The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 18, 1923, Image 3

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    •/> A universal custom
AltCr that benefits every
Aids digestion,
Pfeal cleanses the teeth,
/ soothes the throat.
You Can't Dodge It.
The captain entered the officers
Jness kitchen.
“Do you understand that there will
be no dessert tonight?” he demanded
“Yes,” replied the new and careless
“Yes—what?” roared the captain.
“Yes—we have no bananas.”—Amer
ican Legion Weekly.
1 teaspoonful J
Iof many other I
brands-/%a<5 wiy\
The economy BJUUNO POWDER 1
Goes farther I
lasts longer I
more than
\ X
CADY’S C. C. B.—For Asthma. Hay Fevei
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Croup
Whooping Cough; Tonic, Body-Builder. 12-o*
bottle $2. Cady-Farker Med. Co.. Way cross. Q*
Testing Out Conditions.
“My hat is in the ring I” excialmeh
the aggressive politician.
“That,” said Senator Sorghum, **la e
prudent move. Wait and see what
happens to the hat and maybe you’ll
decide to postpone gol&g in after it."
Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp.
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff and itching with Cuticura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make
them your everyday toilet preparations
and have a clear skin and soft, white
Of Course.
K he boasts of the things he did
yesterday, you are safe in classifying
him ns a lias-been.
Everybody wants to succeed, but toe
many of us want to succeed without
Hall's Catarrh
Treatment,both I
local and internal, and has been success
ful in the treatment ef Catarrh for over
forty years. Sold by all druggists.
P. J. CHENEY fit CO., Toledo, Ohio
Sioux CITY PTO- CO., NO. 42-19 C
“Little Welchman” Makes
Strong Speech at Minne
apolis—Warm Welcome
Universal Service Correspondent
Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 15.—In
this outpost of middle western Amer
icanism, David Lloyd George Monday
was given the greatest reception he
has had since beginning his tour of
the continent.
Nothing done for him in the do
minion of Canada from whieh he has
just come, exceeded in cordiality and
real enthusiasm, the welcome ex
tended to him here. Crowds upon the
streets cheered him upon his arrival,
followed him to the hotel and ap
plauded some more, and at a formal
luncheon at which he delivered an
amazingly eloquent speech, gave him
a most vociferous greeting.
And the 1600 or more men and
women who succeeded in crowding
into the banquet room were privileged
to the greatest speech he has deliv
ered since crossing the Atlantic. It
was carried by radio to other hun-'
dreds on the outside.
Makes Deep Impression
It was an appeal for a visitation
of the Angel of Peace, “with its
great wings hovering over a strick
en land.” It sounded the call for a
union of purpose between the English
speaking peoples to bring peace to
the world. It was heard by leaders
in the political, civic and social
world of Minneapolis, and made an
impression that not soon will be for
gotten. You are the continent of
peace and in God’s name keep it the
continent of peace,” Lloyd George
exclaimed, pointing out the differ
ences between conditions as ho found
them in America and as they exist
in Europe.
“I wish Europe would follow your
example. But we have driven away
the Angel of Peace by the agony of
conflict, by preparations for war. I
want you to help us make peace,” he
Taken Into Sioux Tribe
Lloyd George’s visit to Minneapo
lis was made memorable by an ini
tiation ceremony, immediately fol
lowing the luncheon, which Inducted
him into the Sioux tribe of American
Indians. The title of Wambi Nopa,
which means "Two Eagles,” was
conferred upon him by Chief Brave
Eagle. This title was chosen because
it signifies the eagle of war and the
eagle of peace.
Another incident of his visit was
a priviate meeting with Minnesota’s
farmer-labor senators, Shipstead and
Magnus Johnson, both of whom at
tended the luncheon. They said they
were greatly impressed by their
meeting with him and also with his
Seated at the luncheon table, the
guest of honor was treated to sever
al songs in the Welsh tongue which
he heartily enjoyed. J. A. Proser,
head of the Dunwoody Institute, who
presided, told Lloyd George that
there were many Welshmen in this
community, adding facetiously that
many of them could sing their na
tive songs better than they could the
Star Spangled Banner. To this Lloyd
George replied that there are at least
two bars in the American anthem
which came from an old Welsh mel
Pays Tribute to Jews .
An engrossed scroll, bearing an
address in ancient Hebrew, was pre
sented to Lloyd George by Dr. Maur
ice Lefkovitz, and in accepting it the
former premier paid high tribute to
the Jewsh race.
In his main speech, Lloyd George
said he had already delivered 29
speeches, despite the fact that he
came to this country to learn the
cause of its great progress. He
raised a laugh when he said he had
heard a great deal about the middle
west, particularly as "a part of
America that baffles politicians.”
The auidlence heartily enjoyed this
witticism at the expense of Governor
Preus, Magnus Johnson, Henry
Shipstead and former Senator Kel
logg, all of whom were seated near
him and were recently paired in
stirring political battles in this state.
Sounds Call for Peace
After paying tribute to the indus
tries of the middle west, Lloyd
George plunged into the theme of his
speech, sounding the call for a re
newal of peace and discarding the
preparations for war. He said:
"Your industries are the industries
of peace—haversters, as I came
along; flour mills, plows. There are
cities In Europe, tlfere are cities in
the continent of America, whose
prosperity, whose life depend on the
fact that they are arsenals for the
manufacture of the weapons of war,
the mechanisms of war. Minneapolis
is the arsenal of peace, not guns,
not cannons, not explosives, not
poison gas, but harvesters, and the
means of producing food for man
“Your interest above all is the
interest of peace. There is no city
In the world which has such an in
Government Keeps Hands
Off Honduras Campaign
Universal Service
Wahsington, Oct. 15.—The United
States government is maintalng a
policy of strict noninterference in the
presldiential campain now being
waged in Honduras.
A spokesman for the state depart
ment stated that there is nothing
this government can do in the matter
which would not at once be misin
terpreted by critcs, and therefore
nothing will be done.
Wanda and Wlnda, the two pretty
young ladles who used to be Witches,
surely knew how to make delicious
taffy candy with nuts In It. They
made a whole lot too, for there was
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy and
little Ned Gnome and Percival and
Penelope; everyone Just waiting for
the candy to cool.
And the best part of It was, before
they made the taffy candy with nuts
In It, everyone had worked upon the
two sisters' little tumbled down
shanty and had turned It Into the
coziest little place you could care to
see. The candy had been placed 01%.
slde on the window sill to cool and
Raggedy Ann was playing upon the
little piano with one hand.
Raggedy Ann could only play
"Peter, Peter, Pumpkin eater” but
It sounded very nice because the little
piano tinkled so musically. Raggedy
Ann played It over and over until
little Ned Gnome cried, "Listen!
What was that?”
It was a nolce outside the cozy
little house.
The noise went, "Scrltchy
Bcratchy!" Just like that only a lit
tle lowder.
Little Ned Gnome tiptoed to the
window and peeped out, for the noise
sounded Just like someone shuffling
as quietly as possible up to the
“Oh, dearf” little Ned Gnome sud
denly cried, “Someone Is running a
way with the lovely taffy candy!”
“And It has all the nuts in it!"
Wanda cried.
As all of our friends ran out of the
house, they saw a strange little man
with crokked legs running down the
path, licklty split with the large
plate of taffy candy.
"Who is he?" Raggedy Andy
“It’s Crooklookle, the Magician!”
Wanda and Winda replied- “He used
to be our friends when we were two
mean little old Witches, but now, I
guess he can tell we are not Witches
any more and he has taken our
“We will run and catch him and
take the candy nway from him!”
Raggedy Andy said.
“Oh! But you mustn't!” the two
sisters said, “Crooklookle is a very
mean little Magician and if you fol
low him, he may change you into
anything he thinks of! A pig, or a
monkey or anything! Do not follow
him! We will make some more
candy without nuts in It.”
‘I am not agraid!” Raggedy Andy
replied as he started running in the
direction Crokelootle had taken.
"And I Bhall go with Raggedy
Andy I” Aaggedy Ann cried, “All the
rest of you must wait here until we
return with the taffy candy!” And
she ran after Raggedy Andy and
Crookelookie, the Magician.
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy
and little Ned Crome and Percival
and Penelope were sitting near the
Ice cream soda water fountain in the
deep,deep woods when the two mean
little Witches, Wanda and Winda
Witch came flying up on their magi
cal flying broom.
“Oh, dear!” Raggedy Ann cried,
“Now the mean little old Witches
will capture us again!”
“Let us run just as fast as we can!"
Raggedy Andy suggested.
"Do not run!” the two W’ltches said,
“We shall not try to capture you
And when the Raggedys and little
Ned Gnome did not run, the two
Witches came and sat down beside
“We shall not try to take the magi- I
cal Wishing Pebble and the Magical
Wishing Stick %way from you any
more!” Wanda Witch said.
“When we had the Wishing Pebble
and the Wishing Stick, w.e could not1
get them to make our wishes come
true!” Winda Witch said.
“And so, we have come to ask you
to forgive us for causing you so much
trouble, Raggedy Ann and Raggedy
Andy and little Ned Gnome,” Wanda
Witch said.
Raggedy Ann took her nice blue
bordered pocket hanky and wiped j
Wanda Witche's eyes, and Winda
Witch’s eyes, for both little old j
Witches were crying as if their Witch
hearts would break.
“Don’t cry any more, Miss Wanda!
and Miss Winda Witch!” Raggedy
Ann said, “Even if you did chase us,
it was a lot of fun, so we forgive you.
Don’t we little Ned Gnome and Rag
gedy Andy?”
‘ Yes, indeed!” Raggedy Andy and
little Ned Gnome said.
So the two little old Witches dried
their tears and smiled.
“Who is this pretty little girl and
this pretty little boy with you, Rag
gedy Ann? Wanda ^Vitch asked as i
she looked at Penelope and Percival. I
"Well! You would never guess!”
Raggedy Ann laughed in reply, “That!
is Penelope and Percival, who used,
to be Penelope and Percival Pig!”
And how did they change into a
girl and a boy?” Winda Witch ask
“I changed them with my Wishing
Pebble!” Raggedy Ann replied, “You
see, they used to be Just as they are j
now before they made pigs of them- I
selves’ It was Perclval who made us
Invisible In your house and it was
Perclval who helped us escape from
you when you had us captured!"
“Dear me!” Wlnda Witch sighed,
"How often. Oh how often Wanda
and I have wished that wo were not
Witches!” We have cried many
nights after we had tried all day
with our magic charms to change
ourselves back Into what we were be
fore we were Witches!"
“But our charms would not make
us change back!” Wanda Witch said,
^Neither would my Wishing Ring
change me from a pig back into a
boy!” Perclval said, “But now that I
am a boy again, and I have the Magi
cal Wishing Ring, I will make the
wish that you two mean little old
Witches change back Into what you
were before!” And before the two
Witches had time to wink their eyes,
they had been changed from ugly
little old Witches Into pretty young
ladles, And they were so happy, they
hugged Perclval and Penelope and
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy
and little Ned Onome fifteen times
each. And then after so much ex
citement, all our friends drank leven
teen more sodas apiece. Cause
everyone was as happy as could be,
and what tastes better than sodas,
when one is very, very happy?
“Let us run Just as fast as ws can!"
“Well!” Raggedy Ann said as she
and Raggedy Andy and little Neu
Gnome sat beside the Ice cream soda
water fountain In the deep, deep,
woods with Wanda and Winda and
Penelope and erPclval, “everything
turned out just like in a Fairy Tale!”
“Indeed, it did!” Wan^ laughed.
“I am glad we are n<?t mean little
old Witches any more!” Wanda laugh
ed too.
“And I am glad that I am not a
pig any more!” Percival and Pene
lope both said, "It isn’t any fun being
a pig!”
“And it isn’t any fun being
Witches either!” Wanda said, “1
wouldn’t be a Witch again for sixteen
“You were mean little old Witches,
when you wore Witches!” little Ned
Gnome asid, "I am glad that we man
aged to escape from you every time
you captured us!”
"And I am glad that you escaped
too!” Winda Witch said, “For if you
had not escaped, Raggedy Ann would
not have changed Penelope and Per
cival Pig into a boy and girl again,
and ePrcival would not have changed
us from Witches into pretty young
ladies again!”
“Now that you are not mean lit*
tie old Witches any more, I wonder
if your magic charms will work for
you?” Raggedy Ann said.
“We will see!” Wanda and Winda
said as they got out all their charms
and placed them in a circle upon the
"What shall we try to make first?"
Wanda asekd of Winda.
"Well,” Winda replied, "We cut
open Raggedy Ann’s and Raggedy
Andy’s rag bodies and took the
magical Wishing Pebble and the Mag
leal Wishing' Stick from them; so
let's see if we can make a magic
needle to sew them up with!”
"Oh! I had forgotten!” Wanda
said, "No, sir I I shall sew up their
rag bodies myself as good as new! I
shall not be lazy any more!”
"You are right, sister Wanda!”
Winda said, “We cut their rag bodies
open, so we should, sew them up
again! I will sew one while you sew
the other!"
So the two sisters, Wanda and
Winda placed the magical Wishing
Pebble In Raggedy Ann’s cotton
stuffeed body and the Wishing Stick
In Raggedy Andy’s cotton stuffed
body and sewed them up again, just
as good as new.
And It did not hurt Raggedy Ann,
nor Raggedy Andy even one Bpeck.
When they had finished doing this
task, Wanda and Winda tried their
magical charms, but although they
said all the magical words they knew,
the tharms would not work and they
could not make a single magical
"Well well!" the two sisters
laughed, "It Is just as well, for we
do not care to make magical things
any more, now that we are not
Witches! W« will just be as kind and
gentle and generous to every 9ne and
that will be far better than being able
to work magic!" So the two former
Witches threw the charms In the
bushes and turned to the Ragged ys,
and little Ned Gnome and Percival
and enPelope, "What do you say,
friends? Let’s all go to our house
and we will make some taffy candy!"
And as everyone was very fond of
taffy candy, they went with Wanda
and Winda to the poor little house In
the deep, deep woods.
It had been made a long time be
fore by Betsy Bonnet String, but
was still just as good as new.
The magical Boda water fountain
came In a fine spray right out of a
crooked tree and at the side of the
tree there was a place where you
could get any flavor you might wish.
I>o you Inhale your cigarette smoke,
ohln In the air and forehead thrown
back? And do you then proudly blow
It out of your nose, up toward the
celling saying, "if you don’t Inhale,
you don’t really smoke?"
It may Interest you to know that
Inhaling tobacco smoke means ab
sorbing into the system eight times
as much nicotine as non-inhalers ab
sorb. A learned German professor
proves It.
Boar In mind also that when your
nose Is In the air Inhaling tobacco
smoke, you are not THINKING.
That’s loss of time. You can’t think
with your nose In the air. Thinking
makes the forehead turn downward.
In Oklahoma the Governor orders
the soldiers to "shoot to kill” if the
Legislature attempts to meet and im
peach him. It’s all about the Ku
Klux Klan, etc. In Europe that would
be enough for a wide revolution. Here
it is Just “news" from one state. The
beauty of it is that the 48 United
Nations have free trade among them,
protection from the outside. Our
ancestors were wise, and we are for
The giant sequoia, S3 feet in diameter
and 280 feet high the second largest
tree in. the world, has been dedicated to
President Harding’s memory as the
Warren Harding tree. It la 6,000 years
old and is second in size only to the
General Sherman tree.
"I'm in tonm. Honey/*
Ill at Ease.
“Beg pardon, but are you the but
“No, I’m just the host. But I thank
you for the compliment."—Louisville
£a9y Way to Make Home Improvements.
Almost every man likes to do little
jobs of building, particularly when by
doing them he can make permanent,
labor-saving improvements around his
If you have been wishing for a side
walk that will keep the house clean
and the feet dry—non-rot steps and
porch floors, ornamental gateposts—
any one of dozens of Improvements,
you tvlll be interested to know that
you can now obtain complete direc
tions free of cost.
The best concrete construction ex
perience has been drawn upon to pro
vide these directions. You will find
everything you need to know about
small jobs—how much cement to use,
how to mix the concrete, what tools
to use, and all the rest.
A request to the Portland Cement
Association, 111 West Washington
Street, Chicago, will bring this free
booklet, “Concrete Around the Home,”
by return mail.—Advertisement.
Faith and Works.
Golfer—Where's Mr. McDougal—is
he coming in?
Caddie—He’s awa' back In the
bunker. Ah left him wi’ his inashie
nnd his maker.—Bystander (London).
Especially Prepared for Infants
and Children of All Ages
Mother! Fletcher’s Castoria has
been in use over 30 years to relieve
babies and children of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic nnd Diarrhea;
allaying Feverishness arising there
from, nnd, by regulating the Stomach
and Bowels, aids the assimilation ot
Food; giving natural sleep without
opiates. The genuine bears signature
“Misery loves company."
“What’s In your mind now?"
“I just saw two dub golfers telling
their woes to each other.”
Back Given Out?
It’s hard to do one’s work wheu
every day brings morning
throbbing backache, and a dnD, tired
feeling. If you suffer thus, why not
find out the cause? Likely it’s year
kidneys. Headaches, dizziness and
bladder irregularities may give farther
proof that your kidneys need help.
Don’t risk neglect! Use Doan’a Kidney
Pills. Thousands have been helped by
Doan's. They should help yoo. Ask
your neighbor!
Iowa Case
C. G. Kallenber
fer, prop, grocery.
07 S. Main St.
VVapcllo, la., says:
“My back felt tired
and many times
when I bent over
I could hardly
, straighten. Sharp
pains shot through
f my kidneys. My
kidneys were weak
and the secretions
too frequent in pas
sage. After using a few boxes of
Doan’s Kidney Pills the lameness
and pains left me and my back and
kidneys felt strong again.
Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60c a Bn
DOAN’S V.ll.
In a small town righteousness pre
vails, largely because the neighbor*
eagle eye prevails. i
Little boys are likely (o take pr!d«
in their long curls until they meet
other little boys.
SAY “BAYER” when you buy
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians foi
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuralgia Rheumatism
t/Aja / j//MOAccept only “Bayer” package
which contains proper directions.
Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin la tka trad* mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldeater of SalleplksdS
*7wo pleasant ways
to relieve a cough.
Take your choice and euit
your taste. S-B—or Menthol
flavor. A sure relief for coughs.
* colds and hoarseness. Put one
In your mouth at bedtime.
Atwmyx k—p a box on hand.
— " Fanwut tinea >847