MRS. BUTLER’S I ACHES AND PAINS Vanished After Using Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound W. Philadelphia, Pa.—' ‘When I deuneu house last April 1 must have overlifted. for after that I had pains and aches all the time and was so discouraged. I could hardly ao my own housework, and I couldnot carry a bas ket of groceries from the store nor walk even four or five squares without get ting terrible pains in my back ana abdo men and lower limbs. I went to visit a friend in Mt. Holly, N. J., and die said, ‘Mrs. Butler, why don’t you take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound?’ My husband said that if it did her so much good for the same trouble, I should try it. So I have taken It and it is doing me good. Whenever I feel heavy or bad, it puts me right on my feet again. I ; am able to do my work with pleasure ' and am getting strong and stout. I still take the Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, and am using Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash."—Mrs. Charles But | ler,1233 S. Hanson St,,W.Phila.; Pa. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for a free copy of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Private Text Book upon "Ailments of Women." ^ Well, Who Wouldn’t Be Mad? 1 The maddest man the other morning /was the fellow who had called his de partment store by telephone Saturday jand ordered some special sale golf balls for early Sunday morning play, land on arriving at the club opened /the package and found the store had pent mothballs.—Kansas City Star. Cuticura 8oap for the Complexion. (Nothing better than Cuticura Soap daily and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum, and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio.—Advertisement The Last Anxiety. She leaned over the dying man’s bed with tender sympathy. “My dear husband,” she said, In the voice of an angel, “be brave. Remem ber, we shall meet In heaven.” Clasping her hand, he attempted to smile, but a frown crossed his brow. “Yes, I know, dear,” he sighed. “But your mother says she will be there, too 1”,—Richmond Times-Dis patch. HalPs Catarrh Medicine Sldo,'h*;™ rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. Sold by druggists for ori. *"> yours F. j. CHENEY &- CO., Toledo, Ohio Opportunity Was His. For years there was a playwright i around London who had more venom than ability. He could always pick a success to pieces and invariably did. But he had never produced a success of his own. One night at the Savage club he i became so foolish as to attack the Im mortal bard of Avon. “Shakespeare,” he sputtered, “lift ed half his pfots.” ' This was too much for an old crit ic, who came back at him In a flash. “Then lift one of his and write s 1 play around It. Show him up.” Open for Two Hundred Years. Westminster hospital, which origi nated from an infirmary “for reliev ing the sick and needy,” is the oldest, subscription hospital In London, and Will shortly close Its doors for the first time In 200 years for six months’ need ful repairs. It was first established in Petty Prance, next in Chapel street, and aft erwards In James street. About 1830 the Inwoods, the architects of St. Pan eras church, designed the present building, in sham Tudor, and It sits ill enough on the site of Westminster, market, where once stood the ancient cruciform Sanctuary church. lore Will 8l«ep In Bunka. Shattering a custom of the sea, the new scout cruiser Detroit will have bunks which can be folded up so as not to be In the way, instead of the time-honored hammocks, and each man of the crew will be assigned a locker in which to keep his belongings, In stead of being compelled to pack them in a bag. ..^'kpaffCs; fPWHH i*l!i«i IB I MHIf S, „»: .„ «v„ ,.^f; i vBBKBHBHhI BPBBBB * - ■ - GIRL’S RESCUE STARTS DRIVE Thirteen Year Old Victim Taken From “Black and Tan” Resort A campaign against "black and ! tan” resorts was announced by Police Chief James F. Shanley Monday night following rescuing of a 13 year-old white girl from a den at 705 West Seventh street. x Police declare they have informa tion of plans to operate a chain of these resortg in the city. The resorts must be stamped out, Shanley said in his edict to police. Several white girls hav rescued from such places, police say. Reu ben McArthur, alleged proprietor of the house where the 18-year-old white girl was found Saturday night, was charged Monday with enticing a female minor to a disorderly house. Seven others, mixed white and color ed persons, found by police in the house Saturday night, were sen tenced to 30 days in the county jail in police court Monday morning. Mother Asked 8earch The little girl who McArthur is accused of enticing to the house dis appeared from her home about two weeks ago. When she had been away from two days her mother asked police to search for her. Shanley alleges McArthur met her on a downtown street and succeeded in getting her to accompany him to his house. All avaailable patrolmen and detectives were detailed to Join the search for her. Acting on a tip that she had been taken to the West Seventh street house, officers search ed the premises, but neither of the pair was found. Two days later Sioux Falls police wired that McArthur and the girl had been seen in that city and had left there in an automobile. Last Saturday they were seen to enter McArthur’s house. He escaped when police entered the house to arrest him. ' Found in Dark Room The girl, in a' semi-conscious con dition and showing the marks of a beating was found in a dark room. She was taken to the police matron’s rooms at the city jail for safe.keep ing. Monday morning she was sen tenced to serve one year in the Good Shepherd's home. McArthur will appear in police court today or Wednesday to answer Shanley’s charge. WIFE DRINKS LYSOL POTION Tells Police Tried Poisoning Because of Treatment By Husband Mrs. Nellie Huble, 1121 Slghth Street, found Monday afternoon near 610 Tenth street, unconscious and with an empty lysol bottle near her Bide, is in a critical condition at the Samaritan hospital. Police say she told them Monday night she took the poison because of disappointment in her husband. July 4, Huble was arrested on an assualt charge on sworn Informa tion from his wife. He was bound over to the grand Jury by Police Judge Carlos W. Goltz. Since that time Mrs. Huble has filed a divorce petition and haq been staying at the Good Shepherd's home. Monday afternoon in com pany with’ her mother and a sister, she went downtown to shop. Her mother left her at Sixth and Pierce streets on the way back to the home. She was found a few minutes later by C. E. Long, Sloan, la. Westcott’s ambulance was called and Mrs Huble removed to the hospital, Physicians say she may recover. U.S. STARTS ON TRIMMING NAVY San Francisco, Aug. 27.—The des truction by hammer and torch of what many nations in the world might consider a fair sized navy, has been begun in two Pacific coast shipyards in compliance with orders predicating the armament conference in Wash ington. Seven "ships of the line,” are being - fairly overrun today by "stripping crews” removing small ordinance and other works that "may come in handy” later. Foremost comes the great Montane 27.6 per cent, completed at Mare Island. However, the Qeorgla, also at Mare Island, has the greatest his torical interest. Back in 1906 while this battleship was engaged in target practic off Provlncetown, Mass., an explosion in one of her super-imposed turrets killed the entire turret crew of 20 and nearly wrecked the ship. The ether ships are the Nebraska, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Ver mont all at Mare Island. None of the doomed boats on this coast will be used for target practice by the navy* Nephew Mrs. Sawyer Held On Big Charge Chicago, Aug. 27.—Thomas R. Stevie, formerly of Toledo, who told police he is a nephew of Mrs. Charles E. Sawyer, wife of the president’s physician, is held here today on charges of moving mortgaged pro perty from the state. 'Tm glad the mean little old Wit ches’ magical Invisible bumble bees lod not sting you, little Nea Gnome!” Raggedy Ann Said when little Ned Gnome came walking up to the Rag gedys aa they watched little Wanda Witch go lickety split for home, “One lit right upon my nose!” little Ned Gnome laughed, but though I could not see him, I felt him the moment he lit and gnocked him off with my hat! What ever made the Witches’ magical invisible bumble bees quit chasing me and Btart chasing Miss Wanda Witch?" he asked. "Well, little Ned Gnome, I will tell you,” Raggedy Ann said, “Wanda Witch came hopping through the bushes and caught me the moment the invisible bumble bees chased you away, and Wanda Witch tried to catch Raggedy Andy. But Raggedy Andy skipped out of hqr way, and I pulled the other way as hard as I could. Then Raggedy Andy said, "I wish your magical invisible bumble bees would quit chasing little Ned Gnome and would chase you. Miss Wanda Witch.” Wanda Witch did not believe they would do it!" Raggedy Andy laughed, “And she had Just started pulling Raggedy Ann to her house when along came her own in visible bumble bees and chased her! She dropped Raggedy Ann in a hur ry!’Raggedy Andy laughed. "Maybe we hr.d better start to run and get as far away from the two mean little Witches as we can!” Little Ned Gnome said, "I do not enjoy having them magical Invisible bum ble bees chase me!” "Let us go and visit Betsy Bonnet String!" Raggedy Ann suggested, "Betsy Bonnet String Is very nice!” So the Raggedys and little Ned Gnome started off through the deep, deep woods to visit Betsy BBonnet String, but they had not gone far sailing after them upon her flying broom. * Witch!” "Wanda Witch cried when she caught sight of the Raggedys and little Ned Gnome, “And she is at home putting baging soda on her nose where one of the invisible bumble bees stung her, but you shan’t es cape from me this time! I’ve made an invisible string to tie you with and Wanda Witcfi'was very angry at Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy and little ..ed Gnome When she returned to the deep, deep woods and found that the three friends had escaped again. “Just you wait!” she said to no one in particular, for there was no one listening, "I’ll bet the next time I catch them, they will not escape!” Wanda Witch found her flying broom right where she had the Raggedys and little Ned Gnome tied with the invisible string, but of course the three had run away long before. "Now, I wonder which way they ran?" Wanda Witch asked herself. "Well It does no good trying to guess* I will Just get upon lay fiytog broom and It will soon take mo to where they are, no matter i»o\v they may be hidden!" So Wanda Witch climbed upon her flying broom and said, "Glddap, flying t^room! Take me to where Raggedy nn and Raggedy Andy are hiding!” And of course the flying broom carried Wanda Witch right through the deep, deep woods to the soda water spring, for that was right where the Raggedys and little Ned Gnome had run. Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy and little Ned Gnome were at the soda water spring drinking lovely vanilla sodas and eating the candy covered cookies which grew upon the bushes nearby. Of course Witches never drink soda water, at least Wanda Witch had never tasted any and when she saw the Raggedys and little Ned Gnome drinking the vanilla sodas, she thought they were Just drinking plain every day water because they were thirsty. So Wanda Witch picked out one o fher magic charms from her little pocket book. It was a piece of blue bottle and a very good magi cal charm If it had only been used for good magic. "I wish the water would turn green!" Wanda Witch said after she had rubbed the charm three times with her left hand. And of course, Just as soon as she said this, the soda water turned green. "Dear me!” little Ned Gnome said. "What is the matter with our soda water spring, Raggedy Ann?” Raggedy Ann looked at the spring and saw that it had turned green, then she dipped up a cup full and tasted it. She did not know that Wanda Witch was peeping out of the bushes. “Oh, goodies!" Raggedy Ann cried when she tasted the new green soda water. "It has changed from vanilla flavor to lime flavor and is ever so much better than It was before!” So she dipped up a cup full for little Ned Gnome and another for Raggedy Andy. And when Wanda Witch saw they were drinking the green soda water she grew so angry she ran right home to tell her sister, Wlnda Witch to come and help her work magic which would catch the Rag gedys. "I’ll get Raggedy Ann’s Wish ing Pebble and Raggedy Andy’s Wishing Stick th enext time!” she howled as Bhe flew through the woods on her flying broom. But the Rag geys and little Ned Gnome never knew tat she had been near them and so just went on having a delight ful picnic all by themselves. In The Lava’s Path Dramatic Incidents Of Aetna’s Latst Eruption Santi Savrine in La Tribuna (Rome). The lava slowly encircled the little station of Castiglione. The keeper’s red cottage was empty. Only one living tiling still lingered in the vicinity. A black and white spotted dog. Ho re fused to move when the neighboring sheds were overwhelmed, when the human occupants of the cottage fled, when his own master sadly dragged himaelf away from the home he was never to see again. The faithful watchdog remained on guard, lest strolling vaga bonds—there are so many of them in this world—might try to profit by his master’s absence. Stretched in the middle of the room where the latter’s desk stood until yesterday, he refused to budge. Death crept steadily nearer. A group of boys tried to drive him off. They threw stones at him. He would not move, but watched them with suspicious eyes. The lava had stealthily crept completely around the building. One wing began to burn. Frag- , ments fell from the roof. At length the faithful dog disappeared without a sound, under the ruins of his master’s home. The night is full of miracles. The stars shine brilliant in the i heaven. The serene majesty of the sky above seems strangely out of harmony with the fiery forment close at hand. This is a typical witches Sabbath. A horde of red gnomes rushes down the mountainside. A weird jazz band rythm can be detected in the crash and tumult of the advancing flow. The mad saraband, excited by infernal powers, at length crashes against the barriers of this Satan’s dance hall, overthrows them with a crack ling roar, and pushes on, lighting its way with the torches of tho flaming trees that vainly block its path. Wnat a lantastic vision! wnat marvelous nrewomsi mo lava creeps around the bases of the trees, driving the sap up the trunks until it exudes from all the twigs and branches in pearly jewels turned silver and ruby by the lurid fire below. But this lasts only a moment, then the branches twist in agonized spirals, and, bursting forth into a sudden blaze, are consumed in a scintil lating shower of sparks and embers. We see the spectators breaking branches from the trees in tha path of the advancing lava, to carry off as souvenirs. A strange procession this, that after enjoying its fill of the spectacle winds down the mountain paths toward Piedimonte, bearing aloft green trophies. Dawn. Swallows circle close to the slowly advancing death line. They are seeking their trees, their nests, and are bewildered to find them no longer here. They circle and crisscross swiftly in an ecstasy of trepidation. Some, in a sort ef delirium, plunge directly into the clouds of smoke, returning a moment later with plaintive cries. So over the ruin and desolation that the mountain# has wrought, the rising sun hears only the laments of the swallows— the anxious calling of these humble and beautiful creatures thaf St. Francis loved. For men have lost the power to weep. Our Henry as 8een in England. Q. W. Barron in Wall Street Journal. Henry Ford’s book had made a greater impression in England than in the United States. It was a revela tion to the English people as to American mass production and what American muscle, machinery, organi zation and engineering talent can ac complish. It also __ astonished English thinkers eoncerning the depth and originality In Henry Ford’s think-tank. They have no comment concerning the com bination therein of inventive genlut and political vagaries. They see only potentiality and future possibilities. Something to Ponder. From the Christian Science Monitor. At the moment of the election of Magnus Johnson, the Monitor asked for a suspension of Judgment of the man whom all the sensational writers of the American Press were trying to make ridiculous. We think this ex tract from a speech delivered by him last Saturday gives added justifica tion to the Monitor’s appeal: "If this country is to prosper and to withstand the onslaughts of radi calism, we must show more lqve in the churches, te&eh more considera tion in our schools and show more charity between man and man.” RATHER SPOILED THE EFFECT Unfortunate That Proud Driver of Car Should Have Forgotten Ut Remove That Pall. They were talking about embarrass ing moments at the Friday Morning club when one fair matron remarked: “While living In a amall western town a few years ago, raj husband purchased an automobile. Upon in specting our garage I discovered a leak In the roof and, to save the new machine from a possible drenching, I placed a five-gallon pall on top of It. “Several days later I motored to town, all puffed up with pride, un aware that the pall was still on top of the car, and It surely was my most embarrassing moment when I parked near a dairy and a kind stranger offered to take the milk pall down for me." RUBIES CRY F0RT1ST0RH" Prepared Especially for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher's Castorla has been In ase for over 80 years as a' pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcot ics. Proven directions are on each package. Physicians recommend it. The genuine bears signature of Back to the Land. Many of the islands of the southern coast of Africa, much frequented by penguins, are only now reverting to pre-war conditions. Colonies of pen guins settled on these islands and large quantities of guano were yearly collected. The war produced an at mosphere—by constant gun-practice of .warships and members of the defense force—which, unaccustomed as they were to these conditions, frightened them away from their usual haunts, and now that these practices have been given up, the penguins are grad ually returning to the islands of early ^associations, with the promise also of a corresponding Increase In guano deposits from their return. Aspirin i •Sallcyllcadd.—Advertisement Feeling Was Mutual. Billie had been a naughty upon rising in the morning his mother said, “Now, Billie, you were a bad boy yesterday and I hope you will be bolter today. esterday nobody liked you.” “That's all right, mother,” said Billie; “yesterday I didn't like .my self." , * *• . Have You a Bad Back? You can’t be happy when every day brings morning lameness, torturing backache and sharp, cutting pains. 80, why not find the cause and correct it? Likely it's your kidneys. If you suffer headaches and dizziness, too—feel tired, nervous and depressed, it’s further proof your kidneys need help. Neglect is dangerous! Begin using Doan's Kidney Pills today. Thousand* have been helped by Doan's. They should help you. Ask your neighbor} An Iowa Com Mrs. M. A. Per cell, 702 W. Main St., Anamemt, la., says: "I hud an attack of kidney complaint My back turn severe ly and sharp pains would shoot through ray sides. I felt lame and had rheumatic iwinucn HUD all out of sorts. A neighbor advised me to try Doan’s Kidney Pills and I did. One box Quickly relieved me of the trouble.” Get Doan’s at As) Store, 60c a Bn DOAN’S ■vvLiy FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. 1C Y. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM | Ramortubanaroff -KtnpiiJatrFttHlai Rasters* Color and Beauty to Gray and FadadHUfa Me. and $1.00 at Ornaytsta. R inner Chem. WKs. r»t&l>OKUs.l». T HINDERCORNS Remove* Ootwl Ort (onsets* etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to %bm I Chemistry Course for Business Men. ( To teach future business men enough chemistry to enable them to talk I*-, telllgently with tlielr own technical experts, the University of Wisconsin will establish a new four-year coursa, to give commercial training in com bination with the fundamentals of the science which is becoming of increas ing industrial Importance. The new chemistry-commerce course Is de signed to give the student a wide ac quaintance with chemical processes and products and just enough of th« technical background to interpret prop erly the role played by chemistry faa industry and trade. * _ - ■ Sure Relief 1 FOR INDIGESTION I] iitDiGMS°y 6Bellans , Hot water 1 W Sure Relief . DELL-ANS 254 AND 75* PACKAGES EVERYWHERE ' #*-. Shave With Cuticura Soap The New Way Without Mug* THEY SHINE JUST FINE J®. POLISHES LIQUIDS OR PASTES Easiest To Use SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. 35^1923 Swelling Price of "Ham and—P a visitor from the Pacific coast say* that Emil Iiodson, owner of the east ern Washington hog which sold foe $1,500 recently, was visited by J. H. Thuey of Wlnlock, Wash., who raised the $890 hen spld Inst spring. Thlv conference has become the newest Northwest joke sponsored by Spok&ns hotel men, who started the rumor that ham and eggs were due for a startling advance. “Eat more ‘ham and’ while you can," was the slogan adopted by them.—New York'Sun and Globe. And After That! i Tourist—Is this a quiet placet Fisherman—It was' until peoqUi started coming here to find quiet. gooBd brLd?u.e\east Foam ; The knowledge of how to make bread gives a girl confix deuce in mastering other baking and cooking* Send for free booklet “The Art of Baking Breadfr Northwestern Yeast Co. 1730 North Ashland Ave. Chicago, 111.