The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 24, 1923, Image 7

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    < - I
Back Given Out?
T T’S hard to do one’s work when every
day brings morning lameness, throb
bing backache, and a dull, tired feeling.
If you suffer thus, why not find out the
cause? Likely it’s your kidneys. Head
aches, dizziness and bladder irregulari
ties may give further proof that your
kidneys need help. Don’t risk neglect!
Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Thousands
have been helped by Doan’s. They
should help you. Ask your neighbor!
A South Dakota Case
Jos. Van Kirk.
Tyndall. S. D., says:
"Mornings X could
hardly stoop to put
on my snoes. be
cause sharp pains
k caught me In my
j kidneys. I had to
1 get up nights to
Jri pass the kidney se
Ijr cretions, and they
L were profuse, then
Sj again scanty. I
heard about Doan’s
. " KiHney Pills and
bought two boxes. Doan’s cured
the backach* and strengthened my
Cet Doan’i at Any Store, 60c a Box
Life is a burden when the body
is racked with pain. Everything
worries and the victim becomes
despondent and downhearted.
To bring back the sunshine take
The national remedy of Holland forever
200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re
sulting from kidney, liver and uric add
troubles. All druggists, three sizes.
Look for the namo Gold Medal on ovary
box and accept no imitation
You WallTin Comfort
If you Shake Into Your Shoes some
Allen's Foot-Ease, the Antiseptic,
Healing powder for shoes that pinch or
feet that ache. It takes the friction- from
the shoe and gives instant relief to corns
and bunions, hot, tired, aching, swollen,
sweating feet, blisters and callouses,
ladies can wear shoes one size smaller
by shaking Allen's Foot-Ease in
each shoe. Sold everywhere. Trial pack
age and a Foot-Ease Walking Doll sent
post Free. Address
Allen’s Foot-Ease, Le Roy, N. Y.
Matter of Names.
“Wliat’s in a name?” Matty of the
world’s great have pondered over this
Farmer Hoptoad considered It on
Ids part and finally declared: “Very
He was asked to explain and did
so in this wise: “Now we named our
eldest daughter Isabel.”
“But she isn’t.”
Weather Man Also at Variance.
“Tills weather doesn’t agree with
“That's not surprising; it doesn’t
even agree with tho weather man."—
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
flAIQY n Y Yll I CD placed anywhere
alnlul rH MLLCn attracts and kills
metal, can’t apiU or
tip over; will not aoil
or injore anything.
Guaranteed effective.
Sold by dealers, or
5 bv KXPRF.fift.
^ wmmuMvsM iMm * prop**, 91.25.
fiABOLO SOMEKS, M l>* Kalb Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
BagwmDanaraF-gtopaBalr Falling
Rantoraa Calar and
Baaaty to Gray and Fatiad Hoar
«Q*. and Jl.9t at rn-ngylita.
Btanai Chen. Wka Patahognn.W.T.
HINDERCORNS it^n. o~w. cai
lonsea, at*., steps all pala. assures remfort to lho
(sat, makes walklas ease. Us. hr mall or at Dru>>
Clstx Biases Ohsntlsal narks, Patakogatk E. T.
Political Battle Rages Ovei
British Premiership, With
Foreign Minister Still
Universal Service Correspondent.
London, May 21.—The battle is on
between the Hon. Stanley Baldwin,
chancellor of the exchequer, and Lord
Curzon, foreign secretary, for the
But while they are the leading
candidates for the place given up by
Bonar Law, who is broken in health,
a new turn has been given to the
situation by conferences held by Sir
Robert Horne and Lord Beaverbrook
Monday with Bonar Law.
As a result of these conferences it 1
was whispered in clubs and political
circles Monday night that Austen
Chamberlain may be the choice as a
Another Interpretation.
Expert opinion in Whitehall, how
ever, interprets Sir Robert Horne's
visit to a desire on the part of the
retiring premier to effect a reunion
of the conservatives with Chamber
lain in the cabinet.
The Daily Chronicle says that it
learns from an authoritative con
servative source that it is most likely
the king, after weighing the circum
stances, will invite Lord Curzon to
form a cabinet.
After the conference with the
former chancellor of the exchequer,
Bonar Law, according to a bulletin
issued by Drs. Gould, May and Har
mer, and a throat specialist in at
tendance, was subjected to a slight
operation in order to remove a
growth in the throat. The patient’s
condition Monday night was reported
as unchanged.
While Lord Curzon is supported by
the old nobility, who believe that
heredity should be the determining
factor in selecting the prime min
ister, and is still the favorite in the
race, there is no use blinking the
fact that Baldwin, backed by a ma
jority of the "die hards", is hourly
becoming more formidable.
Lloyd George has declined to dis
cuss the situation further than to say
that he regrets the tragic illness of
Bonar Law. But the attitude of the
Welshman worries the tories, as he
is known to regard Baldwin as one
of the chief leaders of the Carlton
club cabal which accomplished the
downfall of the coalition government.
Never has such ovewhelming sym
pathy been extended to any man as
has been given to Bdnar Law, of
whom besides his present illness, it
is not forgotten that he gave two of
his three sons in the World war. „
Verdict of First Degree Mur
der Returned Against
Young South Dakota
y Farmer.
Lake Andes, S. D., May 21 (Spe
cial).—The jury in the case of Frank
Wilcox, charged with slaying Wil
liam Kemery, young farmer, near
Geddes, S. D.. March 26, returned a
verdict at 9:30 o’clock Monday night
convicting the defendant of murder
in the first degree. The South Da
kota sentence in such convictions is
life imprisonment.
The jury was out about five hours
and a half, but during that time took
only two ballots, most of the time,
one juror reported, being taken up in
argument over whether the verdict
should be for first or second degree
Both state and defense attorneys
presented arguments Monday morn
ing and afternoon. Opening argument
for the state was made by A. J. Cas
sidy. He completed his argument
I shortly before noon.
George M. Caster opened argu
ments for defense. The concluding
argument was made by J. E. Pipton.
Moscow, May 21 (A. P.)—Leonid
Krassin, Russian soviet representa
tive in London, is unofficially under
stood to have been instructed to in
form the British foreign office that
Russia cannot yield in principle from
its recent note replying to the British
ultimatum. The instructions, it is
said, were sent as the result of a
soviet government conference Sun
day night.
While willing to make some tem
porary arrangements regarding the
fishing rights of the British trawlers
off the Murmansk coast, such as lim
iting the territorial right, and adjust
ing other secondary points pending
general negotiations, Russia still in
sists that the differences between the
two countries can only be adjusted by
a conference. It is pointed out that
England, despite numerous requests
from the soviet government has never
since 1920 stated exactly what the
British policy and interests in Persia
and other eastern lands actually are.
Washington, May 21 (A. P.)—A
state cannot control freight rates
upon a commodity shipped between
points within its borders when the
article is intended for public im
provements, the supreme court today
held in two cases brought by the
United States, the Interitate Com
merce Commission and a number of
railroads against the irtate of Ten
Fighl Over U. S. Senatorship
Grows Complicated, With
Demo-Farmer Labor
Coalition Possible.
Universal Service Correspondent.
St. Paul, Minn., May 21.—Minne
sota’s hectic political situation was
further complicated Monday when
Justice Oscar Halam, of the supreme
court, and Sydney Anderson of the
first district, filed as republican can
didates for nomination for United
States senator. The seat to be filled
is that left vacant by the death of
the late Senator Knute Nelson.
Coincident with these develop
ments Magnus Johnson, of Kimball,
former state senator, was endorsed
as the farmer-labor candidate by a
number of state leaders who met in
Stone Succeed!) Hallam.
A few minutes before the filing
Justice Hallam resigned from the
bench. Governor Preus immediately
named Royal S. Stone, a prominent
St. Paul attorney, to succeed Hallam
on the supreme bench.
Governor Preus, who intends to
make the race for the republican
nomination, would not say Monday
when he intends to file, but his as
sociates are certain he will be in the
field before the end of the week.
Congressman Thomas D. Schall,
the blind lawyer of Minneapolis, also
filed on the republican ticket, w^iich
insures at least four candidates on
the republican side when Governor
Preus leaps in.
Former Congressman Charles A.
Lindbergh, of Little Falls, who wrote j
the book “Why Your Country Is At i
War”, and narrowly escaped an in- j
dictment in 1918 as a result, is the
only one filed thus far on the farmer
labor ticket.
Meantime a movement is on to
form a coalition between the farmer
labor and democratic forces by which
an agreed ticket can be supported
after the primaries. This develop- j
ment is centering around Thomas V.
Sullivan, prominent St. Paul attor- S
ney, and one of the leaders of the 1
farmer-labor organization. He was
the farmers’ candidate for attorney
general in both 1918 and 1920 and
came within a few hundred votes of
winning in 1920 despite the land- ,
Blid-e vote for President Harding.
If this movement succeeds Magnus
Johnson would retire from the sena
torship field with the understanding
of the support of the independent
forces for governor next year. John
son came very near winning the
gubernatorial election last year, over
Governor Preus.
Alleged “Other Woman” In Di.
vorce Case Makes Position
Plain—Touched by Mrs.
Stillman’s Action.
New York, May 21 (A. P.)—Flor
ence Leeds, former show girl, who
figured with her little son, Jay Leeds,
in the Stillman'divorce case in which
It was established that James A. Still
man, millionaire banker, was the boy’s
father, today asked the Associated
Press to say that she diid not con
template any court action to compel
Stillman to provide for her son.
Confirming reports that Stillman
had abandoned her and withdrawn
his support from her and her child,
Miss Leeds said:
“When my money gives out, I can
always go out and work for my boy.”
Miss Leeds said she had received
an offer from Mrs. Anne U. Stillman,
wife of the banker, to take Jay Leeds
into her home and give him a chance
with her own children. While she
indicated she would* not accept she
said she was deeply touched by Mrs.
" Stillman’s sympathetic interest.
“Mrs. Stillman knows,” she de
clared, “that I was not the woman
who figured in his divorce case.”
Essen, May 21 (A. P.)—Seven coal
mines In the Dortmund district have
been compelled to shut down because
of the communist agitation for higher
wages. It is estimated that 32,000
miners are striking and 10,000 other
are being prevented from working
because of the trouble. Two of the
mines affected are Stinnes properties,
one is a Prussian state mine and the
remainder belongs to small com
At a meeting of 6,000 communists
in Dortmund Sunday night speakers
declared the communist organization
was prepared to fight to a finish in
the struggle for increased wages.
They declared that although the Ger
man government and the German In
dustrialists were spending money like
water in passive resistance to the
French, they had refused the men’s
demands for increased wages to meet
the recent rapid rise in food prices.
Lincoln, Neb., May 21 (Special.)—
Arthur B. Cole, purchasing agent of
the department of finance since that
department was established by the
code law in 1919, resigned Monday,
to take effect June 1.
Mr. Cole was appointed chief clerk
in Governor McKelvie's office four
years ago. He later became pur
chasing agent when Phil F. Bross be
came secretary of the department of
Government Notified Foreign
Troops to Be Sent Against
Bandits If Release of Cap
tives Not Effected Today.
Universal Service.
Special Cable Dispatch.
Peking, May 21.—American
and other foreign troops sta
tioned in China were preparing
Monday night to rush to the
hills in Shantung province to
rescue from the Soochow band
its the American and other for
eign prisoners held there.
The diplomatic representa
tives of all countries whose cit
izens are included in the group
of captives Monday served no
tice upon the Chinese govern
ment that unless the prisoners
were released in 24 hours the
a. a. a
♦ ♦
z ♦
♦ Indianapolis, Ind., May 21 +
♦ (V. P.)—Prayer that the -f
♦ Christian captives held by +
♦ Chinese bandits will be de- +
♦ Hvered safely, was offered ♦
♦ Monday by Dr. Robert E. ♦
■f Speer, president of the fed- ♦
♦ eral council of churches in +
♦ New York, while 3,000 com- >
♦ missioners and guests of the ♦
♦ Presbyterian general assembly -f
♦ stood with bowed heads. +
i ♦ Moderator Charles F. Wish- ♦
+ art asked the assembly to ♦
♦ pause a moment to give +
♦ thought to "the sinister and ♦
♦ ominous conditions in China." +
♦ +
rescue would be undertaken by
foreign troops.
At the same time the diplomatic
body announced that, despairing of
action by China's officials, they
would take up direct negotiations
with the bandits for the release of
prisoners before ordering the troops
into action.
Messages Stir Diplomats.
The peril of the situation became
known Monday through the arrival
of Senora Verea, bride of Manuel
Verea, the paper manufacturer of
Guadalajara, Mexico, who was re
leased by the bandits. She was ser
iously ill and was taken to a hospital.
At the same time a message ar
rived from the Chevalier Musso,
prominent Italian, among the pris
oners, declaring that he expected to
be executed along with the other
prisoners, and asking that his rel
atives in Italy be sent a message tell
ing of his resignation to impending
This message has stirred the for
eigners throughout China and de
mands are pouring in from private
as well as diplomatic sources upon
the Chinese'government to take ac
tion to save the prisoners.
Politics Tangle Situation.
The situation’s political turn has
caused grave fears that a general
uprising against foreigners may
spread throughout China and it was
reported Monday night that the ban
dit chiefs, who number among them
several who were students In Amer
ican and European colleges, would
hold the prisoners hostages for the
resignation of President Li Yuen
Hung, demanding a president and
government of thVir own choosing.
At the same time the message of
the Chevailer Musso indicated that
the foreign-hating element of the
bandits might bring death to the cap
tives at any moment despite the more
pacific leanings of the student leaders.
Musso’s message read:
"Immediate steps must be taken or
we will be killed. I await death
calmly. Wire my family in Italy.”
Senora Verea was hysterical when
she arrived at Shanghai, through fear
that .her husband would be killed.
She called her experience in the ban
dit camp a “ghastly nightmare.”
Marcel Gerube, the Frenchman who
was released as a dispatch bearer
from the bandits, carried an appeal to
President Li Ypen Hung, declaring
that the bandits insisted on dealing
directly with him. But as the situa
tion rests in the hands of Marshal
Tsao Kun, no action is expected by
the president he believed to be
absolutely in the power of the mar
Tsao Kun is believed by many for
eigners to be planning to use the
seizure of the foreigners as an ex
cuse to overthrow Li Yuan Hung and
set himself up as president or dicta
By Ray G. Marshall, United Press
Staff Correspondent.
United Press Staff Correspondent.
Peking, May 21 —Fierce fighting
I continues around the mountain top
where the Chinese bandits have
placed their foreign captives, includ
ing Americans.
Washington, May 21 (U. P.)—Wil
liam A. Cant was appointed by Pres
ident Harding Monday to be United
States Judge for the district of Min
nesota. He will succeed Judge Page
Morris, who will retire July 1.
Washington, May 21 (A. 1’.)—The
supreme court today held that Max
Hart’s charges of a vaudeville pro
ducing trust might legitimately be
considered by the lower federal
courts, and ordered the federal court
of New York to proceed to try the
case on its merits.
^binet to Consider Draft To
day—Note to Be Largely
Supplementary to
Recent One.
Universal Service Correspondent.
Special Cable Dispatch.
Berlin, May 21.—Fifty billion gold
marks payable in annuities covering
a period of 30 years, or 30.000,000,000
“present actual value”, in two or
three payments from which there is
to be no deduction for Interest—that,
according to my information, is to be
the substance of a new reparations
offer to the Allies which will come
before the German cabinet at a spe
cial session Tuesday. The meeting
will be held as soon as Chancellor
Cuno and Foreign Minister Rosen
berg return to Berlin.
As securities for payment the cus
toms and a number of special mo
nopolies are mentioned. The rail
ways have again been dropped as
security because they are now op
erating at a large deficit and are not
to be regarded as guarantees.
Bonar Law Plan Adopted.
The text of the new note was com
pleted Saturday. Germany, In this
note, In effect adopts Bonar Law's
plan. Whether the resignation of the
British premier will cause any
change in the German government’s
present Intentions was not clear
Monday night in the absence of
Chancellor Cuno and the foreign
minister, who have been away on a
Whitsuntide holiday. It is not be
lieved in parliamentary circles that
the change In the head of the British
cabinet will have any great bearing
on the German attitude.
The note as at present framed would
seem to be more In the form of a
supplementary note to the last offer,
rather than a new set of proposals,
pointing out that the last note was
misunderstood in part as it offered
"thirty billions present cash value,”
exclusive of Interest. With interest
it would in reality amount to about
35 billions. Under that offer, if Ger
many had been allowed to pay in an
nuity form for 30 years, it would
have meant 60 billions, which Ger
many is now ready to offer in that
Hughes Plan Eliminated.
As Lord Curzon has let Germany
know that he Is not for the Hughes
plan, there is no mention of that plan
in the present note. If the cabinet
approves of the note it appears to
be the intention to first submit it as
an unofficial diplomatic note to the
British and Italian governments
through German Ambassadors
Sthamer at London and Neurath at
Rome, who will ask if those gov
ernments consider it acceptable as a
basis for negotiation.
If the answer is negative, it is said
that two possibilities are open—
Chancellor Cuno may abandon fur
ther offeds, or he may follow Bonar
Law's example and resign, leaving
some one else to take up the task of
trying to satisfy the Allies.
Advisory Council Gathers to
Discuss Economic Prob
lems—Probe Credit
Washington, May 21 (A. P.)—Mem
bers of the federal reserve system’s
advisory council met here today and
began the discussion of questions
covering the whole category of eco
nomic problems, some of which are
regardedi with as much concern as any
confronting the systems in the dis
quieting days of 1920.
Although none of the council men
would disclose details, it was known
that much of the discussion of the
first day had to do with credit con
Another important question before
the meeting W'as the applications of
the Boston and Atlanta reserve banks,
1 each which is seeking the privilege to
enter Havana, Cuba, with a reserve
Paris, May 21 (A. P.)—Premier
Poincare today telepgraphed his re
grets to Prime Minister Bonar Law
over the iattcr's resignation.
“France,” he said, “deeply regrets
the determination which your state of
health obliged you to take. She does
not forget that you have contributed
with all your strength to the main
tenance intact of an alliance neces
sary for the tranquility of the world.
In spite of the differences in method
followed by our two countries in the
execution of the treaty of Versailles
she will remain grateful to you for
having understood our will that rep
arations be paid and for having so
loyally recognized our pacific inten
Washington, May 21 (A. P.)—The
federal government can compel the
payment of assessed taxes and those
protesting the assessments must
bring suit later if they want to re
cover the amount alleged to have
been unlawfully collected.
The supreme court laid down this
petition today in a case brought by
the government against Alfred 1. Du
Reports on Loss of Life Un
confirmed—Business Build
ings Demolished at Tecum*
seh, Okla.
Universal Service.
Fort Worth. Tex.. May 21.—A
cyclone tore through Texas and
Oklahoma Monday night. It left a
wake of wrecked buildings, with re
ports as yet unconfirmed of loss of
life. Cloudbursts and a dieluge of
hall added to the devastation.
A number of lives were reported
lost when the cyclone struck Leedy,
in Dewey county, and Butler, in
Custer county, Oklahoma.
A cloudburst at Clinton, Okla.,
turned the Washita river into a roar
ing torrent, and heroic efforts were
being made Monday night to save the
bridge that spans the stream at Clin
Cyclone Hits Tecumseh.
The high school building and sev
eral business houses were reported
wrecked when a cyclone struck Te
cumseh, Okla. The town has a popu
lation of 1,500. No loss of life was
reported there.
Eight buildings w’ere destroyed
when a cyclone struck McLean, Tex.,
late Monday |ifternoon. A hailstorm
followed the cyclone. No lives were
lost, according to reports late Mon
day night.
In the cloudburst at Clinton, Okla.,
16 Inches of water is said to have
fallen over a small area.
The Washita river and other small
streams are out of their banks,
flooding the country for miles in ev
ery direction. Corps in the flooded
areas will be a total loss.
Sayre, Okla., May 21 (U. P.)—
Three persons are still missing
following a cloud burst here Sunday
night which inundated parts of the
business section and outlying
More than 300 farm laborers, oil
field workers and their families who
had established camps near Short
creek were rescued from tree tops.
Horses and wagons were carried
dowrn stream.
U. S. Navy Force
Near Brigands
Universal Service.
Washington, May 21.—Practically
the entire Asiatic fleet of the Amer
ican navy, consisting of 18 destroy
ers, a cruiser, a gunboat, a supply
ship and other auxiliaries, are con
centrated at Chefu, Shantung port
nearest the bandit stronghold, ready
for any emergency.
These vessels are prepared to make
landings of crew detachments if
deemed necessary. The units, if sent
into the interior, would greatly weak
en the ships' complements, but it is
believed the engineer forces left
aboard to take care of the machinery
could hold off any possible attack
from shore. A few gun crews would
necessarily be left behind, and the
deck forces would be drawn upon for
the landing party.
Chefu is 50 miles west of Weihai
wei, the English possession, and 100
miles south of Port Arthur. It was
made the base for the American ves
sels after most of them had been as
sembled at Tsing Tao, 150 miles to
the south.
Delegates From 12 States
Confer—Iowa Is Not Rep
resented at Confab.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 21 (A. P.)
—The American Wheat Growers' As
sociated, one of the largest farm co
operative societies in the world, will
be pet in operation when delegates
from 12 states meet here today. Offi
cials of the association, which will
market wheat of the farmer mem
beis, estimate that 75,000,000 bush
els of the 1923 crop will be handled.
Tne association, officials said, will
handle only pooled wheat, the farmer
receiving at the' end of the year the
average price received for his grade
and quality of grain marketed
throughout the year, less the over
head costs. It is planned to handle
one-twelfth of the total volume of
wheat each month.
States represented in the associa
tion are Minnesota, Oklahoma, Kan
sas, Texas, Colorado, Nebraska.
South Dakota, North Dakota, Mon
tana, Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
Headquarters will be maintained
Youngstown, Ohio, May 21 (A. P.)
—James Yarnell, attempting to es
tablish a nonstop dancing record, was
taken from the floor at a park near
here by his brother today after he
had danced 161 hours, 56. H,e claims
the marathon championship. Mrs.
Yarnell left the floor Saturday night
after dancing 132 hours, said to be a
new record for a woman.
Rome, May 21 (A. P.)—An earth
quake was felt Sunday night at Fog
gia, northeast of Naples. Reports
mention no casualties or damage.