The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 17, 1923, Image 3

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Charles B. Manville Declares
Public Lost Millions Through
Operations of Woman Ac
cused of Forgery.
Universal Service.
New York, May 13.—"Like the
wayfarer on the road from Jericho to
Jerusalem, I fell among thieves. And
I was beautifully trimmed.
"Mrs. Mytrle B. Hayes, my secre
tary and business adviser? Why,
^ sho is a member of one of the slickest
confidence gangs In* the country—a/
gang that used my name to steal mil
lions of dollars»
irom uie puuuu., |
With this ob-S
cervation, Charles
B. Manville, 89
years old, multi
millionaire, Sun
day told an aston
ishing story of his
business experi
ences with Myrtle
Bowman Hayes,
under indictment k
on a charge of Mrs. M. BT Hayes. ,
forging the name of Charles M. j
Schwab to notes totalling $325,000.
He frankly admitted he had been j
■“stung.” '
As in the Schwab case, he believes
his signature was forged, and the use
of his name by the conspirators
caused the flow of $3,000,000 into the ■
coffers of Myrtle Hayes and com- j
pany, he claiffis.
The aged financier identified Mrs.
Hayes as one of the prime movers in
a big oil stock swindle whereby $2,
000,000 in practically worthless stock
was unloaded on the public from
ccast to coast. This bubble was
punctured a year ago and six were
Reply to Britain Conciliatory
•—Conference Asked—
. Krassin Speeding
> to London.
Universal Service.
Special Cable Dispatch.
London, May 13.—Leonid Krassin,
head of the Russian trade delegation,
is expected to reach here Monday. He
is flyiftg from Moscow by way of
Krassin comes to plead for delay
in the application of the British ulti
matum, dispatched May 2, if England
considers the Russian reply unsatis
A big communist mass meeting in
Trafalgar Square -Sunday afternoon
passed a resolution against war with
All the speakers denounced Lord
Curxon’s note, calling it a “provoc
ative ultimatum”, and declaring that
it is responsible for the present crisis
and threatened hostilities.
, Universal Service.
Special Cable Dispatch.
Copenhagen, May 13.—The Russian
reply to the British ultimatum asks
for a conference to discuss all dis
puted points. The date and meeting
place is left to the decision of the
British government.
The answering note flatly denies
any anti-British propaganda on the
part of Russia, and the offensive
Weinstein note is withdrawn by the
Iowa State Oil Inspector’s
Daughter Fears Confine
ment in Sanitarium.
Cedar Rapids, la., May 13 (Spe
cial).—Mrs. Mabel Valentine, 49
years old, of Chicago, daughter of
State Oil Inspector and Mrs. R. M.
Garrison, of Cedar Rapids, attempted
to end her life here Sunday by jump
ing from the Fourth avenue bridge
into the Cedar river.
She was rescued by Joseph Hall,
city fireman, who was attracted by
her screams and the calls of a boy
fishing from the bridge.
Fear that she would be taken back
to a sanitarium in Milwaukee, Wis.,
from where she had come home Sat
urday night, prompted her attempt,
sh« told police. She slipped out of
tha Garrison home Sunday morning
before other members of the family
were up and made her way directly
to the river. She will recover, physi
cians' say.
Denver, Col., May 11 (A. P.)—Strik
ing shopmen of the Denver & Rio
Grande western railroad, voted yester
day 849 a*fl 379 to end their strike
on terms suggested by Russell Flem
ing, attorney general of Colorado,
and John J. Tobin, of Montrose, state
senator, acting as mediator.
The Acid Test.
From the Kansas City Star.
Judge—If your object wasn’t to steal
chickens, then what were you doing In
your neighbor's chicken coop at that
time of night?
The Accused—I wanted to te*t mv will
Dower, your honor.
Roommate of Leighton Mount
Gives Testimony Which
Brings Recent Aubere Haz
ing Death Into Inquiry.
Universal Service Correspondent.
Chicago, May 13.—Pretty coeds of
Northwestern college will be ques
tioned in connection with the inves
tigation of the death of Leighton
Mount and Louis Aubere.
The decision to question girls of
the college was reached at the state's
attorney’s office Sunday, after Roscoe
C. Fitch, college boy and former
roommate of Mount, had, been grilled
for many hours. He claimed to
know nothing of Mount's death but
admitted he was present when Au
bere died in an automobile crash.
Fitch told the authorities Dr. Wal
ter Dill Scott had told fraternity lead
ers to not talk to anyone regarding
the Aubere death.
To Force Testimony.
“This indicates nothing morq than a
conspiracy of silence and we are go
ing to make them talk," said John
Sbarbao, assistant state’s attorney.
With the revelations of Fitch beforr
them the authorities determined to
broaden the score of the investiga
tion to include the coeds. The girls,
it was believed* were “in on the^ se
cret” and possibly would talk more
I freely than the college boys. It wat
' expected subpoenas would be issued
for the girls to appear before the
grand jury.
What the authorities are ^inxious
to establish, is whether Fitch was
telling the truth when he said Dr.
Scott had ordered students not -to
talk of the Aubere death. According
to Fitch, Aubere was being taken
out for hazing. He was being held
in an automobile and another car
was rammed into it to frighten him.
He was crushed to death. Fitch was
standing on the running board of
the death car, according to his state
Same Secrecy on Mount.
Leighton Mount disappeared on
September 22, 1921, in a class rush,
two years previous to the tragic death
of Louis Aubere, three weeks ago.
The authorities believe the same
secrecy was thrSwn about Mount’s
disappearance and death that veiled
the death of Aubere.
The searching investigation into
the Mount case has established that
he participated in the class rush and
was never again seen alive and that
the skeleton found under a pier on
Lake Michigan was that of the miss
ing student, the investigators claim.
The authorities are now trying to
establish how Mount came to his
death. Facts so far revealed by in
terrogating scores of witnesses indi
cate that he was killed intentionally
/or accidentally, and his body hidden
under the pier.
Chief Justice Harry Olson, of the
Chicago municipal court, who is a
trustee of Northwestern university,
gaid that while the motive for the
student’s death is not clear, the facts
do not indicate suicide. The fact that
the body was weighted down with
rocks, on the contrary, points to a
crime, he believes.
Defends President Scott.
Judge Olson has been active in aid
ing the authorities in their attempt to
solve the mystery. He said that Dr.
Scott had not tried to hide anything.
“He hasn’t been trying to hide any
thing,” Judge Olso said. “He had his
right to his belief that Mount was a
suicide. Of course, later details do
not point that way."
Dr. Scott will not be asked to re
sign from the university, Judge Olson
The executive committee of the
board of trustees of Northwestern
Saturday voted approval of Dr.
Scott’s stand.
“Tlie trustees of the university are
unanimously with and behind Pres
ident Scott,” the resolution said.
“When the conclusion of the present
grand jury investigation permits a
review of the facts in regard to haz
ing at Northwestern university, we
believe every act of the president in
the matter will meet with approval.”
4 Balloons
Tear Loose
Near Paris
Universal Service.
Special Wireless Dispatch.
Paris, May 13.—Four balloons
entered in the grand prix tore
loose in a gale and are now float
ing empty somewhere over
Fourteen other balloons en
tered from France, Italy and Bel
gium, started on their race at
4:10 o’clock Sunday afternoon.
All of them were veering off to
ward the sea in a strong wind.
Washington, May 13.—Subscrip
tions to last week’s offering of $400,
000,000 or thereabouts of 4% per cent,
treasury notes total about $1,000,000,
000, Secretary Mellon announced
Sunday. The subscription books
closed Saturday, except for exchang
es of 4% Victory notes, which were
reserved in the official circular an
nouncing the offering.
The minimum wage of white aomen
workers In Mabama, South Carolina,
Missouri, Rhode Island and Kansas
ranges from $'.80 In Alabavnn tlitfifl in
I ...—:-: • ft . ..-——-<■* 1
111 ——!-1”
Left to right, we have Byrnece, Beulah, Brauda and Beverly MacFad*
den, children of Mr. and Mrs. Bernarr MacFaddcn, the former being the
“father of physical culture” and multi-millionaire publisher. Mr. MaeFad
den has challenged Supreme Court Justice John Ford, of New York City,
who inspired the so-called “cloan b ooks” bill in the New York legislature
to a debate. He has eliminated fairy stories in the education of his four
beautiful children and lets them read anything which reflects life.
Poisoned Brother to Get Life
Insurance, Police Charge
—Suspected in Two
Other Deaths.
.... . . ...1
Universal Service.
Newark, N. J., May 13.—Mrs. John
Creighton, 24 years old, held with
her husband in the Newark city Jail,
charged with poisoning her 18-year
old brother, Charles Raymond Avery,
to obtain $1,000 insurance, collapsed
Sunday, It was said by the police.
Her 1>aby girl, Ruth, often called
“the prettiest child in Newark,” has
been taken away by friends and, un
less she should be released, her sec
ond child will be born In jail in six
"I don’t know what I am supposed
to have done,” she cried. "Oh, I know,
I am charged with my brother’s
Says Brother Ne’er-Oo-Wetl.
"All that I know is that he was
taken sick. He was ill 10 days. He
had lived with us for two years. The
night he died the doctor said he was
all right. He didn’t seem ’able to keep
a job. I made him promise to work
steadily and told him if he did I
would take out an insurance policy
for him. I know people talked and
said I didn’t treat him well. But I
couldn’t buy him $45 suits when he
was not working.”
Young Avery left $1,000 insurance,
of which his sister was beneficiary.
The police say Mrs. Creighton paid
for the policy after inducing the boy
to take it out. It is the police theory
that Avery was fed arsenic slowly in
chocolate pudding over a long period.
Will Exhume Bodies.
Essex county authorities say Mrs
Creighton’s fatherinlaw and mother
inlaw died, soon after her marriage to
Creighton, under circumstances re
garded as suspicious.
Both bodies are to be exhumed.
Toxicologists say that arsenic re
mains in the body for 10 years.
The case has created a sensation In
Newark and the surrounding country.
Creighton is a clerk for the Public
Service Corporation. He drives a car
he inherited from his father to the of
fice daily. His wife came from Rah
way, and is described as beautiful.
Creighton protests his innocence.
New Haven, Conn., May 13.—Last
week’s wholesale prices of 200 repre
sentative commodities averaged 164
per cent, of the pre-war level, ac- i
cording to Prof. Irving Fishers
weekly index number. The purchas
ing power of the dollar was 61.1 pre
war cents, this week’s index number
Both the commodity prices and the
purchasing power of the dollar are
relative to the pre-war year 1913.
Thus the “low" prices in January,
1922, for instance, exceeded pre-war
prices, on the average by 38 per cent.,
that is, the dollar was worth 72.5
pre-war cents.
A summary of conditions follows:
Index Purchasing
Year. Number. Power.
1913 .100 100.
1920 May (peak prices)247 40.5
1922 January (lowr) ..138 72.5
1923 1st quarter aver. 161 62.0
1923 April average ...167 69.9
• Last week’s average 164 61.1
(Mr. Fisher is a noted professor at
Yale university. His weekly index Is
appearing exclusively in Sioux City In
The Tribune o\ try Monday. It is the
only weekly index of general prices in
the world.—Editor’s Note.)
Lincoln, Neb., May 13.—State Tax
Commissioner W. H. Smith has sent
instructions to county assessors to
tax state and national banks this year
the same as In the past, with the
single exception of 1922.
He tells assessors to levy tax on i
the actual value of the shares of cap- j
Ital stock, surplus and undivided1
profits, but they are not to be assess
ed as intangible property, as was the
"ase last yea»
Belgium Refers to Wilson
‘Agreement’—France and
Rumania in Arrears
Since 1919.
Universal Service Correspondent.
Washington, May 13.—Discussion
of the Franco-Belgian suggestion, in
connection with the reparations dis
pute, for the cancellation of French
and Belgian debts to the United
States, disclosed here Sunday that
Belgium has refused from the, outset
even to consider a settlement, on the
claim that the agreement made with
Former President Wilson at Paris re
leases her from payment. -
France, likewise, has not been
budged from her attitude of last year,
when M. Parmentier came to Wash
ington and informed the world war
debt funding commission that the
French government would not enter
into a funding arrangement on any
terms at that time and would not set
a date when she would be willing to
talk settlement.
Rumania is a third one of the debt
or governments, it is now learned,
that has announced to the American
commission its intention to ignore in
definitely Its war debt. The excuse
offered in this case is inability to pay
even the Interest. Insistence on
funding negotiations, therefore, came
to naught.
What Wilson Agreed To.
The agreement with Former Presi
dent Wilson, on which Belgium now
Is relying, was a four cornered affair
formulated outside the Versailles
treaty, with France and Great Britain
also participating. President Wil
son transmitted it to congress for
ratification on February 22, 1921, just
before his retirement from the White
House. It was in the form of a let
ter to the Belgian premier, M.
Hymans, signed by Mr. Wilson and
Premiers Clemenceau, of France, and
Lloyd George, of Great Britain.
The matter was referred respec
tively to the Senate finance and
House ways and means committees,
without discussion and has slept there
since. President Harding did not re
new the recommendation of his pre
decessor that the proposition be ap
proved by congress.
Owe $450,000,000 Now. \
The amount of Belgium’s debt to
the United States up to the
armistice, according to President
Wilson’s message, was $171,780,000.
Loans made after November 11, 1918,
and, accrued interest since April 15,
1919, the last date on which any in
terest was paid—and that out of a
fresh loan for the purpose—have
brought the Belgian obligation up to
But the Belgian government, it is
said, has steadfastly declined to enter
into a discussion of settlement of the
post armistice part of the debt unless
and until the American funding com
mission provides for carrying out the
Wilson agreement.
The commission has pointed out in
reply, that the president was with
out authority to commit the Uited
States to the agreement witheut con
gressional sanction. The agreement
itself merely was that acceptance of
German reparation bonds in payment
of the Belgian debt up to November
11, 1918, would be recommended to
the respective governments.
France’s debt, with accrued inter
est, now is nearly $4,000,000,000.
Roumanla owes in principal and in
terest approximately $50,000,000. Like
Belgium, neither France nor Ru
mania has pad any lnterst since April
15, 1919, when fresh loans were ob
tained to meet the semi-annual in
stallment then falling due.
Universal Service.
London, May 13.—The wife of
President G. Masaryk, , of Czecho
slovakia, died Sunday morning at
Prague, according to an Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from Carlsbad.
Mrs. Masaryk was born and raised in
New York. She was a daughter of
Former President Garrigue of the
Germania Insurant-6 Company. The
Masaryks have one son and tw<
Promise of Release Obtained
After Ultimatum by Powers
—China Agrees to Interna
tional Inquiry Into Affair.
Universal Service.
Peking. May 11.—Negotiators have
entered the lines of the brigands who
held up the Shanghai-Peking ex
press and the release of the prisoners
is expected by Saturday night. The
negotiators brought back the news
Friday that there are 1? foreigners
still held by the bandit* and nine
Two victims of the bandit outrage
were to arrive in Peking Friday
night, in the persons of the sons of
Majors Allen and Finger, who were
released and brought hack to Lin
Holdup Carefully Plotted.
New light on the holdup was ob
tained Friday night in a message
which came from a German engineer
In charge of the Chung Hsien col
liery near Ichow, close to the bri
gand's stronghold. It revealed that
the express train attack was carefully
planned by the bandits.
“The robbers and their prisoners
live in well protected caves on the
mountain ridge," tho engineer re
ported. For the past two months
this robber stronghold has been be
sieged by government troops, but the
Chinese soldiery did not dare risk
their lives in serious assault.
"In the dark the night before the
outrage, a majority of the robbers
went through the besieging lines and
called for assistance from smaller
brigand bands outside the lines.
Information Received.
“The colliery administration re
ceived Information before the out
rage that a capital blow was planned
by the brigands agaiftst the beseiging
soldiery hut flobody knew where the
blow would take place.
“The mining administration called
everybody up for defense, thinking
the properties might he attacked. In
stead came the railroad holdup.
“The robbers, protected by their
hostages, went through the besiegers
again. Eye witnesses tell that a
bunch of the robbers were already on
the train when it was halted near
Opinion's divided regarding the
treatment of the prisoners as reports
are conflicting. Foreign armed in
' terventlon Is not generally advocated.
Many observers declare that the
seriousness of the situation is not
fully recognized in foreign circles.
Washington, May 11 (U. P.)—A
Joint inquiry by representatives of
the foreign governments in Peking as
to the causes which made possible the
capture of American and foreign citi
zens in Shantung by Chinese bandits
has been agreed to by the Chinese
government. .
The investigation will be made un
der direction of the council of minis
ters, which has decided that responsi
bility for the bandit operations should
be established and that It should also
be shown whether there was any
collusion between the bandits and
Chinese government authorities.
Minister Sze said Friday that the
bandits were equipped in some cases
with automatic firearms that could
only have been obtained in violation
of the general agreement among the
powers that no arms woulcf be per
mitted to reach lawless bands in
China. He suggested, therefore, that
the Peking government could not be
held entirely responsible and that the
foreign governments should take
greater pains to enforce their pledg*
against arms shipments.
Peking. May 11 (U. P.)—The dip
lomatic corps delivered an ultimatum
to China Friday, demanding that she
Chinese government obtain release of
all foreign prisoners held by bandits
in the Shantung hills by midnight
Friday, Peking time.
Otherwise a heavy progressive In
demnity will be imposed.
[ The powers’ ultimatum was pre
sented Wednesday but kept secret
until today.
The diplomatic corps does not spe
cify the dction that will be pursued
in the event that China does not com
ply with its terms, but it is under
stood the powers control sufficient in
come from private properties to en
able them to collect Indemnity pajv
The Chinese ministry of commun
ications put out word that nine more
captives of the Shantung bandits had
been released, but the foreign diplo
mats and consuls have no such In
Dr. Heimberger, of the Shantung
Christian university, has left for
Liucheng. guaranteed safe conduct to
the mountain strongholds of the
Chinese bandits, where he will be
conducted to fche foreign captives who
were taken f*om the Peking express
train last Sunday. «
All the captives were reported Fri
day to be alive but some of them, in
cluding J. B. Powell, an American
newspaper man were said to be 111.
Dr Helmberger's mission was ar
ranged by American Consul Davis.
New York, May 11 (A. P.)—Fed
eral Judge Winslow today signed an
order requiring Edward M. Fuller and
William F. McGee, partners in the
bankrupt brokerage house vf E. M.
Fuller & Co., now under indictment
for bucketing orders, to show cause
next Wednesday why they should not
be punished for contempt for fail
uie to turn over certain books and
papers of the firm which the United
States supreme court recently held
they had no right to concea' Vom
ths authorities.
Vote Unanimous Approval of
International Court, But
Withhold Endorsement of
Harding Proposal.
Atlanta, Ga., May 11 (U. P.)—The
General Federation of Women’s
clubs, In biennial council here, Friday
voted unanimously in favor of a
resolution approving settlement of
International questions through ‘‘a
Judicial tribunal” and expressing op
position to all wars.
The organization represents 2,000,
000 club women in the United States.
The resolution stated that “inter
national friction should give way to
international understanding”, and
endorsed all measures to that end.
Harding Request Shelved.
No mention was made of President
Harding’s world court proposal, the
delegates agreeing that the council
should not go on record as favoring a
“partisan plan.” President Harding
had asked specific endorsement of his
plan for American participation in
the League of Nations court.
Unanimous endorsement was also
given to resolutions providing for
rigid enforcement of all laws, partic
ularly the 18th amendment, a child
labor amendment to the constitution,
a selective immigration bill and a
probe into the narcotic evil.
The delegates also went on record
as in favor of the Fess bill, providing
for an Increased congressional ap
propriation for home economics work,
petitions to newspapers to give crime
news less prominence, and declared
they were opposed to the leasing of
convicts to private interests.
A proposal that the general federa
tion become a foundation, with an en
dowment of several mllllgn dollars,
will be placed before the board of di
rectors Saturday morning, It was da«
Coroner’s Inquest at Water
town, S. D., Fails to Solve
Mystery in William
Shanahan Death.
Watertown, S. D., May 11 (Special).
—The coroner's inquest here Friday
afternoon failed to shed any light on
the puzzle which confronts Codington
county officials !n the death of Wil
liam Shanahan, who was found dead
Wednesday at the farm home 12 miles
northwest of here which he shared
with his twiri brother, Walter.
The coroner’s Jury found that Shan
ahan came to his death by means of
two shotgun wounds inflicted by an
unknown person. •
Testimony of neighbors and Sher
iff Roy Goss, bore out the theory of
suicide, but three surgeons, who per
formed an autopsy declared, in their
opinion, either of Shanahan’s wounds
would have hjeen so quickly fatal that
he could not have lived to reload and
fire the single barrel gun at himself
Neighbor^ said they never knew of
trouble btRween the twins. Sheriff
Goss declared It was suicide.
Walter Shanahan was examined for
more than an hour. He declared his
brother refused to go with him for a
load of oats the day of the shooting,
declaring he wanted to kill himself.
Walter said his brother threatened
to kill him and he drove away for
help. When lie and neighbors re
turned, William was dead.
State's Attorney Wolhelter has not
announced his next step. Walter
Shanahan is still in custody.
Scientist Says Gravity Can Be
Overcome by Discovered
•Los Angeles, May 11 (U. P.)—
Gravity can be overcome by .the new
ly discovered odic ray, Edgar I* Hol
lingshead, scientist, who maintains
private lobaratories at Pasadena,
declared in an interview Friday.
The odic ray proves that electricity
is an element, or substance, just as
wood, with a definite atomic speed,
his conclusions on 20 years of study
He declared that:
By use of the odic ray any metal
can be made to have a lighter weight
than any known gas, without In any
way changing its strength.
•By use of its radiation, a photo
graph can be taken through 11%
Inches of solid lead and 5% inches of
solid steel with five seconds exposure.
The "The new ray", he told the
United Press, "is based on the the
ory that electricity is an element or
substance, with a definite atomic
Philadelphia. May 11 (A. P.)—
Twenty-three ministers and eight
elders of the PrcsA>ytery of Phila
delphia, in a letter to the Presbyte
rian general assembly have dls
approv the action of the Philadelphia
presbytery in objecting to the preach
ings of the Rev. Harry Emerson Fos
dick, of New York, it became known
today. The general assembly meets
in Indianapolis next week.