- The Frontier. VOLUMN XLIII. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1923. NO. 3. GRADY’S GROCERY PURITAN BACON Barrington Hall Coffee Lettuce Celery Fruit Cash Paid For Eggs Phones*-68-*126 O’Neill, Nebraska RECORD BREAKING CROWDS “WILL ATTEND FOURTH CELEBRATION AT O’NEILL Two Big Baseball Games, Two Bands and Gorgeous Decorated Auto Parade Features of Program. One of the largest crowds ever as sembled fn Holt county will celebrate the Fourth of July in O’Neill if ad vance indications may be taken for anything. Two cracking good base ball games of league quality, between the four best baseball teams in the county are features of the big free en tertainment the American Legion is providing for O’Neill’s visitors that day. One game will be between At kinson and Emmet, the two leading teams of the county, who have been walloping each other alternately every since the snow has been off the ground. At present the Emmet team has a lead of one game over Atkinson, but At kinson backers declare this is entirely due to a fluke in their last clash and Atkinson capitalists are offering all kinds of wealth that Atkinson will de feat Emmet at O’Neill The Fourth. Guy Cole and the monied interests of Emmet, however, are offering to cover any of the lucre that may be exposed by the o>ptomistic Atkinsonites. There is quite a bit of feeling between .the teams and their followers, which is bound to result in an excellent game. Then, Jack Higgins, who has been rarin’ for several weeks since his O’Neill Shamrocks were defeated by Page, will have his aggregation out on the fairground diamond promptly at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, to attempt to wipe out that sad memory by ab solutely shutting but the Page crowd. Whether or not this is going to be so very easy is quite a question, quite a question. O’Neill isn’t the only team Page has defeated this spring. In fact they have vanquished every outfit with which they have come in contact and Lee Drayton is offering odds that the Fourth of July game between Page and O’Neill will come out just like the first one. These two controversies as sure that the two gomes will be the very best baseball games played in Holt county this year, bar none. No baseball fan can afford to miss them, and admission to both, at the fair grounds, is absolutely free. Those intending to spend The Fourth at O’Neill should arrange to start from home early in the morning, so that they will arrive at least several hours before noon. One of the very best parts of the all-day and all-night big free celebration to be staged by the- American Legion is the morning 'program. There will be something do ing from 9 o’clock on. Promptly at 10 o’clock the big decorated automo bile parade will start. The parade is under the auspices and direction of the O’Neill Women’s Club and money prizes are being offered for the best decorated cars. Any car or car owner in Holt county is eligible to compete in this parade and there will be a chance for some one to carry home a prize of $25 in gold, another $15 and another $10. Many car owners already have signified their intention of enter ing the parade, but don’t let that dis courage you. " Remember that it isn’t the high price of a car that will win it a prize. An artistically or comically decorated fliver is just as apt to win first prize as is a Pullman-like limous ine with an eight or twelve cyinder engine and a flower vase in the rear compartment. Just pin a rose on Liz zie and ramble in, for it will be a rat tling good parade. No entry fee is charged. The automobile parade will be on the downtown streets of the city and will be preceded by a greased pig race or so, or some other like attractions, and from 9 o'clock on the famous Ewing and O’Neill bands, two of the very To The Depositor NATIONAL BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors lose heavily. Why? Because deposits in National Banks are not guaranteed. STATE BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors are paid in full. Why? Because deposits in State Banks are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK OF O’NEILL is the only Bank in O’Neill which offers you this pro tection. f You will protect yourself and please us by depositing your money with us. 5 per cent paid on time deposits. Nebraska State Bank o! O’Neill, Nebraska best brass bands in the state, will be playing concerts or furnishing music for the other events. Both bands play some of the latest and foot-shakingest music there is and if you want to cut loose when you hear them, just dance your head off on the sidewalks or streets, for there will be no one to interfere. Everybody i3 expected to have a good time. Right after the automobile parade patriotic exercises and lpusic, suitable to the commemoration of the nation’s birthday, will be held' on the court house lawn, with an eloquent speaker, and reading and vocal and band and other music. The program will be presented from the bandstand at the southwest corner of the court house square.* There is lots of good grass and lots of shade up there from which to enjoy the entire program away from the hot rays of the sun,and there will be an abundance of seats provided. Out at the fairgrounds, starting at 1 o’clock, when the first baseball game startes, a program of horse, pony and chariot races, foot races, pie eating contests, nail driving contests for the ladies, an old fiddlers contest and many other stunts will be staged just in front of the grandstand. If you don’t care to watch the ball games these other amusements are guaranteed to keep you in good humor and entertain ed every minute of the afternoon. This whole program, as is all the rest, is absolutely free and for you to^njoy without spending a cent. And then at night there is going to be a grand free fireworks display down town that no kid, and few of the older folks, will care to miss. It is also free, in fact the only things on which you will be able to spend money in O’Neill The Fourth, if you feel you must, will be the bowery dance in the evening, and a number of street shows and conces sions. Everything else is absolutely free. The American Legion is doing its very best, and is sparing no pains or expense, to make this the very best Fourth of July celebration Holt county has ever had, and in doing so it is pay ing particular attention to the com fort of the women and children on that day. . Seats will be placed along the streets and side walks in abund ance for their especial use, and most af these will be in the shade or beneath awnings. Then on every corner will ae barrels of ice water, kept filled and aold, and a number of rest rooms for :he ladies and the little ones_also will ae provided at convenient places. Pic aic grounds will be arranged for those aringing their dinner and picnic lunches and there even will be ample grounds for tents for those who come :he night before or who desire to stay the night after the big celebration. In fact Simonson Post of the American Legion is prepared to show you the very best time you have ever had in pour whole life, in O’Neill, the Fourth af July or the first clear day there after if the Fourth is rainy. LOCAL MATTERS. John Sheedy and wife, of Chambers, will remove to Orchard. Jack Quig had a calf killed by light ning in Sunday evening’s storm. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Neal Asher, of Page, June 12. S. Jacobson, of Bristow, last week caught a four pound bass in the Nio brara river. Emmet defeated O’Neill on the Em met diamond Sunday afternoon by a score of 9 to 6. A ladies golf tournament is to be staged on the Country Club course in the near future. Mrs. Harry Harte, of Inman, has re turned from a visit with her parents, at Casper, Wyoming. Five inches of rain in less than three hours, fell along the Eagle, north of O’Neill Sunday afternoon. D. M. Stuart, of Stuart, has been called to • California for an indefinite period by the illness of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Hobson, of Mid dlebranch, are the proud parents of an eight pound son, who arrived at the Hobson domicile June 9. Miss Tuby C. Kelly and Miss Mar garet Seger, of Atkinson, have been elected members of the high school faculty of the Valentine schools. Mr. Oscar H. Barnes, of Elgin, and Miss Flossie Miller, of Ewing, were united in marriage by the county judge at Neligh Tuesday of last wee.k Mrs. Pat Boyle, residing near Chambers, who has been undergoing treatment at a Norfolk hospital for several weeks, returned home last week. Chambers freight truckers found it necessary to truck from Ewing last week, instead of O’Neill, because of the high water and consequent bad roads. School district No. 67, known as the Woods district, will erect a new school building. Pupils of the district have been attending the Page school for several years. Bob cats are causing considerable loss of chickens and young pigs to ranchmen along the Niobrara river in Keya Paha county. Several were kill ed last week. The North Western has changed the color of its frame station buildings from the old railroad red to a hand some gray and now is repainting its depots in Holt county. Arthur Ryan and children left Fri day afternoon by auto for Missouri where the children will remain with relatives until Mr. Ryan has deter mined upon a permanent location. The annual opening of the Neligh Country Club was held Tuesday after noon and evening of this week. Ten nis and golf comprised the afternoon •program, followed by a dance in the evening. > Crows are working havoc in the corn fields south of the river, working from a rookery and nesting place in tho large grove south of the ranch of County Supervisor John Sullivan. O’Neill has been honored by the ap pointment, by Governor Bryan, of M. R. Sullivan to the position of State bank examiner, a position for which Mr. Sullivan is most highly qualified. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daly and children went to Lincoln the first of the week to attend the wedding of Miss Frances Daly and Mr. Patrick Dolan, of Denver, which took place Wednes day. Mrs. P. N. Merzig and daughter, Elizabeth, of Philadelphia, are here spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. O’Malley, and Mrs. Merzigs' sister, Mrs. Jas. A. Brennan. The valleys of the Cherry county sandhills regions all are becoming lakes as the result of the June rains and the reguar lakes of the region, all are again well filled, according to re ports of Cherry county ranchmen. One of the most interesting games of baseball of the season was played at Chambers Saturday between the Chambers and Ballagh teams. The game went seventeen innings with a score of 5 to 4 in favor of Chambers. Sheriff George Hill, of Sioux county stopped off Saturday while enroute to Lincoln with a couple of convicts who had been taken to Harrison as wit nesses in a burglary hearing. He left for Lincoln with his prisoners Sunday morning. Sheriff Peter Duffy returned Sun day evening from a several weeks va cation spent at the Omaha race meet, where Salvatoron and Bagdad have been assisting in the making of history. Salvotoron already has been in the money in several of the events. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ennis, in the west part of the city, was struck by lightning during the storm Suday evening, the roof badly dam aged, the chimney knocked off and the electric wiring burned out. Lights in the neighborhood .were burned out by the stroke. Dr. F. J. Kubitschek and family left Monday morning for Eagle Grove, and other Iowa points, where they will visit relatives for several weeks. Dr. Kubitschek while away will thoroughly investigate the bass and catfish fishing and will also give the Iowa golf links the once over. • W. C. Templeton and family, who left two weeks ago Sunday by auto for a visit with relatives in southern, Ne braska and western Kansas, reached Hug* ultimate destination nfc Brewater. Klnsas, Thursday evening, after a Sinks, Rudder Lost * The head is the rudder for the human ship. Many ships have gone on the rocks because of a lost rudder. When a man speculates he has lost his rudder—don’t lose your head in business. This hank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 O'Neill National Bank drive on Thursday of 240 miles. They were delayed several times by floods and washouts after striking Kansas. They will return the latter part of this week. Mrs. John Boyer and children sus tained severe bruises and some iffjur ies Saturday evening as they were re turning home from O’Neill by team and wagon. A Ford driven by the Misses Strong, of Emmet, coming north, crashed into the Boyer team, and vehicle at the cement culvert just south of the Norh Wesem tracks. Mrs. Boyer’a little daughter was thrown from the wagon and injured, Mrs. Boyer was considerably bruised and the team also was injured. The car was slightly damaged, but fortunately the occupants escaped serious injury. Miss L. L. Bishop, of Zuni, New Mexico, arrived in O’Neill last wfeek to visit with Mrs. Wm. G. Beha, her. life-long friend, they having been rear ed together in Centra} Missour}. Miss Bishop has been in government Ser vice for many years, having been con nected with Haskell Institute, Law rence, Kansas, for a number of years and later in the Indian schools of New Mexico. She departed Saturday for Lawrence, Kansas. ♦ The American Legion Invites You to Celebrate The F< iurth At O’Neill An All Day Program of Games and Sports. Ewing and O’Neill Bands. Absolutely Free. Patriotic Addresses and Music on the Court House Lawn, and a Decorated Automobile Parade for Prizes, in the Morning. Baseball—Atkinson vs. Emmet O’Neill vs. Page Horse, Pony and Chariot Races,Pie Eating, Fiddling, Nail Driving Contests, A Greased Pig Race and ManyOther Events, at the Fairgrounds in the afternoon. All Are Absolutely Free! A Bowery dance at night, and many shows and concessions on the city streets, if you must spend your money. Grand Fire Works Display At Night _41 Plenty of Seats, Plenty of Shade, Plenty of Ice Water For All. Numerous Rest Rooms For the Women and Children. Bring Your Lunch Baskets. Lots of Picnic Grounds and Tables. O’Neill American Legion invites you to attend Celebration next clear day if Fourth is rainy.