rim Frontier ii. H. CRONIN, Publisher. W. C. TEMPLETON, Editor and Business Manager. Entered at the post office *at O'Neill, Nebraska, as second-class matter. One Year-. $2.00 Six Months .. $1.00 Three Months_ $0.50 Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of sub scribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of lime paid for, if publisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated eubscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract be tween publisher er.,: .'.becriber. ADVERTISING RATES: Display advert**..1!:* in Pages 4, 6 tnd 8 are charged for on a basis of ’5 cents an inch (one column wide) to Den ver, and other points in Colorado. Miss Maude Bain returned to Omaha Saturday, after a week’s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bain, in this city. A marriage license was issued to Otto Clauson, of Atkinson, and Miss Emma Johnson, of Joy, Nebraska, on Tuesday. Mr. Lefler, adjuster for the Farmer’s Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Lincoln, was in O’Neill Wednesday adjusting farm losses. Mrs. Harry Bowen is enjoying a Visit from her cousin, Mrs. Lottie Nel son, and a niece, Miss Margaret Stone, both of Omaha. P. J. Donohoe and son, Edmund, drove over from Bonesteel, South Da kota, and spent several days last week visiting with relatives. Miss Florence McCafferty returned to Omaha Sunday afternoon where she will continue as stenographer in the office of a trust company. Rainmaker Harry Bowen announced .09 of an inch of rain early Wednes day morning. A heavy rain fell in the vicinity of Page at that time. Another nice rain fell here this morning. Mrs. C. A. Patton and two daugh ters, Betty and Jean, arrived here Thursday from Davenport. Iowa, for a visit with her brother, Leo Mullen, and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zimmerman and daughter arrived Wednesday morning from Hutchinson, Kansas, for a short visit with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman of this city. Edward M. Gallagher accompanied by George Agnes, Frank and Ed O’Connell, drove over to Plankington, South Dakota, Tuesday, where Mr. Gallagher was looking after land in terests, while Mr. Agnes visited with old time friends and relatives. Mrs. O. T. Pflug drove up from Omaha, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning accompanied her daughters, Miss Helenl and Miss Dorothy, to their home in Omaha. The girl3 have been visiting with their aunt, Mrs. Harry Bcwcn, for about two weeks. The June state apportionment for Holt county was $11,409.55; fines and licenses were $111.00 making a grand total of $11,520.55. $9,353.17 was re ceived in January from the state mak ing the total for the year$20,873.72. $2,614.40 of the January apportion ment was received from school lands in the county. Mrs. Mane Weekes, editor of the Norfolk Press, and who is also a mem ber of the executive board of the Non Partisan League of this state, was a pleasant caller at The Frontier office last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Weekes attended a meeting of the league at the Frank Oberle home, at Opportu nity, Saturday evening. The city water tank has been re ceiving a coat of paint on the inside during the past week. The water has been furnished to the residents of the city by running the engine at the pump house from four o’clock in the morning until eleven o'clock at night, using direct pressure. The city council have a seven year guarantee on the paint ing job. Miss Mae Hammond, Miss Grace Hammond, Miss Cora Meredith and Mis; Mary Fitzsimmons went to At kinson last Saturday where they at tended a house party at the home of Mrs. Ed. Tomsik. Mrs. Tomsik and daughter, and Miss Dorothy Miller re turning with the young ladies Sunday evening and were their guests until Monday afternoon. Congressman Robert G. Simmons will be in O’Neill all day Monday, July 16th, and has expressed his desire to meet and talk with anyone who has anything to say wherein he can be of any benefit to them. The object of the trip, Mr. Simmons states, is to get personally acquainted with the people of this district. He will be found at the court house all day Monday, July 16th. Inman Leader: Mrs. Jim Colman was called to Ironton, Minnesota, last Tuesday afternoon on account of the sudden illness of her brother. He in company with another brother were cleaning out a deep well at their home when the younger one was over come with the gas fumes in the well. His condition was reported serious. Mrs. Colman left on the early train Tuesday morning to be at his bedside. Inman Leader: Report comes from St. James, Minnesota, the first of the week that Floyd Manchester, of In man, and Miss Vanelda Aaberg, for merly of Holt county, were married there July 4th. The couple are well known to residents of this territory. The groom was formerly engaged in the automobile business here, dispos ing of his interests to Fred Richard son only a few weeks ago and imme diately left for Minnesota where the happy event took place. We under stand that they will make their home in California. — - - — J. B. Mellor was in Norfolk Wednes day. Mike Timlin went to Omaha last Friday. Miss Sylvia Simonson is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Goree, in Omaha. Mrs. Mike Lyons, of Glen Gardner, New Jersey, has been visiting in O’Neill this week. Edward Reardon, of Miles City, Montana, is visiting his ndphew, H. J. Reardon. Mr. Reardon arrived Wed nesday evening. Miss Louella Purcell went to Gill ette, Wyoming, last Saturday, where she will visit with her sister, Mrs. Wade Caldwell. Donald Gallagher went to Casper, Wyoming, last Monday where he will enter the practice of law with an old established law firm. Miss Lillian King, who has been a guest of Mrs. Max Golden at the ranch near Ewing, returned to her home in Chicago, Wednesday morning. Wm. Nollkamper returned to Omaha Wednesday. He has been looking after business matters and visiting friends here for several days. J. M. Hunter, Herb Hammond and Henry Grady returned Tuesday even ing from a two days fishing trip to Enders lake in Brown county. Miss Mary Otten and Miss Mary Beazel, who have been the guests of Fj W. Rose, returned to their home in Rossville, Indiana, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stein and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stein started for Marshall, Minnesota, this morning and expect to arrive at their destination tonight. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson, ac companied by their son Ralph and daughter, Miss Mildred, loaded the truck and started for Toronto, Kansas, on a four week’s (pleasure trip this morning. Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson entertained ten young boys and girls at her home last Friday evening at a surprise party for her daughter, Miss Mildred. Games and luncheon were the features of the evening. George Finney, of Sanmonica, Cal ifornia, has been shaking hands with old time friends of thirty years stand ing. Mr. Finney was a settler in this locality in the early days. He still owns a farm near Chambers. Frank Youngkin left last Friday for Camden, New Jersey, and after a short visit will accompany his