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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1923)
'■ T RONTIER. VOLUMN XLIII. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1923. .NO. 18, GRADY’S GROCERY Peaches Phones-68-126 O’Neill, Nebraska LOCAL MATTERS. J. H. Shultz left Wednesday for Creighton and Norfolk on land busi ness. A son was born on September 24th to Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Dickerson, of Atkinson. A daughter was born September 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thramer, Jr., of Ewing. Miss Oyma Clyde who is attending school at Wayne, spent Sunday with the home folks. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hamik, of Stuart, Monday, September 17th. Miss Oyma Clyde spent the week end at home, returning to Wayne, Monday morning. Miss Libby Latta, of Tekamah, is teaching elocution in St. Mary’s Academy this year. W. E. Olson, head mechanic at the Ford garage, went to Omaha Sunday for a visit with friends. Mrs. Sam Berry left Monday morn ing for a short visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. P. F. Van Allen at Kearny. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zimmerman at Spencer, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stuart, of At kinson, are the parents of a new son who arrived at their house on Sep tember 16th. J. B. Donohoe, who has been under going treatment at an Omaha hospi tal, returned home Monday evening much improved in health. H L. B. Haneman, of Ewing, received the announcement of the death of his brother, Mox, at San Jose, California, on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Dr. Frost and daughter, Miss Dorothy, drove over to Mitchell, South Dakota, last Thursday and spent several days visiting with friends. The heavy rains of lastFridaycaused about a quarter of a mile of track to be washed out near Tilden causing a delay of about fourteen hours in train service. Mrs. S. B. Hart, and daughter, Mrs. O. W. French, of Page, spent several days visiting at the home of their son and brother, B. B. Hart, at Neligh, recently. r Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ragan and children came over from Creighton last Wednesday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinn and to at tend the Holt county fair. A son was bom to Major and Mrs. Owen Meredith of Ft. Benning, Geor ga, at a hospital in Washington, D. C., on September 24th, according to a letter received by Grandpa Meredith of this city Mrs. J. B. Mellor entertained seven lady friends at a seven o’clock dinner at her home Friday evening in honor of Mrs. N. Guinn, of Laurel, Nebras ka. The ladies were old time friends of Mrs. Guinn. J. C. Harilish went to York last week where he has been attending a meet ing of the Home Board preparatory to the opening of the grand lodge of the I. O. O. F., which will take place October 17, 18 and 19. Atkinson Graphic: John Nowak owsski, an employee in the Atkinson Bakery, has purchased the bakery of Frank Szczekowski, the late owner, and took possession the first of the week Mr. Szczepkowski goes back to his ranch and will have a sale soon and move with his family to Chicago in the near future. The Real Meaning Of It. * We advertise in many ways but our best advertisement and the best advertisement for any man, is efficiency in the daily grind. This bank will make you glad you do your business here. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 ' , . ' v ft ' a, O’Neill Natiorval Bank Several cases of scarlet fever are reported near Dorsey. J. K. Aaberg went over in Iowa last Friday in the interest of his real es tate business. A ten and three-fourth pound daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Joe McNichols on Wednesday of last week. Albert Ellis and Chas. Sanders, of Star, were hauling lumber Wednesday for the new school house to be erected at Star. Mrs. Lawrence Barrett, of Fremont, is visiting at the Patrick Barrett home, and with other relatives in this vicinity. H. L. Page, who has been visiting friends here for the past ten. dhys, re turned to his home in Sioux City last Thursday. The Home Economics department of the Woman's Club will meet next Wednesday, October 10th. A good at tendance is desired. Jake Errest is quite ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clyde Johnson, northwest of O’Neill. Mr. Ernest is past ninety-three years, of age. He is a soldier of the civil war. The Frontier printed large bill* this week advertising a stock sale Of cattle and hogs at the R, H. Lienhart place, 6 miles south and 4 miles east of Chambers, next Tuesday. At a meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, Joe Fillsinger was appointed water commissioner and will pump the water for the city and otherwise look after the city interests at the pump and fire house. The Burlington officials did not ar rive in O’Neill Monday morning as schedule. The flood disasters in various parts of the state and at Casper, Wyoming, caused the indefi nite postponement of the trip. John Zimmerman arrived here from Chicago last week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Henry Zimmer man, and with relatives at Spencer. <junn expect to nmsn tne medical course in Chicago this winter. Mrs. N. Guinn returned to her home in Laurel, Nebraska, this morning. She has been visiting for the past ten days at the home of her nephew, J. B. Mellor and family and with relatives in the northern part of the county. Mrs. M. J. Dailey and daughter, of Salt Lake City, who were called here last week by the death of the former's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Finnigan, are spending a few days visiting with relative and old time friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donlin and baby, of Oakdale, and John J. Donlin, of Maple Grove, Iowa, were attending the fair at O’Neill last week and also visiting at the home of their cousin, Mrs. C. F. Baker, six miles northwest of O’Neill. C. W. Conklin and Edward Gal lagher expect to leave on the 10th for San Francisco to attend the Na tional convention of the American Le gion, which will be in session October 15th to 19th. Mr. Conklin will repre sent the sixth district. T. J. Donohoe returned Sunday evening from Omaha, where he has been in attendance at tbe bedside of his son, John, who is recovering from the effects of a recent operation. Mrs. Donohoe will remain with her son at the hospital for a few days. Engineer M. J. O’Keefe, who has been pulling the freight from O'Neill to Osmond and back for a number of years has transferred his operations to the east end of the line and will now run between Osmond and Ferry. Harry Carter, of Lincoln, will take the run vacated by “Casey.” Mr. and Mrs. Arch Wyant and the new baby returned home last Thurs day from Anadarico, Oklahoma, where Mrs. Wyant has been visiting and caring for her father for the past few months. They came through the storm swept country south of the Platte river the day before the storm reached there. J. B. Mellor accompanied Mrs. N. G. Gwinn and Mrs. 0. E. Davidson to the home of George Mellor, at Red Bird, recently, in northern Holt county, The ladies are both well up in years, the former being 85 and the latter 83. The ladies are both enjoying excellent health and enjoyed the ride im mensely. - Mrs. Albert Klingler, of Atkinson, was in O’Neill Tuesday where she met her mother, Mrs. Mary Pickard, of Ft. Madison, Iowa, who came for a visit at the Klingler home and to at tend the wedding of her grandson, Herman Klingler to Miss Bessie Strong, of O’Neill, which took place Wednesday. George Shellhart and mother, Mrs. W. J. Hall, of New Castle, Wyoming, arrived in O’Neill, Tuesday, for a visit with their old time friends in this locality. Mr. Shellhart and mother reside southeast of Mineola for many years prior to 1895 when he went west, his mother following later. They drove to O’Neill from Qnd, Nebraska, where they have been visiting with a sister of Mr. Shellhart’s, Mrs. Linna L. Hanson. 0. J. Dudek, of York, who lost his life in the waters of Lincoln creek north of York, last Friday night, was quite well known in O’Neill. He has been making this territory for a number of years for the Crete Milling Co., and was in O’Neill on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Dudek had made three trips across the back water of Lincoln creek on the Meridian high way, into which he had driven and got stuck, and had telephoned his wife that he would be home soon. The last time he attempted to cross he stepped into a hole; he held to a tree for a time but was carried away before help could reach him. Mrs. P. L. Henry and daughter, Patricia Jane, of Geneva, Nebraska, arrived in O’Neill Monday night where they will visit relatives and old time friends. L. F. Sougey sold his accessory and tire repair shop this week to Levi Yantzi of this city who has taken charge of the business. Mr. and Mrs. Sougey expect to leave in about three weeks for California, where they will make their home. Twelve married couples gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Downey last Tuesday evening and gave them a surprise party. The oc casion being the thirty-seventh anni versary of their marriage. The even ing was spent at whist followed by luncheon. The new Purcell Produce building is about ready for occupancy. Mr. Pur cell expects to move to the new loca tion in the near future. The building trill furnish plenty of room for stor age and will be much more convenient. The new location is east of the C. & N. W. depot. The FYontier is in receipt of a let ter bearing the information that Mrs. Jx>ra Anderson, of Rock Island, Illi nois, wag granted a divorce from Al vin Anderson, of Clearwater, Ne braska, on September 28, on the grounds of non-support. The letter states that they were married in O’Neill,, July 6, 1921, Mrs. Anderson was formerly Lora Taylor, niece of Mr. and MrB. L. E. Knapip formerly of this vicinity. Mrs. Anderson was granted the custody of their infant son. Many hunters from the eastern part of the state have been passing through O'Neill during the past week, headed for some objective point farther west where they expect to bag a quantity of ducks and chickens. The duck sea son has been on for the past three weeks and the chicken season opened list Monday. The chicken hunting in most of the western counties is not so arood as in manv of the nreoeAdinc years on account of the continued rains. The ground is full of water and it is almost impossible to drive an auto any distance from the highways. E. S. Eves, of Seattle, Washington, Spent Monday and Tuesday visiting with former O’Neill friends. This is the second trip that Mr. Eves has made to O’Neill since leaving here for the west about fourteen years ago. He says that he can notice many changes in the appearance of the city and notes many improvements both in the business and residence sections. Mr. Eves is conducting a brokerage business In Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. EHr are visiting Nebraska fHends, making the trip in their car. He may decide to return to O’Neill in the near future as he is being strongly urged by local democratic leaders to estab lish a democratic newspaper in O’Neill. The Knights of Columbus athletic club will open the fall and winter box ing season Tuesday, October 16, with one of the best cards ever put on in O’Neill. Homer Sheridan, of Sioux City, a great favorite with O’Neill fans, will go ten rounds with Battling Jack Monroe, Omaha colored fighter, and as a second attraction Ernest Smith, of Walnut, who has Appeared a number of times in the local ring, will go five rounds with Frank Pattis, the fighting barber of Bassett. This will be Sheridan’s first appearance in the ring since he received an injury to his jaw last spring, and in meeting Monroe he is tackling one of the best colored boxers in the middle west. Monroe last year was defeated by Chuch Lambert of St. Paul, on points. HOLT COUNTY FAIR CLOSED LAST FRIDAY The Holt county fair came to a close last Friday evening and was a success from every angle. The ex hibits this year were exceedingly fine and in number far exceeded those of former years. The exhibits of live stock were large and the animals, exhibited show that the farmers are keeping their herds up to the high standards and that the pure bred stuff is the thing that pays. The exhibits of fancy work, cooking, vegetables, flowers and everything in the exhibit hall shows that the people of Holt county are interested in the future of the county and are striving to make Holt county products the best. The amusement program was very good this year although the rain on Friday morning spoiled the trade” for driving, those who were on the pr<P gram decided to go ahead with the sports as advertised so ‘ the races were carried out although the driving had to be done oiuthe outer edge of the track. The bucking contest was good each day. Thursdays ball game between Chambers and Paddock was won by Chambers 3 to 7. The same teams played again Friday, the game result ing in a second victory for Cham bers 2 to 1. Secretary John L. Quig is entitled to a great deal of praise for the way he had conducted the fair this year and for the past three years. WM. GROTHE, EMMET, WINS SIXTY-ONE PREMIUMS Wm. Grothe, of Emmet, is the chanlpion premium winner of Holt county. At the county fair, which came to a close last Friday, Mr. Grothe won sixty-one premiums, in the agricultural department, which amounts to about sixty dollars. There were forty-three firsts; seventeen sec onds and one third premiums in this department. Mr. Grothe’s daughter also won several premiums on flowers which are not included in the above figures. To The Depositor NATIONAL BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors lose heavily. Why? Because deposits in National Banks are not guaranteed. STATE BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors are paid in full Why? Because deposits in State Banks are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK OF O’NEILL is the only Bank in O’Neill which offers you this pro tection. You will protect yourself and please us by depositing your money with us. 5 per cent paid on time deposits. Nebraska State Bank of O'Neill, Nebraska i _’ RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE. Office of Superintendent, 14th Divis ion, Omaha, Nebr., Oct. 2, 1923. M. H, McCarthy, The Postmaster, O’Neill, Nebraska. My Dear Sir: For some time this office has been endeavoring to improve the mail service on the Omaha and Chadron by having a train scheduled out of Omaha about midnight. It is very pleasing to state that ef fective October 7th, the Chicago & North Western Railway Co. have ar ranged to establish train 13 leaving Omaha 12:15 a. m,, arriving Long Pine 9:25 a. m., arriving Chadron, Ne braska, 3:25 p. m. This will give u's a daylight train westbound between Long Pine and Chadron which has been desired for a long time, and also greatly expedite mails from the Omaha gateway. With this improved train service, the Department has found it practable to improve the mail service, and it is proposed, effective October 7th, to es tablish Railway Post Office service in train 13 between Omaha and Chadron, and in train 8 (formerly train 2) be tween Chadron and Omaha, Railway Post Office service will continue to be performed in trains 3 and 22 (for merly train 6) between Omaha and Chadron. We will also have Railway Post Office service in trains 11 (for merly train 1) and train 2 (formerly train 8) between Omaha and Oakdale, and closed-pouch service between Oak dale and Long Pine. This will, I am sure, be greatly appreciated- bvthe Northwestern Section of Nebraska". Very truly yours, S. A. CISLER, Superintendent. The above announcement is pleas ing news to people in this territory. O’Neill people have been longing for just such a train schedule as is now going to be put in dperation. The new change will bring the Omaha and eastern Nebraska mail to us about ten hours sooner than we are now re ceiving it The receipts of the postoffice and the present population of the city en titles us to free mail delivery and If the proper requests are made the service can be had. Many towns of the size of O’Neill are now enjoying this service and O’Neill can have it if she goes after it. The new trair schedule will make free delivery moi«* desirable, because of the arrival of the mail trains during the forenoon. L. F. POCK CONVICTED OF STEALING AUTOMOBILES The following account of the con viction in the Iowa courts, of L- P. Pock and others for stealing autos ap peared in a recent; issue of the World Herald. Pock is the fellow who drove a stolen Packard car to Atkinson last spring, and was arrested by Sheriff Duffy who later drove the car to Omaha: “L. F. Pock and Harry Moore, con victed in district court Friday of auto larceny, will be arraigned before Judge E. B. Woodruff, who reviewed their oase, Wednesday morning for sen tence. Ralph Hooper, Rocky Ford, Colo., who confessed activities of the pileged gang of auto thieves, implicating Pock and Moore, pleaded guilty Saturday and was given a five-year sentence in the Anamosa, Iowa, reforatory.” Notice To The Public I '.II i I AM NO LONGER ASSOCIATED WITH THE DRY-CLEANING DEPARTMENT OF THE O'NEILL SANITARY LAUNDRY, BUT AM PREPARED AND EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ANYTHING IN THE DRY CLEANING LINE AT MY RESIDENCE UNTIL I CAN FIND A SUITABLE LOCATION DOWN TOWN. DAVEY, The Cleaner PRICES ARE RIGHT. PHONE 363. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. PHONE 363 SPECIAL! HAVING TAKEN OVER THE HARDING CREAM STATION I WOULD LIKE TO Bllv YOUR CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY AT THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Thomas J. Brennan