The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 20, 1923, Image 4

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* Qfanotwment
Tpe new Ford cars now iwhr for your
inspection, introducing: changes ifiat improve
tbg appearance of tne various Way types and
increase their comfort and utility.
They offer you not only economical and depend
/ able trap«portation, but also a more attractive
style and a greater share of motoring convenience
j. —a combination that makes the outstanding
value of Ford cars more Impressive than ever.
■ See the new Ford models now on display in
dur showroom.
*1 There can can be obtained through
the Ford Weekly Pur chare Plan.
O’Neill, Nebraska
f'' ' _
>V S’
l Sforzcb
The Frontier
D. H. CRONIN, Publisher.
Editor and Business Manager.
Entered at the post office at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as second-class matter.
Oae Year._*2.00
Six Months _ $1.00
Three Months--$0.60
Every subscription is regarded as
an open account. The names of sub
reribers will be instantly removed
i im our mailing list at expiration of
time paid for, If publisher shall be
notified; otherwise the subscription
remains In force at the designated
subscription price. Ever; subscriber
must understand that these conditions
are made a part of the contract be
tween publisher err .-'.hscriber,
* * -
Miss Pearl Morton visited friends in
Stuart Sunday.
Miss Fern Hubbard returned to the
Btate university Monday.
Miss Neah Smith, of Mapleton, la.,
is teaching the school in District 155
near Atkinson.
Dance at the K. C. Hall next Wed
nesday, Thursday and Friday.
Cecil Sauser went to Lincoln Sun
day where he is attending the state
P. C. Kelley came down from Cas
per, Wyoming, last week for a visit
with relatives.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Adrian, of Ewing, Satur
day, September 8th.
A daughter was born Friday, Sep
tember 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Spittler, of Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter and
Mi's. Ida Townsend, of Page, were
visiting in O’Neill, Tuesday.
Miss Lila Fullerton, of Atkinson, is
attending the Wesleyan College at
Mitchell, South Dakota, this year.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H; Stimson, of
Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hladik, of
Painivew, were O’Neill visitors Tues
Mrs. R. R. Dickson and daughter,
Miss Marjorie, went to Lincoln, Sun
day where Miss Marjorie will enter
the state university.
N. G. Miller was up from his farm
horth of Page, Tuesday. Mr. Miller
raised eighty acres of oats that aver
aged fifty-two bushels per acre, this
year., He says that the threshing is
all completed in the neighborhood in
which he lives.
You Save $1.62 Here
By Buying This Order at Our
Store At One Time
Flour, per sack.. $1.65
Sugar, 12 pounds.. $1.00
Cider Vinegar, per gallon. .35
Monarch Coffee, per pound .38
Coal Oil, 5 gallons.. .75
Corn Starch, large size. .10
Gloss Starch, large size. .10
Corn Flakes, large size, 2 for .25
Grape Nuts, 2 packages for .30
Raisins, 2 pounds for .. .30
Syrup, per gallon... .65
Total --------$7.45 $5.83
_ JK0®. Dress Overcoats and Suits, priced from
$12.50 to $50.00.
_ „ Men’s and Young Men’s Sweaters, priced from
$125 to $9.50.
Goodrich Red Rubber Overshoes, light weight,
and best fitting overshoes made, guaranteed for one
. . have a full line of underwear, flannel
shirts, blankets, leather vests, at the different prices.
D. Abdouch
-•i ' .Hum.— i «■■■■ ■ - '■■■ «... ■ i mm 1«
A daughter was born Thursday to
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hagensick of this
i city
John Moler, residing at Maple
{Grove, has purchased the residence
{owned by Mrs. Laura Cress, just east
| of the Gallagher store.
Miss Marie Harrington, of Butte,
Montana, arrived Friday morning for
an extended visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Harrington.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ziemer returned
home Monday from a six weeks tour
of the fairs in northern Iowa, and
southern Minnesota. They are in At
kinson this week with the “Bell
Dr. L. A. Burgess spent Sunday
with a number of friends hunting
ducks on the lakes southwest of Ains
worth. The hunt is an annual event.
The party was coirtposed of a number
of dentists some of whom were class
Rev. Zell Bressler, of Winnetoon,
Nebraska, stopped in O’Neill over
Sunday for a visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Bressler. Rev.
Bressler was on his way to Lincoln
where he is attending the Methodist
Rev. J. A. Hutchins, accompanied
by Rev. L. R. McGaughey, of Page,
Rev. Kerber, of Inman, and Rev. Pier
sons, of Royal, drove to Lincoln Tues
day where they will attend the Metho
dist conference which is convening
this week at Grace church.
Dr. George W. Morrow, noted
lecturer and campaigner, of Detroit,
Michigan, will speak on “America’s
(Opportunity at Home and Overseas”
at the First Presbyterian church in
O’Neill, Sunday morning, September
23rd, at 10:30 a. m. Free . All are
S. J. Weekes left Wednesday morn
ing for Omaha, where he will be joined
by Mrs. Weekes. They will leave Fri
day for Atlantic City to attend the
Convention of the American Bankers
association, after which they will go
to Washington to close up the estate
of the late Congressman Kinkaid.
A number of the friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Hereford gathered at their
home last Tuesday evening with well
filled baskets of fried chicken and all
the nice things that goes with it, the
occasion being the sixth wedding anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Hereford.
The event was a complete surprise.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holt and
daughter, Miss Thelma, of Salt Creek,
Wyoming, stopped in O’Neill a short
time laslr Saturday on their way to
their ranch near Riverton, Wyoming,
on account of the death of their ten
nant. Mr. and Mrs. Holt have been
in Omaha during the past three
weeks, where Mrs. Holt has been tak
ing treatment from a specialist.
O’Neill will receive definite infor
mation regarding the extension of the
Burlington railroad from this city to
Thedford, Nebraska, when high offi
cials of the road visit the city next
week. Word has been received by lo
cal officials that a party of $ig$;
officials of the road, traveling by
special train, will visit the city next
week, either on September 26 or Sep
tember 27. They have expressed a
desire to meet the business men of
the city while here. The party will
remain over night and definite infor
mation as to the exact date and time
of their arrival will be received in a
few days. It is probable that a ban
quet will be arranged for them by the
O’Neill Chamber of Comferce.
(Wanner Journal)
The Elwin Strong payers, who are
presenting a program of high class
‘plays at the canvas theater in Winner
this week, are attracting large crowds.
The big theater tent is being filled to
capacity each evening, and all who
have attended are highly pleased with
the entertainment furnished, as Mr.
Strong has one of the best stock com
panies that ever visited this city and
is presenting some of the new New
York success plays. An orchestra of
real musicians also furnishes excellent
music each evening.
Tonight the company will present
the play “Scandal;” Friday night,
“The Man Who Came Back;” and Sat
urday night, “Putting It Over.”
The first general meeting of the
club year falls on Wednesday, Sep
tember 26th, at 3:30 p. m. A reception
for the public school teachers had been
planned for that day but as this is the
opening day of the county fair it was
deemed advisable to postpone the
same until a later day. The regular
meeting will be held however as there
are matters of importance to be taken
care of.
The new year books are ready. Call
for yours at the meeting next Wed
nesday, September 26, at 3:30 p. m.
The state convention will be held at
Beatrice, beginning October 23. Is
O’Neill going to be represented ?, If
so, by whom?
Begin to sort out things for the an
nual Rummage Sale which will prob
ably be held next month. Place and
date will appear soon.
The district meeting of the Re
bekah lodges of District No. 29, which
is composed of the lodges of Madison,
Norfolk, Pierce, Battle Creek, Meadow
Grove, Tilden, Oakdale, Neligh, Clear
water, Inman, Chambers, Page, Elgin
and O’Neill, will be held in O’Neill
Friday afternoon and evening. The
state president, Mrs. Cleora Mont
gomery, of Lexington, will act as in
structor. The meeting will be in
charge of Mrs. Steinkraus, of Pierce,
district •president.
The work will be exemplified by
different lodges of the district. All
Rebekahs are invited to be present.
Dance at K. C. Hall next Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday. Cooper’s
. ---—
The welfare of the agricultural in
dustry is of vital concern to every
resident of Holt County. The pros
perity and industrial development of
this country are dependent upon farm
ing. To show the progress that has
been made in this County, the Holt
County Fair was organized, and this
year will be held at O’Neill on Sep
tember 26th, 27th, and 28th. While
the fair fui nishes three days of amuse
ment and entertainment, it also has
the more serious purpose of exchang
ing the best of ideas of practical
farmers. Every person who has any
thing worthy of exhibition is urged to
bring it in, and thereby lend their aid
and encouragement to a worthy pro
ject. Entry day is September 25th.
It will be a revelation to observe
how Holt County has developed dur
ing the past four years under the
most adverse financial conditions. We
want you to come to the Fair and see
what has been accomplished during
this perfod. Every year has shown
more and more interest taken in this
Fair and this year we hope .it will be
the biggest and best that the people
of Holt County have ever had. Take
a couple of days off and come.
O’Neill Commercial Club.
Mrs. Bridget Howe Sparks for
many years a resident of this vicinity,
died at the old people’s home at West
Point, Nebraska, on September 14.
Mrs. Sparks was born in County
Galway, Ireland, February 2, 1840.
She came to America with her parents
at the age of eight years. In 1864 she
was married to Darwin J. Sparks, in
St. Louis, Missouri, and in 1877 she
came with her family to O’Neill where
they homesteaded what is now known
as the Carlon farm adjoining O’Neill
on the southeast.
She was the mother of three child
ren, Myron E. Sparks, of this city,
Mable H. (Mrs. Thomas Carlon) who
died seventeen years ago; and Cath
erine, who died at the age of two
years. She also leaves an adopted
son, Warren Sparks, and ten grand
children and eight great-grand-child
Funeral services were held Sunday
morning, September 16th, from St.
Patrick’s chuich in this city and in
terment was made in Calvary ceme
Mrs. Thomas Mathews died at her
home north of O’Neill last Sunday
morning following an illness of long
duration. She has been a patient
sufferer for many months and has
made several trips to the hospital but
nothing could be done to give her per
manent relief and death came to re
lieve her of her earthly suffering.
Mary Alice Minton was born Febru
ary 2, 1892, in O’Neill, Nebraska. She
was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Minton, her father having pre
ceded her1 in death a number of years;
her mother, Mrs. Alice Minton, re
sides in this city.
She was married in O’Neill, on June
2], 1916, to Thomas Mathews. Be
sides her husband she leaves one son,
James, one sister, Mrs. Roy Judge, of
Atkinson, and four brothers, Patrick,
Mike, John and Richard.
The funeral services were held
Tuesday _ morning at ten o’clock from
St. Patrick’s church in this city and
interment was made in Calvary ceme
Ruth Mildred, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiley, of near
Dorsey, died at the family home last
Saturday following an illness cover
ing many months. She was six years,
seven months and thirteen days old at
the time of her death. The funeral
services were held Sunday.
Rev. J. A. Hutchins is attending
conference at Lincoln.
Rev. J. A. Hutchins and family were
entertained at dinner at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson last Sunday.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Bowen last Friday.
Art Duncan and father were in Ne
Delightful Face Powder
Jonteel in handy cakfi
form. So much easier to carry
—doesn't spill—so there’s no
waste. Fragrant, velvety pow
der that goes on smoothly and
sticks-not easily brushed or
blown off. Tints that match
all complexions. In chic box*
complete with puff.
Chas. E. Stout
“The Rexall” Store
Holt County
O’Neill, Nebraska
Sept. 25, 26, 27,28
All Livestock Entries Close at
6 P. M. Saturday, Sept. 22
Are you coming to the FAIR at O’Neill, September 25.26-27-28?
The 25th is entry day. Wednesday is the big day. In addition to the
other sports Emmet and Atkinson play ball. On account of the great
rivalry between these two teams all other sports will cease during this'
game as it is understood that the winner takes the entire purse. The
other sports consist of half-mile running race for horses 14 hands and
2 inches and under. No. 2 auto race, five miles, Fords only. Only
stock cars can be used in this race. Men’s free for all foot race, 100
yards. Cowboys relay race, one and one-half miles. Cowboys and
cowgirls, wherever you are, come to the Fair. This is your Fair and
we want you to take part in it and make it a good one. Farmers and
stockbreeders, com and pumpkin producers, this is YOUR Fair.
Sightseers and fun-lovers, this is YOUR Fair. In fact the HOLT
County Fair is a Fair for everyone. Men, women and children all
come to the Fair. We are giving the clergy of every denomination a
complimentary ticket. If you have not received yours, call. Friday
is children’s day. All school children 16 years and under admitted
free. All teachers and professors teaching in the county or living in
this county and teaching in an adjoining county admitted free on this
day. The program is too large to ‘permit us to run it as an advertise
ment. Remember that the management have done everything in their
power to make this a good Fair. It is up to you'now. Every day will
be a big day. Come and meet your friends at the Fair.
Friday is the Kids Parade—10 years old and) under. For the best
dolly, kitten, dog layout for the girls: First $2. Second $1. Third 75c,
and every other little girl in this parade 25c each. The money will be
paid as soon as the parade is over and the judges decide who wins the
money. For the boys part: Boys under 10 years of age, each boy must
have a dog, pony or a goat. For the best outfit, First $2. Second $1.
Third 75c. We want every kid under ten years of age to get in this
parade. Miss Irenaeia Biglin and assistants will have charge of this
parade which will form at the floral hall at 2:30 and come on the track
at the south end of grandstand, march up in front of grandstand north
to gate at barn and back down on track in front of grandstand. Mr.
Rose, County Agent, will have charge of the boys parade, which will
follow immediately behind the girls. In no event will this program be
changed unless on account of accidents or something unavoidable.
JOHN W. HICKEY, President. JACOB HIRSCH, Vice-President
F. H. LANCASTER, Treasurer. JOHN L. QUIG, Secretary
jligh on business last Friday,
Charlie Kohler is visiting a short
time in Kansas and Arkansas.
The Hayne school started last Mon
day with Miss Viola Park as teacher.
Clyde Hamilton and Joe McKings
try spent Sunday at the Percie Grass
Mrs. G. W. Hayne is visiting a
daughter, in Ida Grove, Iowa, this
The Pleaant Valley school started
last Monday with Miss Faye Smith as
R. P. Wagers is now able to be out
of the hospital and is visiting relatives
in Johnson county.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Naylor, of
O’Neill, were Sunday afternoon visi
tors at the C. A. Grass home.
Mrs. P. Streeter and son. Bine,
Jack Smith, Mr. Patterson and Frank
Ferrell, of Brunswick, spent the week
end at the Clyde Streeter home.
Charter No. 6770 Reserve District No. 10
In the State of Nebraska, at the close of business September . 14, 1923.
Loans and discounts, including rediscounts .
Overdrafts, secured, NONE; unsecured . 232.98
U. S. Government securities owned:
Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value)..$50,000.00
All other United States Government securities . 59,550.00 109,550.00
Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.: .. 28,169.45
Banking House, $2,788; Furniture and fixtures, $1,680.... 4,468.00
Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank . 26,895.09
Cash in vault and amount due from national banks .189,995.07
Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust com
panies in the United States (other than included in
Items 8. 9, or 10) .-. 811.91
Checks on other banks in the same city or town as re
porting bank (other than Item 12) . 555.52
Miscellaneous cash items . 1,523.83 219,781.42
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from
U. S. Treasurer . 2,500.00
Total . $704*548.16
Capital stock paid in .. $50,000.00
Surplus fund . 50,000.00
Reserved for taxes ..•. 13,234.37
Less current expenses incurred, taxes paid.
Undivided profits . 21,898.45
Circulating notes outstanding . 50,000.00
Amount due to national banks .$12,361.74
Amount due to State banks, bankers, and trust com
panies in the United States and foreign countries
(other than included in Items 21 or 22} . 43,174.34
Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to
Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days:)
Individual deposits subject to check .200,340.56 ; 1
Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other
than for money borrowed) . 70,100.00
Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30
days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal
State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by »
pledge of assets of. this bank or surity bond . 28,844.10
Certificate of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ..146,694.60
United States deposits (other than postal savings, in
cluding War Loan deposit account and deposits of
United States disbursing officers . 18,000.00 519 415 34
Bills payable other than with Federal Reserve Bank .... NONE
Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank . NONE
Total .$704,548.16
State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss:
I, S. J. Weekes, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
S. J. WEEKES, President.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of September 1923
(Seal) J. H. MEREDITH, Notary Public!
My commission expires July 1, 1926.
Correct—Attest: C. P. Hancock, J. P. Gilligan, H. P. Dowling, Directors.
This Bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders.