EXPECT BIG CROPS Conditions in Western Canada Please Farmers, Seeding Mae Been Begun Earlier Than for Many Yeara, and Soil Is <• in Perfect Shape. With weather conditions highly fa vorable, the farmers of Western Can ada, with the exception probably of a portion of Manitoba, have completed seeding from ten to fifteen days earlier than for some years past. In some parts of Manitoba there were floods which delayed seeding, but they have abated, aud left the land In good shape for quick work and speedy germina tion. In Saskatchewan soil conditions for seeding were never better. With a generous quantity of snow, which after melting left needed moisture, and an other snowstorm after seeding was finished, there was an Ideal condition created. From all parts of Alberta there came the best of reports as to rainfall and snow moisture, leaving the ground in the condition required for the prospects of a good crop. Spring, as In most other purts of the continent, was backward, but notwith standing this, as has been said, farmers were able to get on the land earlier than for some years. In fact, seeding was practically commenced about the 12th of April, which to many reuders may seem remarkable, when it la known that several hundred miles far ther south it was not possible to do spring seeding for several days later. Reports to hand on the 16th of May statd that wheat is up ubove the ground in a great many places, outs are being sown, and corn planted. Farm labor was scarce for awhile, but the demand has fallen off. One fea ture of the demand for farm help is that farmers are now employing help by the year, at of course smaller wages than those paid for special work. The Increasing tendency to employ help by the year is evidence thut farmers are not relying solely upon wheut growing, but are going out into other branches, such as dairying, stock raising, etc. The prospects in all portions of West ern Canada were never brighter thun at present. Information regarding the condition of the crops at any time will be sent on request made to any Cana dian government agent.—Advertise ment. Ill things come to those who wait. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION plM ■1 INPIGESJJOj/ 16 Bell ans Hot water 254 AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE ! SAFEGUARDING OUR CONSTITUTION By A. BLOOMFIELD, Conductor on the Chicago and North Weetern Railway. A the second annual banquet of the Pennsylvania System Veteran Em ployes’ Association, a member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the Hon. William I. Schaffer, spoke on “A Proposed Change in Government.” He said in part that a proposition was being advanced by some “That there shall be denied to the Supreme Court of the United States the power which it has always exercised to declare whether or not Acts of Congress are in consonance with the Constitution; whether that power shall be taken away from the Court and lodged in Congress, without appeal, or whether It shall remain as It has remained since the foundation of the Govern ment, with the Supreme Court of the United States. “This proposition—and It concerns everyone who is here, It concerns your children, and your children’s children —advanced by a powerful group of men, championed by at least one United States Senator, is, that when an act of Congress shall have been passed and shall be declared to be un constitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States, If it shall be passed again by Congress, then the Supreme Court of the United States shall be without power to declare it unconstitutional, and It shall be the law of the land. “That is to say—when that proposi tion comes to be finally analyzed, it amounts to this—that Congress shall be supreme and without restraint, and that means that there shall be wrought a change in the Government of this nation greater than any that was ever proposed in 11s nisiory. Justice Schaffer undoubtedly found In talking to railway employes a most sympathetic audience, for they gener ally are familiar with the manner in which their brotherhoods are organ ized and the respect which Is paid to the constitution of such organizations. Railway brotherhoods never delegate to their representatives, who occupy the same position with them as does Congress with the people, as a whole, the power to In any w-ay infringe upon the rights of their constitution • and by-laws. The entire membership of a railway brotherhood, appreciating the safeguards which their constitution and by-laws throw around their organ ization, reserve to the entire member ship the right to make changes or al terations or amendments. No group of men in the United States will bo any quicker to see the fallacy of ar guments presented for handing over to our representatives in Washington un limited power and authority. We know that for the practical working out of governmental affairs we must place a certain amount of authority In the hands of those who are to represent us, but we do not intend to hand over all authority with out any check or restraint. We will let the constitution stand as it is, and if there are any changes to be made, we will attend to the making of them ourselves.—Advertisement. Laugh and you won’t grow fat. mmmM..............__..... •■ MOTHERFletcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi tute for Castor Oil,. Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants 1 month old to Giildren all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physl'ians everywhere recommend it. Mailing Coins. To send a small coin through the mall, use a narrow strip of adhesive plaster to fasten it to the paper. It will arrive at its destination safely.— Designer Magazine. Fidelity Above Everything. Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excel lences and endowments of the human mind.—Cicero. \^V The favorite 08 home brea4 Iv