fs:1 ,—1 ■■■ w ... ._—= H ==■ The Black Menace By ARTHUR B. REEVE “Who was the fellow? What did ho look like ? ’ ’ “Tall, narrow-chested, one of those fellows that the newspa pers call lounge lizards,” re turned Kennedy. The policeman walked around, examining all the cars. “How did you happen to get away so quickly?” asked Speed gratefully of Kennedy, now that he wjaa sure Clare was safe and rapidly recovering. Not at Her Home. "When I left the laboratory,” replied Craig, “I could not find Miss Clamiont at home. I made inquiries elsewhere but no one ■eemed to know where she was. Finally I went back there again. Her maid told me that she had eome in and had gone out, that there had been a telephone call to her. Someone had used your name. Speed, and had said that wo were all to dine at the Crystal palace, but in private dining room No. 6. 1 knew something was wrong, jumped into a cab, and I guoss 1 got there just in time. . "Well,” interrupted the traf fie policeman, coming with his notebook, “I guess I’ve got a taxicab on my hands. There doesn’t seem to be anybody here to claim it. I guess it’s a clue— license No. 987654,” Kennedy noted the number and together we looked over the eab. There did not seem to be anything unusual about it. It was merely like hundreds of oth ers. However, the traffic man was right. There must be some due in the license number. "We can’t stay here all night," cut in Ra venal. “I think a good plan would be to get back to the Crystal palace as quick as We can. Perhaps we cap find out Something .more there. ’ ’ Kennedy nodded, and we di vided ourselves into two parties and returned to the other two calm, leaving the deserted cab in the charge of the traffic man for future use. Back at the Crystal palace Kennedy and Ravenal began a hasty inquiry, commencing with ths taxicab starter at the door. "Who was the fellow who went amt with her!” demanded Ken nedy. "I don’t know,” replied the starter. “I’ve seen him around here—they say his name is Wer ner. I guess you’ve seen a good many of them on Broadway.” Not much advanced by this ip quiry, we entered the restaurant, and a few moments later were talking to the manager. jrvrvmenx intruding. “Who lured private dining room No. 6!” we asked. 44No. .A” repeated the mana ger. “That’s on the third floor. It has been hired by Mademoi selle Celia Dreshkaya, the Rus sian dancer. She is there now.” With him we rode up in the •levator and paused at the door before we knocked. Inside we could hear the voices of several people gaily chatting. The.man ager tapped on the door and it opened. Celia Breshkaya was indeed a pretty woman off the stage as well as on it, but it was a style of beauty for which I did not particularly care. Her features had that heavy European look which compare very unfavorably with the delicacy of the Ameri can type. The party inside looked at us in surprise as they saw us stand ing in the doorway. At first I think they must have thought that a new delegation had ar rived to jt»in m their festivities. 4 .0—Two mil lion miners and tens of thousands of metal workers are on strike in the Ruhr. Although these figures are probably grossly overestimated, it is believed that undoubtedly every mine center in the Ruhr is idle as a result of the tactics of the communists who . are visiting the pits and forcibly ejecting the workers. A vote taken in the Bochum dis trict showed that a majority of the miners favored resumption of work, but communist pickets are stationed at some of the pits with fixed bayo nets to prevent the miners from de scending. No further disorders since yester day are reported and the casualties for the weekend stand at seven per sons killed and 93 wounded. The food shortage is beginning to be felt in the disturbed area, especially at Gelsenkirchen. MILWAUKEE TO ISSUE. Washington, May 28 ( P.)—The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road was authorized by the Interstate Commerce Commission to issue $13, 500,000 in equipment trust certilicates today. CLOSE TWO HOSPITALS FOR INVALID SOLDIERS Washington, May 28.—In order to effect further economies in the op eration of the United States vet erans’ bureau. Director Frank T. Hines has ordered two bureau hos pitals in California closed, it was learned here Monday. Arrowhead Springs and Camp Kearney are the two institutions af fected by the director’s decision. Re fusal of the bureau to continue pay ing the high rentals now charged, is given as the reason for the order, which will go into eitect June 30.