The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 20, 1923, Image 1

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The snappiest style of the year for the young fellow
Notice the Square Point Stitching and the New Toe. IPs the Narrow-Toe, Wide-Bottomed Earle, the Walk-Over That
Makes An Immediate Hit With Every Young Fellow Who Sees It. It’s a Sleek, Smart, Snappy Model. In Wear-Resist
ing Calfskin.
Anton Toy, O’lsreiii
O’Neill, Nebraska
John Ries is laid up with an infec
tion of the foot.
The American Legion Festival be
gins today (Thursday) at Atkinson.
J. B. Donohoe left on a business trip
to Omaha last Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Dave Loy, daughter, Miss Bon
nie, and son, Ronald, are in Sioux City
Arthur Hammond went to Omaha
the first of the week where he expects
to locate.
Mrs. George Bsharah, and son,
Richard, of Brunswick, spent last
week at the home of her father, W.
W. Abbott in this city.
County Superintendent Miss Anna
Donohoe was in Bassett Friday.
Father Kohler is enjoying a visit
from his brother, Frank, of Erie,
John Gilligan returned Monday to
the State University School of Medi
cine at Omaha.
The Chambers fair is being held this
week. A number of people from this
part of the county are attending.
Everet, the one and one-half year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen,
fell and broke an arm last Sunday.
George Campbell and a young lady
came down from Atkinson Tuesday in
an aeroplane advertising the Legion
Gets Worse
At Night
People worry most when they can’t
see; that’s why trouble looks worse 'at
The people who don’t worry are the
ones who have Safety Deposit Boxes
for their valuable papers.
This bank carries no indebtedness
of officers or stockholders.
Resources over $600,000.00
O’Neill National
The dancing club gave a dance at
the country club Monday evening.
Twelve couples were present. Another
dance will be given next Monday even
Mrs. Chas. Bourne, living eight
mlies north and Mrs. Joe Bender,
living about seven miles northeast of
O’Neill are suffering with infection of
the hand.
United States Marshal D. H. Cro
nin stopped in O’Neill Tuesday night
on his way to Omaha from Chadron
where he has been attending a session
of federal court.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Burge and
family returned home the first of the
week from a few days visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burge, at
Colome, South Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Cronin enter
tained their friends at a wedding
dance at the Knights of Columbus
hall last Thursday evening. The hall
was tastily decorated for the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rouse, of Black
bird, and daughter, Miss Minnie, left
Monday for Austin, Minnesota, where
they expect to spend a month visit
ing with brothers and sisters of Mrs.
Mrs. Edith Weber left for her home
in Alberque, New Mexico, Monday.
She has been visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Potts, of Chambers, and
with her aunt, Mrs. J. Y. Ashton, of
this city.
J. M. McAvoy, of Lincoln, has pur
chased L. C. McDonald’s interest in
the mill at Ewing and will have it in
shape to open November 1st. Mr. Mc
Avoy is a practical miller with forty
years experience.
O’Neill is attracting some attention
as a potato shipping point. Four cars
of tubers were shipped from here dur
ing the past week. Frank Lancaster
and Ed Wayman each shipped two
cars to the Omaha markets.
Chambers Sun: Miss Elizabeth
Gribble, of Chambers, and Mr. Dewey
Schaffer, of Omaha, were married in
Council Bluffs on September 1st. The
Sun as well as their many friends wish
them much joy and prosperity.
J. M. Hunter, L. C. McDonald, H.
E. Coyne and F. J. Dishner returned
home Tuesday evening from a three
days fishing and hunting trip to the
lakes in Cherry county. They report
some good shooting and lots of fish.
Mrs. James F. O’Donnell and
daughters, the Misses Irene and Max
ine O’Donnell, left Thursday morning
for Winona, Minnesota, where the
Misses O’Donnell will attend St.
Teresa’s college the coming winter.
Elwin Strong and his company of
excellent players will be in O’Neill
all next week with a repretoir of some
of the best plays that are being staged
this year. The Elwin Strong company
always please the show goers of this
Suggestions have been made that
the farmers should pick their seed
corn before a killing frost comes along
and damages the crop as it has done
several times in the past. The crop
of seed corn of 1917 was almost en
tirely ruined by a severe freeze.
Lieutenant J. B. Longstaff, of the
Submarine S-4, now in the waters ad
jacent to Japan, was unable to sail for
home as soon as he esfpected on ac
count of the terrible disaster in Japan,
but expects to sail homeward as soon
as things settle down in that part of
the world.
Joel Parker was fined $100.00 and
costs in Judge Campbell’s court last
Friday, for selling intoxicating liquor.
The case has been appealed to the
district court as has also the case of
Mrs. Mary O’Neill, who was also fined
$100.00 and costs in the same court
last Thursday^ for selilng intoxicating
liquor. ,
Frank L Burival, of O’Neill, and
Miss Antoinette Homolka, of Cham
bers; Edward Henry Friedel, and
Gertrude Steinhauser, both of Stuart,
applied for a license to wed, on the
17th. Herman Klinger, of Atkinson,
and Miss Bessie Strong, of- O’Neill,
applied for a marriage license on the
Commander C. W. Conklin, Adju
tant H. J. Birmingham, Ira Moss and
Frank O’Connell were in Hastings
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at
tending the state convention of the
American Legion as delegates. J. D.
Cronin, Frank Harrington and W. J.
Biglin were also in attendance at the
H. L. Page, of Sioux City, came
Wednesday for a visit at the home of
his son, Harry and family northeast
of O’Neill. Mrs. Page was unable to
accompany Mr. Page on account of the
illness if Mrs. Rice Page, of Shell
Lake, Wisconsin, who submitted to an
operation at a Sioux City hospital last
Saturday. She is recovering nicely.
Miss Catherine McCarthy spent
Sunday of last week with her sister,
Miss Edna, who is teaching school in
the Lauridsen district, District No.
123, near Atkinson.
The ladies working society of the
Presbyterian church last week con
tributed $60.00 to the fund for the
relief of the suffering Japanese, which
was being raised by the Presbyterian
church boand.
In the month of August 7.64 inches
of rain fell at O’Neill. This seems to
have been the greatest rain fall that
has ever been recorded here for the
month of August. During thus far
in September 3.60 inches of rain has
fallen. Rainmaker Bowen’s records
show that on September 11th, we had
.06; on the 16th, .37; on the 16th 1.12
and on the 19th, 2.06 inches of rain.
At a special meeting of the fair
board it was decided to purchase the
Meyers property adjoining the fair
grounds on the west. The main en
trance will be changed to the west
3ide of the grounds and the residence
will be used as a ticket office and an
office for the secretary. A rest room
for the ladies will also be located in
the building.
The neighbors and friends of Mrs.
Clias. Odejand, living northwest of
D’Neill, in the vicinity of the ghost
lights, arranged a surprise for her
ast Saturday evening and gathered
it her home to assist her in celebrat
ing a birthday anniversary. About
forty were present. The evening was
spent in games. A luncheon of ice
:ream, cake and other delicacies were
served long after midnight.
Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Crowd, of Stu
art, have returned from an auto trip
that took them to the Pacific coast.
They made the trip in their Dodge
The next regular meeting of The
Catholic Daughters of America has
been postponed until Tuesday, Octo
ber 2nd. The gymnasium class will
start immediately after the meeting.
We would like every member to be
As an indication of what it costs to
run the schools of Holt county, refer
ence to the statement of County
Treasurer Conklin, which appears else
where in this issue, discloses that the
treasurer’s office disbursed to the
schools from July 1, 1922, to July 1,
1923, the sum of $274,178.79, or more
than a quarter of a million of dollars.
This does not include outstanding war
rants issued and not yet paid, which
would swell the aggregate to consider
able over three hundred thousand dol
Fears are entertained by relatives
that Cletus Haley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Haley, of Valentine, and
nephew of Mr. S. F. McNichols, of
this city, waa loBt in the Japanese
earthquake. Mr. Haley was employed
in the offices of a steamship cordpany
at Yokahoma. Word received from
the manager of the company shortly
after the earthquake stated that all
of the forcei at Yokahoma had escaped
death or injury. Since then however
no direct word has been received from
Mr. Haley and his name has appeared
in one of the newspaper lists of those
dead or missing.
Hopes for the recovery of Ensign
Milton Nicholson of the U. S. navy,
injured in an accident at Sidney, Aus
tralia, recently, have been abandoned,
according to advices received by local
friends and relatives. Ensign Nichol
son is the son of Mr. and Mrs. VaL
Nicholson, of Valentine, and formerly
attended school in O’Neill. His mother
formerly was Miss May O’Sullivan of
this city. Reports of the accident are
to the effect that Ensign Nicholson
and a fellow officer stationed with the
Asiatic fleet recently had purchased a
motor cycle for sight seeing trips at
ports at which they touched. While
riding the cycle near Sidney Ensign
Nicholson was thrown and suffered a
fracture of the skulL
When his gun accidently discharged
while hunting Saturday evening. Holla
Newton, 16 years old, af Atkinson,
lost the thumb on his right hand and
was badly wounded in the wrist. The
boy had gone hunting with his two
uncles and Fred Neibauer, a neighbor.
Discovering he was out of shells, he
went back to the automobile to replen
ish his supply. After letting the ham
mer down on the gun to prevent its
going off, he stood the gun against the
fender of the car and leaned over to
get the shells out of the seat. He
bumped against the gun, dislodging it.
The gun fell to the ground, the ham
mer striking a rock or some other
hard substance, discharging the shell
in the gun, the full charge striking
Newton in the thumb and wrist. He
was rushed to Atkinson, where what
was left of the thumb was amputated.
About twenty shot remained in has
wrist. He is getting along nicely.
Invites you to come in and look over the line of Ladies’ Coats and Dresses
which are arriving from the New York market almost every day. These coats,
and dresses are of the latest design and are up-to-the-minute. You will find
that our prices will suit you as well as the garments.
A beautiful assortment. All Colors.
Prices from
$12.50 to $59.00
Large and roomy. Price from
$1.50 to $6.00
From $3.75 up.
Large assortment of Poiret Twill,
Canton Crepe, Satin,
Price to suit any one
From $12.50 up.
If you are in need of a suit look over
our line. We have a large assort
ment to select from
Price from $18.50 to $50.00
We have just received a large ship
ment of overcoats.
Look them over before you buy.
Boys’ suits with two pair trousers.
Size 8 to 16. Prices from
$8.50 to $12.50
Boys’ overcoats. Brown and Gray
Price from $5.00 up.
For Ladies, Men and Boys. You all
know what “Bradley” means in
sweaters. It’s a guarantee to give you
the service not found in other makes
of sweaters. Look them over before
buying. _
Children’s Coats, sizes 6 to 16
We can fit any one.
Pijce, $5.00 up
For Ladies, Men and Children.
Nothing Better Made.
When you buy Phoenix hosiery you
are taking no chance on getting
poor material.__
You will find everything that you buy at the Toggery new and up-to-date.
We handle nothing but the best in all lines. We aim to please you.
M. S. Abdalla
O’Neill : s s s s s Nebraska