I PAID LOCALS. Paid announcements will ap I pear under this head. % If you have anything to sell I or wish to buy tell the people of I It m this column. | Ten cents per line first in I sertion, subsequent insertions I five cents per line each week. FARM LOANS—R H. PARKER.37U MY RESIDENCE PROPERTY FOB sale.—Frank Phalin. 48-tf FOR SALE—300 BUSHELS OF EAB corn.—R. H. Parker, O'Neili. 49-3 BEHA HOTEL—MEALS, 35c; Roorr and Board by week, $7.50. 41-tf FOR SALE—DETROIT VAPOR OIL Stove.—Mrs. J. C. Horiskey. 49-tf KODAKS. FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Graves, O’Neill. 30-tf WANTED TO RENT — SMALL modem house.—L. Burley, Golden Hotel. 49-tf FOR SALE, MY RESIDENT PROP erty in west part of town.—Pat O’Donnell. 48-4p LOST—FUR LAP ROBE BETWEEN O’Neill and Center Camp, April 29. —G. H. Pace. 48-tf FOR SALE—BARN 16x24 GOOD loft, cheap for cash for quick sale.— John Horiskey. 45-tf FOR SALE — GOOD FOUR ROOM residence. Close in. Inquire at this office.—Jess G. Mills. 46-6p FOR SALE—A SUPER-SIX HUD son Touring Car in good condition.— T. F. Birmingham. 48-tf I WANT SOME FARM AND RANCH loans. If you want money come in and see John L. Quig. 32-tf FOR SALE — ONE PURE BRED Holstein bull, 10 months old, at far mer’s price. Inquire of Emmet Stein, Meek. 48-tf IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm renewed for another 6 or 10 years, or if you need a larger loan I can make it for you.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf FOR SALE—DORT TOURING CAR —new tires, new battery, new lamps, in good shaipe all over. First reasonable offer takes it.—M. H. Hor iskey, O’Neill. 47-tf THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf FOR SALE—ONE COMING TWO year old bull.—Ed. Menish. 51-tf LOST—A PACKAGE CONTAINING 2 yards of Paisley and silk thread. •Return to this office. FOR SALE—TOMATOES AND CAB bage plants. Second house east C. B. & Q. depot, £outh of track. 51-2 HEMSTITCHING AND PECOT edge work done neatly and promptly on all kinds of materials. All work returned same day as received.—Bon Ton Hat Shop, Ainsworth, Nebr. 61-tf NOTICE—HAVE SEVERAL PIECES of furniture to dispose of. Call Phone 71. 50-2 FOR SALE—PIANO AND DUFOLD, Good as new—.Mrs. George Clyde. Phone 302. 50-tf A QUART OF MILK DELIVERED to your house, morning or evening, for $2.50 *per month. Phone 363 51-2 TAKEN UP—ON THE CARLON place, one sow, black and red, weight rbout 225 pounds.—C. L. Harding. 49-5 WANTED — A GOOD, STEADY, gentlemanly salesman to handle a Ward’s wagon in Holt County. No experience needed. For full particu lars write 'promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Cbmpany, Winona, Minnesota. Established 1856. 50-3 l JUST MADE ONE FARM LOAN of $15,000.00 and one of $25,000.00 and one of $40,000.00. I am prepared to make Farm and Ranch Loans as large or as small as you want. If you want a small loan see me, or if you want a large loan see me.—R. H. Par ker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 24-tf EXPERT EYESIGHT SPECIALIST IN O’NEILL AGAIN If you are looking for the most Ex pert Eyesight advice from an Eye Ex aminator and glasses flitted by the most modern methods and instruments at the most reasonable price with an absolute guarantee of perfect satis faction. See Edward J. Norwood in O'Neill, May 2 and 3, and one day each month thereafter at the Golden Hotel. He is a graduate of both Optical and Optometric schools with a broad ex perience in practice. The Frontier, only $2.00 per year. _ Auto Livery Make all trains Day or Night. Call 148 W. G. BEHA CIRCUS DAY. Didn’t you ever enjoy “Circus Day” when just a kid? Here is some re minders—and maybe a few tips for the kids on how to get in circusday. Breathes there a man or youngster, with soul so dead who doesn’t thrill at the thought? Surely only a few, if any at all, a 4-Ring Circus, a circus with blaring bands, a circus with wild animals from the jungles of Africa, a blood-sweating hippopotamus, a score of laughing clowns. Horses with hu man brain. Fairyland with ponies, monkeys, and birds. The Lion Act of ten big monsters with “Connie Millor.” She calls them pets and they trust her. As a tonic for old and young there is nothing like it. World Bross. Big 4 Ring Circus of 30 Cars will be in O’Neill, Saturay, June 2. A parade over a mile long at 11 a. m. NORTH WESTERN TO SPEND MILLIONS IN IMPROVEMENTS ftlillions of dollars are to be expend ed by the North Western railroad in the improvement of its lines between Omaha, Fremont and Wyoming, this year, in a bid for the lion’s share of the oil and cattle business from the north west, and O’Neill may receive a share in the enlargement and extension of the local yards. The program, ac cording to railroad officials, includes the double-tracking of the road to Fre mont from Missouri Valley, the re placement of the superstructure of the bridge at Blair with one sufficient to accommodate the heaviest traffic, the enlargement of IRe Fremont, Norfolk and Casper terminal yards and the enlargement of the switch and stock yards at the principal towns along the route. % CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our relatives, neighbors and frienls for their kind ness and sympathy shown usduringthe sickness and death of our beloved hus band and father and brother. Mrs. Lena Burival. Mrs. Marie Meyer and children. Dodbe Brothers ' TOURING CAR To those who thoroughly enjoy the out-of doors, Dodge Brothers Touring Car rep resents tens of thousands of invigorating miles in the open air. And owners who have had long experience with the car, know how trouble-free those miles are, and how little it costs to en joy them. They know, too, how light and convenient the Touring Car is and how easily cleaned. Dodge Brothers power plant, the all-steel body, the permanent baked-on enamel finish, the genuine leather upholstery—all combine to explain why more than 850,000 owners almost invariably speak of the car ' in terms of highest praise. ARTHUR G. WYANT O’NEILL, NEBRASKA —?■>■———■ III i— ii 11 nil m II (First publication May 3.) etsimate of expenses of city OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. The following is the estimate of ex pense of the City of O’Neill, Nebras ka, for the fiscal year commencing on the first Tuesday in May, 1923, and ending on the first Tuesday in May, 1924, passed at a meeting of the City Council of the City of O’Neill, Nebras ka, on Tuesday, May 1, 1923: Printing . $500.00 Wages of employees and salaries of city officials 4,000.00 Cost of running water plant 4,000.00 Street lighting. 2,500.00 Repairs on water works and water extensions .... 2,000.00 Repairs and extensions of streets and sidewalks .... 5,000.00 Sewer bond sinking fund.... 1,000.00 Sewer bond interest . 200.00 Repairs and extensions of sewers . 1,500.00 Repairs on fire equipment and new equipment. 1,000.00 Repairs on pumping station and fire house . 500.00 Legal expenses. 500.00 Water bond interest. 2,600.00 Water bond sinking fund.. 2,000.00 Parks and public grounds .. 1,000.00 Engineering expense. 500.00 Total.$28,800.00 The entire receipts of revenue for the fiscal year ending May 1, 1923, were as follows: County Treasurer from road tax..$ 595.43 County Treasurer from tax levy. 5,627.00 Occupation tax . 475.00 Police Judge. 93.30 Sewer permits . 6.00 Building permits. 7.00 Interest on deposits . 45.72 Insurance received. 258.64 Miscellaneous items . 28.40 Water department. 5,304.98 Total. $12,441.47 It was moved by Councilman Bay seconded by Councilman Johnson that the above estimate be approved and adopted and that the same be pub lished for four weeks in The Frontier. Attest: JOHN C. GALLAGHER,. 48-5 City Clerk. O’NEILL CONCERT BAND. Meet every Monday night at band hall at 7:45 o’clock, to about 9:15. Please be prompt. Clifford B. Scott, Leader. Elmer Davey, Librarian. E. D. Henry, Secretary-Treasurer. THE IDEAL TWO WEEK’S VACATION Colorado The Low Cost of the Trip Will Surprise You - .-. . , a, If your time is limited— If you want to crowd into two weeks, perhaps the max imum vacation enjoyment— Go to Colorado! Colorado is as big as all New England, with Indiana added; two-thirds is moun tainous — 100,000 square miles contain 155 peaks that are more than 13,000 feet high. Within the state there are 500 lakes—large and small; 6,000 miles of running water. Mineral springs a bound—no one knows how many there are. Every rail road line is an excursion line; motor highways radiate in all directions. Obviously, in such a region vaca tion possibilities are unlimited. Here, whatever your age, or means, or pref erences, you’ll find your vacation “as you like it.” Where to go? Here are thousand different places! When to go? Any time! This summer, when you’re tuck ered and seeking escape from the heat and dust, get out under that magnifi cent cool blue Colorado sky, get the tang of the mountain air and the spicy smell of pine in your nostrils, and you will not have to ask anyone whether it was the right thing to do. How to go? Oh, just climb aboard a Burlington luxurious limited! Colo rado is not “Way off yonder,” as some people think. The journey there is both quick and pleasant. If you desire to continue on to the Pacific Coast and return via an en tirely different route, that’s easily ar ranged. Don’t wait until the last minute to make arrangements. Come in and see me about it now, L. E. DOWNEY, yicket Agent. COME TO THE SALE At The Farm, Saturday 2 P.M. Fresh Cows, cows and calves, horses, Clover Leaf Manure spreader, furniture Axminister Rug 9x12, • other articles too numerous to mention. Nine Months time. John L. Quigl Col. Jas. Moore, Auct. O’Neill National Bank, Clerk TAXI LINE I have purchased the Taxi line from Wait Wyant and will be pleas ed to serve you at any time day or night. Office Phone 314; Res. 307. A. G. WYANT FOR SALE. Pure bred single comb Buff Orphing- i ton eggs and baby chicks. Eggs 50c per setting; ?3.00 per 100. Chicks 12c each. MRS. J. K. ERNST, 41-13p O’Neill, Route 1. ' COMING TO O’NEILL United Doctors’ Specialist Will Be At The NEW GOLDEN HOTEL Thursday, May 31 ONE DAY ONLY Hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Remarkable Success of These Talented Physicians in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases. Examination and Consulta tion Free The diagnostician of the United Doctors, licensed by the state of Ne braska, for the treatment of chronic diseases of men, women and children, ] offer tor all who call on this visit, con sultation, examination and advice free. They have a system and method of treatments that are sure and certain . in their results. These doctors are experts in the treatment of chronic diseases of the blood, liver, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys or bladder, rheumatism, sia tica, leg ulcers, weak lungs and those afflicted with long standing, deep seated, chronic diseases, that have baffled the skill of other physicians, should not fail to call. According to their system no more Operation for appendicitis, gall stones, - goiter, piles, etc., as all cases accepted will be treated without operation or hypodermic injection. If you have kidney or bladder troubles, bring a 4 ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis and microscopic examination. Worn-out and run-down men and women, no matter what your jiilment may be, no matter what you have been told, or the experience you have had with other physicians, settle it forever in your mind. If your case is incur able they will tell you so. Consult - them upon this visit. It costs you nothing. Remember, this free offer is for this visit only. Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their parents. (First publication May 10.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 1529. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, May 4, 1923. In the matter of the Estate of Eli Bitney, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the adminis tratrix of said estate has filed in said court her final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard May 31, 1923, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Ne braska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and distribution of - said estate. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 49-3 County Judge. BURLINGTON CHANGE IN PASSENGER SCHEDULE Leaves O’Neill. 6:45 a. m. Arrives at Sioux City.12:30 p. m. ' Leaves Sioux City.6:30 p. m. Arrives at O’Neill...12:15 a. m. ( Effective May 28th L. E. DOWNEY, Agent * 50-2 Subscribe for The Frontier and keep posted upon the affairs of this great •ourty of ours. , THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY —Compiles— “Abstracts of Title” THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. --------------—-----a | INSURANCE OPTIONAL | FARM LOANS | 6 y2% and 7% j INCLUDING COMMISSION. L. G. GILLESPIE O’NEILL, NEBR. t H. L. BENNETT GRADUATE VETERNARIAN Phone 196. Day or Night. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA DR- P- GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES -» DR. L. A. CARTER Physician and Surgeon j Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Blk. -Phone 72 O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA t George M. Harrington | ATTORNEY-AT-LAW | PHONE 11. I O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. | MFG. CO. 1 AUSTIN-WESTERN ROAD I MACHINERY I ARMCO CULVERTS | Everything In Road Machinery I Western Representative |; L. C PETERS I O’Neill Nebraska I J. D. CRONIN*’ Attorney-At-Law O’Neill National Bank Building O’Neill, Nebraska W. F. FINLEY, IYI.D* Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. O’Neill Nebraska £he 5ai?itapy (Meat Market We have a full line of resh and Cured Meats, Pure Home Rendered Lard.