The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 27, 1923, Image 7

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Say “Bayer” and Insist!
Unless you see the name "Bayer” on
package or on tablets you are not get
ting the genuine Bayer product pre
scribed by physicians over twenty-two
years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Earache Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin”
only. Each unbroken package contains
proper directions. Handy boxes of
twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer'
Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of
Angel Brains.
Here are some bright answers from
school examinations:
Epidermis is what keeps your skin
The days are shorter In winter be
cause the cold contracts.
Etiquette teaches us how to be po
lite without trying to remember to be.
Poise is the way a Dutchman says
Gold was discovered in California
before anyone knew It was there.
Prepared Especially for Infants
and Children of All Ages
Mother! Fletcher’s Castoria has
been In use for over 30 years as a
pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas
tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and
Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcot
ics. Proven directions are on each
package. Physicians recommend it.
The genuine bears* signature of
Easily Explained.
The man who ran the elevator of
the skyscraper was talking to a pas
“The judge certainly did soak him,”
he said. “He sentenced him to three
years and ten days. Now I under
stand the three years all right; but
what the ten days were for I’d like
to know?”
“That was the war tax,” said a
quiet citizen who got aboard at
the tenth floor.”—Treat ’Em Square.
Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Thing!
New for 15 Cents.
Don’t wonder whether you can dy!
or tint successfully, because perfect
home dyeing is guaranteed with "Dla
mond Dyes” even If you have nevei
dyed before. Druggists have all colors
Directions In each package.—Adven
Remedy for Unrest.
The solemn man In the smoker said
never a word for many a mile. Final
ly, however, he turned to his seat mate
and remarked:
“There is much unrest In the world
Just now, my friend; much unrest.”
“You’re right.”
“I hope you are not unmindful ol
the fact that we each have a duty. W«
must combat this unrest.”
“I’m doing my best,” said the other
“As to how, my friend, as to how?”
“I manufacture mattresses.”
Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin.
On rising and retiring gently smear
the face with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off Ointment in five minutes
with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It
is wonderful what Cuticura will do
for poor complexions, dandruff, itching
and red, rough hands.—Advertisement.
Not Scared at All.
Jodkins was always a dissatisfied
member of the staff. His complaint
this time he considered a big one, and
he told his workmates that he would
threaten to leave.
“What did the boss say about your
threat to leave?" he was asked, on be
ing seen coming from the chief s room.
“He didn’t take it as a threat,” re
plied Jodkins; “he thought I was do
ing the firm a favor.”—Stray Stories,
The Worm Turns.
' “Is this hot enough for you?”
“Cut it out I I’m fed up on those
Huestlonnalres.” ,
Cabinet to Pass on Question
Monday — Socialists De
mand Change in Ministry
Berlin, Bept. 23.—The Berlin gov
ernment’s warning of Saturday night
that any movement of revolt, right
or left, would be sternly suppressed,
Is likely to have a sobering effect.
Th^ warning was considered neces
sary in view of the government's
reported contemplated decision on
unconditional surrender, which Is
being submitted to the full cabinet,
and to the party leaders, representa
tives of employers In the Rhine and
Ruhr, and to the premiers of the
relchstateB Monday.
The cabinet, as Its extraordinary
session Sunday night, did not come
to any final decision In the matter,
but unless the plan is rejected bp
the cabinet Monday and then by the
various groups to whom the prob
lem Is presented, the capitulation
of Germany will be announced to
the world In the form of a procla
mation Tuesday or Wednesday.
Only Way Out
The decision of the government to
give in has taken reluctantly but
was inevitable, in view of the re
fusal of France to make any con
cession to Germany regarding the
release of arrested Germans or the
return of deported citizens of the
occupied areas. The French ambas
sador here stated that he was not
prepared to agree to anything
short of unconditional surrender in
the form of recantation of all the
resistance decrees passed by the
Cuno cabinet.
It is understood that the procla
mation will state that owing to th«
intense misery of the population,
Germany feels compelled to termi
nate the resistance against the
breach of international law repre
sented b the Ruhr occupation and
withdraws all decrees furthering
that object.
Will Demand Amnesty
The proclamation will also state
that Germany has a right to expect
amnesty for all prisoners, the re
turn of all expelled citizens, free
dom of work for employers and em
ployed, the resumption of German
administration in the Ruhr, and un
restricted communication.
Germany is highly electric. In
Bavaria and Saxony menacing
clouds are gathering. Demonstra
tions at Munich have denounced the
idea of capitulation- In Leipzig the
government troops are concentrat
There are street battles in Dresden
between the police and workers.
Despite repeated charges by the
police, the rioters have raided shops
am, help up the tram cars.
Socialists Cause Trouble
' The cabinet was Just adjourning
at 10 o’clock Sunday night after a
five-hour session, when it resumed
its sitting because of an unexpected
new inner political complication.
The socialists in Greater Berlin,
including the reichstag and diet
members, held a meeting at which
Herr kelgner, Saxony’s radical pre
mier, spoke by invitation regarding
his conflict with Minister of De
fense Gessler.
The meeting unanimously apporved
his standpoint and adopted a reso
lution demanding a change in the
ministry system and also adopted a
resolution declaring that the cabi
net policy was unsatisfactory and
called on the socialist members to
use more energetic means in effect
ing socialist demands.
Another resolution demanding that
the socialists withdraw from the cab*
inet was tabled for a week.
Girls Missing From
Children’s Home
Believed to Have Started
Western Trip Attired in
Boys’ Clothing
Des Moines, la., Sept. 23—Ann
Sherman, 15 years old, and Genevieve
Glenn, 17 years old, have disappeared
from the Iowa Childrens' home,
where they have been staying while
attending school here. Both girls
came here from Waterloo recently.
Tuesday morning Dan Quinn, cus
I todlan of Union park, found the girls’
dresses and school books in the cabin
at the park. Genevieve Glenn had
enrolled at the Capital City Commer
cial college and attended classes
there until a week ago. Teachers
at east high school report that Ann
Sherman registered there, but
never returned
1’eking, Sept. 23.—The attacks of
Commissar Karakhan,# Russian sov
1 iet emissary to China, upon all for
eign powers are growing daily in
strength. Karakhan is especially
hitter in his speeches against Amer
ica and England. He la endeavor
ing to bring about an alliance be
I tween China and Russia.
San Francisco, Sept. 23—There was
no joy Sunday In the camp of Gov
ernor Richardson. Insurance Com
missioner George D. Squires, and the
rest of the once merry crew of re
ceivers of stolen letters.
The storm of public indignation,
which the exposure of their conniv
ance with a thief In their efforts to
injure Senator Hiram W. Johnson,
brought a swift and startling change
into their outlook.
What had been an attitude of
gleefulness and self-satisfaction at
what they evidently considered a
smart political trick became a sour
realization that the trick had be
come a boomerang.
Sees Stolen Letter
Adding to their discomfiture were
two new developments.
One witness declared that he was
ready to swear to an affidavit that
he had seen a copy of the stolen Mc
Clatehy-Boynton letter in Governor
Richarddson's possession two weeks
before it was published in a local
paper. That would tend to throw
further confusion into the governor’s
denials which already conflict great
ly with the statements of his own
political henchman, Insurance Com
missioner George D. Squires.
A. E. Boynton, chairman of the
republican state central committee,
and from whose office the McClatchy
letter was stolen by George C. Hard
wick, issued a statement denouncing
the “contemptibly plot" of Johnson’s
enemies and challenging the governor
and Squires to print in full any
further stolen letter they may have
in their possession. Boynton de
clares that if the stolen letters are
garbled in publication hs’il print
them in their entirety.
Newspapermen Barred
The governor concealed himself
Sunday behind a squadron of private
secretaries and inquiries by men re
presenting newspapers in every sec
tion of the country "fere met with
the answer:
"The governor refuses to see or
talk to any newspaper correspond
Squires was not to bs found any
It was apparent that the governor
and his “voice” were not to bs be
trayed again into making statements
that oontradicted each other. Their
failure to consult each other before
making their previous explanations
had proved extremely embarrassing.
Grand Exalted Ruler McFar
land to Assist In Unveiling
of Monument Sunday
Yankton, S. D., Sep.t 21— James Q
McFarland, Grand Exalted Buler of
tigs Elks, and Bishop Hugh L. Bur
leson of the Episcopal church In
South Dakota, will be here Sunday
for the dedication of the Elks rest at
the Yankton cemetery. The exercises
will be at the Elks plot on the line
between the Protestant and Catholic
cemeteries, and will include the un
veiling of the monument there. The
program is scheduled for i o clock
Sunday afternoon.
The chief of the Elks of the nation
will come from his home in Water
town, this state, to accept the monu
ment presented by James M. Lloyd,
head of Yankton Lodge, No. 994.
Bishop Burleson will consecrate the
ground, and will deliver the oration
of the day.
Grand Exalted Ruler McFarland
won a name In the South Dakota
legislature, in the courts cf the land
and In the circles of the Elks grand
lodge as a silver-tongued orator, one
of the leaders of the realm, while
Bishop Burleson Is one of the elo
quent churchmen of the --ate. Their
visit is expected to bring together a
large number of Elks and their
friends from the surrounding ter
ritory. The vested choir of the Con
gregational church, under the direc
tion of Prof. L. N. Dailey, will sing
at the exercises.
8TRUCK IN 178®.
Aberdeen, S. D, Sept. 21—H. L
Bone has an interesting relic which
he plans to send to Doane Roblneon,
state historian for Information con
cerning it. The relic Is In the form
of a silver medal about twice the
size of a silver dollar. On one side ap
pears the face of George Washington,
with the words: “George Washington,
Father of His Country," and the
date, 1789. On the other side appears
12 stores on the outer edges of the
medal and in the center the word
"peace,” and a pair of clasped hands
and two pipes of peace. The date,
1789, also appears on that side of the
medal- The article was given to Mr
Bone by an Indian near Veblen, who
expressed the opinion that the medal
was struck off in honor of some
treaty of peace between the Infant
republic of the United States and
some tribe of Indians away back in
1879, when Washington had been
recently Inaugurated president. How
ever, the medal bears but little indi
cation of age, and Mr. Bone would
like to have Mr. Robinson's opinion
as to Its authenticity, and just what
treaty it may have been lntened to
Mitchell, S- D., Sept. 21.—(Special)
—Davlsion county's acrea of winter
wheat this year will be much reduced
over, last year, according to Informa
tion obtained from farmers In the
vicinity of Mitchell. Much of this
grain was winter-killed last year and
the farmers did not get as good a
price for the crop which they were
able to harvest. There are the two
main causes for the smaller plant
ing of winter wheat this year. Sun
day and Monday's rain which ex
tended over a wide area, is expected
to give considerable impetus to the
planting of winter wheat over the
state. This is said by the farmers to
be the last week when winter grains
can be planted safely. Winter rye
is more dependable, but it is said
that the acreage of this crop will be
considerably smaller this year.
Farmers in this section are depend
ing and more ar corn and oats as
they are able to obtain a better re
turn per acre.
Sturgis, S. D., Sept. 18.—Nine
horses were burned to death and
125 tons of hay was consumed in
a fire which destroyed the large
barn belonging to John Chafee, re
siding near Clough, Meade county,
Friday afternoon. Harness and sad
dles were also burned.
Origin of the blaze has not been
Iowa State Veterinarian Say*
Shipments of S. D. Stock
Still Watched
Des Moines, la.. Sept. 11.—The
embargo against cattle from Infect
ed areas in South Dakota still
stands, State Veterinarian Peter
Malcolm declared today. Further
out breaks of anthrax are reported,
according to Dr. Malcolm, who de
clares it will do no harm to continue
the quarrantlne.
Shipments of cattle Into the state
from South Dakota must have cer
tificates from federal inspectors
showing that the cattle did not
come from Infected areas.
Des Moines, la.. Sept. 22.—Gover
nor Kendall, now In Honolulu for a
greatly needed rest, will start for
home on October 3, according to dis
patches received here.
The governor's vacation has result
ed In a marked Improvement In his
Hhe has expressed himself as
“feeling fine” and has taflen dally
Governor Kendall was first warn
ed by physicians last December that
he must retire from all strenuous
activities because of hear trouble.
Last spriny he collapsed and was
forced to remain In bed for several
weeks. He returned to the execu
tive office, but never recovered his
strenbth. Insistence of his physicians
finally resulted In his decision to take
a vacation of two months or more.
Lieut. Gov. John Hammlll took
charge of the executive office and
Gov. and Mrs. Kendall left for the
Hawaiian Islands.
Were It not for the state of his
health, the governor would be the
outstanding figure In state political
circles in the campaign next year.
He not only could have a renomina
tion If he wished, but he has been
urged in many quarter—particularly
antl-Brookhart quarters—to run for
U. S. senator.
Ever since his breakdown, how
ever, Kendall has steadfastly re
fused to make any political plans.
Weed Cutting Found
Expensive To City4.
Mitchell, S. D„ Sept. 21.—(Special)
—City Engineer J. P. Soderstrom la
up against a blind wall as far as
the weed problem in Mitchell goes.
Already the street department has
spent $1,013.20 In cutting away 2,078,
039 square feet of weeds. Weeds on
more than 400 city lots have been
cut and the charges have been assess
ed against the property abutting. But
Mr. Soderstrom says he Is all through.
Department funds for the year are
practically exhausted and Mr. Soder
strom has determined to pursue a
policy of the strictest retrenchment
during the remainder of the year.
Alleged Bigamist Fails
To Appear For Trial.
Onlda, S. D., Sept. 21^-(Speclal>—i
Sam Jones, who was to have answer
ed to a charge of bigamy >at the fall
term of the district court being held
In Onlda this week, disappeared Wed
nesday and has not been found. Jones
did appear at court about 15 minutes
before the case was called, but couid
not be found when wanted. Two men
who pleaded guilty to the charge of
moonshine were sentenced to 40 days
each in jail and fines of $500, $400
to be remitted In case of good be
havior, the jail sentence to commoner
December 1. Hon. John F. Hughes Is
the presiding Judge.
Scotland, S. D., Sept. 19.—(Special)
—The third community Daughter and
Mother banquet will be held next Fri
day evening In ths basement of the
Methodist church. The Scotland band
wilt play, mhlls Community club
members will nets as waiters. Mra
W. 8 Hill of Mitchell will speak oa
‘•Better Homes.-'
British Diplomat
Expires in London
London. Sept. 23.—Viscount Mor
ley, of Blackburn, died at 7:10 o'clock
Sunday night. Heat/ failure was
the announced cause of death.
Viscount Morley of Blackburn was
born at Blackburn In 1838. He held
many posts of Importance In the
government service, having been
chief secretary for Ireland, with a
seat In the cabinet In two cabinets
(In 1883 and again from 1808 to
1S95, and was secretary of state for
India from 1905 to 1910. Ha was lord
president of the council from 1910
to 1914. __
Des Moines Has Heavy Toli
of Accident Victims Over
Dee Moines, la.. Bept. 22—One Is
dead, a woman 1s believed to be cri
tically injured, and five others are
seriously injured as a result of auto
mobile accidents here Sunday.
Earl Sheeler, 27 years old, and
Merrill Anderson crashed into a tree
on the Polk city road this morning,
when the motorcycle, which Sheeler
was driving got beyond of control.
Sheeler was killed in the crash and
Anderson was taken to the hospital.
Agnes Eaton, 80 years old, of
Boone, was struck by an auto driven
by D. G. Greegan, at West Forty
second street, and Grand avenue.
Physicians Sunday night, said that
she was injured internally.
Frank Johnston was injured about
the head when, the car he was driv
ing collided with a Walker streetcar.
In an automobile collision at West
Tenth street and Grand avenue, Mrs.
C. D. Oldham was painfully hurt. She
was taken to the Iowa Methodist
E. L. Rockwood, 21 years old, suf
fered a broken leg when the motor
cycle which he was riding struck an
auto driven by Noah Alexander near
East Fourteenth street and Euclid
avenu Sunday aftrnoon.
Virgil Gal, negro, 21 years old, sus
tained a sprained hip when the
bicycle which he was riding was
struck by an auto.
Swindler Guilty;
to Fight Verdict
Former Head of Bond Com
pany Charges Jury Was
Improperly Impaneled
Superior, Wls., Sept. 20.—Attorneys
for Victor H. Arnold, former presi
dent of the M&dlson Bond company,
convicted In federal court here Wed
nesday on 11 out of 26 counts
charging that he obtained millions of
dollars through fraud, today an
nounced they would ask for the ver
dict to be set aside. The jury was
Improperly impaneled, they charged.
Arnold Is 60 years old.
The charges Include Issuance of
gold bonds backed by defaulted and
misrepresented security.
The 11 counts on which the jury
rendered a verdict of guilty carry
total penalities of 66 years or fines
aggregating $11,000 or both.
Sentence will be Imposed late to
day If the plea of the attorneys is re
O’Neill, Neb., Sept. 20. (Special)—
A rain fall of three and elghteen
hundreths inches is recorded by the
government observer here from Sun
day night until 4 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon. One and sixty-nine hun
dredths fell Wednesday.
Cherokee, la., Sept. 18.—(Special)—
Mr. and Mrs. Ij. J. McCulla, ploheer
residents of Spring township, and
who occupy the farm that has been
their home for all their married lives,
will celebrate their golden wedding
on Sunday, September 23. A great
family dinner will be served. No
formal invitations will be Issued but
all friends will be made welcome.
Revolutionaries Begin Gen
eral Mobilization—Jugo
slavia Masses Troops
Belgrade, Sept. 23.—Martial law
hn« been proclaimed in Bulgaria. A
military court has been established
In Sofia.
General mobilization has been be
gun by the revolutionaries, led hf
reserve officers belonging to the
peasants' party which numbers half
a million strong and which Is be
ing aided by the railway workers.
It Is rumored that the government
contemplates disarming the regular
troops, who In great numbers have
taken sides with the peasants.
Jugo-Slavia has massed 60,000
soldiers along the Bulgarian fron
On Saturday there was false news
spread In Sofia that the Serbs were
marching on the town. The people
closed the shops and cafes and fled
to the country.
The military court condemned two
Journalists to death for spreading
the false news. All the members of
the communist executive body In
Sofia have been arrested and a state
of siege has been proclaimed.
Communists Executed
London, Sept. 23.—Central News
dispatches from Sofia state that
the Bulgarian government has de
clared martial law.
Order hos been restored. More
than 200 of the leaders of the com
munists have been executed
The followers of the late Premier
Stambouliskl are lining up with the
communists, according to other dis
patches, and in spite of reports of
quiet prevailing in the Bulgarian
capital. It is declared that Sofia is
barricaded day and night and that
hundreds have been killed in dashes
between the opposing factions. Sev
eral thousands are reported to have
been arrested.
Federal Control for Coal
Industry Recommended
Washington, Sept. 23.—Placing the
coal industry of the United States
where it enters into interstate com
merce under the control of the in
terstate commerce commission is
the outstanding recommendation of
the United States Coal commission
in its final report made publio here
The commission says:
"Both to protect the public and
to promote the normal development
of this great basic Industry, the
commission recommends the use of
powers of the federal government
over interstate commerce, recog
nizing that under our constitution
al system, a substantial part of the
reesponsibillty rests on the state
and local governments and should
remain there, and an even larger
part of the industry itself and the
public which it serves.”
Madame Pays $100,000
For Stealing Affection
- I
San Diego, Cal., Sept. 22.—The
sum of 3118,926.51, representing the
1100,000 judgement, plus interest and
costs awared to Mrs. Irene M. Mohn.
in her suit against Mme. Katherine
Tlngley for alienation of her hus
band’s affections was paid Sheriff
Joss Byers, of San Diego, Friday by
attorneys representing Mme. Ling
A soon as the Judgement was pas
sed to the sheriff, attorneys for Dr.
George F, Mohn filed suit against
the -sheriff for the amount of the
award less 3699.63, costs for collect
ing the money.
m _ - -_
4- 4
4 4
4 Paris, Sept. 23—Fifteen hun- 4
4- hundred girls employed in 4
4- famous Paris millinery es- 4
4 tablishments have voted to 4
4 strike, begining Monday. The 4
4 city police have drawn up 4
4 special plans to prevent such 4
4 riots as occurred during the 4
4 strike of the mldlnettes in 4'
4 1822. 4
4 The girls demand a wage in- 4
4 crease, claiming that their 4
4 average pay is less than $15 4
4 a month, on which they are 4
4 compelled to live ‘‘or find ad- 4
4 mirers." 4
4 They point out that their 4
4 wages are the same as they 4
4 have been ever since the war, 4
4 while hats, •specially those 4
4 sold to wealthy tourists, have 4
4 increased in price more than 4
4 500 per cent- 4
Wins Feather Title
Toronto, Ont., Sept. 23.—Curly
Wilshur of Toronto won the feather
weight championship of Canada last
night when he was given the re
feree’s decision in a ten-round bout
with Kid Roy, of Montreal, the title
Cherokee, la.. Sept. 18.—(Special.)
—Gladys Koehne, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Koehne, has been
awarded the D. A. R. gold medal fol
best record in American history in
Junior High School, made for the
ppast year. Mrs. George Brummer
made the presentation. A similar
medal is awarded annually by Pilot
Rock Chapter, D. R. R» of Cbaroksa.