in^t MiflE Ruth Scott Entertained flight girl friends at a Hallbweeb party Wed nesday afternoon from four until seven. A ghost appeared and told their fortunes. Luncheon was served. Mrs. H. L. Page came up fromj Sioux City Wrednesday of last week ard has been visiting with her son,; Harry and family, northeast of • the ■ city and with her numerous O’Neill! friends. APPLES. Ben Davis and New York Imperials. Good winter keepers at $1.50 per bu. Bring your sacks. 22-tf PURCELL PRODUCE CO. FARM FOR SALE. William Daly, of Lincoln, Nebraska, desires to sell his quarter section of land located twelve miles North of Page, North Half of North Half of Section 6, Township 30, Range 9, and will sell for the low price of $4,000. This is a good farm and a real bar gain. Interested parties inquire of 22-2 C. M. DALY, O’Neill, Neb. O’NEILL LIGHT COMPANY SELL TO MINNESOTA ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTING CO. G. D. Myers and son Roy sold the O’Neill Light, Heat and Power Com pany plant and business a few days ago to the Minnesota Electric Dis tributing Company, who took possess ion this morning, November 1st. Mr. G. D. Myers will become the manager and wiH* be in charge of the business here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Myers will also remain with the new firm. The new management say that they expect to continue the work of con structing the high line to other points in this vicinity as started by Mr. Myers and son. J. H. Du Fresne, auditor of the Minnesota Electric Distributing Com* pany was in the city Wednesday and Thursday checking over the stock and making the final arrangement for the taking oVer the business. JESSE HAHN, ATKINSON, KILLED BY FREIGHT TRAIN Jesse Hahn, of Atkinson, was killed by a west bound freight train about ten o’clock tonight, near the west end of the depot in Atkinson. Hahn is about twenty-five years old. He was employed to pull down the coal in the tender of the engine during their stay in Atkinson. The train started to pull out and at once missed Hahn; the train was stopped and his mutilated remains were found underneath the third car from the engine. No one saw the acci dent and it is not known what caused him to be under the train. County Attorney J. D. Cronin will hold an in quest Friday. STOCK FARM FOR SALE. 320 acres, well improved. Located 11 miles east of O’Neill, the county seat of. Holt County. 180 acres uned plow, balance pasture and hay mead ow. Fenced and crossfenced. Price $85.00 per acre. ANTON SOUKUP, 18-tf Page, Nebraska. f have the agency for the California Perfume Company’s Gold Medal Toilet Articles. Also, The Maco chee Mills Guaranteed Pine Hosiery, All Weather Rain Coats and Sweaters. I will call at your home and take order! • Mrs. P. W. Walsh O’Neill, Nebraska. Royal Theatre “HOME OF GOOD PICTURES’"" - FRIDAY - Bert Lytell and Betty Compton in “TO HAVE AND TO HOLD” 2-Reel Comedy - SATURDAY - Mae Bush, Tully Marshall, Wallace Benny and Estelle Taylor and thirty other stars, in “ONLY A SHOP GIRL’” Comedy and Daniel Boone - SUNDAY & MONDAY George Corliss and Doris Kenyon in “THE RULING PASSION” A comedy drama that exposes every man’s governing passion. There’s something strange about every body, yourself, your wife, your neighbor— every person has some ruling force, some hobby. “Ruling Passion” has a laugh in it for everybody. 2-Reel Larry Seman Comedy “NO WEDDING BELLS” P. S.—See this show and you won’t need a ddfctor. — TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY — May MacAvoy in ‘THE TOP OF NEW YORK” Comedy and Fables. -- THURSDAY - Lila Lee and James Kirkwood in “EBB TIDE” Comedy Coming—Mr. and Mrs. Martin John son “Trailing African Wild Animals.” “Fiery.” “Beautiful and Dammed.” “Merry Go Round.” “Call of the Wild.” H. L. BENNETT GRADUATE VETERNARIAN Phone 304. Day or Night. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA NEBRASKA CULVERT AND ■ MFG. CO. AUSTIN-WESTERN ROAD I MACHINERY ARMCO CULVERTS j Everything In Road Machinery I ^ Western Representative E L. C PETERS I O’Neill :: Nebraska I V ......I OR. J. P 61LUGAN Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES £E’ne Bai/itapy Meat Market * We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Home Rendered Lard. -----; Insure your dwellings and contents against fire, lightning, tornado, wind storm, cyclone and hail damage for 5 years at $15.00 per $1,000.00, with L. G. GILLESPIE O’Neill, Nebraska ___ Prosperity Brings Smiles Smiles Bring Presperity A perpetual grin may not add to the attractiveness of all faces, but a smile displaces a frown with crowning grace and helps to add wealth to your life in more ways than one. v Why Waste Energy ' It has been discovered that it takes sixty-five muscles of the face to make a frown and thirteen to produce a smile. Why wear your face out manufactur ing frowns? 'fe v. A Community* Smile You patronize and admire the individual who wears a smile, you are at tracted to the business concern that meets you with a smile, why wouldn’t it pay this community to meet the rest of the world with a smile? An ingrown grouch is a heavy liability. Let’s not acquire one. The Following • Business Men of O’Neill Unite in Spreading This Gospel HAYNES ALL RUBBER WORK MITTEN CO., By C. M. Daly. NEBRASKA STATE BANK,w^SstG^.„TOoVthtSu,. * GRAND CAFE BAZELMAN LUMBER COMPANY HENRY BAY, Groceries and Meats GALENA LUMBER COMPANY GOLDEN HOTEL. Service and Courtly BEN J. GRADY, Staple and Fancy Groceries 89t~9£1 ‘souoq«j McNALLY BROS., Service Station, Oils and Accessories. W. H. HARTY. Tailoring, Cleaning, and Pressing. Phone 30 ROYAL THEATRE, The Home of Good Pictures J. P. PROTOYINSKY, Groceries J. B. RYAN, Fresh and Cured Meats HANFORD PRODUCE CO., Cream, Poultry and Eggs THE FRONTIER, For News and Job Printing