The Frontier. VOLUMN XLIII. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1923. ' NO. 11. GRADY’S GROCERY Peaches Phones--68--126 O’Neill, Nebraska LOCAL MATTERS. J. P. Golden is in Casper,Wyoming, this week. J. J. Thomas was a passenger to Ewing Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L.i O. Johnson were in Neigh Thursday of last week. Ed and Frank O’Donnell went to Omaha on a short business trip Mon day. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Walahaski, of near Chambers, on July 25th. W. J. Hammond letf Sunday morn ing for a short trip to Texas, on legal business. Mrs. Bert Bowen, of South Omaha, is visiting old friends and relatives in this vicinity. Miss Ruth VanValkenberg, of In man, is a guest of Miss Mildred Ma lone this week. Mrs. George Longstaff is camping at the Long Pine park this week with Mrs. W. T. Evans. P. J. McManus went to Chicago the latter part of last week on a shopping tour for his general store. Jack Arbuthnot went to Omaha Tuesday morning where {ie is taking treatment from a specialist. James McPharlin expects to leave for Omaha next week where he will begin the study of medicine. The First Annual picnic of the Farm Bureau will be held at Dustin, Friday afternoon and evening, Aug ust 17th. Mrs. Fred Grandorff and so^ Le Roy, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Zimmerman as far as Fairbury, Nebraska, last Sunday. They will visit there with friends for a short time. H. B. Hubbard and daughter, Miss Fern, returned Thursday from a two weeks’ business and pleasure trip to Lincoln. Frank Lancaster was called to York, Nebraska, Wednesday morning by the death of hjs grandmother, Mrs. M. A. Lancaster. The 1924 auto license number plates will be black with white figures and letters and will be much more efficient than the 1923 plates. Elmer Davey and family returned Saturday in their car from a week’s visit in Omaha. They report muddy roads on the way back. G. H. Dubois, living about seven miles northwest of O’Neill suffered the loss of a cow during the electrical storm early Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Clark, Jr., of Page, has been a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Quig during the past week. She returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Steve Avery, of near Chambers, was taken suddenly ill with ptomaine poisoning one day last week but has recovered her usual health. Inman Leader: Seven head of hogs were killed by lightning < durmg the storm last Friday evening on the Lowell Murphy farm east of Inman. Wm. Welsh has accepted a position in the C. & N. W. freight house at Omaha. He went to Omaha Tuesday morning to assume his new duties. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carrig, of Omaha, were guests of Mrs. Carrig’s sisters, Mrs. John A. Harmon and Miss Mary McLaughlin ovgr Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Armitage and daughter, Miss Margaret, who have been visit ing at the home of the former’s father, S. L. Eerry, returned to their home in Des Moines, Iowa, Monday morning. ■; a* t,?v How Is It With You? Some men look ahead only a nickel’s worth of time. However, he who really succeeds in life is looking ahead in hundreds or thous ands. This bank can help you see ahead. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 15/>e O’Neill Natiorval Bank A. F. Dugger has been elected principal and Mrs. A. F. Dugger has been chosen to fill the vacancy in the high school teachers staff of the O’Neill public school for the coming year. W. J. Brentson, a former/resident of the Mineola country, arrived in O’Neill Tuesday and is visiting old friends and neighbors for a few days Miss Gertrude Kerbel and Miss Peggy Frye, of Spencer, Nebraska, spent Friday as guests of Miss Mar garet Alworth and Miss Oyraa Clyde. Some four footed or two footed animal relieved Mrs. C. F. McKenna of the trouble of caring for about sixty young chickens, Thursday night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Lorge, of Du rant, Oklahoma, were over Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Harty. Mr. Lorge is an uncle of Mrs. Harty. Master Robert McCarthy fell with a bottle of milk last Monday cutting his wrist quite severely upon the broken bottle. Five stitches were required to close the wound. The residents of Brown county are getting uip in arms over the recent appearances of chicken thieves. Heavy rewards are being offered for their apprehension. Mrs. R. G. Goree, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Wm. McManus, re turned to Omaha last Sunday morn ing. The ladies have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Simonson. Stuart Advocate: R. E. Chittick received word this week that his son Robert jr., who has a drug store) at Shoshoni, Wyo., has just been ap pointed postmaster at that place, gratulations. Miss Bernadette Brennan returned home Tuesday night from a five month’s visit with her brother. Lieu tenant Francis M. Brennan, at Sa vannah, Georgia, and with relatives at Providence, Rhode Island. Miss Roberta Arbuthnot arrived home Tuesday evening from Notre Dame, Indiana, where she went last week as the voting representative of St. Mary’s Academy at the Mission Crusade convention which was in ses sion August 9th to' 12th. Kenneth Templeton is assisting The Frontier office this week, to turn out the 1923 Holt county fair books. The books will be much larger this year than last and will contain much in formation that will be of value to all those interested in the fair. Mrs. Robert Mains, of Stuart, Ne braska, has received a certificate showing that she is a registered phar macist. A comparatively few women take up pharmacy throughout the middlewest and Mrs. Mains has the distinction of being the only lady pharmacist in this locality. Late word from the bedside of Fred Shoemaker, of Winner, South Dakota, who was taken to St. Catherine^ hos pital in Omaha last week, is to the effect that little hopes are advanced for his recovery. His brothers, John and Bert, went to Omaha this morn ing on the early train. George Shoe maker was unable to make thp trip on account of illness in his family. Mrs. J. P. Golden is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Thomas Mor row, sister Miss Laivinia Morrow and niece, Miss Helen Morrow, all of Schott’s Bluffs, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Morrow, of Columbus, a brother and wife, were over Sunday visitors. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Cronk leton, of Spencer, Nebraska, a sister and husband, are also guests of Mrs Golden this week. County Attorney Julius D. Cronin and Hugh J. Birmingham were in At kinson Monday where Mr. Cronin con ducted the prosecution of “Spud” Murphy charged with injuring and destroying a lock and door on the bard of Wright Hitchcock of that city. Justice of the Peace W. P. Simar im posed a sentence of fifteen days in jail and “Spud” is now a guest of the Sheriff in the county Jail. A fine school of minnows belonging to “77” Wade suffered a shocking death in Tuesday night’s thunder storm. Mr. Wade caught the minnows early Tuesday evening and placed them in a shallow tub in his dooryard, intending to arise about 4 o’clock Wed nesday morning and go down to Mud bridge to attempt to catch a catfish bigger than the one T. V. Golden caught last week. The minnows were to be used for bait, but the heavy thunder so jarred them that they all died. Sheriff Peter Duffy will ship his stable of gallopers to Long Pine the last of the week, where they will be entered in the Long Pine race meet next week. The Long Pine meet will be the first and the most important of the running meets in north Nebraska this year and is attracting horses from many places. The Duffy string entered consists of Salvatoron, Miss Bagdad, Rameau and Truant, the last two being the horses added to the Duffy stables after the spring meet at Omaha. Trainer Thomas and Su perintendent of Stables Bill Fallon will accompany the gallopers to Long Pine. The Farm Bureau picnic held in the grove northwest of Phoenix last Thursday was a decided success. About 400 people were present. C. B. Stuard, executive secretary of the Farm Bureau Federation was the principal speaker. A program con sisting of recitations, vocal and instru mental music followed the speaking. A baseball game between Wallace Fullerton’s crack sluggers and the Phoenix Specials was also one of the principal drawing cards. The Phoenix Concert band furnished some excellent music throughout the day. The festi vities closed with a dance in the even ing. • 1*5*1 James Timlin has been sick during the past week. Mrs. Lorena McGrew, of Omaha, is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Caroline Simonson. Miss Elja McCullough, of Ewing, is visiting with Miss Opal Ashley and other friends in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Loy are the parents of a ten pound daughter who came to their home Sunday. Nineteen one-hundredth of an inch of rain fell in the gauge on the court house lawn last Saturday evening. The ball game at Atkinson last Sun day between Ainsworth and Atkinson resulted a victory for the former 6 to 5. , Mrs. Frank Lancaster entertained the members of the Friday club at her home north of the city Saturday atfernoon. llMl G. E. Miles suffered a badly lacer ated finger Monday when the membpr became entangled with a metal belt lace on the power machines. Mrs. Thomas Quinn returned Mon day from a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Richard Ragan and family at Creighton, Nebraska. Mrs. E. C. French, of Atkinson, will teach the eighth grade of the Ewing schools this year. Mrs. French will be remembered as Minnie Miller. Fred Sisson and Emmet Medcalf, both of Ewing, who underwent opera tions for appendicitis in a Norfolk hospital last week, are recovering nicely. W. J. Hurley, of Greeley, Nebraska, state food, drug, oil and hotel in spector, was in O’Neill several days during the past week checking up the different departments. Miss Marjory Schultz, of Atkinson, was a guest of Miss Geneva Grady. Miss Geneva returned home with Miss Schultz Monday evening for a visit with Atkinson friends. The Emmet ball team went to New port last Sunday and defeated the Newport sluggers 7 to 6 on their own grounds. A return game will be play ed at Emmet next Sunday. Harold Zimmerman accompanied by his sister Mrs. John Sturdevant, drove over to Spencer Saturday evening for an over Sunday visit with Mrs. Zim merman and other relatives. Miss Rose and Katheryn Grady went to Denevr, Colorado, last Thurs day where they will join Miss Mayme and Miss Margaret Grady, who went to Denver a short time ago. Deputy United States Marshal Lee Weekes and brother, Dale, who have been visiting with O’Neill relatives and friends for several days, went to home in Omaha Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Boyle, of Norfolk, were visiting O’Neill friends last week and were present at the opening of the new club house at the Country Club Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zimmerman started early Sunday morning for a two weeks' vacation with friends and relatives at Hutchinson, Kansas. They are making the trip in their car. Anton Soukup was up from Page Monday and renewed his allegance to the greatest household necessity in in Holt county. Mr. Souku*p says that the crops are looking fine in the east end of the county. Mrs. O. F. Biglin accompanied by her son, Frank and wife, and her daughters, Miss Irenaeia and Miss Claire, drove to Hastings, Nebraska, Tuesday, where they will visit with John Biglin and family. Sidney Telegraph: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Warren left Thursday for Denver, where they will make their future home. Mr. Warren is vice president of the Interstate Bankers Security company in Denver and will act as at torney for the company. Earl Miller, Fred Richardson and George Colman, of Inman, have been appointed drivers of the three con solidated school trucks, at a salary of $80.00 per month. Under the new law the drivers are compelled to. make a complete stop at each railroad cross ing. Sidney Telegraph: Mrs. W. K. Hodgkin and Mrs. W.. Leroy Larson were hostesses to sixteen guests at the Hodgkin home last Thursday even ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Warren. The evening was spent play ing bridge. Prizes were won by Mrs. R. E. Witham and Dr. M. E. Pettibone and Mr. and Mrs. Warren. A delicious luncheon was served. That the automobile industry is ralpidly increasing is evidenced by the fact that County Treasurer Conklin has exhausted the supply of 3000 license plates and blanks issued to him for this year and has almost used up an additional 500. This is a material increase over last year. According to the report sent out by the state de partment there are 2800 touring cars, 200 trucks, 5 motor cycles and 5 trailers in Holt county besides several hundred that are running without hav ing purchased 1923 license. In the state there are 250,350 touring cars, 25,100 trucks, 2,660 motor cycles and 780 trailers. 6351 dealers licenses have been issued. * Stuart Advocate: Four more peo ple have been injured by horses ac cording to reports received since we reported the two injuries which hap pened last week. Roy Beck, living north of Stuart was kicked by a horse Saturday night while driving a team unhitched, His leg was broken above the knee. It was a severe injury as the bone was broken squarely across. Everett Tuttle had some ribs broken when he was kicked by a horse Sat urday night. Dick Connard had a finger broken and nearly severed Sat urday when he got it caught in a horse’s bridle and the animal jerked snapping off the bone. Jhe end of the finger was sewed back on and will probably be saved. Car Load Of Peaches pf Certo, per Bottle . . 35c Fruit Jars Fruit Jar Caps, per dozen, 35c Fruit Jar Rubbers, dozen, 10c Para wax. Spices of All Kinds. Rutabaga Seed, per pound 60c J. C. Horiskey Helen, the little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Heinkowski, living four miles southwest of Emmet, received a broken arm last Friday when she fell from a calf which she'was riding. Phil Ziemer expects to leave Sunday for a six week’s tour of the fairs in northern Iowa and southern Minne sota. Chester Morgan and the Ford truck will furnish the transportation. A. W. Burbank, of Neligh, has pur chased the Ewing bakery oT Hoene & Ackerman, and has taken possession. The former proprietors have returned to Stanton where they formerly re sided. Inman Leader: The new house on the John Gallagher farm east of In man, was struck by lightning last Monday evening during the electrical storm. The bolt hit the chimney coming down into the upstairs bed room, running around the bed occu: pied by the children and continued its course down stairs into one of the lower bed rooms and completely de molished the bed. As luck would have it no one was occupying the bed in the lower bed room. The stove pipe on the kitchen range was knockedaown and soot was sprinkled all over the contents of the room. However, the building did not catch on fire. The application for licenses to wed have been rather light at the office of County Judge Malone since the new marriage law went into effect the first »f the month. Two applications have found their way to the posting board in the walls of the Judge’s office. The first to make application under the lew law were Lewis Kocum and Miss Lucy Engelhaupt, both of Anoka, Ne braska, who applied on August 8th. [f there is no objections filed and the ludge consents they will be granted a license on the 18th. The other couple ;o ask for a license is Ira C. Elder ind Dorothy Helen Keefer, both of \tkinson, who applied on the 11th. Russell King, of Tilden, Nebraska, was a guest at the C. E. Stout home from Thursday until Monday. County Ag^nt Rose was at the R. C. Benjamin ranch in Swan township Monday where a caponizing demon stration was held. Mr. Rose will hold a caponizing demonstration at die Good ranch south of Inman next Tues day. O. N. Summers, poultry specialist from the Extension Service University of Nebraska, was in this territory Tuesday and Wednesday and in com pany with County Agent F. W. Rose gave a combined culling and caponiz ing demonstration Tuesday at the E. J. Revell ranch on Steel Creek in the northeast part of the county. Wed nesday a culling demonstration was given at the George Dahlstrom ranch about twelve miles south of Inman. In a letter to his father, Frank Campbell of this city, Clarence Camp bell, of Seattle, Washington, an nounces that the doctors have just re moved the casts from his legs and that he is slowly regaining strength. Clarence, it will be remembered by Frontier readers, was run over by an. auto early in June and suffered two broken legs and two broken riba be sides other internal injuries. Mrs. Campbell has been steadily employed by the company, for which Clarence was working, since the accident. Clarence perhaps owes considerable credit for his recovery to the fact that a national doctors convention was in session in Seattle at the time of the accident and many of the most promi nent physicians of the United States assisted in the examination and ad justment of his injuries, among the number was the president of Rush Medical College, of Chicago. Clar ence says that he has received calls from a number of old time friends since the accident among the more re cent callers was Ed. S. Eves. To The Depositor NATIONAL BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors lose heavily. Why? Because deposits in National Banks are not guaranteed. STATE BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors are paid in full. Why? Because deposits in State Banks are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK OF O’NEILL is the only Bank in O’Neill which offers you this pro tection. You will protect yourself and please us by depositing your money with us. 5 per cent paid on time deposits. Nebraska State Bank of O'Neill, Nebraska