~J THE FRONTIER P. H. CRONIN, PUBLISHER, C. TEMPLETON, Bdltor and Business Manager. dPhEILL, NlBRASK^ dU ■ -— - ■ School Superintendents of Cherokee County Take United Action Cherokee, Ia_, Sept. . ~< Special.) •--The advisory council of superlrt' tendents, having as members Coun ty Superintendent Lunkhauser, the superintendent of the consolidated school at Aurelia, Larrabee, Grand Meadow, Washta, Quimby, Meriden and Cleghorn and of the Marcus In dependent high school, in a special called session have decided to re strict publicity and prominence be stowed upon purely athletic work In their schools and to insure equal or greater publicity and prominence for ■cholaristlc work. The action is taken In response to the attitude of patrons of the schools who object to greater ex penditure of money and time for work In the various gymnastics rather than In the agricultural and vocational departments. There is no purpose to abolish athletics. While not all the consolidated schools will have football teams the oounty basketball tournament will be held as usual. In line with the action In the other towns, Cherokee high has add ed a year In agriculture for animal husbandry and has a course in household mechanics. Cherokee high will devote the usual attention to athletics. Teachers of rural schools in Cher okee county have arranged for monthly sessions of township study centers and a monthly school to be held at the court house for the study of civics, economics, physics and algebra. AITTO THIEVES GET 20 YEARS Men Sent Up From Cedar Rapids Were Wanted In Other Places Cedar Rapids. la.. Sept "« (Spc dal)—Byron Lamb and Alton Cong well, wanted in Minneapolis, Waterloo an (lather cities Car automobile thefts, wer# sentenosd to 20 years'imprison ment at Fort Madison penitentary here Monday afternoon when they pied guilty to larceny of an automo bile belonging to W. E. Sharpe and to burglary of the Henry Schafer Swage 10 daye ago. They were ar rested at Ames, September 4. when attempting to got away with the car ana garage loot. Hawardeen Young People Are Off For Collogo. Hawarden, la., Sept., \ (Special)— Larger numbers thavi is usual of Hawarden young people are departing this fall to take up college work. Lee Bader, Gordon Meeter, Barton Schoe neman and Mias Trenna Scott go to Grinnell college; Cheater Schoenman and Robert Mull go to Shattuck Mili tary academy ; Miss Lois Mull goes to St. Mary's collogo, at Farbault, Minn.; Everett Peterson and tho Misses Mar garet and Alice Erlcson go to the State Agricultural college, at Amea; Miss Helep Lambertson has already departed for Slnsinawa, Wle.; Mias Flora Sumner will enter Stephen's collage, at Columbia, Mo.; James Searlo goes ts the Nebraska Univer sity; Burton Earll. to ths Des Moines university; Horaoe Moble and ths Missas Zita Granberg and Fern John- v son go to the University of South Dakota; Alvin Johnson, Proctor W. Maynard and ths Misses Flora Schoeneman, Grace Paramore, and Evelyn Peterson will enter the Uni versity of Iowa. Frederick McAllister will attend the University of Southern California. Lyon County Red Cross x Quota Quickly Raised. Rock Rapids, la., Bept. - (pedal) —Twenty four hours after receiving notice that Lyon county's quota for the Japanese relief fund vras 1800, N. B. detman, chairman for Lyon county, had that sum sn the way to central headquarters of the American Rad Cross In Chlcsgs. Twenty-Two Baby Beeves For Inter-State Fair Cherokee, la., Sept. '^-(Special) —Cherokee County Baby Beef club will eater M calves la the Inter-State at Sioux City, leaded by Johnny Dawson's gold medal Angus. The entries will represent Angus, Here ford and Shorthorn, vltk the latter breed predominating. Among the entries will be B. Bauman’s second prise, and Mary Keister’s third prise shorthorns. The ‘Keister’s Twins,” aged 12, Mary and Margaret of Au relia, placed third and eighth In a list of 28 at Pilot-Rock. The entries to be sent to Sioux City are all good. Probably no pigs will be sent from Cherokee county until the Inter State raises the ante on awards. There Is better prospect of gains In showing at Pilot-Rock. Stats Ownsd Dairy Bull Is Championship Winnsr. Cherokee, la.. Sept. - (Special)— Cherokee Cornuoopia,, bred on the Cherokee state farm and sold to fhs Independence state farm, winner f national championship of dairy bulls In 1*22, winner of state championship for Holstein a^d dairy bulls at Iowa state fair, 1*23, has won the Minne sota championship and will be enter ed In^the^mtlr *| contest at St. Paul TOURISTS FACE 1 MURDER CHARGE Detroit Men Held Following Killing of Ogollola, Neb. Real Estate Dealer t Ogallala, Neb., Sept. ^ -Grover C. Redman, real estate dealer of this place, is dead and two tourists, said to be from Detroit, Mich, are In jail here facing murder charges, as a result of a roadside argument over a pair of pliers said to have been borrowed from the Detroit tourist by i Rodman, when his automobile light ing system failed at Brule near here Wednesday or midnight. Rodman was run over by a car and twice shot, though the Injury caused by the car passing'over him was the cause of death It was said. The argument occurred about mid night Wednesday night according to j Sheriff F. M. Jump. The lights of | Rodman's car went out. He accosted a passing car In which Merle Warden and Harry Carlson of Detroit were riding, asking for the loan of pliers to fix his lights, which they are said to have refused, and continued their Journey to Brule. Here Rodman, who had followed them in the car of Dr. 'Benjamin of Lodgepole, Neb., again lenoountered the Detroiters and it is presumed the previous argument was 'renewed. | Dr. Benjamin who was in his car {some distance away heard two shots ;ln quick succession and investiga ting found Rodman dying In the rood, having been run over by an auto mobile and having two bullet wounds In his body. , Before Rodman's death, he denied j having mounted the running board of the Detroiters car. Owen and Carlson were overtaken west of here and denied any knowl edge of the shooting, but were held for questioning when a pistol con taining two empty shells was found in their car. James A. Rodman, a brother of the dead man Is vice president of the Northwestern Life Insurance com pany with headqquaters In Omaha. a- i i YOUNG MALLARD ROCK HOME UNDER ARREST Omaha, Neb., Sept. -Scott Mal lard, following his confession of hav ing robbed the safe In the office of his father, couny attroney Hartlng ton. Neb., was returned to that place this morning. "I am glad It is over; I have made my confession and will take my medicine" he said on departing. He refused to say why he took the money other than needed It." He dented that he was prompted to deed be cause of a girl. Mallard said In his confession ac cording to officers, t{jat he and Edwin Cahow, an Omaha youth he met here, were both in the office at the time of the robbery and that Cahow held matches for him to locate the com bination. Cahow is In a Council Bluffs hos pital under surveillance. Young Mallard Rock COURT AWARDS CHILD TO F08TER MOTHER. Omaha, Neb. Sept.-—Mother love lost In a battle with the love of her Child for that of a foster mother, when District Judge E. I- Day gave Mrs. Mary Kerrigan the custody of Doris, 11 year old, child of Mrs. Iva Ganna way, Judge Day declared be was in fluenced to a great degree In his de cision by the wishes of the little girl who declared she would prefer to live with her foster-mother. When the decision was announced, Doris ran to Mrs. Kerrigan’s arms and then skip ped lightly buck to the bench and thanked the judge. The mother was not present when the verdict was an nounced. Today’s decision ended, for the pre sent at least, one of the most bitterly contested suits ever held in Omaha courts. Doris was adopted by Mrs. Kerrigan several years ago, testimony showed, and In an effort to retain custody of her child, Mrs. Qannaway filed suit, charging that the home of Mrs. Kerrigan was an “unlit place for her daughter to remain." The mother also charged that she had permitted the adoption understanding that she could gain possession of her daughter anytime. Mrs. Kerrigan In turn tes tified that the mother was "unfit for the duties and responsibilities of motherhood." Attorneys for Mrs. Gannaway de clared that an appeal would be made to the supreme court. HOLDS UP CLAIMS OP TWO STATE EMPLOYES. Lincoln, Neb.. Sept.. --Special)— State Auditor Marsh said Thursday, he is up holding the three claims filed by employes of the state depart ment of public worka They are held for investigation because the amount of traveling expenses seems to be large. Division Engineer R. O. Green put in a claim for automobile hire amounting to 8292.90 for the month of August, A. G. Johnson wants 8281. 40 for the use of his automobile in August and Earl F. Ketchum asks 8205.50 fQr the same month. 1 V NORFOLK PREPARING FOR BIG FALL FESTIVAL Norfolk. Neb.. Sept. —- (Special) —Committees are making great pre parations for Norfolk’s annual Harvestlval which Is to be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September. 98. 27 and 28. There will bo all manner of wild west stunts, free show, balloon races, baseball dames, dancing, etc., each day. GOLD NUGGETS TO BE SOUGHT Old Indian of Omaha Triba to Lead Expedition Into Bad Lands Norfolk, Neb~Septr"* —(Speaclal) *->Jlm Bird, member of theClSiaha In dian tribe In Thurston county, Ne braska, honorably discharged from the American army as scout during the battles with the Sioux Indians, wants another chance to find four sacks of nuggets which he declares he and two Santee Scouts buried under a tree >n the Bad Danis of South Dakota 40 years ago. A number of Norfolk men, interested In the old Indian's story are planning to fit up an expedition to locate the gold. Eight years age Indian Agent Mon koe, who is now agent of the Cheyen pe agency fitting up an expedition to find the gold, but Scout Bird de clares he was taken into the Bad Minds in an automobile and lost feis bearings. He wants a horse and (plenty of time for the second ex pedition and declares he will find the gold. The old scout who Is past 80 years of age now, declares he is not after the gold from selfish point of view. He has plenty of money. Govern ment allotments to his family brining him into wealth estimated at $100,000. He states he wants a chance to scout around and find the tree and the gold in order to prove hla story Is true. He says he wants that done before he passes on to the happy hunting grounds. SUSPENSION OF COMMISSIONER Lincoln County, Nebraska, People Claim Funds Have Been Misappropriated Lincoln, Neb., Sept. ' (Special)— Lincoln county citizens have asked Governor Bryan, if he is vested with the authority, to suspend County Commissioner T. M. Cohagen from office. The commissioner is now un der indictment on five counts charg ing misappropriating county funds. The citizens contend that warrants were drawn upon claims which should not have been allowed and there fore they argue that the county com missioner is guilty of a failure tto en force a law which provides that war rants shall be drawn only on claims that have been properly allowed. Farmer's Wife Swallows Poison, Is Soon Dead,, Gibbon,g Neb., Sept. : '—Mrs. La Vergne Carlson, about z* years old, committed suicide at her home Sun_ day night at 9 o’clock by taking pois on. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson and their small son lived on a farm northwest of Gibbon. Mrs. Carlson seemed in the best of spirits during the day, when she hap pened to be in the fields talking to the men. Mr. Carlson - worked late and after supper laid down with the baby to rest while his wife washed dishes. Shs hurried into the room after a trip down cellar. “I'm affraid, I’m afraid!" she cried. Alrmed at her tone her husband leap ed upnd asked what she was afraid of. I’ve taken poinson,” she re plied. After calling a doctor Mr. Carlson tried to administer emetics and antidotes but without success, in 15 minutes his wife was dead. Thurston County Fair To Bs Hold This Wssk. WalthiU, Neb., Sept. ' (Special)—. Wednesday, September 12, will be en try day at the Thurston County Fair. From all indications, the exkilts in all departments will be far more numer ous than ever before. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, there will be ball games, races, band concerts nnd free acta. The winners of the ball game Thursday will play the winners of the Friday game on Saturday. Fri day la children’s day, and a special program is arranging for 11 of the kchoo children of the county. Music will be furnished by the Decatur band onu Thursday, and by the Wait hill Concert band, on Friday and Saturday. Cigaret Dealers Must Cancel Own 8tampg Pierre, S. D., Sept '^-(Special.)— State Treasurer I* N. Driscoll an nounced Saturday morning that In future dealers in cigaretts In South Dakota will be required to cancel their own revenue stamps by which the state collects a tax on cigarettes. The stamps will be considered can celled when dealer stamps face of revenue stamps with h ' -An initl tlve petition which if put into effect would give Nebraska a one house legislature was made public Tues day by Otto Mutz, former state sena tor of this city, who with the assist ance of attorneys drafted the peti tion. % Mr. Mutz, in making public the petition, declared that he will start a campaign soon in this county, and will later visit each county in the state in the itnerest af the petition. The petition asks the amendment of the state constitution, article 1 sec tion 3, so that the legislative powers of the state will be vested in on* house, to be known as the state legis lature, and whose membership would not exceed 100. This is the present membership of the Nebraska house of representatives. New Marriage Law Has Little Effect. Columbus, Neb., Sept. —In spite of the complaints from surrounding counties that the new marriage law of the state has greatly reduced the number of couples seeking licenses at the count Beats, Columbus, after the first brief slump, seems to have experienced, but a small decrease in the number of licenses issued. Coun ty Judge Gibbon points out that one of the probable reasons for the com paratively small decrease Is the fact that this county has a large popula tion of people of the Catholic and Lutheran faiths. It is an established custom in the Cathloic church for marriage bans to be published for three weeks in advance, wile young folks of the Lutheran faith incline a big weddings at the bride's home. ' Claims Bad Booze Was Cause Of Murdar Lincoln, Neb., Sept. (Special)— Andrew Johnson, who drew from 12 to 14 months for killing William Jur ging at North Bend on October 26, 1922, has appealed to the supreme court, claiming that the evidence does not Justify the verdict of guilt and that it was clearly shown that he was temporarily insane through the excessive use of liquor. The two men were old arontec and partners in a gardening enterprise. They got hold of some bad liquor, and at the end Of the drinking bout Jurglng was dead and Jefcasoa in jail. He says that he has bo recollection of any trouble with Jurglng. Hiss atorney contends that the poisoned liquor had deprived him ef all mental responsi bility and had made him incapable of forming aay intent to commit a crime. Fremont Woman Safe 1 In Earthquake Zone i Fremont, Neb., Sept. —Agnes Melln, Colon, Neb., woman, who has been teaching in the Mary Colby Baptist school at Yokohama, is safe, according to a cablegram received by her sister, Mrs. A. B. Johnson. Farm Bureau Proects Are To Be Visited. Dakota City. Neb., Sept. ^(Spe cial)—Farm bureau projee < now under way In Dakota count? will be studied 1 a nautomoblle to-_ to the various projects next Saturday, start ing from the court house at 8:*0 a. m. The various projects will be vis ited and time taken to have each one thorough inspected and explained. A basket dinner, with speaking and music will be had at noon in Stephen Hansen’s pasture, two and one-hair miles southwest of Goodwin SAYS NORFOLK BOOZE RIDDEN Senator McGowan Ask» Governor Bryan to Send Sttate Agents to Town Lincoln, Neb., Sept. '—State Sen ator J. C. McGowan or "Norfolk, call ed upon Governor Bryan Monday with the intention of asking the governor to send state enforcement agents to Norfolk to break up an alleged “bootleg trust," which tber senator says exists there. Governor Bryan, however, was leaving the office to go to Omaha when Sena tor McGowan arrived, and had only a short talk with the senator. Senator McGowan stated that there existed In Norfolk a bootleg ging ring which local authorities: were apparently unable to cope with WOULD PROTECT CURRENT FUNDS State Auditor of Nebraska Resists Bridge Concern’s .Efforts to Get at Cash Lincoln, Neb., Sept. ( Special > —State Auditor Marsh has filed with the supreme court an answer to th» claim of the Western Bridge & Con struction company, filed there as »• test case, to determine if the roacfc contractors must wait till the legis lature meets before they can get the money due them for work done prior to the present biennium. The audi tor says that all the state money ap nium has been exhausted, and shrdf. propriated for the previous biennium* has been exhausted, and that none* of the funds appropriated for the cur rent .biennium are available for thi» use. The only money the state will, concede to be available is that which is due from the federal government,, and Is expected to be turned in short j Appeals Guaranty Law Case To Supreme Court: Lincoln, Neb., Sept. ~ (Special> —Receiver Ackerman, of the Ameri can State bank of Aurora, has lod ged an appeal with the supreme court: from an order of the district court In allowing three claims aggregatingr $21,000. One was in favor of the North American Life Insurance com pany for $15,000 liberty bonds it hadR deposited with the bank on the soli citation of its managing officer, CL W. Wentz, now in state’s prison, ancE which Wentz sold and deposited the proceeds to his personal account. An other was for $5,537, premium on at. surety bond that Wentz received ast= agent of the Maryland Causualty company, and which he deposited tc his personal account. The third was* an overdraft for $510 on the Cltyr National of Lincoln. 911 are admit ted to be general claims, but tine question is whether the deposit guar anty fund is liable. City Of Lincoln To Handls Own Gasolinm Lincoln, Neb., Sept. (Special* —The city on Lincoln nas invited! bids from wholesalers of gasoline foi~ 200,000 gallons, approximately, yearly City Commissioner Cowgill recently* was authorized to establish a muni cipal filling station to supply the needs of the municipality—operated^ trucks and cars. It is not intended, to compete with private station or sell by retail. It is estimated by the> city engineer that gasoline can be* bought by wholesale for the city for* 12 cents a gallon. The present retail! price in Lincoln Is 16 1-4 cents. - 4 ^ ■ Honey Bee Crawls Into Woman’s Ear, Removed!.. Columbus, Neb., Sept. "-—Driver* almost frantic by a honsp «*ee that had crawled into her ear, Mrs. WV. H. Dunham, Detroit, Mich, tourist, rushed to a local physician’s office arriving in time It is believed to saves the hearing in She ear. Fortunately,. the bee had not yet stung the woman, although the doctor declared it hadt almost entered her head entirely. After removing the stinger from the Insect, the danger was passed and ther bee was removed. Few Preachers Apply For Railroad Passes.. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. * (Special)— Six ministers onl yhave so far beer*, favored with annual passes on Neb raska railroads under the new law according to reports filled with the state railway commission. The Union Pacific is the only railroad that isr. issuing these annuals. The favore