Recovery From Influenza * Hastened by P E-RU-N'A Mr. C. A. Allen, R. R. No. 2, Bondurant, Iowa, gives testimony to the healing power of Pe-ru-na. Influenza left him much run down In health with catarrh of the nose, throat and bronichal tubes punct uated with attacks of asthma, -He writes: “While recovering from the In fluenza I was so weak I could not fain any strength for two months. he latter part of the winter, I bought six bottles of Pe-ru-na and began taking it. My weight in creased to 175 pounds, the most I ever weighed. My usual winter weight is 155. If you can use this letter for any good, you are perfectly welcome." Such evidence cannot fail to con vince the rankest unbeliever of the merits of Pe-ru-na. Insist upon having the old and original remedy for Catarrhal con-, ditions. Sold Everywhere Tt.blet* or Liquid FRECKLlS Now la the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There-* no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othlne -—double strength—Is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othlne from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished en tirely. It is seldom ’ that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful, clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double-strength Othlne, as this is sold under guarantee of money back If it fails to remove freckles. Cuticura Soap ; The Velvet Touch For the Skin Seap 25c, Ointment 25 nnd 50c, Talcum 25c. WHY “HE” DIDN’T LIKE IT Good-Hearted Physician Had Selected the Wrong Outfit for one of His Protege. r-; r • f Some years ago a well-known phy sician of Tulsa, Okla., observed three unsually forlorn, ragged little darkies standing on a corner of the main street. They were dressed in almost any kind of covering that could be either buttoned or tied on, so that more than one glance was necessary before anyone could determine just what garments they actually were wearing. The sight touched the phy-. siclan, and he took them into a men’s . clothing store nearby and had them fitted out with new suits. The two elder ones showed their appreciation by broad smiles, but the smallest wept bitterly throughout the whole proceeding and refused to be comforted with the new coat, the new shirt and the new trousers. Question ing only increased the child’s agita tion, and at last the physician turned in desperation to one of the older boys und said, “What’s the matter with him? What’s his name?” “Please, sir,” the brother replied with a grin, “his name is Alice.”— Youth’s Companion. Just the Opposite. In China the first name comes last and the last first. That is, according to the American way of looking at it. "Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.”—Jeremiah 4:3. NO QRKAT WHEAT SURPLUS, THOSE who have been so loudly advocating that the government buy a few hundred million bushels »f wheat to start the price upward again probably have no definite idea of how much wheat these is in the country. The whole argument is that •there 1b too much wheat being offer ed for sale, the price is down, and sequestering of some of it would help conditions. Estimates of grain experts in Chi cago, which usually coincide closely with government figures, raise a doubt as to any great over supply of wheat being in sight. With the esti mated crop total around 66,000,000 short of that in 1922, and a carryover of not to exceed 100,000,000 bushels on July 1 of this year, the distribu tion of the grain in sight promises to help greatly in marketing, these authorities believe. Reports Indicate that the wheat yield In the territory east ot the Rocky mountains, which will be avail able for milling, will be around 619, 000,000 bushels. The population In that area Is estimated at 103,500,000, and last year the per capita.consump tion in this country, including food, seed and animal feed, was 5.6 bush els. Thus not to exceed 89,000,000 bushels of wheat above probable do mestic demands are In sight In this territory. Every bushel of this would be absorbed by the normal exports of flour to the West Indies, Central America and South America. Pros pects are for a reduction In acreage seeded this fall, but the lower de mand for seed trill be more than off set by the greater amount of wheat being fed. West of the Rocky mountains the crop is heavier than last year. But because of high freight rates little of It will come east Therefore it Is not likely to greatly Influence the big grain market prices. Accepting these figures as approxi mately correct, and they are likely to prove nearly, if not quite as re liable as the government figures, the territory east of the Rockies has lit tle more wheat In sight than will be needed to supply domestic demands. If the producers Insist on marketing the bulk of the crop as soon as it Is threshed a slump In prices is almost inevitable any year when no actual shortage looms. With the federal and state credit now available there is no need for this general rush of selling. These Chicago grain men confi dently predict that the market will certainly react upward within 80 to 60 days. They are basing their Judg ment on the supposition that farmers will use state credits to hold part of the crop on the farms. Unless recent crop figures are far wrong orderly marketing of the crop Is all that Is needed to hold prices firm and to Improve the situation. Horse-sense And Refinement-! From The New York World. Magnus Johnson admits that he Is not a man of higher education and culture, but adds that these two de ficiencies will not necessarily hinder him from making a good senator from Minnesota. The trouble with moat men sent to Washington, Mr. Johnson feels 84: e, is too much refinement and culture. "They never get anywhere,” he points out. The smator-elect regards horse sense as the supreme gift of the Graces, bestowed upon fortune’s elect Refinement and culture are acquired qualities—at best only dubious vir tues. He is undoubtedly right in so thinking. There are few men sent to congress who do .lot trust to horse-sense to see them through. And yet since con gress first began sitting there has been continual despair throughout the country because of the lack of horse sense at. Washington. This curiously indefinable quality of mind may best be described as your own sense and not the other fellow’s. Refinement and culture are of a piece with Kin stein's dfreovery. . What you see de pends on where you are. Henry Cabot Lodge, the symbol of senatorial higher learning and polish, might actually regard Lord Robert Cecil as a man of too much refine ment and culture who never got any where with the League of Nations. Undoubtedly the citizens of Gopher Prairie regarded “Yake” Preus as a man of erudition and etiquette, and yet elected Magnus Johnson because they believed in his horse-sense. The senator-elect admits that “it the next breath he flashes this is what congress needs most.” And in elusive mental quality into the air with his remark: “I forgive all those who ridiculed me during the campaign." Dead Away. From Everybody’s' Magazine. Margaret is only 7 years old, but some times quite naughty. On one oocasion her mother, hoping to be particularly Impressive, said: ‘‘Don’t ycrti know that If you keep on doing so many naughty things your children will be naughty, too?" Margaret dimpled and cried trium phantly. “Oh{ mother, now ytfu’ve given your self away!’’ Stock Speculation From the Illinois Central Magacine. Switch Tender: ’’And what was the terrible **nt about down at the freight yards tlffa morning?” Track Walker: "Sure now, ’twas all over a you- g elephant what a circus man wantr 1 to ship to • Saint Looey. Murphy sahl It was nursery stock, O’ Brien claln fd It should go at t^nk rates and Dugan swore they should will It as c baby grand!" The Next Step From The Washington Star. "Prohibition authorities say there Is very little good whisky available any more. ’ "I realize that." replied Bill Bottletop. "All we got to do now Iz to keep the bad from being too plentiful.’* Starving On One Crop Wheat (Continued This community eonsisted ot tradespeople ot Scandinavian and German stock from Chicago and vicinity who went te North Dakota 1 nthe early nineties. None ot them knew anything about farming, and their Introduction to the business waa an appalling drought. Practically no crops were raised the first year except a little garden stuff. Those who went through that experience say that If it had not been for the unlimited supplies of lignite ooal which abound In the region they would surely have perished from hunger and cold the first winter. But they had a leader, John Christ ensen, whom they trusted, and he ' thought the problem out during the long evenings of that first terrible winter. When spring came he went t some of the ranchers In tfoe neigh borhood and asked them t let the settlers have some of their cows; the ranchers agreed and from this be ginning the settlement worked its way to prosperity by dairying. Today that community Is thriving, and all on account of courage, hard work and the dairy cow. The original herds have disappeared under the Influence of the purebred sire, and more than one herd of purebred cattle can be found In the county. Although the dry years of 1917 and 1918 affected that section as well as others In the Northwest, ,ve heard no harrowing tales of hardship and starvation from New Salem. Those fellows had learned how to live. The First Commandment, Raise Enough to Eat And that is the first and great commandment for the dry farmer In ao many sections that we may make it a rule and le tit go at that. The first thing that the ary farmer must learn is how to get enough to eat. If he can raise enough otfeed his fam ily an dhis work stock, he can get by. After he has figured that out he can begin to think about a money crop, but if he thinks about the money crop first, there ia little hope for him; he may come out fine one or two years, but the gamble will get him sooner or later; the merchant or banker cam not carry him indefinite ly. He must raise his own bread and butter. During the drought in Mon tana in 1919, there was never a cow, never a pig and only rdhely a chicken around any ofthe farms of the High Line; the farmer* were entirely de pendent on the stores for their food; they raised nothing but wheat. The Basis of Sound Farming Farming will never be stable on the Great Plains until It Is managed on a self-sustaining basis, with live stock as the keystone. The land has been settled; Its sod has been turned by the plow and It would take at least fifteen years to get back the sort of sod that was there before the plow entered. For this reason few ranchmen care to take the land which has been plowed. Feed crops are almost always sure; In fact, with intelligent management, come forage can always be produced. In the more southern portions, -he Kafirs, milo maize and the like, will do best. In the northern sections, Indian corn, alfalfa, millet, sunflowers and the sorghums are among those which can be used. Grow every acre possible of forage and then save It, even If the supply is far more than enough for the winter. Store Up Years of Plenty The lntermittence of rainfall is the outstanding climatic peculiarity of the Great Plains. A drought of two or three years with ten or twleve Inches of rain or less will be followed by a series of years when there may be thirty Inches or more. The soil itself Is wonderful; and when It rains how that soil can produce I Nature seems to make a prodigious effort to yield enough to compensate for the scarcity of the dry years. And there in lies the secret of safer, more suc cessful farm operation. Enough feed can be grown when rain is adequate to furnish two or even three years’ supply. If this feed Is stored in stack and silo, against a possible two or three eyars’ scarcity, the livestock farmer can sit tight while wheat starving neighbor worries. ____ (Continued Next Week 8. D. GASOLINE FIGHT. Governor McMaster, of south Dakota, has started something In launching a war against retail prices on gasoline, which he classes as “highway robbery”. The governor tackles a mighty opponent, in essay ing to cross swords with the Stand ard OH company, but the fight will popularize him, win or lose. It’s the first aggressive action that he has taken in a public career of more than 10 years as state legislator, lieutenant governor and chief execu tive of the state. The retail margin in gasoline has been Increased enormously during the past few years. Part of the in crease may be justified on the basis of Increased services rendered by these retail stations, and by the In creased costs of a huge gouge, en gineered right from headquarters. With its battery of retail stations scattered over the country, the Standard Oil company has found a way of adding to the immense prof its secured on its wholesale distribu tion. The independent oil companies, either through complacency or com pulsion, accept the price guidance of the big concern. That situation may not involve combinations in re straint of trade, but seems to have all the earmarks of something that needs fixing. Fall calving usually gives best re sults. If one man, by law owning every drop of pure water that could pos *11'ly be supplied to a great city, quarreled with his workmen and re fused to turn on the water, pre ferring to let the people die of thirst or use ditch water as a substitute, what would the people do? What would the president do? The answer to those question^ is the answer to the coal question. The difference between coal and water is only a difference in the in tensity of necessity. Before the weather gets very cold the country will know what kind of president Mr. Coolidge is. WHO'S tfET THE MONEY? MEMBERS of the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce, especially those on the spectal wheat boosting committee, are showing offense be cause the railroad executives declin ed to make an immediate reduction of 20 per cont in wheat freight rates "in order to save the wheat farmers.” This Is silly. It ought to be clear to business men that a few cents a bushel on freight rates would not mean much in the wheat problem. It makes some difference to the average middle western farmer whether he gets 70 cents a bushel or $1.50 a bushel for wheat. If it's merely a question as between 70 and 73 cents, on the othqg hand, the wheat producers would scarcely give the matter a second thought. Then there are other important points about this agitation for lower freight rates to meet special situa tions. The general public has no a» surance that the agitation is not pr» moted by buyers and in behalf of buyers. How could the producers be protected in a freight rate reduction? Buyers could absorb the reduction* and take the benefits to themselve* by the very simple process of reduc ing bids. This Is not an Imaginative possi bility. It la the recital of what usual ly occurs In Just such situations. Such absorptions took place in the fall of 1921 on some special rate re ductions for the benefit of the agri cultural districts. They took place as to many of the general cosS» modity reductions which became effective July 1, 1922. Just an Illustration: A Sioux Falls firm had been buying drain tile from a Fort Dodge distributing concern, with th« prices made L o. b. Sioux Falls. On an order filed in June 1922, the Sioux Fairs firm called for a shipment of three carloads to be made after July 1 on the theory of profiting about $5 a car on freight saving. But the tiling came along, in July, at the same f. a b. billing as before the freight reduo* tlon. The Sioux Falls firm assumed that an error had been made, but was informed that It had been found necessary to Increase prices that much on account of Increased manu facturing costs. Consumers failed to got the benfc fits presumably outlined for them In these rate reductions. It would be the same as to wheat rate reductions of a few cents a bushel. The lndlvldr ual wheat producers would not gel the benefits and It would not mea& much to them If they did. Firms buy ing one to ten million bushels ot wheat could use that extra marglu to very good advantage, and wouldn't have the least trouble in taking It over. The Omaha boosters mean well enough, but have not taken time to analyze the promotional influences In their own campaign. They ought to look behind the doors, in the clos ets, and under the beds—also under the wood pile. They might find Borne things that wouldn’t exactly harmon ize with their superficial Impressions. HIN HOTELS TO 1STAILGHAPELS Bowman Group Head An nounces Plan For Shrine in Each Branch Hostelry New Tork,—Chapels for silent medi tation and prayer for guests, visitors and employes will be Installed In all the hotels known as the Bowman group, John McE. Bowman, proprietor of the Baltimore, Commodore and Belmont hotels throughout the country has announced. The chapels will be non-sectarian. It Is planned to keep them open day and night. The altars will bo constantly re plenished with fresh flowers. A beau tlful stained-glass window, suggestive of an air of holiness will be one Of the features. A company already has been employed to design chapels of different sizes. In accordance with the need of each hotel. President Coolidge 'will soon have an opportunity to show what Wnd of president he is. He will welcome the opportunity, In the coal situation. Thousands of men that work Jn darkness and live in poverty, earning Just enough to keep on living de mand better conditions. A handful of men that "own" coal under the , ground, that God Almighty made mil lions of years'ago, say the coal is theirs, and they will not arbitrats their quarrel with the men. A blind woman is not nearly so apt to be cheated in matrimony as one who can see. Agitation. From the Washington Star. "It has been hinted that you are an agitator.” "That's unjust." replied Senator Sorguhm. "During a oarspalgn the crowds seemed c unparltlvely calm. I’m the one that’s agitated." Silver Lining From the American Legion Weeklv There had been a blow out, and the father of the family was perspiring!) and profanely changing tires. "I don’t see why you have to talk that way,” said his wife reproachfully, "You act a« If it were a total lose. You never see the good in things," "Well what good is there In this?" "Why it tickled the baby so. He laughed right out loud when It went bang!" Cutlcura Boothes Baby Rashes That Itch and bnrn, by hot baths of Cutlcura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cutlcura Ointment. Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe cially if a little of the fragrant Cuti cura Talcum Is dusted on at the fin ish. 25c each.—Advertisement. Remembered Admonition. One day I invited some girls over to see our new home. Jerome was sitting in a rocker quiet ly, hands folded. One of the girls went up to him and asked why he was sitting go quietly. * He stood up and answered, “My muvver said that little children should be seen and not heard.”—Chi cago Tribune. Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher’s Castorla has been in use over 30 years to relieve babies and children of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep without opiates. The genuine bears signature Don’t attempt to light your path through life by burning the candle at both ends. THOUGHT BACK WOULD BREAK Nothing Helped until She Began Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound "When my baby was born, ”aaya Mrs. Posluszny, 106 High Street, Bay City, Michigan, "I got up too soon. It made me so sick that I was tired of living and the weakness run me down something aw* ful. I could not get up out of bed morn ings on account of my back; I thought it would break in two, and if I started to do any work I would have to lie down. I do not believe that any woman ever suffered worse than I did. I spent lots of money, but nothing helped me until I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I felt a whole lot better after the first botlle, and I am still tak ing it for I am sure it is what has put me on my feet.” If you are suffering from a displace ment,irregularities, backache, nervous ness, Bideache or any other form of fe male weaknes you should write to TW Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts, for Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Texf-Book upon “Ailments Pe culiar to Women. ” It will be sent you free upon request. This book contains valuable information. Serious Situation. Madge—Charlie says he can read you like a book. Marjorie—Gracious! I’m likely tc» lose him unless he does a lot of skip ping.—New York Sun. Motor to Church in Comfort jW luotmitmi SUPERIOR 5-Pass. Sedan $860 f. o. b. Flint, Mich. The Chevrolet 5-Passenger Sedan is most popular for family use, because it affords comfort, weather protec tion and the home atmosphere all the year ’round for five people—yet may be economically operated with only one or two passengers. Its power, reliability and low up keep appeal to men. Women like its handsome lines, fine upholstery, plate glass windows with Temstedt regulators, and fine finish. Everybody appreciates its great value at $860, f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan SUPERIOR Roadster .... *510 SUPERIOR Touring .... 525 SUPERIOR Utility Coupe ... 680 SUPERIOR Sedanette .... 850 SUPERIOR Sedan .... 860 SUPERIOR Commercial Chassis . 425 SUPERIOR Light Delivery ... 610 Utility Express Truck Chassis . 675 Chevrolet Motor Company Division of General iMotors Corporation Detroit, Michigan * Armies of Ants. Ants are harmless creatures In Cnn ndu. In South America are some big enough to hide a quarter. Fiercest of them are the army ants, which or ganize themselves into battalions. At certain times of the year these insects move in dense masses along the nar row forest paths. No living creature, not even the jaguar or the tapir, can face them. If any animal failed to move out of the way of the army they would simply pass over it, each ant taking a ldte without stopping, and in a few minutes notldng would he left but bones. Amongst these ants there are special classes. The fighters have ■ huge jaws, almost ns big as their bodies. The workers collect food and build the nests, but they do nothing of the tidying up, which is the work of a special class of housemaid ants. Others make massage their particular duty. When tired workers come in the masseurs tuke charge of them, rub bing down their weary limbs. .' .“ # Only two things are asked of the lazy: Keep out of the way of the busy and cheer. Sure Relief ! FOR INDIGESTION g^og*** Bj IMDIGESWNj^ 6BELL-ANS Hot water "." ' ' .. ’ i » ..... , I POSITIVELY REMOVED For over forty years beantlf nl women hare been ! keeping their sktn soft, dear and free from I Freckles With DR. C. H. BUSBY'S gRK kLt OIBTSKItT. Fully guaranteed. Booklet free. Two sites, »1.36 or 66c. At druggists or postpaid. DR. C. M DKRRY CO , Olii So. Rtoklgsa iro , CHICtGO Visit Canada this summer —see for yourself the op portunities which Canada offers to both labor and capital—rich, fertile, vir gin prairie land, near rail ' ways and towns, at $15 to $20 an acre—long terms if desired. Wheat crops last year the biggest in history; dairyingana hogs paywell; mixed farming rapidly ir creasing. Excursion on 1st and 3d Tuesday of Each Month from various U.S. points, single fare plus $2 for the round trip. Other special rates any day. Make this your summer outing -Canada welcomes tourists— no passports required—have a great trip and see with your own eyes the opportunities that await you. e For full information, with free n booklets and maps, write " G. A.Cook, Desk W. Water k town, S. D.: W. V. liennett, “ Desk tV. 800 Peter’s Trust Itldg., Omaha, Neb.; H. A. k Garrett, Desk W, 811 W. S. •iHcksou St., St. Paul, Minn. MfeXriUhM C»M*sa Csv*! Aafc HOTEL MARTIN In the Heart of SIOUX CITY Absolutely Fireproof — Rates H.76 to k^GQ BIG CAFETERIA - HOME COOKING SIOUX CITY PTG. CO, NO. 34-1923.