-— ■»■ .... “ — -I-- - -- ' ' ..........—-.. • '■ *m»m i ' — . ... .. .— VOLUMN XLIII. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1923. NO. 15. - - ----- -■ -- - - - - .- - - - - ■ - . ... - -. . . - . -■ .... . WALK-OVER The snappiest style of the year for the young fellow Notice the Square Point Stitching and the New Toe. It’s the Narrow-Toe, Wide-Bottomed Earle, the Walk-Over That Makes An Immediate Hit With Every Young Fellow Who Sees It. It’s a Sleek, Smart, Snappy Model. In Wear-Resist ing Calfskin. Anton Toy, O’TKTeill ___i_ GRADY’S GROCERY Peaches Phones-68~126 O’Neill, Nebraska LOCAL MATTERS. F. C. Froelich went to Kansas City Sunday morning. Miss Sadie Hart returned Tuesday evening from a short visit to Omaha. Miss Demaris Stout returned to the university at Lincoln Tuesday morn ing. Judge C. J. Malone went dowft to Omaha on a short business tri!p Sun day. Miss Opal Ashley returned last Thursday from a vacation spent in Omaha. James Suttie of the Suttie-Peder son Hay company of Omaha, was on the local market for alfalfa Wednes_ day. A baby daughter arrived at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lewis last Saturday. Miss Marjorie Dickson will leave Sunday for Lincoln to attend the state university. Miss Mariam Gilligan left Monday for Lincoln to resume her studies at the state university. A daughter was born Thursday, September 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Campbell, of Stuart. John Mullen left Friday for Wash ington, D. C., where he will attend Georgetown university. Miss Winnie Shaughnesy returned Tuesday of last week from a visit with her uncle and aunt at Austin, Min nesota, . ■ Good Hard Sense The difference between Readiness and a surprise is a Reserve. 0 It is seldom pleasant to be taken by surprise and a Cer tificate of Deposit is a good way to carry your Reserve. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 Bank "X, - Attorney S. S. Sidner, of Fremont, transacted legal busienss in the city Tuesday. Miss Marie Biglin left last week for Denver, where she wjll attend Loretta Heights college. L. G. and Harry Frohardt, of the Central Hay company of Omaha, were O’Neill visitors this week. Ed. Donohoe came over Sunday from Bone:* cel for a visit with his childier., returning home Tuesday. John Donlin returned Sunday from a several months vacation spent on the ranch of his son in northern Holt county. A. J. Miller, of Dodge, Nebraska, was in the city the first of the week looking after his Holt county land in terests. William Swigart and Mrs. Swigart, who have been Spending the summer at Tulsa, Oklahoma, Returned home last week. Mrs. J. J. Harrington and daughter, Miss Helen Harrington, left Tuesday morning for a short visit *at Omaha and Lincoln. The W. C. T. U. meets Tuesday, September 18th, at the home of Mrs. Roy Warner. All members requested to be (present. John Gilligan will return to Omaha the first of the week to resume his studies at the school of medicine of the state university. Con Keys was on the Omaha market with two loads of cattle and hogs the first of the week. He accompanied the shipment to Omaha. Miss Clare Biglin left Thursday morning for Denver, Colorado, where she will attend school at Loretta Heights college this year. Miss Nell Magirl left by auto Sat urday for Winner, where she has ac cepted a position in the city schools at a material advance in salary. Miss Meta M. Martin went to Ne ligh Tuesday for a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. S. O. Templin and to attend the Antelope county fair. Mrs. George Ford, of Monton, Michigan, arrived here last Tuesday for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. S. M. Ohmart and family. Atkinson boosters, headed by the Atkinson band, visited O’Neill Tues day afternoon in the interest of the big American Legion carnival and homecoming to be staged in that city next week. Mrs. J. A. Devine, of Cheyenne, for merly Miss Mae Campbell of this city, was the winner of the ladies state pioneer flight in the Wyoming state golf tournament recently held at Cheyenne. P. E. Mayfield, brother of Gene Mayfield of this city, and who spent sometime here several years ago, was an O’Neill visitor Thursday. Mr. May field, who is with the Burlington, came up as relief agent for the agent at Page, who is on vacation. Frand Pribil shot a monkey at his ranch on Dry creek, six miles south and one mile east of O’Neill, last week. The animal made its appear ance in the grove around the Pribil house, frightening Mrs. Pribil and the children, which called for its dispatch. The monkey, quite a large one, is sup posed to have eslaped from the Savidwe carnival when here several weeks ago, as the carnival company missed a monkey. The bids for fire fighting equipment was opened by the village board of At kinson one day last week and in speaking about it last week The Graphic says: fhe bid of F. M. Keat ing was accepted as the one most nearly fulfilling the specifications laid down, and requiring: One 1-ton, 4 cylinder gasoline motor chassis, com plete with standard equipment, and electric self-starter, and in addition, with electric siren, and with 10-inch swivel search light mounted on dash; also, said chasis mounted with double tank chemical and hose body. The en gineers estimate of the entire fire truck, fully equipped in accordance with specifications, is $3,000.00. Miss Antionette Mullen is perhaps the first O’Neill young lady to under take an extended trip* by aeroplane. Homer Mullen accompanied John Moore and Fyer Sloninger, of Lincoln, to O’Neill from Lincoln last Friday in Mr. Moore’s new five-passenger plane. Saturday the boys entertained several O’Neill young ladies with rides in the (plane and invited Miss Mullen to re turn with them to Lincoln in the air ship. The invitation was promptly accepted and the party of four left here at g o’clock Saturday afternoon, reaching Lincoln, several hundred miles distance, a little before 7 o’clock the same evening, making the trip without accident. They .teephoned their safe arrival to Mrs. P. D. Mul i len immediatle. - w- 11 . Mrs. Eltha Sivesind left Monday for Siou xFalls to attend the funeral of hOr brother, William Darr, who died Sunday morning. Mr.; and Mrs. Dan Crandall are the happy parents of a brand new baby boy which arrived at the Crandall domicile September 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rentschler, of Springview, drove down Saturday for a short visit with Mrs. Rentschler’s mother, Mrs. Ellen O’Donnell. Mrs. P. J. O’Donnell and Miss Anna O'Don nell returned with them Sunday for a several days visit at Springview. Will Grothe, of Emmet, the cham pion corn and watermelon producer of Holt county and north Nebraska, glad dened the hearts of The Frontier force last Saturday with several lucious watermelons and cantelope. Samples of corn from the Grothe fields also were on exhibition at The Frontier office last week. Mrs. Rhode Ryan and children, Robert and Edward, of Omaha, and Miss Mary Ryan, of TSioux City, who have been spending a short time at the Long Pine park, came down Mon day for a visit with O’Neill relatives. Kenneth and Carroll Templeton are attending Hastings college this year, Kenneth as a sophmore and Carroll as a freshman. Cards have been received by local friends announcing the marriage of Misa Bess Armstrong, formerly of O'Neill, and Mr. Miles Finley, of Nor folk, which will take place at Nor folk next Tuesday, September 18, the Reycarend Father Moriarity officiating.! MiSs MSiTCeys Will leave for Norfolk Sunday and will attend the bride. Mir. Thomas McGuire will be groomsman. Shortly after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Finley will leave for a visit with relatives in California. Those who have not received their copies of the Holt County fair Pre mium books are requested to call at the office of Secretary John L. Quig and get them. Miss Georgetta Coon, manager of the local Western Union office, will leave in a few days for a several weeks vacation, to be spent with relatives at Red Cloud. Blackened and colored glasses were called into general use Monday after, noon from about 2 o’clock until after 3 to view the eclipse of the sun by the moon, which was partially visible in this vicinity. The eclipse was total in the southwestern part of the United States, but the view of it was inter fered with by clounds. Here a clear sky made possible an excellent view. Emmet cleaned up Atkinson in a hotly contested baseball game which was the feature of the Emmet Round U>p, Wednesday afternoon. The score was 6 to 3. The program of the round-up was a most extensive one and the brocho busting and rough riding features were most exciting. They were witnessed by a large crowd. The day’s festivities concluded with a big bowery dance in the evening. Joel Parker, Elmer E. Bowden and Emily Doe, whose real name is Mary O’Neill, were charged with selling in toxicating liquor in complaints filed Saturday. Search warrants were also issued and the garage occupied by Joel Parker and the Cafe operated by Mary O’Neill searched but no liquors were found. Mary O’Neill, Who oper ates ihe O’Neill cafe on lower Fourth street, had a hearing before Judge Frank Campbell Thursday morning and was found guilty and fined $100 and costs. The other defendants have not yet been tried. The prosecutions are being conducted by County At torney Julius D. Cronin. Rhdde Ryan stopped off for a short visit with relatives Saturday on his return from Gillette, Wyoming, to his home in Omaha, leaving for Omaha Sunday. Tom Brennan is the new manager of the Harding cream station and as sembly station at this point. Mr. Brennan took charge of the station last Friday. The ghostly lights which for years have made their appearance every night in the hilly lands of the ranches of James Connolley and Thomas Gal lagher areimore frequent and brilliant than ever this year and nightly numerous automobile parties from O’Neill and neighboring towns are out to witness them. With the ra tion is rife as to their cause and it is newed interest in the lights spedhla probable that professors of the state university and Creighton university will be asked to come to O’Niell to in vestigate them. It is the belief of many that a large pocket of luminous gas underlies the territory. Rose Mary and Ruth Ann, aged two and one-half years, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Will Biglin, sort of dis arranged things at the public school the first of the week by deciding to enroll as students. The young ladies after a light repast of green cucum bers with the peelings on climed the fire escape to the third floor of the building, fearing that their age might bar them from entering in the regular way. They were discovered trying to climb in a cloak room window on the third floor by Mias Alice .Trihjr, and rescued. After a short visit wtih the kindergarten pupils the Misses Biglin tired of school and returned home, where they partook of another light lunch, of green plums, before settling down to the ordinary routine of life. A Correction / % To correct a statement made in last week’s O’Neill papers wish to say WE ARE MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING of the Nebraska Inde pendent Oil Men’s Association and buy all our pro ducts from a Strictly Independent Refinery ' On quality and service we solicit your business. Three Trucks and an Up-To-Date Service Sta tion at your disposal. Give us a trial. O’Neill Gas & Oil Company Phone 130