The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 25, 1923, Image 6

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■4ltor and Business Manager.
Mound of Seventeenth Cen
tury Located Near Mitch
ell by University Prof.
Vermillion, S. D., Oct. (Special)
—An ancient Indian village site be
lieved to have been inhabited by a
famous Arikara tribe was discovered
on a high bench of land overlooking
Firesteei creek at Mitohell, accord
ing to VV. II. Over, assistant curator
of the University museum, who has
Just returned from an archeological
expedition throughout the state.
The Arikaras are ft Southern an
cestry, descendants of a very early
American race, and are belived in
course of time to have migrated near
ly across the United States from
south to north and very likely Intro
duced corn Into territory that is now
South Dakota. The time of their
arrival Is not definitely known, but
all existing evidence tends to show
that Is must have been early In tha
Seventeenth century. Their first lo
cation In the state was probably near
the present site of Kunning Water,
but their stops were only temporary
until they reached the mouth of Bad
river about where Pierre is now lo
cated. Here they established per
manent villages, built and lived in cir
cular earth lodges, hunted buffalo,
cultivated the soil, raising corn,
aquaslhes, beans and a species of to
bacco. As their number increased
other villages were established along
.the Missouri river, especially north
Already more than 80 villages have
been discovered along the Missouri
river and until recently not a trace
of one was found away from the Mis
- There Is evidence that these In
dians possessed an unusually fine cul
ture, the manufacturing of pottery
being one of their chief occupations.
In 1917 a whole vessel was taken
from a grave with six skeletons and
it has been found that it is the only
perfect Indian pot ever discovered in
the state. Skillfully wrought pipes,
beads, pendants and amulets made of
clam shells, eagle claws, herse teeth,
elk teeth and large leg bones of bird*
cut Into section, were also found.
Lead, S. D„ Oct. * —Gold produc
tion in the southern mils would ap
pear to be assured again. Many years
ago the gold production at Keystone
and near Hill City produced more
than their share of bullion but for
several years gold production in the
above districts has been a thing of the
George B. Grant, of Custer, who is
interested in the Burnt. Fork Mining
and Milling company, was in Lead,
exhibiting two buttons of gold bullion
thrt were the net result of an initial
40 ton run of ore In the mill of this
company and which "clean up" rep
i resented several hundred dollars of
mighty fine looking bullion. The
Burnt Fork Mining und Mining com
pany has been operating the O. K.
group of claims six miles northwest
of Hill City. They have sunk two
thirty-foot shafts and opend up tihe
ore bodies generally besides erecting
a neat little two-stamp mill and
mined and milled their own product.
The recent test run developed about
a $10 “over the plate” value, no
cyanldlng, of course, being done but
the company expects to profit by
tnelr explence and effect a saving
that will yield still higher values on
another run which will shortly take
pace. _ _
Freeman, S. D„ Oct. -Flames
totally destroyed the Freeman high
school building, all pupils and teach
ers safely escaping from the building
through the smoke which rapidly
filled the halls from the basement.
The fire started In the furnace room
In the basement, but the exact cause
In not known. The building was a
two-story frame structure, erected In
1000, and the loss is estimated at
$20,000, there being $6,500 on the
building and $1,000 on the contents.
Rushing from the building when
the alarm was given, all pupils and
Instructors got out without Injury,
under the direction of Superintendent
were accomodated in the nine rooms
in the building, there being three
rooms on each floor and threa In
the basement.
Albion, Neb., Oct. *'—(Special)—
Kenneth Wayne was sentenced here
by District Judge Button to one year
in the penitentiary, after pleading
guilty to the theft of an ahtomobile
here last August. He came here
claiming to be sotftiting students for
a Norfolkbusiness college. Frank
Cioan lent Wayne his car to drive
Into the country. He did not return
r and officers were notifi^'l. He was
located in Council BlufLs where he
was arrested, charged with changing
numbers with an Iowa car. He
claims his home is somewhere in
Bereaford, S. D., Oct. . (Special'
—-The local post of the American
Legion will stage a four-day pow
wow here naxt month when the war
veterans will offer a “Powder River"
show to Beresford. Wild west life
will be depicted ty the wax veterans.
Plans to have the Monahan Post
drum and bugle corps of Sioux City
at the show, are being made. The
dates of the show ha’"> been fixed for
November 8, 9, 10. and 12. No show
Will be held Sun ** Vnvemher 11
Residents of Lincoln Say
Entrances Proposed Not
To Their Liking
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. “\ (Special)-*
The state capitol commission is
meeting for the purpose of letting
the contract for the hardware on
the building and to discuss proposed
changes -in the east and west en
trances. As AVchitect Goodhue drew
the original plans, the entrances
named were under stairways. Citi
zens of J street, which passed through
the capitol building raised a big row
about this, and insisted that these
entrances be up a flight of steps and
onto the terrace. Mr. Goodhue has
brought with him modifications of
these entrances, but he is advising
the commission that it should stick
to the original, which makes the
main entrance on K street, facing
Young Woman Awarded
$15,000 In Her Breach
of Promise Suit
Aurora, Neb., Oct. —Miss Ada
L. Goethe was given *15,000 by a
jury In the district court here in
her breach of promise suit against
the Robert L. Pierson. Sh« sued
the defendant for $25,000, claim
ing that he had promised to marry
her and was the father of her child
Lincoln. Neb., Oct. ' (Spatial)—
The majority of the state railway
commission has declined to allow
the Madison Telephone company to
issue stock in excess of the $25,000
of money that the records!' show
have been invested in the property,
in spite of the fact that the com
pany was able to show that the
present fair value of it is in excess
of $36,000. The company, was or
ganized in 1904, and has put earn
Igs back into property until at the
present time there Is a wide gap
between stock issued and property
The stock at the present time is
$10,000, and the commission has au
thorized the issuance of a $15,000
stock dividend. Chairman Taylor
dissents vehemently. He says the
company is entitled to a return on
its fair value, and he thinks the
commission would be safe in allow
ing a total capitalization of $30,000.
He says it is illogical to say that
a company may earn on its pres
ent value, and then deny it the
right to issue evidences of that
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. (Special) —
State Treasurer Robinson is drawing
heavily on state depository banks, for
the purpose of paying for bonds that
■ the state Wiard of educational lands
and funds has bought for the per
manent school fund. The certifica
tes of deposit are being placed In
Lincoln and Omaha banks for col
lection, which obviates the delay that
often happens when a banker is
drawn upon direct. Some of the
bankers are objecting to this method,
and one has protested that a rule of
the state banking department pre
vents such drafts. Mr. Robinson
says there is no stiph rule.
Milford. Neb., Oct. —A plot In
which Adolph Vajgrt, farmer, sought
to protect himself by making it ap
pear that his 15 year-old daughter,
Alby, had shot and killed Anton
Lana, farm hand to' “protect her
honor” came to light here late Thurs
day when the father confessed to
murdering Lana following a suc
cession of quarrels which started
Sunday evening.
The confession was made to Georgs
Runtey, deputy sheriff of Seward
Alby Vajgrt,, the daughter had told
officers that aihe had shot Lana be
cause he had wronged her and tried
to kill her.
Lana's body with a shotgun wound
and two pistol wounds and his head
battered with’ a club was found In a
straw stack on the Vajgrt farm last
Monday. Vajgrt was placed under
arrest here last night. He will b«
tried for murder.
Pierce. Neb., Oct. (Special)—
Pierce county having dispensed
with the services of W. S. Mord
herst as deputy sheriff. Sheriff E.
A. Kinkaid haa decided to move to
the living rooms of the county jail,
having rented his home.
Ponca, Neb., Oct. (Special)—
The Dixon county teachers institute
will convene in the high school build
ing here October 18 and .9. During
these two days all the schools in the
County will be closed, as every teach
er la required to attend institute.
Shumway Believes State
May Eventually Compete
With California i
Lincoln, Neb., Oct '—(Special)—
Grant L. Shumway, secretary of the
state agricultural department, is en
thusiastic over the fruit possibilities
of Nebraska. Here is what he has
to say: *
“Horticulture iH one of the sleep
ing industries of Nebraska. TJie Un
ion Pacific Is now running solid
' train loads of cefrigerator cars east
and they are loaded with California
grupes for eastern centers. \ Four
thousand cars of California grapes
went through the state in a single
week. Ixist year that road shipped
60,000 cars of these grapes. Nebras
ka luis the climate and soil that will
produce grapes In abundance. The
Beta and Concord variety will thrive
even in sandy soil. The Beta is hardy,
a rapid grower and a heavy producer,
and ia very juicy and fine."
Mr. Sliumway thinks that the sand
hills would produce huge crops of
grapes and that apples would do
well. He wants to see Nebraska
horticulturists get some of the busi
ness that the California n*w monopo
Nebraska and California
Men Have Been Sepa
rated for 46 Years
Hastings, Neb., Oct. —(Special)
--Brothers who had not met for 46
years greeted each other here when
Ed Hilton, of Hasting!), met Charles
Hilton, of San Francisco. The last
time they saw each oth'fir was at their
old home in Albia, la., in 1877. They
did not recognize each other and only
by inquiring of sevem.1 persons did
they meet.
There were 12 children in the Hilton
family. The Hastings man is 58 and
the other, 68. Only five grandchil
dren have been born In the fajnlly,
one of whom is a boy. Should he
die without issue, the flame would1 die
A third brother has not been seen
for 45 years by either of the men and
they have not heard from him for
the past few years.
Omaha, Neb., Oct. -Leonard
Trestor, of this city, active Red
Cross worker, has been appointed di
rector of the seventh s>nnual Red
Cross roll call for Nebraska, accord
ing to the announcement of the cen
tral division organization, who made
the appointment, said he “felt very
gratified that the*campaign for mem
bership in Nebraska was in the
hands of such a competent leader."
Mr. Trestor, who is widely ac
quainted among Nebraska Red Cross
workers, has opened an office here
and is setting up organizations
among chapters in the state.
—. ■
Wayne, Neb, Oct. (Special)—
Miss Mae Chaney, 18 years old, a
sister of Mrs. J. H. Pile, of Wayne,
was seriously injured in Chicago, last
Thursday, wnen she was struck at
a street crossing by a speeding au
tomobile. The driver of the car did
not stop to assist the injured girl
or to report the accident, but speed
ed away. He has been arrested,
however, and is being held pending
the result of Miss Clywiey's injuries.
Miss Chaney had been working in
Chicago and was expected soon to
return to Wayne to enter the state
normal schooL
Ogallala, Neb, Oct. '"v—Mel Wer
den of 3879 F.uclid street, Detroit,
Mich, was found not guilty by a
iviry here Saturday night of the mur
der of Grover C. Rodman, Brule,
Neb, real estate man who he Is al
leged to have shot and killed on Sept.
15 on the streets of that^clty.
According to Werden’s testimony,'
Rodman stopped him on the country
road and when he refused to give
him help he followed him to Brule
in another car and jumped on the
running board. Thinking he was a,
holdup, Werden opened fire and fa
tally wounded the real estate man.
Omaha, Neb, Oct. .—A masked
holdup man lost his revolver here
Suturday night when lie attempted
to hold up H. S. Oberst, 65 years old,
an auctioneer. Mr. Oberst disarmed
the man and allowed him to escape.
He did not shoot at him because he
was afraid that If he killed him, he
would be.charged with murder.
Sidney. Neb, Oct. ’ '—Harry Sow
ers, a farm hand who shot his em
ployer was found guilty Saturday by
a Jury and sentenced to serve 18
months in the state prison. Accord
ing to testimony, Sowers had been
drinking moonshine. After shooting
his employer. Sowers was shot in the
hand by a neighbor.
The drive of the "American Legion
Auxiliary in South Dakota for ths
erection of a wing for tubercular
veterans of the World War at the
Custer sanitarium has been crowned
with success, according to report*
of the committee. Business houses
and homes in the state canvassed by
the auxiliary workers in a “Buy a
brick” campaign aid construction of
the building.
The ward will be built wltft a view
of affording the patients every pos
sible comfort, having recreational
rooms, shower baths and barber shop.
The sanitarium is located in a park
of 150 acres of virgin timber,—in
America's Switzerland—as this por
tion of the Black Hills is known.
- -
Frank Miles, editor of the Iowa
Legionaire recently addressed the
Kiwanis Club of Webster City, Ia„
on the subject of Americanization.
The address was given in connection
with others made during observance
of Constitution week in Webster City.
In order that Douglas County, Neb.
post of the American Legion might
enter a fleet in the annual Ak-Sar
Ben Pageant in Omaha, as planned,
officers at Headquarters, Seventh
Corps Army Area subscribed nearly
$100. The fund was obtained by
legion members, friends of the or
ganization and Omahans. The float
cost $500.
The J. Burt Pratt post of the Amer
ican Legion in Virginia, *Minn., has
opened a burial plot for deceased
World War veterans, where the re
mains of the soldiers may rest. A
monument has been dedicated to
the soldiers buried there, with spe
cial ceremony.
The Harold Mason post drum corps
of the American Legion in Sioux
Falls, S. D., has been chosen to act
as escort to Major General G. B.
Duncan, commander of the Seventh
Army Corps, when he speaks at the
annual reunion of the 147th Field
Artillery. The reunion will be held
at Mitchell, S. D., in eonnection with
the annual Corn Palace Festival.
Means for financing the erection
of a new club house for the Amer
ican Legion In Spencer, la., are under
way. Plans for the building will be
submitted to the post for considera
American Legion officials in South
Dakota have been informed of the
authorizing of special equipment for
the Sioux Falls office of the Veterans
Bureau in order to better serve pa
tients there "for examination. Addi
tional personnel has also been order
ed to this office.
A drive for 1,000 members of the
American-Legion Auxiliary has been
completed by the American Legion
Auxiliary in Cedar Rapids. Ta. Pre
vious membership had been 760 and
the new figures gave the unit the re
cord membership for any unit in the
The Nebraska rifle team of the
American Legion will be one of the
entrants at the national convention.
1 In addition the state will be rep
resented by several athletes and golf
ers in the Olympic events
With three trains from the "Tall
Com State” it is expected that near
ly 2,000 legionaires will make the
journey to the national convention
In San Francisco. All trains will cen
ter at Omaha, from where they will
follow a direct route to the conven
tion city. •
Interest In post affairs has been
Increased by officers of the Henry
Berqulst post of the American Leg
ion in Mora, Minn., by a letter writ
ing contest. The chosen subject was
"How Best to Promote Community
Observance of Amistice Day.” and
the winning legion man will receive
his 1924 membership card free.
"Mike" Murray a Davenport, la.,
man was successful in winning a car
recently offered by the American
Legion in Sauk Center, Minn. Mur
ray was a guest at the Minnesota
gates will use it for sleeping accom
modations. The car will be attached
titled him to a new $1900 automobile.
Duluth and Northern Minnesota
legion men will have a special car
on the “Gopher Special" to San
Francisco. The car will be parked
in the convention city and the dele
gress of the Interallied Veterans
odations. The car iwll be attached
to the legion train at Staples, Minn.
Col. Harry H.^Volk, of lies Moines,
la., one of the delegates to the con
gress of the Interalied Veterans
Federation has returned to his home
In Iowa, and viewed conditions in
the Ruhr, in England and other
places visited.
The nlvetelty Of Indiana tok opt an
insurance policy of $1,500 to protect it
against loss In case bad weather pre
vented its expedition to Mexico from
getting pictures of the recent eclipse of
the sun._ _ _
Story-books for blind children con
tain raised pictures which the little
ones Unger over lovingly with their
fingers. _ _ _
That’s What They All 8ay.
From Wroe’s Writings.
“I can't keep the visitors from com
ing up,” said the office boy "dejectedly,
to the president. "When I say you're
out, they simply say they must see
"Well,” satd the president. “Just tell
them that’s what they all say.”
That afternoon there called at ths
office a young lady. The boy assured
her It was Impossible to see the presi
“But, I’m his wife," said the lady.
"Oh. that's what they all say," said
the boy.
After a considerable spell of Inac
tivity in the boxin game, the city of
Cleveland, Ohio is staging bouts once
Polk County, Nebraska,
Stockman Again Present
Petition to Governor
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. ' (Special)—
Polk county stockmen nave presented
to the governor an amended petition
asking for the testing of cattle in that
district under the provisions of the
law which provides that the work
shall be done when 51 per cent of the
owners of cattle so request. A former
petition was held to have been irreg
ular by the attorney general and this
one was drawn so as to meet the legal
objections then raised.
Patrick J. McCabe Was
Former Sheriff of Dixon
County Nebraska
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. ”* (Special)—
Patrick J. McCabe, auctioneer and
wealthy resident of Newcastle. Dixon
county, died Eft the Lincoln hotel early
this morning, following an acute at- '
tack of indigestion.^ He was here to
attend the argument in supreme court
in a case where he and other heirs of
Thomas McCIuskey were seeking to
get $30,000 Worth of land $rom the
executor who claims to have sold it.
McCabe was a former Dixon county
Bloomfield, Neb., Oct. ~ (Spe
cial)—The new steel briuge, which
crosses the Brazile creek, between
the main part of town and the de
pot, was formally opened for traf
fic. C. A. Holmqulst of Wauss,
county highway- commissioner, was
here and gave the structure an in
spection. He found everything ac
cording to specifications and gave
the bridge his official O. K. The
bridge was put in under the super
vision of J. F. Noecker, county su
pervisor from this district and is
said to b» one of the best in the
' Aurora, Neb., Oct. '“'—The body of
Abraham Lewis, 65, a produce mer
chant, was found in an alley in the
rear of his store, here Tuesday with
a shot gun wound across his chest.
The coroner’s jury in its verdict, said
it was unable to say whether Lewis
committed suicide or was slain by
some unknown person. It was said
however, that Mr. Lewis had been
despondent over ill-health.
Columbus, Neb., Oct. i—Otto
Hasselbach, owner of the Meridian
hotel for the past three years, has
sold the business and furnishings to
Edward and Frank O’Connel of O’
Neil, Neb., for $18,OO0">on a five year
lease charging the O'Connel brothers
8600 a month rent for the hotel build
Carroll, Neb., Oct. (Special) —
This week marks the Deginning of
the corn husking with many farmers.
They find that the yield and quality
of the corn are both good although
the wind Injured a number* of fields
which makes husking difficult.
There is a big local demand for
corn as many cattle will be fed
this winter.
York, Neb., Oct, T* York is filled
•with delegates to the grand lodges
of the Odd Fellows and Rdbekahs.
The imperial order of Muscovites
gave a spectacular ceremonial at the
fraternal hall. Encampment degrees
were giveiv-Tuesday afternoon at as
sembly hall.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. —(Special.)—
W. J. Bryan, In the city for a few
hours, told the reporters that Mr.
Coolldge undoubtedly had the edge
over other republicans as a candidate
for president. He said the demo
crats were worse off than the repub
licans for candidates, but intimated
that some man might be developed
in the states. He said that congress
would shape the issues and possibly
bring some new man into the presi
dential limelight. Asked if the south
or west had any chance, he said that
it was not a question of latitude or
longitude, but of altitude. He said
that Governor Smith and Senator
Underwood were impossibilities, but
that he would not discuss availables.
Mr. Bryan will be a candidate for
^ delegate from Florida.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. . * (Special)—
W. H. Brook, drug inspector for the
state, has resigned. He pleaded
guilty in police court a few days ago
on a charge of being drunk, having
been arrested with three other young
men who had taken an auto ride,
early in the morning. He told his
superior, Secretary Shumway, that
personally, he was not guilty, ln.t
■that he was involved in a regrettable
situation and would save the state all
embarrassment by quitting..
Supreme Court of Nebraska
Unable To Keep Pace
With Litigation
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. . (Special)—
in spite of the fact that the new
constitution allows the supreme court
to call district Judges to Its aid, that
tribunal is now 20 months behind
its docket. This is due to several
things, says Chief Justice Morrissey.
One is that the ccurt has not beea
able to get all the district Judge Ihelp
It needs because it has found that
to be of any real aid a district judge
must spend two or three months on
the job and few of them can be spared
from their districts for that length
of time. Another is that the big case*
and big records are the rule rigiht
now. the aftermath of the specu
lative era of a few years ago, and>
this makes for slow progress. Non*
of the foreclosure appeal cases have
yet been reached. These will be quick
ly disposed of. The court also hinds
cheer in the fact that few of the fac
tors that have bred such a flood of
litigation as has poured in on It this
year are now operating in the bus
iness world.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. ~~ —With about
600 delegates in attendance the Neb
raska- Iowa-district of the Klwanl*
clubs inbernatioal opened their an
nual conventiqn here Friday. A. M.
Newens, president of the Lincoln Ro
tary club welcomed the delegates in>
the absehce of Mayor Kehrung and
Gov. Bryan.
Governor Crossman of the district,
addressed the conventioh, outlining:
the purposes of the gathering and tel
ling the- Klwaniane of the increase
in membership from about 1,800 to
8,300 since tihe last annual conven
tion Douglas J. Scott, Winnipeg,
Canada, second vice president of'
Kiwanis international, then spoke on.
Kiwanis subjects.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. »—The em
ployment situation in Nebraska dur
ing September is looked upon aw
“highly satisfactory," accord4ng to
Richard T. Jones, fourth district di
rector of the United States depart
ment of labor, who has issued arv
employment report for that month.
Mr. Jones’ report states that meat
packing, railroads and other major
industries generally show normal
forces at work, and that building is
. especialy brisk in the state, with*
skilled workers all engaged. Surplus
labor he says is confThed largely to
migratory classes. In concluding a
summary of the report he says that
there Is a strong- call for general!
farm help, especially corn huskerw
and men for fall plowing.
SeWard, Neb., Oct. ' -Denial that
her husband had played an active
part in the killing of Antonio Lana Ur
made by Mrs. Adolph Vajgrt in a
conf-ession given to County Attorney
McKillip. She insisted her husband
did not arrive at the scene of the
killing until the fight was over. Her
story, officers assert, contradicts the
story told by Vajgrt, who is alleged
to have said he came to the aid of hi*;
Wife and daughter in time te strike
Lana a blow over the head with a
piece of plank.
County Attorney McKillip is en
deavoring to put the threads of the
testimony of the three Vajgrts to
gether preparatory to filing charge*’
against all of them. In one particular
the stories of the three agree; that
Lana had betrayed the 16 year oldt
daughter, had refused to right the
wrong, and told the girl he intended
to leave. The daughter, it is claimed
confessed to her parents her con
dition and the killing was arranged
according to the confessions made.
County and Highway Com
missioners to Hold Con
vention in Pierre
Pierre, S. D., Oct. -The next
meeting for this city is- next week,
October >, 10 and 11, when the coun
ty commissioners and highway com
missioners of the state will meet in
their annual convention with the
state highway department. This
meeting is expected to bring at least
300 delegates and also will bring
highway contractors and others con
nected with the work to meet with
the officers who haye much to do
with highway construction in the
- state. 0
Neligh, Neb.. Oct. (Special)—
Albert V/. Whitwer, ho resides
southeast of Oakdale was somewhat
surprised last Tuesday, when Sheriff
Sutton, of Neligh, dropped in on him
when he was making some booze.
Whitwer, waz In his granary when
caught, with a quantity of mash and
finished product, which the Sheriff